Family (KangBi)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

Screams greeted the whole cinema as a psychotic killer was portrayed holding a knife. For a family, the parents and the youngest son were covering their faces…

…except for the oldest daughter. She had a poker face and she was stuffing with popcorn.
“How are you not scared, noona?” 

“It’s not real, Kyungwoo. Don’t get it to your head.”

“Ah! Hyewon-noona~” Kyungwoo clung onto his sister’s arm again as the psychotic killer was shown again.

“I’ll never understand film.” Hyewon mumbled as she ate popcorn again.


For a first impression, little Kang Hyewon may look sullen, may always show a stale expression, and may be unsociable but no. She was a social butterfly, a smartass, and an outgoing kid playing with the other kids, even with her younger brother.

On this bright day, she was running while tagging her toy dog on a thread. She was so carried away into her moment of fun that she didn’t realize she had bumped into someone.

“Ah! Oh, no! I’m so sorry.” Hyewon went to help the girl up. 

She was chubbier and shorter than her and. She was also crying that Hyewon comforted her while trying not to cry herself.

“My balloon~” She cried while pointing up.

Hyewon saw the purple balloon drifting towards a tree as its thread got stuck on a branch. Hyewon went to that tree and climbed. She got to the branch where the thread got stuck and slowly crawled her way to it.

Alas! The branch broke and Hyewon fell. It was her turn to cry as she got the balloon with one arm and got injured with the other. The crying girl got worried and called for help.


“I’m sorry…” 

The Kang family watched as the crying balloon owner bowed while her parents are watching her. They accepted her apology as they looked back at Hyewon with a cast on her arm.

“Always be careful with your toys and don’t you ever put another person in danger! Understood?!”

“Buddy, don’t be too hard on Eunbi. She didn’t mean to do it.” 

The husbands consoled each other together with their wives. Little Eunbi was still guilty but Little Hyewon told her not to cry and blame herself – even Little Kyungwoo joined in.

“You’re a heroine, noona. You got Eunbi-noona’s balloon~” Kyungwoo was amazed as he lightly poked Hyewon’s injured arm.

The parents heard them and the Kwons considered the advice of the Kangs. They came to a mutual agreement to make sure that their kids won’t be in danger when playing outside.

“Eunbi-ya, time to go.” Her father called.

Eunbi bowed again and went to her father. She spared a wave towards Hyewon before they left. It was then that the Kangs looked at Hyewon.

“I’m fine, Appa…Eomma…Kyungwoo-ya.” Hyewon said as she slowly lifted her arm. “I’m sorry if I made you worry because of my injury. I accidentally bumped into Eunbi and caused her to let go of her balloon. I had to get it as a token of forgiveness.”

The parents may be a little crossed but the ends were justifiable. Nonetheless, they carried their young children to their bedrooms and tucked them to bed. 

“Goodnight, Kwangbae.” Her mom spoke as she kissed her forehead. “Be careful for your arm.”

Hyewon would’ve slept but her mind was idle. She slowly got up and decided to read when she was shocked to see –

“Eh?! Hyewon?”

“E-Eunbi-ya!” Hyewon gasped. “We’re neighbors?”

“Apparently so.” Eunbi spoke as she got to her window. “How’s your arm?”

“Still broken.”

“I’m sorry that you had to get my balloon…” Eunbi lowered her head.

“It’s not your fault. It’s my fault for being careless.” Hyewon added. “It’s late. You should go to sleep.”

“Same to you…” Eunbi spoke then called. “Hyewon-ah~”

“Yeah?” Hyewon asked.

“Let’s play tomorrow!” 

Hyewon agreed to it. Their parents scolded them to sleep and they went back to their beds. Hyewon finally tucked in as she was excited to start another day…

A day with Eunbi…


A flash almost knocked the headlights out of Hyewon but she returned from memory lane as she faced the love of her life, her soon to be wife…

Her Eunbi.

“By the power vested in me, I announce you husband and wife.” The MC tossed confetti. “Mazel tov.”

Eunbi tackled Hyewon for a tight hug and a long kiss. Their family and friends cheered as the lifelong friends started a relationship and were finally committing to the world of marriage. 

Eunbi and Hyewon ran outside the chapel and got on Hyewon’s Ducati. She and Eunbi drove to a place where they can start their new lives together, a place where they can share and become one embodiment of love.

A place that had a shabby house sold to them.
“Alright.” Eunbi ripped off her gown and removed her viel. “Let’s build our future home.”

Hyewon wowed as she removed her bow and cardigan. Eunbi had smooth and thick legs.

“Don’t gawk at me, you sly fox.” Eunbi smirked as she poked Hyewon’s cheek. “After we have our home.”

Hyewon nodded and focused on the task. “Alright! Let’s build our house.”


A year passed and Eunbi and Hyewon were still together, married happily. A mansion was rooted onto the same spot where they rebuilt their shabby house and the two landed on very successful jobs – Eunbi was a CEO of a bakery while Hyewon was a senior pilot on Korean Airlines. 

Today, it was family day. The two were on a picnic, eating delicious sandwiches and laying on the mat, feeling the cool breeze and watching the clouds. 

“Look, Kwangbae~” Eunbi pointed at a cirrus cloud. “Looks like a set of paper strips.”

Hyewon laughed and pointed at a stratus cloud. “That one looks like cotton candy.”

“Aigoo…you and food.” Eunbi pinched her husband’s cheeks before kissing them. “And that cloud looks like a baby!”

Hyewon looked and Eunbi was right. Not only that, the clouds they saw formed more babies within their imaginative perspective.

“I always wanted to have children.” Eunbi spoke as she cuddled close to Hyewon. “It would be nice to see them play, gurgle at you while they try to say your name, and to watch them grow to become like us.”

Hyewon hugged Eunbi back while she kissed her forehead. She wouldn’t mind that too. But with comes a responsibility that they must accept. For Eunbi’s happiness, Hyewon was willing to give her everything she wants.

“Let’s adopt one, love~” Eunbi suggested. “Please?”

Hyewon chuckled and said, “I have a better idea.”


“This is impossible, Kwangbae.” A pink short-haired scientist spoke. “The chances for the chromosomes to combine and develop offspring are low.”

“Come on, Kkura. Can you at least try?” Hyewon persuaded her. “It worked when you and Kaeun-nim had Yena, right?”

“That was pure luck, Kwangbae. And it was risky.” Sakura spoke. “Our baby Yena had to go through abnormalities and we had to put her in an incubator for six months.”

“But she’s a healthy baby now. She even waved hi to her Aunt Eunbi.” Hyewon spoke and blocked Sakura. “Please…I want us to have kids too.”

“You want IVF but with two egg cells, correct?” Sakura asked. “Just like what Kaeun-chan and I did when we had Yena?”

Hyewon nodded. Sakura sighed and agreed, getting a tight hug from Hyewon. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

Sakura patted Hyewon’s back for her to let go, especially when their wives got inside. Eunbi and Hyewon shared their hugs whereas Sakura tackled her taller partner for a kiss.

“Love, it’ll happen for real!” Hyewon cupped Eunbi’s cheeks. “We’re gonna have kids!”

“There’s a catch, Kwangbae. I explained it to Eunbi and I’m sure Kkura told you about it.” Kaeun added. “There will be risks, especially towards Eunbi and the offspring. The chances of fertilization are also low. If ever your two cells won’t create a zygote and won’t develop a morula, we’ll have to get a sample and use both your egg cells to create offspring.”

Eunbi was considering the option but Hyewon wasn’t. It wasn’t right for her for their future child sharing DNA of another person. Hyewon wanted that their children are from her and Eunbi or in any way that does not involve one’s .

“You need to talk about it thoroughly plus you need to sign a waiver.” Sakura spoke. “You need to be sure about doing this, not because we won’t be liable but because it’ll be a huge responsibility.”

Eunbi and Hyewon nodded and got out to talk. Eunbi was alright with whatever options as long as they get to have children. Hyewon, however, was heavily concerned about insemination.

“I’m really sorry for being so uptight, love. I just want our future children to be the fruits of our bloodline.” Hyewon spoke. 

“I understand. How about this.” Eunbi spoke as she cupped Hyewon’s cheeks. If ever that it doesn’t work, we’ll adopt one, okay?”

Eunbi agreed and they signed the waiver.


It was two months since the hospital and laboratory visit. Eunbi and Hyewon have their samples sent and they had no choice but to wait. However, every passing day reduced Eunbi’s patience that sometimes, she had breakdowns that Hyewon made sure to be always by her side.

Now, Hyewon was looking from inside their mansion, watching Eunbi sit on a relaxing chair in their backyard. Hyewon went outside to ease her wife’s worries, even if it was just a little.

“Love…” Eunbi held Hyewon close and sniffled. “…I’m getting restless again…”

“Shh…I know. I know.” Hyewon hugged her. “But we have to wait. Our scientist friends are working hard to resolve this. Please don’t cry…”

Eunbi nodded and still hugged Hyewon. Hyewon remained, making sure that her wife was okay and hoping that they’ll receive the news soon.


“One, two, three! Push, Eunbi!!”

Eunbi clutched onto Hyewon’s build as they dipped in a therapeutic tub that Kaeun and Sakura prepared. Eunbi didn’t scream nor cry. She only held Hyewon close and breathed during her pushes.

It turned out that the special IVF procedure was successful – thanks to prayers and luck. What made it better was in that process, two morulae were formed. To conclude, Eunbi got pregnant with twins…

…and she was on labor at this very moment.

“Baby #1 is out~” Sakura chanted as she carried the baby out of the water.

Kaeun took her place to watch out for the second baby. Hyewon whispered sweet nothings to Eunbi to keep her pushing. Eunbi felt relieved and did what she was told as the second baby came out like toothpaste and Kaeun quickly got the baby out and followed Sakura.

Soon, cries surrounded the area. Hyewon hugged her tired Eunbi as she cried with her. They waited for Sakura to finish cleaning the babies up and presented them to the couple.

“Look at them. Sweet little angels.” Sakura placed them in floating waterproof baskets, like how baby Moses was put to protect him from Egyptian tyranny. “Congratulations, you two. You have twins. All female.”

The couple could only look at them. Hyewon hugged a sleeping Eunbi as she adored her babies for the both of them.

“Name for the older twin?” Kaeun returned with the twins’ documents.

“Chaewon.” Hyewon added. “Yuri for the second twin.”


“Hey! Hey!” Kaeun greeted as she got inside the mansion. “We come to see the hardworking couple and the cute babies~”

“And we brought baby Yena with us~” Sakura added as a one-year old Yena was in her arms.

“Hi, guys!” Eunbi waved as she was on the couch.

“The babies are still sleepy. Sleepy little angels.” Hyewon carried them and showed them to the other family.

Both babies were asleep. Chaewon looked like she was motionless while Yuri moved a lot. Yena wowed as most of her attention was on the feisty Yuri.

“I’m feeling big soulmate energy with our kids, Kwangbae.” Kaeun spoke to which Hyewon laughed.

Eunbi called Hyewon to come closer and her husband obeyed. She still had Yuri in her arms as Eunbi got Chaewon in hers.

“How are you, Eunbi?” Sakura asked. “Do you experience anything?”

“I feel tired all the time. I even have a hard time sleeping…” Eunbi mumbled as Hyewon was quick to cradle Chaewon and her head.

“Postpartum recovery. Kkura was also like that.” Kaeun said as Sakura nodded. “Eunbi might feel a lot do things because of childbirth. You’ll have to help her throughout the next six months, Kwangbae.”

Hyewon took note of that and the pairs decided to keep each other company and talk about their babies.


“Kwangbae! When was the last time you washed your controller?!” Eunbi stormed in the living room as she carried Chaewon. “Don’t let the kids shove objects in their mouths!”

“Mama…conto...” Chaewon reached for it. 

“Come on, Eunbi-ya. Let the child explore and have fun.” Hyewon spoke. “Take Yuri for instance.”

Eunbi flipped out as Yuri was climbing on the counter. Hyewon took Chaewon and Eunbi rushed to get Yuri. She carried her and Yuri cried.

“Yul~ no climbing on the counter.” Eunbi reprimanded. “You’ll hurt yourself.”

Eunbi returned to the living room. She placed Yuri on the mat and laid down, tired and sleepy. Hyewon made room to lie next to her while she had the twins in her arms.

“I’m sorry about the controller, love. I’ll clean it next time.” Hyewon spoke. “I’ll also let Chaewon and Yuri drink their vitamins.”

Eunbi nodded and leaned her head on Hyewon’s arm. Chaewon slept between them whereas Yuri snored on Hyewon’s chest. Hyewon adored her mother and children that she joined them to rest.


“Daddy! Daddy!” Yuri ran and showed her a caterpillar. “It’s so beautiful!”

“It is…but don’t touch it with your bare hands next time. They itch.” Hyewon used a stick to transfer the insect and treated Yuri’s with anti-itching cream. “Use this next time, okay?”

Yuri nodded and got the stick, showing it to a fascinated Chaewon. Hyewon just laid by the blanket and adored her seven-year old chidren.

“Love!” Eunbi returned from buying their food. “You let them touch dirty stuff again!”

“Love, the kids are exploring. Let them be.” Hyewon said as she helped her prepare. “They wanted to play by the field.”

“And you let them…” Eunbi face-palmed then called them. “Ssamu! Yul! Come here!”

The twins stopped and walked dejectedly towards their parents. Eunbi sighed again as Chaewon and Yuri had dirty hands.

“Mommy! Mommy!” Chaewon showed a snail. “Look what I got!” 

It caused Eunbi to grow scared as she hid on Hyewon’s back. Hyewon chuckled and got it from her. “What a big snail!” She placed it on the grass. “Now wash your hands by the sinks. Then you can eat.”

Chaewon and Yuri wanted to race towards the sinks but Eunbi didn’t let them. She got a large bottle of water and soap. “The water there could be dirty. Just wash here.”

The twins obeyed and Eunbi helped them wash. Hyewon couldn’t say anything and helped her wife.


“Daddy~” Chaewon and Yuri nudged. “We want to eat corndogs! Please~”

“Sorry, kids.” Hyewon carried them. “No junk food. Your Mommy will get mad if you eat those.”

“Just one bite, Daddy~” Yuri whined and Chaewon nodded.

Hyewon were lining themselves up by a food stall. Eunbi specifically instructed to let kids have goguma sticks and apple juice, not street food and carbonated drinks. But with their cute pouts and whiny voices, how could she say no to such angels?

“Okay. One bite and that’s it, understand?” Hyewon spoke as the twins cheered. 

It was a bite for each of them and she’ll eat the rest. It was going to be fine. It’s just a bite, after all.


No. It wasn’t fine.

A crying Yuri was sent to the hospital because of a bad stomach. Hyewon rushed her to the ER and the doctors were quick to take care of her. Eunbi was a worried mom holding Chaewon’s hand as Hyewon rubbed her temples hard.

“This is my fault…” Hyewon mumbled.

“What?!” Eunbi heard her and flipped out. “What did you do?!”

“It was just a corndog – “

“You what?!” Eunbi was about to snap and faced Chaewon. “Ssamu, be honest to Mommy. Did your Daddy let you and Yul eat street food?”

Being a calm and honest child, Chaewon told the truth. It caused Eunbi to glare at Hyewon as she raised her eyebrow, a sign that Hyewon was going to be scolded big-time.

The doctor came to them and Eunbi asked about Yuri’s condition.

“Your daughter’s stomachache is an allergic reaction to corn starch. Did she eat fried food? A corndog, perhaps?” The doctor spoke.

Chaewon said yes. Hyewon looked back and scratched her head. Now she was twice as ed.

“What will happen to my baby, Doctor?” Eunbi asked.

“She needs to stay for the night to check her responses to antihistamine. She’ll be released tomorrow.”

The parents and the other twin thanked the doctor. It was then Chaewon asked. “Will Yul be okay, Mommy?”

“She will. She needs rest.” Eunbi assured her then faced Hyewon. “You stay here and watch over Yuri. Chaewon and I will return home to get some supplies and clothes.”

“Love – “

“Let’s discuss this later.” Eunbi snapped as she and Chaewon left.

Hyewon sighed and went to the information area to settle Yuri’s stay.


Evening came and Yuri was feeling better. She and Chaewon were drawing on their large sketch pad as Eunbi arranged their necessities – from food to clothes. Hyewon was at the cashier to pay the bills in advance and to take a breather after the stunt she just pulled.

She got back to the hospital room when Eunbi was in front of the door. Hyewon excused herself to see the twins but Eunbi slapped her cheek.

“You deliberately disobeyed me!” Eunbi snapped. “What the , Kwangbae?! You almost killed our baby!”

“I didn’t mean to, Eunbi. I couldn’t say no to the kids.”

“What if Chaewon was allergic and got hurt too?! Who will you blame? Will you still say that when our kids will suffer?!”

“I blame myself, of course!” Hyewon flipped out. “I blame myself for giving our kids the right to have fun and make decisions themselves in which YOU never supported!”

“Kwangbae, they’re our children! As parents, we must protect them!” Eunbi spat. “Think about the risks Kkura and Kaeun-nim talked about.”

“But that shouldn’t give you the right to belittle my sacrifices for Ssamu and Yul. I just want them to be happy.” Hyewon snapped. “And they’re not babies anymore, Eunbi! They’re growing up so stop forcing yourself to deprive the kids off of their happiness.”

“Mommy…Daddy…” Chaewon knocked on the door. 
Eunbi lets her come out and she was shocked to see her crying. “Why are you two arguing?”

“It’s just a misunderstanding, baby.” Hyewon explained as she carried her. “What do you need?”

“Yul and I want you to read us a story, Daddy…”

Chaewon rubbed her eyes as Hyewon comforted and got inside, leaving Eunbi to feel angry yet guilty. She remained outside upon realizing that Hyewon had a point.

She may have a nature to be protective and strict towards their children but she needed to loosen the reins to let them explore and learn on their own.


Hyewon smiled as she patted Chaewon’s and Yuri’s head. After reading them a story, they slept peacefully. Yuri would’ve taken the whole bed but Chaewon wanted to stay by her side, just as Yuri wanted Chaewon by her side. Now, Yuri was lying flat on her bed as Chaewon cuddled to her.

Hyewon’s hold was longer on Yuri’s head that she teared up looking at her. “Daddy’s sorry, Yul…”

“It’s not your fault, Kwangbae.” Eunbi spoke as she got inside after buying some bagels.

“It is. You were right, love.” Hyewon spoke as she puts her hands on her face. “I only know how to make them happy, not keeping them safe.”

Eunbi shook her head and went to hug Hyewon. Her husband sniffled and Eunbi had her chance to console her, after everything Hyewon did to console her during hard times.

“Hey…we make mistakes. We can’t be perfect parents but we always make sure to do things for our children’s sake.” Eunbi spoke. “I’m also wrong, love. You were right of me for being overprotective and for being too strict to the children. I realize that they need to have fun and learn by themselves too.”

“I’m sorry for today, love.” Hyewon mumbled. “I won’t be too carefree this time.”

“I’m sorry too, love.” Eunbi added. “I won’t be a killjoy this time.”

And with that, all was forgiven. They made be imperfect parents but one thing was perfect was their love for their children. And even if the waves of this life go on again, they’ll make sure to sail through it for their family.


“Dad~” A fifteen-year old Yuri and Chaewon got closer to her.

“What is it?” Hyewon asked as she prepped their lunches.

“Can we borrow your credit card?” 

“Why? You have your own credit cards. Use them.” Hyewon spoke as she packed their lunches inside their bags.

“But Mom won’t let us unless it’s important.” Chaewon spoke.

“We’ll have a hangout tonight. Yena will be there too.” Yuri pouted. “Can we just use your credit card, Dad? Please~”

Hyewon could never resist her daughters. She retrieved her secondary credit card and the twins got excited…

…until Hyewon placed it on her pocket. “Ask your Mom first.”

The twins whined but they regained composure and went to their mother. She was busy preparing her utensils when the twins faced her.

“What is it, you two?” Eunbi asked. “And should you get going to school?”

“Mom…we’ll be having a hangout later. Can we go?” Chaewon asked.

“And can we use our credit cards?” Yuri added her question.

They pleaded to their mother like how they did to their father. Eunbi wouldn’t have any of it. It was a waste of time and a distraction to the twins’ studies. And what if they go to an unsafe place? Who will protect them?

“Okay. BUT…” Eunbi spoke yet the twins continued to behave. “…be back by 9 PM. Set your phones in vibrate mode and answer our calls. If you don’t, I’ll call Yena. And only spend for your rations. No treating everyone.”

Chaewon and Yuri agreed and tackled Eunbi for a hug. Eunbi chuckled and hugged them back. Yuri went to hug Hyewon and pulled her for a family hug.

“Okay. Off to our works and school.” Hyewon broke the moment as they had to go. 

Hyewon drove their car and sent their children to their school first. Once they arrived, Chaewon and Yuri kissed their parents goodbye and got out together – even Yena spared a bow to her aunts. Next was sending Eunbi off to her bakery.

“Don’t forget to prep our favorite bagels, love.” Hyewon spoke as Eunbi hopped off of her car.

Hyewon got out to help her wife carry her stuff. The staff greeted their bosses as Hyewon placed Eunbi’s things on her office.

“Off you go now, love.” Eunbi spoke as she fixed Hyewon’s tie. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Hyewon added as she went out. “Take care, everyone.”

The staff bid their farewell to Hyewon as Eunbi clapped. “Back to work.”

Hyewon got to her car and drove to work with a smile on her face while she thought of the one thing that always had and always been part of her life.

Her family.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1752 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1752 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.