My Royal Responsibility: Part 3 (MinKkura)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

Sakura wasn’t a person to go anywhere. She was a certified homebody; she would play games the whole day while eating little to no food and would survive another day of personal fun and royal responsibilities. This was a different case as she was in the large garden of Gwanghamun Palace, sitting on a bench. She was on her casual clothing and glasses, waiting for someone.

And that someone came, reading her book as she was tucked onto a pair of black pajamas. The owner looked back with a smile, causing Sakura to look away and distract her peripherals by looking down on the grass. The next thing she knew, the latter was already sitting next to her.

Sakura-san. Minju greeted her, trying to get a good look at the Japanese monarch. I knew…you.

Sakura chuckled and Minju was embarrassed. Her Japanese was still sloppy.

“You meant that you know it was me, right?” 

Minju could only nod and laugh her embarrassment out. Sakura joined her and finally faced her.

It was a summit for East Asia and all monarchs of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and China attended it. They were all settled at the Gwanghamun Palace, hence to why Minju and Sakura decided to meet every evening; a way for both to get to know each other more.

Tonight was Japanese time. Minju brought her book for a reason despite Nako and Yena teaching her everyday. Did you come to see me?

“No.” Sakura spoke, looking away again. 

She would expect Minju’s face to go sour but as she looked back, Minju maintained that sweet-looking smile. Her gaze wasn’t averting, making Sakura more flustered. Luckily, her face didn’t turn red.

“What? What are you looking at?” Sakura asked.

Face. Obvious. Minju spoke through simple words for she didn’t want to depend on her book anymore. 

“My face looks obvious?” Sakura asked and Minju nodded.

Sakura couldn’t deny and sighed, adding a nod. Nonetheless, she started conversation. “How was the summit?”

Boring. Minju answered, face scrunched thinking of her next answer. Too many insignificant speeches. How about you?

“Same. Otousan’s speech was too long.” Sakura took off her glasses to rub her temples. “Nako even nudged me many times just to listen.”

Nako-chan. Savage.

“True.” Sakura laughed, making Minju laugh with her. 

They had to keep quiet because their laughs were too loud. Just then, Sakura’s head throbbed, causing her to hiss and take her glasses off.

Are you okay?! Minju became worried and checked on her.

Sakura froze as Minju’s hands massaged her head. She slowly relaxed and closed her eyes, feeling Minju’s hands making her headache disappear. Then again, she froze as Minju’s hands cupped her face.

Close your eyes.

It was still in Japanese yet the next set of words were Korean, Sakura thought. She had a hard time understanding the language yet she was willing to let it slip for Minju. When Minju placed a hand in front of her eyes, Sakura closed them. The other hand was still on her face so she remained still.

The headache was a result of late gaming on her phone. She got scolded by her parents a lot yet she could never avert from something she loved to do. Minju’s words about breathing, relaxing, and calming the nerves made Sakura do all of those actions despite having little understanding of everything Minju said.

It was then that Sakura joined her, speaking in Korean. Can I open my eyes now?

Minju hummed and Sakura slowly opens them, seeing her face and her smiles. Sakura couldn’t hold a smile back.

Birthday when? Two days?

“My birthday is in two days, yes.” Sakura said.

But…you’ll be with the Imperial Family, right?

“Not this time.” Sakura added. “I want to celebrate it with someone. I want it to be just the two of us.”

Then I’ll show this face to you on your birthday.

Sakura’s conscience was celebrating and was impressed of Minju’s Japanese and her understanding. All of it had to stop as the bell of the capitol rang, signaling bedtime. Minju and Sakura stood up.

See you, Sakura-san.

“You too, Minju-nim.” Sakura spoke. “Get to your quarters safely.”

Minju nodded and went on her way. Sakura went to the opposite direction, plastering the biggest smile she had in her entire life.


Sakura froze, looking back at Minju who was walking slowly. She returned to walk again when she called by the same nickname for the second time. Sakura continued to walk but that turned into a skip towards her quarters.

“Someone’s happy.”

“ing , Nako…” Sakura hissed as she saw her by the door. “You haven’t slept?”

“How can I sleep when the crown princess hasn’t returned?” Nako spoke. “You had a good evening with Minju, didn’t you?”

Sakura shuts her up and ran to slump on her bed. Nako shuts the door, went to turn off the lights, and tucked in.

For Sakura, it was the first time she slept early with a smile on her face.


The next day was the continuation of the summit. For now, the princesses the four countries – whether crown or not – were in their separate rooms to tackle lessons about their sister countries. For Minju, this was a great opportunity to learn Japanese. It was also quite lonely because of the Korean moanrchs, she was only close to Yena, who happened to be in a meeting with the other imperial majesties.

“She owes me another Japanese lesson…” Minju mumbled as she checked her phone.

She was looking at the KakaoTalk chat she shared with Sakura after Yena gave her Sakura’s number. With that, she knew Sakura’s gaming career, which was also where Yena knew the Japanese monarch.

Kkura: Our evenings are just the best. Thanks for yesterday, Min.

Minju smiled. With the text being in Korean, it was all good. All of it was nice when she had to put her phone down because their lessons were about to start.

Minju did her best in the classes, especially with Japanese. She was very eager to learn the language for the sake of her evenings with Sakura. The last evening was an embarrassment and she hoped to redeem herself by learning the language more. She was thankful that Sakura was understanding yet she wanted to compensate that understanding.

The things she did for someone that tugged her heartstrings.

“Minju-nim, can I copy your notes?” Wonyoung asked.

“Sure.” Minju scooted her notebook closer and Wonyoung jotted down. 

“Thank you.” Wonyoung grinned and Minju nodded back, looking at the time and hoping that lunch break will come.


At the other side, Sakura gleamed looking at the same chat.

“Why are you smiling so much?”

Sakura hated the sudden jump scares. But as she saw the culprit, she sighed. “Why must you torment me, Hiichan?”

“Forgive me, Your Highness. It’s lunch break~”

Sakura nodded and followed her wings towards the canteen. Most of the monarchs were already there, even the Koreans. 

“Why is that one of the crown princesses of Goryeo is eating alone?” Hitomi asked.

Minju was at a far table away from the other Korean monarchs, making Sakura concerned. 

“Minju’s really introverted. She can manage joining the other monarchs for an official gathering but never in personal stuff.” Nako spoke. “She only hangs out with people she knows, which happens to be Emperor Yena, me, and – “

“Let’s sit there.” Sakura spoke and her wings agreed. 

The three got to Minju’s table and she smiled seeing Nako and Sakura. They got to sit down and Minju got the chance to meet Hitomi.

“On second thought, there’s another vacant table!” Nako smirked and pulled Hitomi up. “Let’s sit there, Hiichan!”

Hitomi was shocked as bread dangled on and her hands carried her tray. She was pulled by Nako to that vacant table, leaving Minju and Sakura to eat together. Minju was shocked but deep down, she was ecstatic.

I owe her some treats later. Sakura spoke. How are you, Min? Are the lessons boring?

Minju’s heart grew wings. Sakura was speaking in Korean and she had great progress. And hearing her say her cute nickname made her want to huddle into her blanket and squeal.

“I’m good, Kkura. Lessons were good, especially Japanese language.” Minju smiled. “How about you?”

Same. Mind me for asking but… Sakura began. Why aren’t you sitting with the other Korean monarchs?

“I’m shy. Even if my sister’s there, I don’t like hanging out with people I mostly don’t know.”

I can relate to that. Sakura added. Yena is on another table with the imperial majesties so it’s just me with Nako and Hitomi. She chuckled. And yet they left me with you.

“What? You like it.”

I love it, Min.

Minju almost spits her water but she regained composure and gulped, dabbing with a napkin. Sakura got worried and offered her glass of water.

“I’m fine. I can’t believe you flattered me.”

Sakura couldn’t hold her happiness, just like Minju. They ended up eating and talking until the bell signaled them that it was time to return to their classes.

“Your Highness~” Hitomi chanted. “Time to go back~”

“I’ll see you this evening.” Minju held Sakura’s hand before she could go.

Sakura nodded as her goodbye faded with the wind because her wings pulled her up to leave. Minju couldn’t help but smile as she decided to return to the classroom as well.

Little did they know, someone was eavesdropping them while smirking.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1761 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1761 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.