Chapter forty

Hooligans Paradise.
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  With shaky legs and trembling body, Sehun lifted himself off the ground and dashed to where his mate was. It seemed the demon King no longer needed Kai to be his meat suit now that the last seal had been broken. He had release his hold on Kai, and the latter had fallen into a heap, unmoving. He was unconscious, only the faint beating of his heart indicated he was still alive, because even his breathes were shallow, barely there. It was clear his mate was unwell and Sehun wasn't sure when he would recover. A shudder rocked beneath him and he looked around to see several demons emerging from the cracks. He closed his eyes momentarily, hugging Kai tightly to his chest, as everything that happened in the past few minutes replayed. It had truly been done. The fallen would be on earth, and there was no telling what would happen or how long it would take– if there was even the possibility– to fight them off and send them back where they came from. The only bright side of it was the momentarily cease fire, the battle had suddenly stopped, and Sehun wished it would never resume again. But that was wishful thinking. The amount of demons pouring out from hell promised a vicious apocalyptic battle ahead, that would probably end the world. A person dropped beside him, putting their hand on Kai. Sehun snapped his head, at same time protectively pulling Kai away form whomever it was. "I wish to see if I can heal him." It was Mr. Lee, his eyes were sad, but there was unhidden anger beneath them. Sehun nodded, eyes never leaving the demons breaking surface. Somehow he was numb, he had shut down something in him. Which made it easier to accept the outcome. The angry humming that had been coursing through his body was gone, leaving him in an empty space that he welcomed. He didn’t want to feel right now. The pain had grown to be too much.His foolishness had doomed the world. That was a fact he couldn't get over, ever. "It's not your fault. You've been played." Mr Lee said, a sigh leaving him as he continued to examine Kai. "Is the fragment soul still in him?" He asked, looking at his grandpa. "I don't know." Mr. Lee frowned. "I can't seem to be of much help. Send him back to the tent for now until we figure out how to help him." Sehun shook his head, tightening his arms around Kai, he couldn't send Kai away, where he couldn't keep an eye on him, couldn't protect him. With their bond shut down, it was difficult to tell what was actually wrong with Kai and with his mate unconscious, Sehun wouldn't be able to switch it back on. Besides it was Kai that shut it down in the first place, he should be the one to make it right. Mr. Lee sighed once again, a hand coming to rest on Sehun's shoulder. "Keeping him here will be unwise. The battle is about to get nasty." "I can help with that." Taeyeon crouched next to them, running a hand through Kai's hair. "I can stay with him to protect him in his vulnerable state. He will be fine" she said as much to convince herself than Sehun. "Taeyeon is a capable fighter, let her care for Kai. You're needed in the battlefield." Hyoyeon said, her voice cracking, which showed how much she had been affected by the state she found her son. Sehun looked up, his eyes meeting Heechul's, then Taehyung. Both Kims nodded. Thin-lipped and wordless, Sehun allowed her to take Kai away from his arms. She lifted him as though he weighs nothing as she carried him princesses style. It would have been funny the way a petite woman could carry a much larger man, but he didn't have it in himself to find the situation funny at all. He watched, ready to come to her aid if anything were to happen, as she walked toward the tent. Surprisingly no demon got in her way. He jerked when he felt a hand on the side of his belly, where he had been injured. "Let me cleanse it for you." Mr. Lee said, quietly. Without words, he allowed the older Jaguar to do as he wished. And it was only when he felt the poison left his body that Sehun realized how bad it would have been if he had continued to neglect the injury. Without the poison in his system, the wounds naturally closed up, until what remained was a dull ache. The field was relatively peaceful as all their attention was on the never ending wave of demons. Sehun knew the peace wouldn't last long, he had to be ready. He had to make things right. And If killing Samael and the demon king would mean sacrificing himself in the process, then so be it. He would die protecting the world. But he wouldn't go down alone. With that, he rose to his feet, Mr. Lee doing the same as they both turned to watch Samael. The demon had a crazed happy look, of someone who had fulfilled their ultimate purpose in life. Like he could die without any regrets. "Tao can you change the outcome?" One of his doppelgangers– that Sehun had no idea when they came to stand beside him– said. "I am sorry your majesty, I am afraid i cannot, this isn't my world. My ability to manipulate time and space is limited here." Sehun couldn't help but look at the person that spoke. "You can manipulate time? Like go back before all this happen?" "He can" it was redhead. "I once died on the battlefield while I was pregnant with Aurora, and he saved us by changing the outcome of the battle. I didn't even have the slightest idea something like that happened. I only learned about it, several years later form Blink." If only someone of their world had such ability, it would have been great. In this world, Sehun had never seen this Tao guy. Probably he didn't exist or did somewhere, after all the world was vast. But even if he did, it wasn't likely he would have the same ability with his doppelganger. Sehun's attention was averted, when the earth shook more than it had moments ago, and they all wobbled only managing to keep themselves from going down. Not a moment later, another type of demons, average in size and terrifying in looks emerged. With them came a heavy yang energy. Sehun had never seen their type before and he presumed they were the fallen. He began to count, silently measuring their strength and assessing anything he could. They came as demons, but soon they took human shapes. If one didn't know better he would mistake them for real, beautiful humans. Some were males, while some were female, and a few were something in-between. Before Sehun could assess them some more, the human shaped demons began to part, forming a protective line and making way for whomever it was to come next. A much larger demon was the last, its thick horns shone in the red moon light, its skin a shade Sehun couldn't decipher, but it was glistering like it was made of metal. It had six massive wings on its back, that flapped with every move. Where it was supposed to be white, its eyes were bloodshot, the irises were an unusual pitch black. And when it landed on the surface, all other demons around the field dropped to one knee as the mighty Demon took human shape. He was just as beautiful as the others, with a much larger physique. That was enough to tell Sehun who he was. If that wasn't enough, the more heavier Yang energy in the air gave his position away. This was the demon king, not a fragment but in his full demonic glory. He was truly on earth. Everyone was looking at the new arrivals unsure what to do. The demon king raised his head to look at the sky as though expecting something to happen. As if on cue, lightning struck the sky that lit up the entire field, then a thunder clap, followed by another, causing everyone including the demons to look up. "Ah they're here." A silky male voice said, Sehun suspected it to be one of the fallen or probably the demon king. At that moment, the blood moon was no longer red, it had changed to its usual bright color, allowing Sehun to have a clear view of the sky. His breath got caught in his throat when he saw several people? No beams of light dropping from the sky, fast. Once landed, the light would disappear as a person– immortal took its place. Some were dressed like ancient Greeks, while others like Chinese immortals, one would see in cultivation movies. A bulb like lantern was released by each immortal, as it flew to circle the moon that had gone back to being red, blocking it and forming an artificial sun. In no time the whole pack was lit up brightly. Sehun would have sworn it was day time. He no longer had to squint or use his super vision to see. One by one the immortals lined up, each holding a unique type of weapon. The next to land was Grace. She was dressed like how Sehun had seen her during his realm traveling. Only this time she was wearing black and white robes, her hair tied up in ponytail, she was holding two curved blades like sickle in each of her hand and another bigger blade was strapped to her back. She looked like a video game character, beautiful and graceful. Beside her was a god that looked oddly familiar with an expressionless face and a glowing crown tattoo on his neck, that was very similar to Kai's. He had a zither on his back, and a white scabbard sword hanging on his hips. The immortal's eyes was scanning the battlefield as though searching for something, and when they landed on that something or someone they stayed there for a moment, his expressionless face showing a hint of emotion. Sehun followed his line of sight and realized he was staring at Mr. Lee that gave an infinitesimal nod of recognition– his undivided attention on the god, with unreadable emotions on his face. Sehun tried to decipher what those emotions meant, but when he couldn't, he returned his gaze to the immortal. As if sensing Sehun's eyes, the immortal snapped to Sehun's direction and the moment their eyes met, the god's brows twitched, his hand tightening around his sword. Then he sent Sehun the barest smile, that was full of undeniable affection. That was enough to have Sehun reeling and he would have fallen backward if not for the hand that suddenly came to support him. "Is it just me or does anyone noticed Sehun look somehow like that God?" It was Jimin that said, and few of Sehun's pack members agreed. If what Samael said was to be believed, that meant this immortal was Sehun's sire. But he wasn't allowed to dwell on that, when a jurassic roar filled the night air and everyone stumbled to a startled halt. It was a roar unlike anything Sehun had ever heard resonated from above. He couldn't resist looking away from the great mage to glance up. A massive black dragon, the color of midnight was descending, atop it sat a man in black robes, his hair flailing with the wind. Demons and people alike scrambled to get out of the way as the black dragon landed heavily, its massive form taking a significant amount of space. It was so big that everything around it looked like ant. When it stabilized itself, it dipped its head, lowing its body for the immortal sitting on top to climbed down. "Always making quite the entrance Wei Ying." The demon king scoffed, with a shake of his head that was almost affectionate. "Not even allowing me to have a little fun before you show up?" "What to do uncle, you know me, I just couldn't let you." Wei Ying shrugged, as he walked over, a black flute tucked in his waist. He was handsome beyond words, graceful, his silky black hair tied up in a ponytail with a red ribbon, in the same fashion as Grace's. He too had a crown tattoo, that glowed like the brightest star. For an unknown reason, Sehun felt drawn to him, not in a romantic way, but in a way one felt with their family. A sudden realization hit him, this was Yaguar, the crown prince and Sehun's supposed carrier father. "Lan Zhan, I was looking for you to ride Wen Ning with me, do you know how exciting that felt to travel down here? It's nothing like the ride we had in heaven. Ah so exciting." Wei Ying ramble on, coming to stand beside the great mage almost bouncing on his feet. "But it seems mother has whisked you–" His words abruptly stopped as he sharply turned to Sehun's direction. Instantly Wei Ying's eyes became shiny, liquid. He blinked quickly several times, and his breath hitched as if he struggled with some strong emotion he couldn’t put a voice to. Sehun stared, unable to do or say anything. The sight threatened to rock his foundations but he ruthlessly walled off the growing confusion. He couldn’t lose his focus. Not here. Not now. Not even the possibility of family. He frowned as he watched the immortal in black robes walk to where he was stood in long stride. "Sehun!" He breathed out, choking slightly. He brought a hand to touch Sehun's face but Sehun unceremoniously swatted his hand, taking a step back. Wei Ying's face contorted as though about to let out an ugly cry, but he was quick to compose himself as he made a slight gesture with his hand. Images flashed in Sehun's head, that had him heaving .They were brief, but enough to tell him this man stood in front of him was truly his father. The woman he had thought his mom, was more of a surrogate– an incubator, his niece and her mate wasn't his biologically father. But no matter what, Sehun loved them, and he would till the very end. Sehun wanted answers so bad, but he knew now wasn't the time to ask. And before he get to hear what he wanted there was not going to be a father son reunion. Hell he doubted there was ever going to be one, no matter what he would hear. What type of father abandoned their child? Wei Ying didn't get to suddenly show up and rocked his foundation. No, Mr. And Mrs. Oh were his parents, and even though they were no more, they would forever be his loving parents. "I–" Wei Ying began, but he trailed off, his head lowered, biting his lips as though unsure what to say or how to say it. The great mage was silently watching his husband clearly yearning to offer comfort. When he looked up with soft eyes and was ready to speak Sehun didn't let him. "No," Sehun shook his head. "You do not have the right to look at me like a parent would. You've lost that right the moment you took me out of your stomach. You're no parent to me. The only people I recognize as parents are the Ohs." He realized that he was repeatedly poking Wei Ying's in the chest with his finger as he said his piece. But being abandoned was a sore spot, all the more so after learning he had family during his hard times, he never knew about; not that it gave him an excuse to basically attack the man. But Sehun wanted to do more than just poked Wei Ying. He knew everyone was watching, but he didn't care. Wei Ying seemed to be at a loss for words, which suited Sehun just fine. He felt drained, and there was still so much to do. With an abrupt move, Sehun punched Wei Ying in the jaw. Hard. Lan Zhan yelled and surged forward only to be shoved back by Grace.“That was for abandoning me,” Sehun spat, feeling a little bit better. Wei Ying rubbed at his jaw, shaking his head with a small fond smile."I–" This time his words were interrupted by another thunderstorm, so loud that even the demon king seemed disoriented for a moment before regaining his bearings. There was a blackout, as a lightning shot down, and when it disappeared, an immortal dropped right beside Wei Ying. Unlike Wei Ying, he was dressed completely in white. He was the most beautiful being Sehun had ever set his eyes on. He was unlike the other immortals, everything about him screamed power that threaten to overwhelm Sehun. Just like the other immortals, he was also holding a weapon, a glowing axe with jade handle. He was looking at Sehun, with a smile. A smile so beautiful that almost compelled Sehun to return it. Who was he? "My father, your grandfather." Wei Ying said carefully, gazing at Sehun for any reaction. Sehun gasped, eyes widening. "Y- you're the emperor!" He stated. "It is an honor to finally meet you. Son." The emperor said, resting a gentle hand on Sehun's shoulder, and he felt an energy, unlike any other, soothing– pure ying energy coming in waves ,coursing though him. Calming and accepting. "Enough with the nonsense, this is no time for a family reunion." The demon King said, breaking the moment. And when Sehun looked sideways, he was stood in front of the emperor."I've risen from hell to kill you and destroy everything you cared about." "Brother!" The emperor narrowed his eyes warningly. "You are no brother of mine. You had hoped that I will burn in the fires of hell, but instead i learned to control them." The emperor's expression crumpled for a second, but he gathered himself just as quickly "Forgive me brother." "What for?" The demon king snickered. "For having you banished." The demon let out a startling laugh."It's too l
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750 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot