Chapter four

Hooligans Paradise.
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Please read this chapter carefully. There's a lot of information that I might not mention again in the future, but will let this chapter to act as a reference.



"That's right, that's your baby sister!" The old man said, nodding to where Irene stood. Her body was trembling visibly as she stared at the black jaguar with almost disbelief. She wasn't the only one in disbelief, though. Sehun was having a hard time believing his senses weren't fooling him. Still unable to believe she was real, alive and well after all those years, Sehun padded toward her, butting his massive head against her body gently, wanting to make sure he wasn't dreaming. With the touch he knew his sister was real. Oh Goodness, he thought he had lost her, and had learned to live with that fact, but suddenly she was here and Sehun didn't know what to feel as several emotions surged inside him. The panic of seeing flames at his fingertips long forgotten. "Are you really my brother? My Sehun oppa?" She asked, and anyone could tell she was overwhelmed and didn't know what else to say. Just like Sehun thought she was dead, Irene had also thought him dead. "Yes Irena, he's the same Sehun that protected you from that fire." The old man spoke again, gently tapping at her shoulder. As if waiting for that confirmation, her knees buckled, causing her to double over and hugged the black Panther in front of her. "Oh my God!" She sobbed uncontrollably, her body trembling with it. When Jungkook brought the injured Sehun, she had felt a sense of familiarity from his scent, but didn't give it much thought, thinking it was impossible to suddenly meet her dead brother. Even when she sensed the signature of his magic– fire that was similar to her Grandpa's, she still had many doubts, because she knew it would be impossible for her grandpa not to know her brother was alive after all those years. Those doubts diminished the moment she saw him shift.  Though there were a few yellow/orange Jaguars out there, but only her Grandpa and brother were the only black Jaguars alive. And that was when she knew, without a doubt this was her precious oppa. If she were a human, she might not be able to remember him, but being a shifter had it perks, a few of which were their expectational memory, high intelligence–a two or three year old shifter could have the IQ of a five-six year old human child– and the ability to never forget a scent. Sehun brought out his pink tongue to her face, her neck, wanting desperately to scent- mark her, to make sure he would never lose her again. She was his family, his pack. There were a lot he wanted to say– to ask, but being in shifter from made it impossible, he could only make up for those words by nuzzling, and rubbing at his sister. "You should change back then." As though reading his thoughts, the old said. Sehun snapped his head, his wide green eyes widened even more and the old man chuckled. "Look at you cub. There's a lot you need to learn about your kind." Irene cupped his face, smiling through her tears. "He's a black Jaguar like you, that's how he could read your thoughts." She told Sehun. Sehun stared at the old man and thought."What type of shifter is she? She hasn't presented the last time I saw her." "Irene why don't you show Sehun your other form?" The old man suggested. "Oh," she bobbed her, eagerly crawling back a little to get some space. She wanted her brother to see what she was, would love to see the reaction on his face. It didn't take long for her body mass to shift and a cheetah stood in front of Sehun. At first glance, it may seem hard to differentiate her from a leopard. However, the general rule of thumb was to observe their markings for subtle differences. Compared to a leopard, cheetahs had clear individual black spots all over their body and the tear marks were a distinct feature of Cheetahs and Sehun could never forget how his mom looked like. If Sehun could smile, he would be doing so at the moment, she was a cheetah, an Omega just like their Mom, the representation of swiftness, insight and focus. This time she was the one that bumped against him, using her smaller frame to rub all over her brother. Not used to expressing himself in shifter form, Sehun roared instead, the sound loud and powerful that could even rival a lion's, and Irene inwardly pouted if only she could roar as well. But that didn't stop her from showing her equal affection in ways she could. The two siblings one black and one orange-brown snuggled up, loathing to part even for a moment.  Until a voice said. "Wow" and they both turned their heads to see Kris staring with wide eyes, as tears rolled down his cheeks. His attention was solely focused on Sehun, he didn't even spare the cheetah a glance. Sehun understood, his brother must be really emotional at the moment, after all for their sixteen years together, this was the first he was seeing Sehun in this form. "So beautiful." He breathed out, wiping the tears, as a laugh escaped him. He was happy, anyone could see that. "I want to shift and cuddle too." He began to his shirt and Irene growled, accompanied by strange noises, clearly in protest and Kris paused mid-action. Her message was clear, she didn't want company– a stranger. Kris might be Sehun's adoptive brother but he wasn't hers. Sehun lifted a front paw to gently scratched his sister's back while retracting his claws in the process. Though he hadn't shifted for long but he wasn't clueless. He knew he had to be careful not to injure her with his very sharp claws. Irene made another sound, a happy purr. Cheetahs mainly communicate in growls or chirps. Like their smaller relatives, purrs usually indicate contentment. Meanwhile, cheetahs display aggression or aggravation through , growling, and making spitting noises and Kris seemed to understand those sounds quiet well. "Sorry, I– this is the first time seeing Sehunnie like this, I didn't mean anything." Kris said, tactically buttoning his shirt back.  A protective shifter could be scary even to another shifter. The old man laughed. "Alright enough cuddle for the day, both of you shift back. There's a lot I need to talk about with Sehun." He said, turning to his assistant. "Kook-ah, take Kris to have some rest, he's been with Sehun for the past one week and bring Sehun to my study when he's ready." Hearing that, Sehun quickly shifted as best as he could, ignoring the unfamiliar pain of his mass shifting."No I want to talk to hyung for a bit." He said through gritted teeth. The old man paused, then nodded and proceeded out of the room.  Irene shifted back, but she seemed more at ease to do so than Sehun, causing Sehun to feel like a child, learning to shift back and forth for the first time. He glanced at his sister and that was when he noticed she was fully clothed. At the beginning he was overwhelmed with his shift and emotions of seeing his sister that he didn't realize his clothes weren't torn off his body, like how it was supposed to be when one shifted.  Seeing the surprise look on his face, Irene giggled, reaching to run a hand through his hair. "Grandpa will explain." she said, leaning to drop a kiss on his cheek.  Though Sehun knit his brows when she said grandpa, but he didn't think much of it, only associated it with the fact that the man was old and had adopted his sister hence why she addressed him as such. "How long have I been here?" He asked. "A week." Sehun's eyes went wide a fraction and she laughed once again. "You have the most amazing green eyes." She said. "I will be waiting for you in my room, Jungkook will show you the way when you're done speaking with grandpa." She smiled at him before rising to her feet, she held his hand a little longer, before letting go altogether, and it was obvious she didn't want to leave. He watched her walked out still unable to believe this was real. His sister wasn't dead, she was alive. Sehun had a lot of questions, but he needed to speak with Kris before he go searching for answers. Thus he turned around to face Kris. "Hyung–" he began, but was cut off as Kris engulfed him into his arms. Sehun was held by his brother, allowing the wolf to scent mark him. He knew his brother must have been terrified after learning Sehun was gone from the hospital and the things that happened in between. Kris needed the assurance, Sehun knew that much.  "I am fine, hyung really." He reassured. He allowed Kris to hold him for a while before pulling away to look at the wolf's face. "What happened?" Kris asked. "I saw you on TV– the news, then checked my phone and stupidly decided to come look for you at the station." Kris nodded. "Yeah you were stupid." He agreed. "But bravely stupid." Sehun hit his chest playfully. "Now tell me, how it went with them" he didn't need to elaborate, he knew his brother understood what he meant. Sure enough Kris told him all that happened and Sehun could only shake his head helplessly. He didn't know whether to slap or hug his brother. Whether to laugh or cry. In the end he laughed. Somehow he had expected it, his brother was that predictable, he knew it would be hard for him to continue as a cop after all the stunt he pulled."You're the definition of stupid hyung. Though I understand why you did that, but what if they didn't let you walk away? What If the chief decided to press charges?" "He wouldn't dare. Not after what he did to you." "Do not underestimate the level of his shamelessness." "You're right. He has no shame. Lying through his teeth and making it sound believable." Kris shook his head. "Those people are rotten to the core." "They are." Sehun agreed, now for some reason he didn't feel as dejected as he had felt when he found out, maybe it had something to do with meeting his sister after many years of being apart. "I am glad you stopped Daniel from quiting." "The guy was resolute on wanting to quit." Kris laughed as he spoke. "And Junmyeon and Yixing weren't happy about the whole situation, I am sure it was because there was nothing they could do." "There's a saying one wouldn't know his true friends until calamity befalls him. I am sure Junmyeon and Yixing did the best they could." "Talking like a philosopher." Kris said good naturedly. They talked for a while before Sehun excused himself to flow Jungkook, with a promise to talk more with Kris later. As they walked Sehun glanced at Jungkook, he was wearing black just like the first time Sehun saw him and he vaguely wonder if that was how he usually dressed.  As if sensing Sehun's eyes on him, Jungkook glanced at Sehun and quickly averted his gaze when their eyes met as though flustered and the act caused Sehun to smile. "I want to thank you for saving me." Sehun said. "No need, it was my Job." "Your Job? How is saving me your Job?" "Mr. Lee had been searching for you, and that moment he felt your signature, hence immediately dispatched me to get you." Sehun paused, not understanding what he meant or who Mr. Lee was. "I don't understand." Jungkook paused as well, once again glancing at Sehun briefly before averting his gaze and Sehun realized he was a shy person. "Mr. Lee will explain." He gestured ahead. Realizing who Mr. Lee was and the fact that he wouldn't get answers from Jungkook, he sighed and followed the other. They made their way through the opulent home decorated in hues of blues, reds, and gold, everything designed in a neo-French Renaissance style, from the walls adorned with large oil paintings in antique gold frames to the molded and sculpted staircase. Beneath their feet, the extravagant carpet swallowed their footsteps, with the silk curtains hanging from the expansive archways. In each room, a crystal chandelier glittered above their heads. No one looked more out of place than Sehun did. The house was huge, like a ing castle and it showed the owner was filthy rich. They arrived at a door and Jungkook came to a stop and Sehun followed suit. The other raised his hand to knock, but Sehun stopped him. "Hey I want to ask you a question, can you me tell what you are?" Sehun was genuinely curious "An Alpha" Jungkook simply said, his silver eyes looking at Sehun, his furrowed brows as though it was obvious and didn't see the need why Sehun would ask such question. Sehun shook his head with another smile. "That I've already figured out. I mean you– when you saved me I saw wings, black wings and they seemed real attached to your body." "Oh" Jungkook made a sound. "I am part demon, part human." He said casually. "What?" Sehun widened his eyes, he had heard of demons but he had never thought they were real and this guy was telling him he was part demon? "You're not jesting?" "No I do not dare jest about my lineage. My father is one the princes of hell, he fell in love with a necromancer that summon him into the land of the living for her personal gain. And they mated. That was how I came to be." Sehun continued to stare at Jungkook unable to say a word. He was still in daze until the door in front opened and the old man stood there, chuckling with a shake of his head. "Am afraid Jungkook is awfully honesty. He seem weird but he's harmless. I promise." Sehun looked at the old man and nodded. That was what he was thought. The guy was truly honest, he didn't know whether it was his usual nature or that was just how he was. "Demons are sly in nature but Jungkook is different, he's the most loyal and honest person you could ever meet." "How did you two met?" Sehun asked, looking between the two. "Master Lee saved me when I was just a boy, almost killed by humans. They do not understand me, thus they hated me, thought me a pariah and almost burned me on a stake with holy fire." "Huh?" Sehun once again looked between Jungkook and the other. "Where were you parents? Did they abandon you?" "My father returned to the demon realm  four years after I was born. While my mom raised me alone until black magic backfired and she lost her life when I was only nine" "Oh my God, how could–" "Jungkook thank you, you can go now." The old man said when he realized Sehun was about to ask more questions. Jungkook bowed deeply before departing and Sehun continued to stare at his back. "Come now, I know you have questions, this old man will give you answers." He placed a hand on Sehun's shoulder and guided him into the home office. The office was as opulent as the rest of the house, rich mahogany and glass-cased shelving units around t
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749 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot