Chapter thirty-eight

Hooligans Paradise.
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Please read this chapter carefully. With several Sehuns and Kais, it could be confusing.



"You bastard! How could you?" Kris growled, partially shifted as he lunged forward. But Irene was quick to hold him, stoping him from advancing. "Don't, he would kill you before you bat an eye." Kris struggled to free himself for a while, before he gave up when it seemed Irene had used a binding magic on him. It took a while before Sehun's brain processed the situation– he had been frozen and the shock he felt was indescribable. Seeing his friend transformed into a demon brought forth several emotions. It seemed unbelievable, yet the fact was before him. The beta friend he had known for almost a decade, turned out to be a demon? The same demon that had been trying to hurt Sehun and his family. The same demon he had been hunting. Samael had been so close to Sehun all along. And Sehun never knew. He trusted the other like he would to a friend, a part of his pack, and he even considered Daniel a brother. "No, no" Sehun shook his head, refusing to believe it even though his Jaguar was snarling at the threat before them. "This is some kind of trick." "It is no trick son." Mr. Lee said with a deep frown. It didn't make sense how none of them were able to see through the deception. Demons had a distinctive smell that a shifter could pick up. It was one of the reasons demons tended to avoid them. "He was using a rare powerful artifact to conceal his scent and suppress his demonic aura. Like a spiritual deodorant. It something he carried with him all the time. But it was made ineffective at this moment thanks to an equally powerful artifact from Asmodeus" Having read his mind Mr. Lee told him. But, he had been close with Daniel since Sehun himself didn't even know he was capable of shifting, let alone do magic. Why would Daniel stick around and faked being his friend when Sehun didn't have anything to offer at that time? Images of the past flashed by Sehun's eyes as though seeing a movie. The smile, the trust, the friendship, the comradeship had all been a lie? He had been played. The same person that wanted to hurt Sehun's son, had been one of the closest people to him. Thinking of his son, Sehun snapped his head and sighed in relief when he realized Kai had tapped into Sehun's soul power to raise a protective barrier around himself and the boy. Be careful! His Jaguar warned, itching to come out and Sehun shook his head to keep the animal inside. Satisfied with his son was out of harm's way, Sehun turned his attention back to the demon. Samael was watching him as well. "You should know, Samael's mother was a seer, and he had inherited some of her powers. Though not very strong, but with a bit of a push he could manipulate the gift that course through him. He must have seen the future and knew what you'd become, hence won your trust, earlier on. And he used that trust against you. To his utmost advantage." If someone had told Sehun that one of his best friends was Samael he would no doubt have laughed and thought it to be a joke. Or thought the person insane. Even as the seconds ticked by it was still hard to believe. To accept. "Think about the time Dae was first attacked Sehun, you told Daniel about the outing and suddenly that happened. Think about the time you went on a date with Kai. The hellfire." Jungkook said, as though willing Sehun to accept the situation. "The strong reaction Zazel had when– when he met him." Sehun was no fool, he had thought about those times and the possibility of someone being involved. But when he learned, Seulgi was working with Samael, he had associated the events with her. Never for once had he doubted Daniel.  Despite all the clues there was in the past, Sehun had been too blind, too trusting to see them. Now that Jungkook had pointed it out, all those incidents hadn't been Seulgi's doing or a coincidence like he had thought. Yet a part of him still refused to believe his friendship with Daniel had been a lie. There was a possibility that Daniel had been real? Samael had probably killed the real Daniel and had used his appearance to deceive Sehun? Or he had taken over Daniel's body, while the latter still lived deep within? "Do not delude yourself Sehun. There was never a Daniel, it has always been Samael." His grandpa let out a sigh. "But i won't force you to believe it, if you don't want to." "Why?" Sehun asked, he knew his eyes were bloodred as he glared at Samael. "Why what?" Samael smirked. "You have to be more specific darling." "Don't you have something to say to me after everything?" He was willing to give the demon– Daniel a chance to defend himself, for the sake of their friendship that Sehun had cherished wholeheartedly. Samael shook his head as though Sehun was pathetic."If you're hoping to hear something along the lines, 'like I took over Daniel's body, or what we had was real'. I am sorry to disappoint you darling. None of the above was true. Like your granddaddy has said: there was never a Daniel. It's been me all along." Sehun shook his head. "No" "You're pathetic and naive Sehun. That's exactly what made things easier for me." "No" Sehun growled. "Now now, enough with the sentimental talks.  You're gonna let me out of here. You see, as much as I would like to indulge you. I have plans to make." The demon spread his wings as though about to take flight. "If you think you're stepping out of here, then you must be delusional." Kai snapped, threateningly Samael shrugged. Unbothered "In case i haven't made myself clear. I wasn't asking." And before any of them could understand or react. Irene cried out, falling to her knees, hands cradling her belly, with a pained look on her face. "Irene?" Mr. Lee was beside his granddaughter in the next second, Kris also crouching next to her. "Ugh!" She groaned, eyes rolling shut. "Hurts." It took Sehun a while to realize and react and when he did, his nails had shifted to claws and were pinning the large demon again the wall. He heard his son whimpered, and Kai soothing the boy. "Ooh that's a strong hold you got on me Sehun." The demon taunted, smirking. "What did you do to her?" Sehun gritted through his fangs that had elongated. Samael giggled. "She's pregnant with Seulgi's child, meaning Seulgi's blood in her, also meaning I have control over the Alpha's blood." He grinned like the maniac he was. "Like I said, I wasn't asking. I could end her pathetic life and the baby's with just a swirl of my fingers." Sehun roared, hand tightening around the Demon's neck. "You will realize my sister." He commanded, body shaking with rage. "Sorry to burst your bubble darling. But your Ultra command doesn't work on me" he made a gesture up and down his body. "In case it wasn't obvious enough. I am no shifter. So your best option is to listen to me." He purred seductively, winking at Sehun. "No Sehun" Irene said with much difficulty, as Mr. Lee and Jungkook supported her, with two mage spheres wrapping around her. They were trying to heal her or ease the pain. "Don't listen to him. You can end it here. End everything with his death." "I am not easy to kill." Samael laughed, eyes on Irene. "But let's say you guys are able to do so– considering you have a god and a demigod– but I promise you, I will end her life before you could even blink. With just a simple twist of Seulgi's blood." As If to prove his point, Irene screamed in agony and Sehun's heart cried along with his sister's. "Stop, please stop." Unable to bear it, Sehun begged. "No Oppa– ahh" those screams would hunt Sehun for eternity. They were like  daggers being plunged into his chest. "Shut it cub. Let the adults talk." Samael said. Sehun grunted as he released the bastard and the demon leaned against the wall. "Grandpa?" He turned around to see Mr. Lee looking as pained as Sehun was. "what do I do?" Mr. Lee shook his head. "You're the leader Sehun. Whatever you decide." "I am not asking you as a leader, I am asking you as your grandson." Mr. Lee rubbed circles on Irene's back."If you let Samael go you'll be dooming the whole nation, probably the earth race in whole. And if you don't, you'll have to let her go." His voice cracked at the end, which showed how much he was trying to endure it. "No!" Sehun screamed, grabbing a fistful of his hair. He was torn. A wave of calmness washed over him and he realized it was coming form his mate. Kai was trying to soothe him, calm him and help him make a decision. 'We don't have a choice but to agree, and let him walk away.' Kai sent. 'I have a feeling, killing Samael wouldn't end things or stop the war. There's someone behind him and they'll do whatever it takes to ensure their success.' 'So it's alright Sehun. Even if I might be wrong and Samael is the big boss. You should save your sister first. The world isn't in immediate danger as we speak. Irene is. We'll figure out a way to save our world. Together.' Sehun closed his eyes, allowing Kai's words into his head. Kai was right. The world wasn't in the danger right now, his sister was. And there was no certainty that the demons would complete the ritual or get the remaining piece of the weapon. If they happened to release the demons, lesser or greater, Sehun would have to stop them. Even if it meant putting his life on the line. Call him selfish, but he would not sacrifice his sister and niece or nephew to save the world. With that in mind, he pushed away the heart wrenching cries his sister let out and turned to face Samael. "Alright." He nodded. "Sehun don't do this." Irene managed out but Sehun ignored her. "You have my words. Ease her pain." Samael that had been watching Sehun calmly let out a startled laugh. "Your words aren't gonna be enough sweety. You'll have to do more than that. How about lowering the barrier?" He jerked his head at Mr. Lee that still had his attention on Irene. Sehun knew demons were doubtful in nature, thus he didn't try to convince Samael he was genuine."Grandpa please?" Without lifting his head, Mr. Lee waved a hand and the air shifted with heavy magic. Samael took in a deep breath and his lips as though savoring the taste of magic. And while he was doing so, Sehun had pinned him against the wall again. "It is down, now release her." Samael did and Irene gasped. Sehun quickly pulled away from the demon and went to sister. Samael used that opportunity to vanish but Sehun didn't bother with him as he rushed to his sister, gathering her into his arms. *** Sehun paced the room, only stopping to momentarily to look at his father in law that was speaking to someone on the phone. Beside Heechul was his wife and daughter that was holding a sleeping Aurora in her arms. Mr. Lee and Kai were sat in the adjacent chair, Kris stood behind them, all their eyes on Sehun. Taehyung, Yoongi, Jimin and Jungkook were stood leaning against each other not far away. Then there was Junmyeon, Yixing and Namjoon that had been invited to join them. Yesterday after Samael had vanished, and he had left his sister resting in her room, in Lisa's care, Sehun had called the Kims and his friends over. A meeting was scheduled today. To say Junmyeon and Yixing were shocked to learn that Daniel was a demon, was an understatement. The very demon that declared a war against them all. At first they had laughed and thought Sehun was joking. But Mr. Lee backed up Sehun's narration, Junmyeon had frozen and hadn't spoken up till this moment. "I can't believe he fooled us all." Yixing had said, with a shake of his head. "I don't know him in person, but I've heard of him from Junmyeon." Namjoon scrubbed his face."That's mess up, taking advantage of your friendships. Hypocrite. And I hate hypocrites." Sehun had nodded absentmindedly, as he turned his attention to Heechul. He had dutifully relayed the message Grace had entrusted him with. To his delight, his father in law instantly took action. Heechul had been making calls, giving intrusions to authorize the transportation of the people into the palace and the needed security. Sehun had also instructed the evacuation of his pack members to Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Jennie and Luhan. The four were efficient and most of the members– kids and Omega– were already at the blue house or on being transported there. "Sehun!" Kai called softly as though afraid he might spook Sehun. "Come sit with me." Sehun paused, glanced at his mate, and in doing so, his eyes landed on the red moon hanging ominously in the still bright evening sky. It was happening. Soon. And they didn't have much time. Sehun should be out there bringing in their helpers. He should be at the national park Grace had told him to be, should be setting up camps, discussing strategies and getting ready for when the Demons broke surface. He could feel it in the air, the signs of demonic magic and that wasn't doing anything to calm his nerves, but add more stress to Sehun's already chaotic state of mind. "Sehun darling." Kai called again, this time when Sehun looked up, Kai was stood in front of him."Calm down a bit will you?" "I–" he began, then shook his head. With Kai he didn't need to say the words. He knew his mate could feel all he was feeling, and the alpha had been doing his best to stay strong for both of them, sending soothing energy into Sehun. Not just that he had taken to project into Sehun's mind– different types of exotic animals created with wind, just to coax a reaction form Sehun. Though Sehun barely acknowledge the wind creatures, but he did appreciated the gesture. "I know my love." Strong hands pulled Sehun into an embrace. The familiar scent, calming Sehun's nerves as he closed his eyes, allowing himself a moment of comfort. "Things are going to be alright." Kai comforted. No more words were spoken between the two for a while, only basking in the warmth the other provided. The moment was almost perfect, until Heechul called out to them. Simultaneously, they pulled away and looked at the wood mage. "The evacuation is in progress. But there are some that refused to believe the threat is real." He said, glancing at Yoongi. "On the TV please." Yoongi picked up the remote and switched the tv on as instructed. Sehun and the others were able to see how the evacuation was going. People had received an emergency alert. Many were panicking, while the authorities tried to calm them and guide them to the buses waiting to transport them to the palace. Some were calm or at least appeared to be, as they helped their families out of the their houses.  The ones Grace had warned him about, had slammed the their doors shut or cursed at the men their to collect them. Some didn't even open their doors, only peeping through their windows. Sehun rubbed his temple, already feeling a headache. If the people didn't want to help themselves there was nothing to be done, no matter how much it pained him. "Those people are fools." Kai said, he was angry, Sehun could feel it through their bond. "But we have to do something. We can't just let them stay in harm's way. We have to save them." "Yes, Kai is right. I think we should hold an emergency conference to make them understand the danger we are all in." Hyoyeon spoke, rising to her feet. She shared a look with her mate and Heechul nodded. "Very well. Then let's do it quick." The kind glanced briefly at the red moon. "But we will need prep." Yoongi said, with a frown, his eyes looking at the blood moon as well. "And we don't have much time." "It will be possible with Hoseok. Here. We don't need reporters." Junmyeon spoke for the first time since he learned about Daniel. "Then get him." Sehun ordered not at all In the mood to entertain those ignorant fools that refused to save themselves. He heard whimpers. And when he looked around he was met with the sight of the shifters on their knees, baring their throat in submission, including his mother in law. Even the mages were slightly affected. Only Mr. Lee, Jungkook and Kai seemed unaffected. "Oh my Gods. I am so sorry." He hastily apologize when he realized what he had done. "I am just on the edge." "What just happened?" Heechul asked, looking confusedly at the shifters. Sehun cursed under his breath. With all the things happening, Sehun hadn't been able to share his specialty– expect for being a black Jaguar– with the Kims and it seemed Kai hadn't as well. "I am ultra Omega." He confessed. "And I just accidentally used my ultra command." He released the shifters form his hold and they all gasped in unison. "Ultra Omega?" Heechul said with wide unblinking eyes. "Holy ." It was jarring to hear Heechul swear, but understandable given the circumstances. This was the first time Sehun heard the king using a curse word, unlike his wife. Heechul was always presenting himself upright. It was what you do when you're a king. "Then the A and crown tattoo on Kai–" he trailed off, looking at Sehun's neck, searching. Sehun nodded, with a wave of his hand, the mating mark he had been concealing reappeared. Kai stepped forward and conjured fire and air in both hands. "He's also a mage with fire and air elements." His mate said. "By Gods!" Hyoyeon breathed, blinking rapidly as she gazed between Sehun and her son. She seemed to be having difficulty where to keep her eyes. "You're a shifter mage, and a freaking ultra, I can't believe I am meeting one in my lifetime." She sounded excited."What does the crown present though?" She asked, with a slight tilt of her head. "I–" Sehun blinked, not sure how to put it. "It means he's to sit on the heavenly throne someday. He's like the heaven crown prince." Mr. Lee said, his voice filled with pride. "And Kai as his mate would share his throne. Just like how Sehun would share Kai's in the mortal realm." "Heaven–
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Chapter 45: I can't get enough of your storie, I hope there is another one coming soon, I keep re-reading the old ones 😅😅
834 streak #2
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #3
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever