Affianced Rivals: Part 3 (JangChae)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

Weekends would be a time for rest but not for the affianced fencers. They practiced with the rest of the fencers the whole day for the Interschool Olympics, exchanging èpèes, foils, and sabres, and conducting bouts to determine who gets to compete in which of the three matches. 

The affianced fencers were special. Because of their skills, they get to compete for all three individual matches. 

“Kim, good work on your riposte.” The Coach spoke as she watched a bout of individual sabre. “Jang, remember not to focus too much on your parries and attack.”

Chaewon had the deity of determination in her. She didn’t miss the practice this time and did them properly, especially on the different bouts. Wonyoung maintained her own discipline and always looked graceful in all bouts, especially on individual foil.

The bout was settled with scores 10-13, with Chaewon as the winner. Their Coach gave all of them a break before starting the relay bouts. Chaewon huffed as she took off her mask and rested on the bench, clutching onto her right hand.

“Righties have a disadvantage, huh?”

“Says the lefty.” Chaewon scoffed. 

Wonyoung sat next to her, chugging her Gatorade. Chaewon got her drink and struggled a bit because she was using her left hand. Wonyoung looked around and grabbed Chaewon’s Gatorade, opening the bottle for her.

“Thanks.” Chaewon was shocked but she drank anyway. “Someone could’ve seen us.”

“Come on, Kim. We may be rivals but we’re not that edgy to hate on each other, now?”

“Point taken.” Chaewon nodded and continued to drink.

Wonyoung joined her but her eyes didn’t avert from Chaewon’s limping right arm. She knew Chaewon was at a disadvantage because of being right-handed but her attacks were always on point. She was worried that it could lead to an injury and that she won’t be able to compete in the Interschool Olympics.

“Your hand…” Wonyoung lost it and held Chaewon’s right hand. “We need to get that healed.”

Chaewon winced as Wonyoung gently poked her palm, just at the area close to the thumb. Chaewon had to let go as the Coach got to their area.

“Jang, Kim. We’ll have the relay bouts. Would you want to team up?”

“Coach, can we excuse ourselves?” Wonyoung asked.

“Yah, Jang Wonyoung – “

“Allow me to Kim to the infirmary.” Wonyoung disrupted Chaewon and showed her right hand to the Coach. “She’s wincing, probably because of a minor injury.”

“There’s no need for you to come, Jang.” Chaewon got her hand off. “I’ll go to the infirmary myself.”

“Sounds good. And you two deserve the rest after the three intense bouts earlier. Besides, I want you to check up on your right hand, Kim.” Their Coach added.  “I refuse to see that hand worsen towards a major injury. You and Jang must be in good shape to play for the Interschool Olympics, understand?”

Chaewon wanted to bat again when Wonyoung thanked their Coach for the reconsideration. She grabbed their stuff and pulled Chaewon to follow her, leaving their Coach to chuckle.

She had a hunch that the dating rumor was true but it shouldn’t matter in a negative way. To her, Chaewon and Wonyoung looked good together.

“What? Jang and Kim are excused again?” One of the fencers asked.

“Perks of being one of our best athletes, I must say.” Another added.

“Stop your yammering and group yourselves into five!” The Coach heard them and spat, leaving the fencers to grow scared and obey her.


Chaewon gulped as the doctor showed a X-ray of her hand. Judging from the diagram, the tendons of her thumb snapped.

“It’s a good thing you came here instead at the infirmary.” The doctor spoke. “The facilities here are better – the best of this country.”

“You can say that again, Mommy.” Wonyoung spoke. “Will Ssamu be able to compete for the Interschool Olympics?”

“She can but starting today, she can no longer practice. We’ll conduct a minor surgery to reconnect those tendons and she needs to rest her hand until the competition.” 

“Eommonim, is it really necessary?” Chaewon asked. “Can’t I wear a cast while I play?”

“I’m sorry, Ssamu dear, but rest is necessary. You have a choice to follow that but it could put more risks to your right hand. If the injury worsens, you might not be able to use that hand for a long time.”

Chaewon was devastated and Wonyoung comforted her. “Mommy, I’ll make sure to take care of Ssamu throughout the practices until the competition.”

“Okay, dear.” The doctor went to peck their foreheads. “I’ll leave you two for a bit.”

The doctor went out of her clinic as Chaewon sighed while looking at her swollen right hand. Just then, a kiss stopped her from daydreaming, leaving her to look at the culprit. “Having your mother for a doctor has its perks, huh?”

“Yes. She’ll be your mom too.” Wonyoung answered, kissing her cheek. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were hurt?”

“It just happened after the bouts, Won. There was no way I won’t tell you if something’s wrong.” Chaewon reasoned. “I didn’t recall snapping a tendon.”

“But don’t fret. You’ll have your surgery and we’ll get that healed before the competition.” Wonyoung hugged her tenderly. “I’ll take care of you.”

“I usually do that for you.” Chaewon mumbled, adding a pout.

“I should do it more often because you look cute pouting like that.” Wonyoung kissed her cheek again.

Chaewon pouted and whined like a baby cheetah and Wonyoung gave her kisses with every whine and pout. Chaewon ended up hugging Wonyoung close just to stop her.

“Thank God I love you, Won.” Chaewon spoke.

“I love you, too, darling…” Wonyoung giggled.

A click was heard and Wonyoung’s mother returned with a big smile on her face. She always adored them as an affianced couple and she couldn’t wait for them to grow and get married. She also takes sweet pictures of them together.

“Mommy~” Wonyoung got her turn to whine. “Delete that picture.”

“No, no. I’m keeping a memory of my daughters.” She spoke. “Ssamu dear, I talked to your mother about the injury and they say that you must have the surgery immediately. Will it be okay?”

Chaewon nodded and Wonyoung’s mother called their surgeon and anesthesiologist. Wonyoung would’ve been strong to stay by Chaewon’s side but it turned out that Wonyoung became scared for Chaewon’s sake.

“It’s okay, darling.” Chaewon eased her. “I’ll be fine. I’m doing this for you.”

“The room is ready, Ssamu dear. Let’s go.”

The couple followed their mother towards the operating room. Wonyoung became nervous but Chaewon held her hand and made sure that it was all going to be okay.


Time passed as the Interschool Olympics were almost around the corner. For the affianced couple, Chaewon was always in the practices but never in the bouts – even if she tried to spar with her left hand which gave her a major scolding from their Coach. Wonyoung improved with her attacks and was a sure champion in the individual foil because of her tall stature and her precise hits.

Today was a day-off from the practices. Chaewon and Wonyoung were resting in their large sofa bed, with Wonyoung being a bigger spoon to an injured Chaewon. Wonyoung always pulled Chaewon closer and rested Chaewon’s bandaged hand on her chest, kissing her fingers.

Their little moment was disrupted with the doorbell. Wonyoung gulped and stealthily got to the door, looking through the peephole.

It was Yujin and Yuri. Again.

“My house is a mess, guys! Sit by the gazebo!” Wonyoung spat.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Won! We’re going inside!”

“Not yet, AhnYu!!” Wonyoung locked the door before Yujin could open. “Just stay at the gazebo, will you?!”

“Fine. Be quick, Won!” Yuri added.

Wonyoung huffed and returned to Chaewon. She was awoken from the noise and understood. Wonyoung got to her and helped her up.

“Darling, I’m sorry…” Wonyoung mumbled.

“It’s been ten days, darling.” Chaewon mumbled as she yawned. “It’s not that I don’t like your friends but you could’ve at least gave me a heads up if they’re coming.”

“I know.” Wonyoung cupped her face before kissing her. “Can you stay at our bedroom? Please?”

“Okay. I want to go back to sleep, anyway.” Chaewon spoke. “Just make sure to lock the room.”

Wonyoung insisted in escorting Chaewon to their room and tucked her to bed. She gave a little kiss before going out and locking the room. She went out of the house and called her friends.

“It’s about time, Won. It’s freezing outside.” Yuri spoke and got in.

“Why didn’t you let us inside right away?” Yujin asked. “What were you doing?”

“I was cleaning the house and getting rid of roaches.” Wonyoung answered, making Yuri yelp. “Your other puppy friend is a scaredy cat of bugs in a nutshell. I have to make the house pest-free and dirt-free.”

“Great! Now we can do out skin care routines~” Yuri chanted and got out tons of skin products from her bag. “I got this from my mom.”

“Awesome!” Wonyoung wowed of the quantity.

“I also got some from Daegu!” Yujin got out her collection of beauty products.

Wonyoung was a er for beauty that she got excited in trying them out with Yujin and Yuri. These were one of the things they do whenever the friends visit the house as a bonding activity and Chaewon would hide within a secluded corner in the house so she won’t be seen. It was the same for Chaewon whenever Yena visited so they’d play video games.

Both lovers have their ways of keeping their relationship hidden but they’ll never know how long it will take for them to keep it.


Chaewon was off to the hospital for an appointment about her right hand. Wonyoung’s mother was her doctor from the beginning of her time that she always prioritized her in every check-up.

“Why didn’t Won come with you, Ssamu?”

“Ah…her friends came to visit the house. She’s keeping them company.”

“Aish, that child!” She spat as she unwrapped the bandage. “She prioritizes her friends more than her future husband. If she doesn’t treat you well when you get married, you tell me, okay? I’ll give her a scolding.”

“Okay, Eommonim.” Chaewon laughed.

Wonyoung’s mother lets Chaewon test her right hand’s reflexes. Chaewon managed to move her hand and tried clasping it as if she was holding a sword.

“You’ll need to be careful in gripping objects, Ssamu, especially when you hold the épée.” 

“It’s okay, Eommonim. I’m practicing my left hand when I do bouts so I don’t strain my right.” Chaewon spoke.

“I can’t wait for the tournament, Ssamu dear. I’m sure you and Won will win.”

Chaewon thanked her again and they did the checkup. They had a little talk before Chaewon walked home and Chaewon had a laugh on how savage her future mother-in-law was. Nonetheless, she stopped by a restaurant and ordered pizza for their dinner. In less than ten minutes, Chaewon arrived home.

Alas. Yujin and Yuri were still inside.

Chaewon crept as quick as she could towards their bedroom window. She carried the pizza box with her right hand and used her left body as leverage for her to climb up the balcony. She almost slipped but luckily, she got up. The thudding didn’t help and she cussed.

“What was that, Won?” She heard Yuri asked.

“I think it’s from the bedroom. I’ll check it out.” She heard Wonyoung answer.

Chaewon was relieved and got inside the bedroom with ease. The pizza she carried would almost become mush from all the dragging but their dinner was still their dinner. The lights were on and a door was open to see Wonyoung.

A worried Wonyoung.

“Darling.” She locked the door and got closer to her. “Why did you…you could’ve hurt yourself!”

“I had to, darling. I had to get inside the house without being seen.” Chaewon spoke. “I used my left side of the body as leverage so it’s all good.”

Wonyoung still checked on her. Chaewon thought she had the most caring future wife in the world.

“Don’t climb up the balcony next time.” Wonyoung reprimanded. “Text me if you’re home so I can do whatever it takes to send my friends home.”

Chaewon nodded and she felt a peck on her lips, freezing her. Chaewon looked at her future wife and felt her palm on her face. She saw her close her eyes for another kiss and Chaewon mimicked her movements...

…until a knock was on the door.

“Won! We should eat pizza in your room!” Yuri yelled.

“It’s here~” Yujin added.

Chaewon cussed and Wonyoung tells her to hide in the closet. Chaewon followed suit, carrying the pizza with her. Wonyoung shuts the closet door and opened the door to her room.

“What was that about?” Yuri asked.

“I’m fixing my room so we could eat here?”

Yuri and Yujin bought that and they set Wonyoung’s mini table at  the center. They placed the glasses, the pizza, and the big bottle of Cola and ate. Yuri and Yujin ate wholeheartedly as Wonyoung ate with small bites, eyes looking at the closes while her heart worried about her future husband inside.

“You okay, Won?” Yujin asked. “You usually take big bites.”

Wonyoung ate the slice in one go and her friends cheered and gave her another slice. Wonyoung chewed and gulped before drinking her Cola and indulging on the second slice.

“Hold on.” Yuri whiffed. “I smell another pizza!”

Wonyoung was damned that she ate the second slice in one go again. Inside, Chaewon was shocked on how Yuri smelt the cold pizza she bought.

What a dog, indeed.

“It’s coming from the closet – “

“Aish! Eat another slice, Yul!” Wonyoung handed her a slice.

Yuri shrugged and ate. Yujin got her turn in smelling the other pizza that she went to the closet. Wonyoung sprinted towards her while Chaewon covered so she stays quiet.

“Haha…what are you talking about, AhnYu?” Wonyoung stops her. “I don’t store pizza in a closet. That’s unhygienic.”

“But I can smell it. Yul can smell it.” Yujin whined. “It smells like the best selling pizza from Dominos.”

Chaewon cussed in her head. How could Yujin know what pizza she bought and where she bought it?

We have another dog.

“Aigoo…both of your senses are getting sloppy.” Wonyoung reasoned out and pulled Yujin back to their table. “Come on. Let’s finish eating because it’s almost 8.”

8:00 PM was curfew for Yuri and Yujin to return to their homes. It was far from the house and the bus rides take thirty minutes so they need to be in their homes before 9:00 PM. Therefore, they ate pizza and drank Coke until their stomachs couldn’t handle it. Wonyoung maintained peripheral gazes towards the closet because she was worried that Chaewon would be hungry or that she ate cold pizza inside. 

The dinner lasted for a few minutes and halves of the pizza and Coke were left. Wonyoung decided to keep them and clean the table up but first, she escorted Yuri and Yujin outside, giving Chaewon the taste of freedom. She saw the table and decided to set it up for the two of them. Not long after, Wonyoung returned and she smiled as Chaewon was already by the table and had both pizzas on the table.

“I’m sorry about that, darling.” Wonyoung sat next to her and hugged her.

“It’s okay. Your friends mean well.” Chaewon hugged back while looking at the food. “Goodness. I can’t eat the whole thing by myself.”

“And who says I can’t join you?” Wonyoung got a slice from Chaewon’s pizza and ate. “Besides, you bought my favorite from Dominos.”

“And your friends bought your favorite from Pizza Hut.” Chaewon added and Wonyoung laughed.

“We’ll eat your pizza for tonight and save each halves for tomorrow.”

“Sounds good, darling.” Chaewon got a slice and ate. “But are you sure you can eat another? I don’t want you to suffer a stomachache.”

“I won’t, darling. I promise.” Wonyoung assured her while drinking Cola.

Chaewon got a glass of Cola and clunked it with Wonyoung’s. They enjoyed a simple dinner and kisses with cheese and marinara sauce after another shocking experience in keeping their relationship.

The dinner ended and the pizzas were stored in containers before they were placed in the fridge. Wonyoung did the honors in washing their glasses while Chaewon threw the boxes and used plastic cups outside. Chaewon returned with Wonyoung sitting by the counter and Chaewon sat next to her.

“Darling.” Chaewon called. “What’s wrong?”

“Us keeping our relationship, I guess.” Wonyoung spoke. “This is the second major experience that we had trying the hide. I was so worried when you attempted to climb because what if you got hurt?!”

“Darling, it’s okay. I do that with Yena too.” Chaewon spoke. “We play games every weekend and you had to stay in the bedroom. I was also worried if you hadn’t eaten and if you were already bored.”

Chaewon sighed with her. They had their reasons to why they couldn’t publicize their relationship but hiding it will be difficult over time. It goes to show that the truth will always prevail.

“What if we tell them?”

“I don’t know, darling.” Chaewon spoke. “What if they’ll tell the school? If the school knows, our parents will kill them by defunding it.”

“Point taken…but you can trust Yuri and Yujin, darling. I even trust Yena and Minju had been the most helpful because she always kept it a secret.”

“Even if she babbled the rumor one time?” Chaewon asked, giving themselves a little laugh.

The laughter slowly died into silence and a series of yawns. Wonyoung was getting sleepy and Chaewon would’ve carried her tall stature to bed but her right hand injury was in the way.

Just when, Wonyoung hugged her from the back and gave kisses to her neck.

“No, darling.”

“But I’m 16! I’m not a baby!”

“Even if you’ll turn 86, you’re still a baby!”

Wonyoung slapped her shoulder lightly and Chaewon dashed to their bedroom while laughing. Wonyoung whined and caught up to her.

They decided to turn in for the night and halt the discussion from there. Even so, there might be a chance that their affianced rivalry will cease and that they’ll finally share their relationship.

It’ll have to wait…at least, for now…

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1762 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1762 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.