Reunited Angels: Part 6 (2Kim)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

A month has passed since the revelation. Chaewon grew closer to her other friends but grew distant with Minju and Yujin, especially Minju. She had a choice whether to chase love or wait for it but chose to wait.

She will wait that the feelings she had were going to fade. That way, she will finally give herself and Minju the peace they deserved.

“That’s enough, Ssamu.” Eunbi got the towel off Chaewon’s hand. “The shift’s over.”

“Oh…I didn’t catch the time.” Chaewon answered as she removed her apron. “Shall we go home now?”

“No.” Eunbi shook her head as she looked at Yujin. “I need to talk to Yujin.”

“Eun, I need to take Min home – “

“Ssamu will take her home and that’s final.” Eunbi asserted her authority as the leader of their circle of friends. “We have some things to discuss, AhnYu.”

“Eun, let Min decide.” Chaewon spoke.

Most of them looked at Minju, who was now trapped in a decision. Her heart was torn again but she had to stick to what she really wanted.

“I don’t mind.”

Chaewon and Yujin had their eyes wide. Eunbi patted Chaewon’s back and the latter helped Minju off her apron, grabbed both of their things, and went out together. Yujin had a dark look on her face but Eunbi mellowed it down with her darker look.

“Sit down.” Eunbi scooted a chair.

Yujin sat and Eunbi sat across her. It was a prolonged silence until Eunbi voiced out. “You saved Minju. Thanks to you, she didn’t give in but her destined connection with Chaewon has been altered. What will you do about it?”

“I can’t let Minju go.” Yujin asserted.

“It’s hard to be in the way of two destined people, isn’t it? Now you realize that her grandparents were right; that there’s a love that won’t change if two people are destined to be together."

Yujin nodded but answered. “It’s hard but I’ll do my best. My love for her hasn’t changed. I will stay with her, even if she won’t love me back.”

“You understand that concept of love but you choose to deny, AhnYu.”

“And why should I, Eun?” Yujin spat. “She needs me more than ever.”

“She needs Chaewon more. All of us can see the look in her eyes.” Eunbi spoke. “I call it as an excuse because of her cowardice. You think Minju is the only affected one in this?” She almost slammed a fist on the table. “Chaewon’s affected too; the most affected of the two. She’s bearing both of their pain all by herself.”

“And now I’m the one in the way?” Yujin spat back. “I was there! I was there for Minju when she wasn’t!”

“That’s because Chaewon was hurt as her. They were in the accident together.” Eunbi defended. “You’re hurting their love through your own. You can’t deny that Minju will always have Chaewon in her heart. There’s nothing bad of what you did for her, AhnYu, but it’s about time you let go and give Chaewon her chance back. Because right now, your love is hurting Minju’s love for Chaewon. Your love is hurting them both.”

“What about mine? You think my love doesn’t get hurt when Chaewon also loves Minju? Do you think I’m not hurt when Minju opened her heart for someone else that’s not me?”

“We’re their friends, AhnYu. We’re with them to support them, to make them happy, and to be truthful to them.”

“Eun, you know I did this because of the accident. I’d prefer Minju to never fully open her heart to Chaewon again.”

“I guess so. Chaewon may have wanted it too.” Eunbi spoke. “But I’ll tell you this. They may not open their hearts now but in time, they will. They cherished everything before and they’ll cherish everything now and in the future. They’re bound to feel each other’s feelings because they’re connected by an invisible thread.”

“I’m cutting that thread, Eun.”

“You didn’t, AhnYu. You only made the thread impossible to cut.” Eunbi spoke. “If you really love Minju, you’ll let her go so she can be happy. Let her live as the Kim Minju that she wanted to be.”

Yujin had no defenses to her reasons anymore. The lies she wanted to stand were crumbling down because of the truth. Being with Minju was wonderful but she couldn’t deny her misery. She was safe physically but not emotionally, mentally, socially, and spiritually. 

She couldn’t give her that. Only Chaewon can.


After taking Minju home, Chaewon met with Chaeyeon in a convenience store. Indulging on hot noodles and soda, they had their chance to talk. Chaeyeon did this because Eunbi told her to. Chaewon understood the same reason yet she went through it, hoping it could give her a bit of peace.

“Hey…” Chaeyeon patted her palm gently. “How’s the walk with Minju?”

“Wonderful. Always has and always will.” Chaewon spoke. “I never thought she and Yujin became a thing. Were you aware?”

“Yeah. Sakura and Hyewon told us.” Chaeyeon nodded. “I’m sorry if we didn’t tell you. It was better for you to find out on your own.”

Chaewon agreed. Although she felt betrayed, she understood that there’s always a time and place for everything. Truth is more acceptable when it’s handled with openness and patience and that she herself should handle it.

“And you’re doing pretty well with it, Ssamu. Waiting is also part of love and you always did your best to be patient.”

“I don’t think Minju does the same.” Chaewon spoke, shocking Chaeyeon. 

“It could be an effect of the accident, Ssamu.”

Chaewon shuts her eyes and nodded, all the while she remembers what happened back then.

It was a wonderful day because it was Minju’s birthday. Minju spent the day with her family and friends and after that, she and Chaewon spent the rest of it together, jist the two of them. For them, that was the best moment of the day. For Minju, it was the best gift she could ever wish for.

They were riding a bus towards their last spot for the day when it collided with a huge truck. The bus skidded and crashed on a post, sending its passengers with huge casualties. Some escaped while the rest were injured, even the vulnerable died.

Chaewon and Minju were injured. Minju had a bleeding head while Chaewon had a dislocated arm. Chaewon was the conscious one that she screamed her pain while carrying Minju out of the bus, just in time for it to explode. 

That fateful day was the worst. That fateful day caused Chaewon to feel fear, especially when Minju was in comatose for a month. She grew afraid because she failed to protect Minju on her special day and felt angry at fate and herself because she was equipped to tell her feelings but was unable to.


She didn’t and her fear succumbed her at that time. When Minju needed her, she was away and recovering from her injury. Minju wept as much as Chaewon did, leaving Minju the impression that Chaewon didn’t have feelings for her at all, thus she felt distant.

Chaewon may have had her fault but it was the only thing she knew to do to protect Minju, even if it’ll hurt her till forever.

“No wonder Yujin came in to aid her.” Chaewon mumbled. “It’s for the best, right? That way, Minju will always be safe.”

“Is it?” Chaeyeon asked back. “There’s no assurance but there’s also no harm if you believe. I believe that you still love Minju, Ssamu. And hopefully, that love will lead you back to her.”

“But she already has – “

“Remember what Halmeoni and Harabeoji said. No matter what happens, you’ll be together because you’re destined.”

Chaewon took a moment to think about it. She knew Chaeyeon was right but it would take time to dwell it in again. 

Her reverie stopped as Chaeyeon snapped her back to reality and they ate their noodles again.


It was a day-off and a farewell party for Wonyoung. The maknae of the circle will be studying in the U.S. and they decided to celebrate in the café. Everyone was there, including Minju and Yujin.

Everyone was seated on a long table. Minju was by the beer dispenser as she was getting her glass. Somehow, her eyes focused on Chaewon and she didn’t want to avert. 

“Hey.” A pat on the glass made her return to reality. “Too much is never good.”

“Sorry, Yul.” Minju excused herself. “I’ll serve you a glass.”

“I have hands, Min. I can do it myself.” Yuri spoke then looked at where Minju was looking at. “I suggest you sit next to your beloved.”

“Ah…you know it’s not like that anymore.” Minju mumbled. “I can only respect her.”

“Your mind will always deny but never your heart, Min.” Yuri spoke as she got a glass and went back.

Minju sighed and returned. With Yujin buat talking to Wonyoung, Minju got to sit next to Chaewon. Chaewon didn’t react and just drank her beer.

“Why overseas, Won?” Eunbi asked.

“Just need to be away plus my parents are there.” Wonyoung spoke. “I’ll return when I’m all good.”

“You could just stay, Won.” Yujin suggested, shocking everyone. “You have a bigger opportunity here plus you don’t need to worry about rent.”

“And what? Be the third wheel?” Wonyoung raised.

“Hey. Knock it off.” Eunbi scolded them. “This is supposed to be a celebration.”

“Thanks, Eun.” Wonyoung huffed then drank juice. “This is also why I need to get away.”

“Bull, Won!” Yujin slammed a fist and walked away.

Hyewon and Sakura went to console her. Wonyoung also walked away and Nako and Hitomi went to comfort her. Everyone was silent and Chaewon was comforting Minju because she was fidgety.

“Take Minju home, Ssamu.” Eunbi spoke.

“Will it be okay, Min?” Chaewon asked her.

Minju nodded. Chaewon got her jacket and they went out together. The rest watched them and sighed.

“Aish…how long will they admit to each other?” Yena scratched her head.

“That question’s running around our lives since the vacation at Mt. Gwanak,” said Yuri.

“It’s crucial but the only things we can do is believe that they’ll figure it out together and be there for them in their dark times.” Chaeyeon spoke.

“Chae’s right.” Eunbi spoke as everyone returned. “What’s wrong with you two?”

“AhnYu had the audacity to tell me not to leave yet she’s having a relationship with Minju!” Wonyoung spat.

“We’re best friends, aren’t we? We weren’t supposed to leave each other!” Yujin spat.

“We’re just best friends, AhnYu.”

Yena and Hyewon hissed for the savagery but Yuri and Sakura nudged them. Yujin was shocked as Wonyoung binged in drinking juice to calm her nerves.

“Where’s Min?” Yujin asked.

“Ssamu took her home. It was my instruction.” Eunbi spoke.

Everyone else became submissive. Yujin was distressed and binged on juice like Wonyoung.


“Are you okay?” Chaewon asked as she and Minju arrived at the house.

Minju was silent throughout the walk. Yujin’s actions were a major shock to her that she was walking with thoughts in mind. 

“I was a bit shocked.” Minju commented.

“Easy answer as always.” Chaewon remarked. 

“It’s not being easy. It’s being honest.”

“You couldn’t pretend being easy for once?”

Chaewon saw Minju’s eyes go wide and wet. She ended up cussing to herself and apologizing for her sudden remarks. “Anyway, how’s Yujin treating you? Is she nice?”

“Why do you ask that?” Minju asked back, crossing her arms.

“Just curious, especially when she lashed out on Wonyoung like that.” Chaewon added. “I’m worried if she does that to you.”

Minju gulped. As Chaewon spoke those words, there were no hints of lies. Chaewon may be tactless sometimes but she was always the one to speak honestly. Sugarcoating was never a talent Chaewon had. In fact, it wasn’t a talent of hers either.

“She’s bothersome.” Minju spoke out.


“She draws attention naughtily and nicely. It’s sporadic.” Minju added. “But mostly, she draws attention sadly. It’s like she desperately draws attention to say something.”

We share the same feelings, Min…

“Anyway, I need to rest early. I feel a slight headache coming.” Minju spoke.

Chaewon nodded and Minju got inside without a goodbye. Chaewon sighed and paced around, her heart torn between keeping her thoughts and saying them. She made an attempt to knock on the gate but her patience told her to wait again.

Waiting was a part of love, after all.

Chaewon’s eyes became wetter, a sign that she needed to leave and try again…and again…and…

Yujin witnessed it all. Her mind was jealous but her heart was sorry.


“I’ll be going.”

Minju may not care as much but Yujin had been by her side since the accident. The void in her heart was filled by her but it would never be full. And that was one thing Minju needed to feel again to which Yujin could never do.

“Everyone needs to know, AhnYu.” 

“They will. It’s why I proposed a farewell party.” Yujin spoke. “I said I’ll get going because of my class schedule.”

Minju almost laughed at her own idiocy but Yujin was a step ahead. She waved at Minju and got outside, shocked to see that Chaewon was already by the gate. Chaewon was just as shocked as her.

“You came to see Minju?” Yujin asked.

“I was about to…” Chaewon whispered while she lowered her head, scratching it. 

“I heard you, Ssamu…but I don’t want her talking to you…” Yujin spoke. 

“Okay…but – “

I want to talk to you.”


Chaewon and Yujin ended up sitting on a bench by the university square, both embracing the wind and the noises of the outside world. Chaewon was patient as ever whereas Yujin was conflicted.

“What is it that you want to talk about, AhnYu?”

“I’m sorry.”

Chaewon looked at Yujin, seeing the girl look back with remorse in her eyes. “For what?”

“For breaking you and Minju apart.”

“What the…” Chaewon rubbed her temples before regaining her composure. “That’s not your fault. It’s not even your concern.”

“It has. It always has because both of you are my friends.” Yujin defended. “I also say this because I have given Minju a hard time with her emotions. I tried opening the doors of her heart but she closed them because it wasn’t you.”

“What with this, AhnYu?” Chaewon tried to chuckle the awkwardness out. “Why does it feel like you’re going somewhere?”

“I am.” Yujin spoke, shocking Chaewon again. “I’ll be going after the party so I want you to take care of Minju from now on.”

Chaewon was shocked again, especially when Yujin stood up. The action made Chaewon stand with her. “Wait!”

“What is it?” Yujin asked.

“Thank you…” Chaewon began. “Thank you for being there for Minju.”

“It was you who was truly there for her, Ssamu. You weren’t thee for her during her recovery but it was you and your love that saved her.” Yujin added. “I may have been there but to her, you were there.” She pointed at her heart. “Don’t worry. She’ll return to you because she’s always with you.” 

Yujin patted Chaewon’s shoulder before walking away. Chaewon sighed as she didn’t stop her.

“I’m sorry, AhnYu…” She added. “…but don’t worry. I’ll love her more.”

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1761 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1761 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.