Chapter twenty-two

Hooligans Paradise.
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  Baekhyun was sat leisurely in the common area, with Lisa keeping him company when he heard the sound of cars. They must have been back from the mission. He himself had longed to Join his mate on missions, he felt like he wasn't doing enough for the pack, but because of his pregnancy both Sehun and Chanyeol had decided against it until the babe was born. Which hopefully wouldn't be long, a few more weeks at least. As a Lynx shifter his gestation period was sixty seven– seventy five days. He was already two months in, his belly the most prominent and the first thing one would see when they looked at him. Even though he was carrying a polar bear's cub– which had longer gestation period– it still wouldn't take longer than a month to have the baby. Subconsciously his hand came to rub at his belly. It hadn't been easy to accept the child, to believe this one was truly his. No one would put a claim on his baby except Chanyeol of course. That this time Baekhyun would have equal rights to his child, unlike how it happened with Beomgyu. To Beomgyu, he was just a nanny, that had no right to call the baby he carried for months his own. His heart tightening at the though of his boy. Though Chanyeol had promised to get him back, but the truth was, Baekhyun didn't get his hopes up. It might be impossible to take Beomgyu away from his pack. "Hey!" Lisa gently tapped his shoulder, bringing him out of his thoughts.  He looked up at his friend and a natural smile appeared on his face. Though he didn't understand why her mate Jennie would shun such a wonderful person like Lisa, never coming to see her since the moment she dumped her in the guest wing. But he thought it was probably because Lisa was also an Omega like himself that he understood her so well. "Been taking but you seem to be lost in thoughts." She said rising to her feet. "They're back so am gonna go back to my chores." Baekhyun knew the lady tried her possible best to avoid the others, especially Sehun and the pack Alphas. She was mostly– only free with him, thus he didn't try to persuade her and instead allowed her to do as she wanted. "Alright go and don't forget to take that test." She had also shared with him about the possibility of her being pregnant, and was scared maybe Jennie wouldn't want the child. Baekhyun had advised her to take a test first to be sure, then she could decide on how to tell her mate. She nodded with a hesitant smile. "Will do." Baekhyun uttered a 'see you later' before he rose to his feet and went to welcome his mate back home. Chanyeol had become his whole world, the center of his universe and though it stung but that didn't stop him from loving and devoting himself to his man, despite knowing he wasn't the only one in his heart. Moreover, Chanyeol had never treated him badly, he was always trying to please and make Baekhyun's life as comfortable as possible. That was enough. Though it might take time, but Baekhyun was certain his mate would love him back someday. Even though little, but the feeling was still there. As he walked out of the house, he came face to face with Kris. The Alpha's eyes went to his stomach and something Baekhyun couldn't pinpoint flashed in his eyes for a moment before he offered a smile, which Baekhyun returned. "He's over there with the kids." Kris pointed at where Chanyeol was. He nodded a thanks before making his way over. But just as he came close to the car his mate was unloading the kids from, Baekhyun paused in tracks, eyes wide, his heart beat increased widely, it was so loud that he could hear its drum like sounds in his ears. Impossible!  His body trembling, as he moved faster bumping into people, but he didn't bother to stop or even care to acknowledge them. That scent, how could he ever forget it? Not caring about his condition he burst into a sprint, wanting desperately to reach its source, but Baekhyun felt like it was talking forever. "Hey Baek careful. You shouldn't run in your condition" He heard Sehun saying. What careful? Baekhyun would somersault to get there faster if he could. As he rounded the corner, his breath got caught in his throat. He wasn't mistaken. Chanyeol was stood, in his arms was a boy, his boy. The same boy he had thought of moments ago, the same boy he thought he would probably never see again. A broken sob tore from his mouth, and that caught the boy's attention. Beomgyu lifted his head to look Baekhyun and his eyes widen in recognition. It was really his son, and the boy seemed to remember him. "Na– Daddy?" Though this wasn't the first time his son had address him as daddy, being the constant in the boy's life made him slip sometimes. But the surging emotions that simple word coaxed out of him was so immense that Baekhyun's knees couldn't hold him up any longer. Just as he was about to hit the ground someone that was close to him caught him.
"Oh Baekhyun are you okay?" It was Sehun again, he sounded genuinely worried. "Did the boy just called him daddy?" "Yes I heard it correctly." "Oh God, is he really his son?" "Woah he must be lucky to reunite with his son. I bet he didn't think it was possible." "No wonder his eyes seems similar to Baekhyun's." Whisperers of surprise grew around him, but every words was laced with happy emotions. It was clear the people were happy for him. That was one of many things he liked about hooligans. This pack should be called Angels paradise instead of hooligans. Because they do the works of the Angels. "My son he's the boy I told you about." He said pushing away from Sehun's arm. Chanyeol seemed to be frozen, only able to look between Baekhyun and the child in his arms. "Is he really the one?" His mate asked. Baekhyun nodded, reaching out to his son. The boy didn't shy away as he immediately reached out as well. When Baekhyun held the boy, he let out a cry that sounded as though someone was choking him. "Beomgyu." He rubbed at the boy's back, his emotions all over the place. "Beomgyu!" He kept chanting as though that was the only way to assure himself it was real. "Daddy!" The boy said, burying his face at the crook of his neck, inhaling. Seeing that everyone had their eyes on the pair, Chanyeol gently patted Baekhyun's back." Let's take this inside." He reached to take boy from Baekhyun but that made something in the Omega to snap as the he jerked away from Chanyeol's reach, shaking his head. Letting out a helpless sigh and also understanding Baekhyun's fear, Chanyeol smiled and said. "I am not gonna separate you two. I just wanna help carry him to our rooms." He made a gesture at Baekhyun's belly. "Thought it might be uncomfortable to carry him all the way." Hearing that Baekhyun lowered his head, a bit embarrassed. "Sorry." He mumbled but his hands tighten around his boy. Seeing his subconscious action, Chanyeol gave up on helping with the boy as he instead guided him back into the house and up the stairs to their rooms. It was only after a moment of confirming his son was real and wasn't going to disappear that Baekhyun finally relaxed and turned to ask his mate that was busy sorting out some paperwork, far away from them. Baekhyun knew the Alpha didn't want to overwhelm him, which was why he gave them some space. "What really happened?" At that Chanyeol lifted his head to look at him, blinking dumbly, it took a while before he realized the omega was asking him a question. "We found him with many other young shifters at the center. It was Yoongi that found him to be precise." He proceeded to tell him all that he could without triggering the boy in anyway and Baekhyun really appreciated the thought of his son's well being. "There's something about the boy that seems familiar even though I've never met him before. It turns out it's because of you." He finished with a small smile. Baekhyun nodded, his son must have still carried a part his scent despite his dad– Alpha dad's effort to erase it. Speaking of which, how did the boy from a powerful pack came to be in a youth center? The last he knew and also something that gave him a little peace of mind was that Beomgyu was loved and well cared for by his dad. What happened? He looked down at boy that was also looking at him as though still unable to believe he was real. A natural smile appeared on his face as his head. "Beomgyu how did you end up in the center." At that the boy's originally bright eyes dimmed, he lowered his head lips trembling and Baekhyun knew whatever happened was anything but pleasant. He was about to tell the boy it's okay to not say anything, but then Beomgyu's lips began moving. " someone sneaked into the house at night and made a hole in my dad's chest while he was sleeping. And dad wouldn't wake up no matter how hard I shook him." Both Baekhyun and Chanyeol understood what the boy meant as they shared astonished look between them. "What about your other dad?" The boy shook his head sorrowfully. "He took over the pack and brought a lady as my new momma but she didn't want me and asked appa to take me away and sell me. Appa took me to other people in the pack but no one wanted me and he drove me to the center himself with a promise to come visit but he never did." "Oh Beomgyu" Baekhyun hugged his son to his chest, sobbing along with him. "I am sorry you had go through all that." Tiny hands came to wipe away his tears and the action only made Baekhyun to cry even more. How could they not want such an angel? He cursed at them in his heart at same time grateful the new pack leader still held a little sentiment toward his son and didn't sell him off like his new mate had wanted. Baekhyun would give the a beating for even suggesting something horrible like that. His son as an alpha would definitely be sold to a fight house. Though he didn't hold any affection for his previous owner, the father of his son, but he still felt sad he fell to someone's scheme. And Baekhyun didn't even want to think about who, all that mattered was that he got his son back. "Why is your belly big?" The boy suddenly asked. Baekhyun smiled. "Daddy is growing a baby in there." The boy's eyes lit up. "A baby?" "Yes, you're gonna have a little sibling to play with. Do want that?" Nodding seriously, the boy reached out and touched the belly, a grin appearing on his face. After feeding the boy and puting him to take a nap, Baekhyun walked to where his mate was sat and took his seat beside him. Sensing through their bond that Baekhyun had something to say, Chanyeol put aside his work and gave his full attention to the omega. "I want to ask you about Beomgyu." Baekhyun began. With furrowed brows Chanyeol said. "What about him." Baekhyun hesitated for a moment. "I want to know If you're willing to adopt him– it's okay if you don't. I'd understand." He finished with a firm shake of his head. A laugh escaped Chanyeol. "Will you really understand?" Baekhyun thought for a moment before deciding to be honest, this was his mate one of the most important people in his life. "Probably not." Chanyeol smiled, reaching to casually push away Baekhyun's bangs."There's no need to overthinking it. I will love to adopt him as my own." "Really?" Baekhyun's eyes went wide, as he grabbed onto the hand on his forehead. Chanyeol nodded. "He's your son Baekhyun and you're my mate. It's only natural. I don't even see why you need to ask." "You know how Alphas might not be willing to accept other Alpha's child." "I am not other Alphas. I don't care if he isn't my biological son, I will love and take care of him as if he were my own." He vowed, and the look on his face got Baekhyun breaking down in tears. Because he knew, had felt it that what Chanyeol said was genuine. He was really willing to see Beomgyu as his own. It was moments like this when he was reminded strongly of why he’d fallen for Chanyeol. The alpha was so caring, so accepting of Baekhyun, his past, and now his kid. Other mates would never have taken on the children of another alpha as their own but Chanyeol took to fatherhood well, seemingly determined to make a better go of it than his own father had. "I will never let him feel the absence of his late dad." Baekhyun couldn't hold himself back, he threw himself into Chanyeol's arms and the Alpha readily caught him. Being pregnant meant that he was more sensitive than ever, and he allowed his tears to soak his mate's shirt. "Thank you Chanyeol. You have no idea what this means to me" Chanyeol rubbed his back, smiling against his head. "All I want is for you be happy, to leave a stress free life without regrets." Baekhyun nodded. "I know and I want you to do the same." He said, hoping Chanyeol felt his sincerity. He wanted him to be happy, even if that meant having to share him. "Chanyeol about Kris, you should–" "Shh" Chanyeol said, tightening his grip around Baekhyun. "This moment isn't about me, it's about you Baekhyun. So let's not talk about me." His mate must have guessed what he intended to say, after all Baekhyun had opened his mind for Chanyeol to see through. "We'll talk about me and Kris some other time. Okay?" Baekhyun nodded. "Whatever you want," at that moment his stomach chose to announce he hadn't eaten for a while. Embarrassed, Baekhyun pulled away and slapped a hand over his belly, which only made Chanyeol to laugh. "I will go get you something to eat." He kissed Baekhyun's lips lovingly before rising to his feet. This feeling was wonderful as he watched his mate exit their rooms.
Going downstairs to the main kitchen to get food for his mate, Chanyeol met his brother, Jimin, in the corridor.“Hey, How are things going with Baekhyun and the kid,?" Jimin seemed cautiously curious. "He's happy to have his son back." “That sounds promising.” Jimin hesitated like there was something else he wanted to say. “What?” Chanyeol asked. "Are you really okay with it?" "Yes of course." "And do think the boy will accept you?" “It’s not going to be easy, but I am determined." "You shouldn't force it though–" "I know what I am doing Jimin." He said, trying to keep his temper. “Hey,” Jimin held his hands up, palms out. “You’re
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750 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot