Chapter five

Hooligans Paradise.
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This chapter is a bit longer than the few previous ones. I hope you'll give it your attention and read it well.  *** Hearing the last part of his grandfather's sentence, Sehun narrowed his eyes a little."Team? Pack? I thought you're my pack, my team." The man laughed a little."Yes we are. Always. But you'll need something bigger than this." He gestured around as though to indicate the other inhabitants of the house. Sehun nodded in understanding."What type of team are we talking about here?" "The type that would have your back regardless of the situation." He said. " Those that have gone through similar struggles just because they're shifters and the world had decided it doesn't need them anymore and turned its back on them." Sehun narrowed his eyes even more, a small smile curved his lips."The way you spoke, seems like you have someone in mind." "Not someone, someones." "Where are they?" "You'll know when the time comes. Now let me take a look at you, breakfast will be served soon." Sehun didn't press the matter, something told him he wouldn't get anything out of the old man at the moment no matter how much he tried, thus he nodded and followed his grandpa as they walked to a different corridor. "Hey there's this thing that's been on my mind. Where's you mate? I mean my other grandpa?" The man pushed opened a door, his back was to Sehun, so he couldn't tell what his expression was like, but he could still see the tension in his shoulders. "Dead." He simply said. "Oh am sorry" though he had expected it, but It didn't stop the sadness that washed over him for a man he hadn't met all his life. "If you don't mind me asking, since when?" "A long time ago. When your mom was just a kid. Let's not talk about that please." Sehun nodded even though the man couldn't see him. As they walked into the room Sehun realized it was a lab, a very big and well equipped lab. The type he had only seen in the NFS. "What's this place?" "Isn't it obvious? a lab" "You have a scientist around here?" He wondered looking around. "Or a doctor?" He didn't see anyone though, and from his new heightened senses he could tell there were only four people in the house. "I am the scientist/doctor son." The old man said, coming to stand in front of a big box like equipment with several wires attached to it, that Sehun had no what it was for. "You're a doctor?" He remembered last night, the old man telling him something about running a test, Sehun hadn't given it much thought, but now it explained a lot. "Yes," he swirled around to face Sehun, one eyebrow quirked "Why? I don't look like one?" Sehun shook his head honestly and the man laughed. "No i didn't peg you as a healer Mage." "I am not a healer Mage." The old man said and he looked wronged, as though Sehun had offended him. "I don't need to be a healer to become a doctor. As long as I have the brain." He tapped at his temple. "Sorry I don't mean any offense." Sehun said Having a hand in dismissal, he pressed a button and the box made a hissing sound as it slide open ."I am not offended Sehun." He gestured for Sehun to step inside. Though Sehun hated being in closed tight places, he forced himself to do as told. "Am going to exermine you body, magical and physical strength, In other to know what type of training you need." When Sehun nodded, the door shut and he watched as the man typed some complicated keys before he took a step over to the table and picked up a tablet."I am going to start now. It won't be painful and your babes won't be harmed." He said with a smile. Sehun cursed under his breath, he mostly forget that his grandfather could read his thoughts. But shouldn't Sehun also be able to do so since they were both black panthers? "You'll he able to once you mind is trained."  He glared at the man through the glass, which only made the other to laugh. "And for your other unspoken question, I once served in the military– what? Hard to believe? Don't give me that look young man." Sehun felt embarrassed, he had wanted to ask how the man was going to train him when he clearly didn't look like a fighter, but because he didn't want to sound rude, he had refrained from asking. "Don't let my appearance and subgender deceive you, I was the strongest amongst my brothers despite being the only omega." He said shaking his head at Sehun. Sehun's eyes went wide. "You have brothers?" "Had, they are in a better place." He shrugged. "I am sorry for your loss. Where they killed in the army?" "That's another story for another time." He lowered his head, punching something on the tablet and the box Sehun was inside vibrated a few times before stopping. "You'll get to know more about me with time." Sehun didn't speak after that, as he watched the man worked, taking notes and his brows would furrow in concentration from time to time.  A few minutes passed, the door clicked open. "All done." His grandpa announced. "So since you're a doctor, can you remove my glands like we talked about last night?" His grandfather shot him a glare. "I thought you've made a decision?" "Yes, I have. I mean after this– how long will it take for the babes to be born?" Now understanding what Sehun meant, he smiled and said."120-130 days. You'll have to wait after the babes are weaned. Because they'll rely on those hormones to nurture them." Sehun nodded as he stepped out and the door shut with another click. "Are you sure about this Sehun?" Sehun nodded. "Yes, I am sure." "How about another method, and not less effective." "Another method? There's another method?" He wondered, green eyes blown wide. "It's not well known, though. I invented it with a help of a friend years back at the national research center." "You? Invented it?" "Yes Sehun. Stop looking down on me already." Sehun waved both hands. "No, no I wasn't I was just surprised." He said. "So how does this method work?" "I  can place a chip in you that will suppress your pheromones almost completely, but there might be side effects. In a few cases It could become permanent. In other words even if the chip was removed, you might never be a normal Omega again. Unable to mate and have more cubs.". "I don't need more cubs." Sehun said, a hand going to his stomach, the action subconscious. Knowing he couldn't talk Sehun out of this, Mr. Lee nodded. "Alright. After the babes are weaned, we'll do it." Sehun smiled. "Thank you grandpa." "Now let's go get you fed, and after that, I will put a ward on your womb so that the babes won't be affected by the vigorous training." Sehun hummed, and once again allowed the man to lead him to the kitchen. His brother and sister were there, sitting at the kitchen island, Jungkook busying himself as he served them breakfast, a cute yellow apron wrapped around his body. "Hello Jungkook.". Sehun greeted with a wave of his hand. Jungkook turned slightly, bowed and smiled shyly at Sehun, if Sehun didn't know better he would think the alpha was crushing on him. "Good morning Sehun."  "I will be in the training section." Mr. Lee said, nodding at Jungkook. "Bring them when they're done, in an hour time no more no less." With that he headed out of the kitchen. Sehun took his seat close to Irene. "Morning hyung," he greeted, then reached out to pull his sister into a side hug."Morning sis." Irene grinned, turning a little to kiss his cheek. "Morning Oppa." She rubbed his back a few times affectionately. "Why don't i get a hug?" Kris commented, a pout on his handsome face. Sehun waved a dismissive hand, ignoring Kris. "Shut up and eat hyung."  Irene stuck out a tongue out, taunting Kris and the act reminded Sehun of when she was still a little girl. She didn't change much, she still retained her baby features, just that those features had grown into that of a woman's .He reached out and her hair fondly and Irene leaned into the touch. Kris snorted, glaring at them and Irene tilted her head smugly, their interaction showed his sister and brother were getting along well. This is good, Sehun thought with a secret smile. "I wanted to come see you when I woke up but Grandpa said I shouldn't wake you and let get more rest." She said, finally turning away from Kris. Sehun bobbed his head. Mr. Lee must have known Sehun didn't get much sleep last night. Soon they began to eat as Irene told him all that he had missed in her life. He learned a lot about his sister. Irene had recently graduated with distinction and even received a summa laude award from yale university where she majored in Architecture through online courses. It was her idea to take online courses, because she didn't get along well with others outside of her family(Mr. Lee and Jungkook), it was hard to make friends and most of her middle and high school days were lonely. She did travel much though, grandpa would take her to explore the world from time to time. She had been to many countries that made Sehun envious but at same time happy his sister had a wonderful life growing up. Sehun also told her about himself and his adoptive family. Irene thanked Kris for taking care of her brother which Kris waved off with a smile. Form then they talked about random things, making causal talks here and there, until the food was almost gone and Sehun cleared his throat, changing the subject. "I know about the pregnancy." He told them. Both Kris and Irene stopped eating and shared a look. Kris didn't speak as he allowed Sehun to continue. Irene on the other hand placed a hand on his thigh, the gesture comforting.  "Ohh Sehun, how are holding up?" She asked. "I am fine." He let out a breath. "I've decided to keep them." "Them?" Both Kris and Irene asked in unison. Sehun nodded. "Triplets. At first I didn't want to keep the pregnancy but after a night of thinking, I changed my mind. Grandpa was right, they are not to be blame, I shouldn't snatch away their chance of existence for my own convenience." "I am so proud of you Sehun." Kris said with a smile. "You did the right thing." "Yes Sehun, you made the right decision. Oh my gosh, I am gonna be an aunt." Irene squeaked. "So happy yo–"  Her sentence was interrupted by Jungkook, as the Alpha extended a hand sufficiently cutting her off. Irene seemed to know what it meant as she groaned before pulling a few notes form her pocket and placed them on Jungkook's awaiting hand. After receiving the money, Jungkook made for Kris and Sehun watched, confused as Kris also pulled a few notes from his wallet and handed them over. Without a word, Jungkook tucked the money inside his pocket and walked away to continue what he was doing. Sehun looked between the three in confusion, his brows raised. "What was that about?" "Oh, we made a bet and Jungkook won." Irene told him. "A bet?" "Yeah, I heard Jungkook and Irene making the bet and I joined." Kris shrugged. "About what?" "The pregnancy, Irene and I thought you wouldn't keep it and Jungkook thought otherwise. He believed the old man will convince you to keep it, while Irene said he wouldn't force you even if he doesn't want you to get rid of it. And from the way I observed since I came here, Mr. Lee isn't the type to force someone, especially you, his precious grandson that he love and care for a lot." "Oh my God!" Sehun couldn't help but laugh. "You really had a poll going?" He laughed once more, shaking his head helplessly.  "Though I lost a few notes but it was fun." Kris nodded and grinned."I am really glad you wanted to keep it." Sehun nodded, "I am too." He said, he wanted to share his dream with them, but decided against it, it didn't matter anymore, he had made a decision to keep the babes that was what mattered . "I've talked with grandpa and he's going to train me, I want to become stronger, to be able to protect myself, my family and other shifters that needed to be protected." Kris smiled brightly almost blinding Sehun and anyone could tell he was happy to hear what Sehun had said."that's wonderful news." Kris reached over to hold Sehun's hand. "I am in for this, 100 percent." "Me too" Irene said with a smile.  "Me too" Sehun heard and he turned to see Jungkook raised a hand as though a roll call was going on. He couldn't help but laugh a little at the Alpha's cuteness and Jungkook ducked his head, his cheeks reddening. "Is he always like this?"  "Sort of" Irene supplied with a shrug. "Alright, now that I have your support, there's something you should know." Sehun turned his attention to the two. "Grandpa said we need a team, a pack and he seems to have lots of candidates in mind." "Oh?" Kris raised a brow. "Who are those candidates?" "He didn't say yet, only said he'll let me know when the time comes." Speaking of which, Jungkook glanced at his watch. "It's time" "Time? Time for what?" Kris asked. "Training." The half demon said, making a hand gesture and the table was instantly cleared as though a plate had never sat on it. "I haven't finished eating." Sehun grumbled, but he was already rising to his feet. "Get used to it." Irene laughed beside him, a hand coming to hold his waist. Kris also joined, slinging arm around Sehun as they were led out by Jungkook. As they walked Sehun realized the house was bigger than he thought. Jungkook took them on a tour. The house consisted of four floors with plenty of rooms that couldn't be counted. Living rooms, bedrooms, four separate swimming pools, kitchens, two huge Cinema rooms, a clinic, and it even had a security tower. The house didn't seem to be built for a dozens of people, but more like hundreds of them, like a ing garrison. Sehun wondered just what his grandfather was thinking to build such a magnificent castle. They entered an elevator– there were even god-damned elevators– to a different section of the house.  The stepped out and at the end of the short corridor was a set of twelve-foot-high glass-paned double doors. In bold black letters high above, it read: Training section Well, here it was. Behind those doors lay a whole new life. A life he was probably going to excel at, hopefully. There was a staircase leading to the basement. They continued to walk and It didn’t take them long to get down to the basement, and through a set of another double doors with the word Sparta painted across them. Inside, the place was bigger than any gym he’d ever been to. Straight ahead of him in the center was an expansive open area filled with plenty of comfortable looking couches and widescreen TVs, most likely the lounge. There were several enormous training areas filled with working out classy-looking treadmills, weights, and everything else to keep one's body in peak physical condition. The equipment was top-of-the-line, shiny and new. The floors were covered in dark rubber tiles that looked as if they had been installed only recently. Some of the rooms were set up for martial arts, while others were set up for boxing. There was even a yoga studio. The place was just so big, who knew what else was down here. His grandfather was inside the martial arts room, doing what seemed to be a very complicated stretching and Sehun could tell he was a good fighter form the way he worked his body When he sensed them, Mr. Lee stopped, then slowly stood on his feet. "Took you long enough." He waved at them all to come forward. "Sehun wanted to see more of the house, I took him on a tour" Jungkook explained respectfully and Mr. Lee hummed. Sehun came to stop in front of him.  "I am going to put that shield I told you about." Was the only warning he got, when a magic ball appeared in Mr. Lee's hand. "Not many magic users carry their shields in their bones, but you'll be taught how to, for now I will be helping with that." Most magic users didn’t power permanent personal shields. It took too much energy, too much magic, even at a low-grade level only the strongest could. The color was bright green, vibrant shade like his eyes and when it came in contact with his stomach, Sehun felt warmth spreadi
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750 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot