Confessions of Workaholics: Part 3 (KkuChaen ft. OT10)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

It was a busy time for the two firms. Their major project was 50% into completion and each members were idle in doing each of their tasks. Sakura and Chaeyeon would’ve had the least tasks since they had their subordinates to do the hard part of their work but they became the busiest because of their strict and concise management. They got so busy that Sakura rented a space that had a distance between their firms so they can work in the same space.

It was just a normal yet silent day at work until Chaeyeon huffed and slammed a fist. “Aish! I can’t do it!”

Everyone froze as Chaeyeon walked out of their temporary office. Eunbi sighed and went to calm her. “Yah, Chaeyeon! Wait up!”

Eunbi caught up with Chaeyeon. She saw their main accountant rubbed her temples as she held her phone tight. Eunbi wondered about Chaeyeon’s outburst when she saw her phone light up a familiar name.

Kim Minju

“Come on, Chae. The four should at least assure that you’re here.” Eunbi said, patting Chaeyeon’s back. “This is a great way to immediately transact with the contractor.”

“But what if they’ll tell my parents, Eun?” Chaeyeon spat. “Minju doesn’t know how to lie. She’ll tell my parents and they’ll nag me again!”

“Isn’t that a wonderful opportunity for you to finally face them?” Eunbi asked back. “Besides, you won’t be alone. Boss Kkura will come with you.”

Chaeyeon perked up, leaving Eunbi to face-palm. Chaeyeon imagined her and Sakura going to the HR department of their company and meet her four friends working there. She also imagined Sakura’s proud face that they got the transactions done instantly. She imagined her and Sakura have a little celebration together through a simple drink. Then, it went further – 

Chaeyeon squealed like crazy. Eunbi thought she was facing an existential crisis.

“You’re such a prude, Chae.” Eunbi commented. “You’re just going to come with Boss Kkura to settle transactions with the contractor, who happens to be one of our four friends.”

“Eun~” Chaeyeon whined and hugged her.

“Aish, why do I have to be the bridge between you and the boss?” Eunbi sighed. “I should have my salary increased for this.”

“What’s wrong, you two?” Sakura got outside and asked. “Are you okay, Jjaeyeon?”

Chaeyeon gulped and looked away, her conscience squealing on how Sakura was worried about her. 

“I was just flipping out because of my family, Boss.” Chaeyeon spoke honestly. “I didn’t inform them that I returned so they won’t bug me.”

“I see. Ready to come with me to Lee Accounting Firm’s HR Department?” Sakura asked.

“M-Me? C-Coming with you?!” Chaeyeon asked while blushing.

“Yes. Us CEOs should go there.” Sakura answered.

Chaeyeon was reminded of their main task together that she could only nod and give a thumbs-up. Sakura went out to her car and told Chaeyeon to wait. The accountant nodded like an obedient dog.

“You’re whipped.” Eunbi spoke.

“Shush.” Chaeyeon gestured. “This is a new moment with my – “

Sakura honked, making Chaeyeon return to reality and hopped in the car. She fastens her seatbelt and sat still. Sakura drove smoothly and the car ride became quiet.

It was so quiet that Chaeyeon had to blurt some words out to break it. “Uhh…Boss Kkura? How about playing a song?”

“It’s a safety violation, Jjaeyeon. It loses my concentration on driving.”

“How about a game?” Chaeyeon suggested again.

“What game?”

“Guessing game.” Chaeyeon spoke. “I give a main topic first. You ask me random questions about it and I’ll give you hints.”

Sakura maintained a stoic look and Chaeyeon thought it was a bad idea. She was ready to call it quits when Sakura agreed, most senses still on the road.

“Person.” Chaeyeon spoke the topic. 

“Man or woman?” Sakura asked.


Sakura took time to think about it. Chaeyeon adored her boss going through this game despite her usual impression. 

“Kwon Eunbi?” Sakura guessed.

“Right!” Chaeyeon cackled and clapped. “You’re really good at this, Boss Kkura.”

“Why, thank you.” Sakura spoke. “Should I have a turn?”

“Yes, boss. You can say any topic you like.” Chaeyeon spoke.

Sakura would’ve said something when their game had to cease from there. They were finally at Lee Accounting Firm but the HR department was at the back. Chaeyeon would be nervous to come to her supposedly future company but luckily, they only needed to see specific people. Nonetheless, Sakura parked the car and they both got out and went inside.

“Appointments, Miss – “ The guard was shocked seeing Chaeyeon.

Chaeyeon had a look, a sign that the guard should be quiet and not let her parents know that she had returned. The guard somehow read her mind and continued. “Appointments, misses?”

“We’re from MS Engineering and Architecture and LC Accounting and Law Firm.” Sakura spoke. “We came to see Ms. Kim Chaewon for a major project.”

The guard had no problem letting them in, especially with the heir around. Chaeyeon became cautious with her surroundings that she hid on Sakura’s back while walking.

“Is something wrong, Jjaeyeon?”

“I’m a bit nervous, that’s all.” Chaeyeon spoke, hands clutching onto Sakura’s back. “Will it be okay if I do this?”

“Alright. Just don’t tug too much.”

Chaeyeon was thankful. She continued to follow Sakura despite knowing the place herself. She continued to latch because she had to prevent the other workers from noticing her. Not only that, her conscience was cheering of this chance.

Boss Kkura has good muscles~

“We’re here, Jjaeyeon. You can let go now.”

Chaeyeon nodded and Sakura opened the door for them. They were greeted by four female employees, their contractor sitting by a pedestaled desk. They greeted Sakura and Chaeyeon but they suddenly yelped.


“Hush!” Chaeyeon shuts them up and looked up. “Thank God you don’t have CCTVs inside.”

“What brought you here, Yeon?!” Chaewon flipped out. “When did you return?!”

“Business. Boss Kkura wanted to reach a proposition with you and she brought me along.” Chaeyeon answered. “I returned here six months ago.”

“That long? And you didn’t tell us?!”

“I had no choice, Min. I had my reasons.”

“What reasons, Jjaeyeon?” Sakura was as curious at the rest.

Chaeyeon gulped. She couldn’t tell Sakura that it was because of being a heir to the building they were in and somehow, Chaewon read her mind.

“Nako, Hiichan, take this check to the payroll office.” Chaewon wrote her name and the amount down. “Let Miss Miyawaki come with you to settle the finances for the project.”

Sakura never thought the deal went quick. She ended up following the duo when she called Chaeyeon to come with her.

Oh, how she wanted that. But the secret had to be in the way.

“I’ll stay to talk about the budget, Boss Kkura.”

Sakura thought it was an excellent idea and left the office. Once the door was shut, Chaewon and Minju sat in front of Chaeyeon, holding their hands while eyeing their heir like she was a sinner.

“Don’t hold hands. You make me bitter.” Chaeyeon rolled her eyes.

“Why didn’t you say anything that you’re here, Yeon?” Chaewon asked.

“If I told you, you might tell Mom or Dad – even Ryeong and Min – that I’m here. They’ll nag at me nonstop!”

“We can always negotiate that, Chae.” Minju spoke. “You can even tell your parents that you were holding another responsibility as you run anlaccounting and law firm, that’s why you can’t take your responsibility as an heir. Surely CEO Lee will consider that.”

“I will but not now, okay?” Chaeyeon nagged. “I came here because of your deals with our firms, Ssamu!”

“Psh. How could I say no, especially when you’re the main accountant?” Chaewon spoke. “It’s out of professionalism because of your skill, and out of personal interest because you and Sakura are our dear friends.” She then held Minju’’s hand. “Right, love?”

“Very right, love.” Minju held back and shared a kiss.”

“Too much love in the air…” Chaeyeon turned away.

Chaewon and Minju broke with a giggle, just in time for their three Japanese friends to return. Sakura still had a stoic face yet the shock was present through her eyes, probably because their transactions went smoother than expected.

“We got the adjustments made, Boss Kkura. I’ll inform Miss Kim about it.” Chaeyeon spoke. “Shall we go?”

Sakura was frozen. Her face was still serious yet her gaze was stuck  at Chaeyeon. Seeing the latter work hard for their project, do her responsibility as a fellow CEO, and seal the deal with their contractor did works in her cold heart, as if it was thawing.

“Boss, don’t look at me like that.” Chaeyeon looked down, blushing.

“Sorry…” Sakura focuses again.

“Sweet.” Nako and Hitomi spoke before returning to their desks. 

“Don’t worry, Miss Miyawaki. Chaeyeon and I will come to an arrangement.” Chaewon spoke.

Sakura nodded and thanked them. Chaeyeon followed like an obedient puppy and they left the offices. Once they were gone, the four gathered in their discussion table.

“I bet Chaeyeon and Sakura will end up together.” Chaewon started. “You saw how Kkura looked at her, right?”

“Agreed.” Minju added. “Kkura may be cold but she’s warming up to our future heir.”

“With this set-up, we should have our own firm and work with them.” Hitomi reverted to another topic. “Working with Lee Accounting Firm rakes good income but it’s hollow without Chaeyeon. When will she ever agree in taking over the company?”

“And when will you marry me?” Nako asked, leaving the couple to react. “We’ve been a couple for seven years~”

Hitomi pulled Nako by the ear and he midget allowed to be dragged while mumbling her owws. Chaewon and Minju shared another kiss and continued working. 

Maybe Nako’s idea would be considered.


Chaeyeon and Sakura deove back to their office, with Chaeyeon being busy talking to Chaewon through chat. Sakura may have focused on the road but she would gaze at Chaeyeon sometimes.

“All done, Boss Kkura.” Chaeyeon spoke. “The project might finish earlier than expected. Do we need to adjust the timeline?”

“No need. That’ll be an allowance in case the project won’t finish early.” Sakura spoke. “Hey, Jjaeyeon.”

“Y-Yes, boss.”

Sakura went through a McDonald’s drive-thru. She ordered take-out for both firms then asked Chaeyeon. “What snack do you like?”

“Chicken nuggets and hash browns.”

“Coincidence. I like that combination too.” Sakura spoke then ordered for each of them. 

Once the transaction was done, they drove towards the take-out section. Their orders were served immediately through a small carton which Sakura placed at the back. Their hash browns and nuggets were at the center while their drinks were on cup holders. 

Sakura drove again while Chaeywon indulged on the nuggets. She got Sakura’s hash brown and inched it closer to . “Have a bite on the go, Boss.”

Sakura did just that, eyes still fixated on the road. Chaeyeon was grinning to the ear on how cute her boss was while her conscience wanted to tackle her and kiss her right there.

“Thank you, Jjaeyeon. Put it down for a moment. We’ll continue to eat at the office.”

Chaeyeon obeyed and saved their snacks for later. She couldn’t help but grin because this was the best time she spent with her boss.

Even if the chances are slim, Chaeyeon wasn’t backing down. She was eager to win Sakura’s heart in a steady pace.


Two years have passed since the start of the project and the reached the end with a huge success. The new building for Lee Accounting Firm’s new office was opened and the company’s stakeholders were there to witness. They congratulated Sakura and Eunbi for a job well done and had their pictures taken.

Why did Eunbi take Chaeyeon’s place? That’s because her parents were there. Even if two years have passed, Chaeyeon didn’t let her parents know  she was around. The accounting firm and LAF’s HR department understood while the EA firm thought she was sick.

After the formal party, both firms gathered in their office. Sakura instructed it and gave an annoucement.

“Good job in our project, everyone.” Sakura spoke and they all cheered. “Since we did a good job, I decided that all of us should have an official outing in Jeju.”

Everyone cheered again. Sakura even added that she earned a specific amount for all expenses in the trip so the members will be free of charge.

“Daebak~ as expected from our Boss Kkura~” Hyewon cooed as the EA firm bowed at her. “Thou art great, Your Eminence.”

“Get up.” Sakura spoke and they were quick to obey. “The outing will be this weekend so everyone can prepare. That would be all.”

They disseminated themselves to their respective homes. Sakura remained outside while waiting for a call.

“Waiting for her to answer?” Eunbi asked and remained with her.

Sakura nodded. Eunbi patted her back before she left. Sakura went to her car and continued to wait for the call.

Hello? Boss Kkura?

“Hey, Jjaeyeon. Are you feeling better?”

I am, Boss. I can report to work tomorrow.

“Don’t force yourself to report if you’re still not well.” Sakura spoke sternly. “Anyway, we’ll have an official outing this weekend. Expenses are on me. Will you be coming?”

I’d love to, Boss. I have to come. Haha~

“Yeah. I hope for it too.” Sakura spoke. “That would be all. Rest well and make sure to take medicine.”

Okay, Boss. Goodnight.

“Goodnight, Jjaeyeon.” Sakura replied before hanging up.

Sakura puts her phone down and had time to think. She didn’t understand why her chest felt soft and tingly. She also didn’t understand why she felt those things with Chaeyeon. She only looked at her as a jolly accountant and nothing more.

Her face said otherwise. Thinking about Chaeyeon made Sakura’s still mouth twitch.

She shrugged it off and decided to drive home.


Chaeyeon was squealing nonstop. She never thought Sakura called her for an official outing and checked on her if she was okay. Even though it was a fabricated lie so she won’t see her parents, Sakura’s actions just made her whipped to the bone.

Chaeyeon plopped on her bed while gazing at her gallery that had Sakura’s pictures on it. Those were pictures of official events back in the day where she was tasked to take pictures. She gave the important ones for their report while she kept Sakura’s solo photos to herself.

Her heart grew wings and they weren’t cut by inhibitions and the less chances of winning her heart. Chaeyeon continued to persevere and admire Sakura until the end.

In time, she’ll confess to her.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1752 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1752 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.