Chapter thirty-seven

Hooligans Paradise.
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  Chanyeol walked down the hall leading to the armory to sort and distribute the weapons amongst the members according to their skills. The list was long, since even those that wouldn't be in the battlefield would be assigned a weapon. It was fortune every adult in the pack regardless of gender knew how to defend themselves in some ways. The weather was changing– going crazy– which indicated the blood moon's arrival.  Sehun and Mr. Lee had gathered them yesterday, and every capable member of the pack was given a choice to fight, which surprisingly most took. Everyone in the pack had someone they needed to protect, be it their mate, child, sibling or a friend. They were still waiting for the  others– re-enforcement as Mr. Lee called them– to arrive. No one was excited at the prospect of probably seeing their doppelganger, Chanyeol wasn't an exception. Instead the whole pack stunk with uneasiness, that also hung low in Chanyeol's stomach. The war was coming, and it seemed they were all living on burrowed time. No one knew if they would survive or any of their loved ones. Chanyeol wished he had the power to stop it from happening altogether. He hated the idea that he might never get to see someone he was familiar with, or even loved. Or probably he was the one they wouldn't get see ever again. He yelped when a room suddenly opened behind him as he felt himself being yanked inside. He was prepared to give the person– a piece of his– who dared to joke around when a crisis was looming over them. But then he smelled a familiar scent. "Kris?" He snapped his head around. The wolf nodded, as he pushed Chanyeol against the door, closing it behind him. "I wanted to talk to you." "Talk?" Chanyeol asked, not getting what Kris possibly wanted to say. "Yes," Kris said, pressing his body closer and Chanyeol resisted the urge to groan. "Nothing is certain, with the war just around the corner. I guess it's best to let you know how I feel. I don't want to die with regret." "You're not going to die." He quickly said, his heart twisting at the thought of losing Kris even though he was never Chanyeol's to begin with. "But I might. So just listen." Kris insisted. Seeing the way the wolf trembled, and the fear evident in his eyes, Chanyeol nodded, and allowed the wolf to speak. "I love you." Kris blurted out. "What?" Chanyeol rasped, looking behind Kris to see if this was some sort of a prank, wanting to see if he would catch anyone recording with their phones. But it was just him and Kris. "I know it's not fair to confess only when things are about to get messy. But I swear to God Chan. I love you and If something happens to me i don't wanna go with regret. I have to let you know how I feel. You complete me." Chanyeol could only blink dumbly. It took a few seconds for those words to sink in, but his mind still wouldn’t hear them.He took in the new information, his head spinning. "You love me?" He asked, his voice barely a whisper. Kris nodded. "I do." "But how– when?" It didn't make sense. Chanyeol was the idiot in love, Kris never showed anything that could indicate he had feelings for him, not even once. "I've been in love with you even before I met Luhan. After finding him, I thought I could get over you, and live a normal life. But I just couldn't." As he stared at Kris, Chanyeol didn't know whether to slap him or kiss him. He did neither. "I do love you Kris, that much is clear. But now, Baekhyun has found his way into my heart as well. What am trying to say is that, I love him as much as I love you. Maybe even more. I can't leave him." Kris smiled. "I would have been scared If you say you don't love him. Baekhyun is an amazing person. And he deserves all the love in the world. I am not asking you to leave him. I would never ask that of you." "Good. So let me get this straight: you're just telling me you love me when we're about to face a war, so that if anything happens to one of us, you would be burden free?" Kris shook his head. "No I am also asking you to give us a chance if we survive the war." "I am mated Kris, and I love my mate." "I know." "So you want us to have an affair?"The thought of betraying Baekhyun's trust left a sour taste in his mouth. He would never do that. He wasn't lying when he said he loved his mate. "Not an affair, but a real relationship, possibly it would lead to mating." Chanyeol was certain Kris had lost his God damn mind. "You're also mated, what about Luhan?" "I love Luhan. Very much so, but he'd advised me to follow my heart for a long time– which I've been putting off. You're a part of my heart. You complete me Chan." His heart hammering, as though about to break free. Kris loved him. Kris freaking loved him. "So Luhan knew? And he's okay with it?" He asked instead, trying to hide the excitement coursing though him. "He is." Kris nodded firmly. "But even if he is, Baekhyun might probably not be."  No matter how he desperately wanted this he couldn't agree with it, if his mate didn't want him to. "I've spoken to Baekhyun. He was the one that encouraged me to seek you out today. He says he's tired of seeing us going about like idiots when he knew we could be together." "He did?" He blinked in surprise. Though Baekhyun had tired to breach the topic on several occasions, but Chanyeol had always avoided it. He didn't have it in him to talk about the man he loved with his mate. "He does." Kris swore. "He told me how you avoided the topic, and he really wants you to be happy." "The idiot makes me happy," Chanyeol shook his head fondly. "He has no idea how much." "I bet he does." "I can't make a decision without consulting him first." Chanyeol said. "Then why don't we ask him?" "What?" Before he could understand what Kris meant. The wolf pushed him gently to the side and opened the door. Baekhyun and Luhan were stood, both Omegas had their hands crossed over their chests. "Baek?" "I know you love me Chanyeol, and I love you too so much. Which is why I– we" he glanced at Luhan. "Came to a decision. We want you both to feel complete." Baek said. Chanyeol only stood there like an idiot, his mouth handing open, for the second time his brain unable to grasp the situation like it was supposed to for a moment. "Doesn't it bother you?" He asked when his brain finally caught up. "Of course it does. Who would want to share the person they love? But we've accepted it. And made peace with it. You know why? Because we want you both to be happy. And we know that happiness, couldn't be achieved with just us, it's never enough." "No you're enough. I love you Baek." Chanyeol moved closer, taking Baekhyun's hand into his. Baekhyun smiled."you make a me happy man Chanyeol. You accepted my son as yours, showered me with love that I never dreamt was possible. So I want to do this for you Chanyeol. Please let me." Chanyeol pulled the Omega into his arms, and kissed him as he stubbornly refused to allow the tears that blurred his vision to fall. He wasn't going to cry, he's not some child that was overwhelmed over the fact that his mate, was okay with him to have someone else, as long he was happy. "Baek you have to tell me if you're really not okay with this, and I swear I will abide by whatever makes you happy, after all love is also about sacrifice. I will give up Kris for you." He pulled away to look at the Omega in the eye. Baekhyun shook his head, bringing a hand to wipe Chanyeol's face and it was then that the alpha realized he had been unable to stop his tears from falling. "Your happiness is my happiness Chanyeol. I've made up my mind on this." Chanyeol nodded, the sheer determination he saw in the Omega's eyes made him incapable of saying more. "Are you and Luhan?" Kris said, and Chanyeol turned to see him making a gesture between the two Omegas. It took a while before they all understood what he meant. "What? No, God no" Luhan made a face as though in disgust. "No offense Baek but I don't think I will ever see you in that way." "None taken." Baekhyun shrugged, pushing Chanyeol over to where Kris was. And the other Alpha caught him easily. "So," Kris said with a smile. "So?" Chanyeol said back, staring into the wolf's eyes. The Omegas groaned in unison. "Kiss already!" "Kiss, kiss? Did you just, oh– hmm" his words were muffled by Kris' lips on his own. It took a moment for Chanyeol to respond and when he did, he realized how much he had missed this. So badly wanted it. "Baekhyun don't you think there's something seeing our Alphas kissing?" "Oh my you took the words right out of my mouth." Baekhyun laughed. They broke the kiss, as Kris brushed a hand through Chanyeol's hair. He still couldn't believe this was real. It still felt surreal. At last. Chanyeol continued to stare like a teenager having gotten a kiss from his crush, until Luhan cleared his throat. His face heating, he looked between the Omegas– that were grinning– and Kris."So how's this gonna work?" He made a wide gesture between the four of them. "Finally, we get to have peace of mind." Luhan said, raising a hand to high five Baekhyun."We have rules though. Right Baek?" "Rules?" Both alphas said. "Yes, we do. The first rule; you both must sleep in our rooms every night." Baekhyun began. "You can spend time together but you must sleep in our beds. The second rule;  we have to be the ones to share your ruts, unless you both wanted it and are willing to tolerate each other, but I know alpha+ alpha rut is equal to disaster. You would probably end up killing each other while fighting for dominance without even considering jerking each other off and that would be very unacceptable. We're too young to be widowed." It was a fact that both alphas knew, thus they nodded. "Alright." Kris nodded. "Anything else?" "No or foursome." Luhan said with a grimace and Baekhyun nodded in agreement. "Also what you two did in the bedroom is your personal matter, you don't have to share it with us and same goes with what happened in the bedroom with us." "And you'll have to get a separate room, that you'll be spending your time together. It will serve as your second bedroom or something. But you're allowed to come visit each other in our bedrooms." Baekhyun said. So many rules, but Chanyeol knew better than to question or argue. After all the Omegas were doing them a favor and If that was what it would take to keep the relationship in balance then it was worth it. "Can we shift and go a for run just the two of us?" Kris enquired. The Omegas shared a look as Luhan grabbed Baekhyun and whispered something Into his ear. The conversation lasted for a while before the Omegas faced them and nodded. "Okay, you can do that. You two are compatible after all, it would be cruel to deny you guys that." The Omegas agreed. "Anything more?" Chanyeol asked. "One more thing; you should let us know if you plan on mating or just keeping it unofficial." The Alphas shared a look. "We don't know If we would." Chanyeol said. "But if we did decide on it, we'll definitely let you know." "Good. Because we'll like to put a claim on you as well." Luhan said, and Baekhyun vigorously nodded as though to show the importance of those words. It was obvious the Omegas had talked and agreed on lot of things. Though it wasn't impossible for an Omega to claim their alpha, but it was rare. But the two Omegas deserved it. "Don't this up guys." Baekhyun warned, with seriousness. "I want you both to be happy, you have to make it work." "We won't it up." Kris vowed, nodding and Chanyeol smiled, already picturing a life with his two mates. He hoped this war wouldn't take– cause unrepairable damage to them. For once Chanyeol looked to sky sending silent prayers to any deity out there.
  **** Stepping through the portal like gate, Jungkook stumbled as he glanced back at the astral gate. This was his third time coming here, but right now he felt as giddy as he had the first time. He couldn't wait to see his Dad. Again. Said demon was stood not far away with an entourage. It was just like the first time. His dad didn't trust any demon, to come get his son, thus he had taken it upon himself to get Jungkook every time. The guard bent their knees in greetings. "Welcome our liege." They said in unison. Jungkook only nodded in return. He had been surprised when he received this exact treatment his time in hell. He was used to bowing to others, but not being bowed at. And had tried to talked the demons to stop. He felt embarrassed and unworthy of such treatment. But his dad had assured him. It was his birthright and there was nothing to be embarrassed of. He had accepted the gesture albeit reluctantly. He looked over to his dad. When their eyes met, they both smiled and moved simultaneously. Jungkook let out a happy sigh, burying his head in his dad's wide chest. His dad was huge, and even in demon form Jungkook was significantly smaller. A hand came to run down his back affectionately. "My boy. So happy to see you again." His dad dropped a kiss on his forehead, between the space that separated Jungkook's horns. It was a sign of great love in demonic culture. Jungkook pulled away first, making a gesture for his dad to lower his head. And he did so without question."Missed your too Dad." Jungkook returned the favor and he felt a pleased sound leaving his dad. After the reunion, Asmodeus held Jungkook's hand as he led them onto a two headed beast, that looked oddly like a horse but bigger. As they rode through the demonic realm, the guards flanking them, and would glare at any curious demon that came closer regardless or size or age. Hell was almost like the mortal realm in someway. It was classified into several parts. It had houses, with families. There was the first class area where the royals and high nobles lived and it was the finest. Then there was the middle class area, not as extravagant as the first class, but not as bad as this current lower class residues where they were passing through. Then there was the part where the vicious demons were kept. A place where every monster was made. A few curious children poked their heads from behind their parents to peek at Jungkook. Their eyes widening in awe when Jungkook indulged them and changed back to his human form. The brave ones clapped happily as though watching a circus show as they stepped closer. The guards attempted to have them step back but Jungkook stopped them. "Let them. It's not every day they see a human walking down their streets." Truth was; Jungkook had a soft spot for kids and he couldn't wait for the day he would have his own. Picturing Jimin heavy with his child brought a smile to his face that didn't go unnoticed by his Dad. "What amuses you boy?" Now that he was in his human form, his dad's massive form loomed over him. Jungkook had to raise his head to make eye contact. "Your grandkids." Asmodeus grinned, his silver eyes shone brighter and he had a dreamy look that had Jungkook laughing. "Curb your enthusiasm old man. I have yet to mate Jimin." A hand came to rest on his shoulder." It still does not dampen my delightfulness. I cann
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750 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot