The Bodyguards: Part 3 (KkuChaen, YenYul, KangBi, 2Kim)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

It was another day and the Seoul Police Department got to the cabin. Hyewon was sent to the hospital and the cousins were sent back to the compound. The bodyguards remained and Chaeyeon was talking with her sister about the hitmen and the buy bust operation.

“It couldn’t be him, unnie. Baker was already caught.” Chaeryeong spoke. “Chaemin’s interrogating him right now, even General Miyawaki came to the station and attempted to kick his .”

“But how?!” Chaeyeon flipped out. “You sure it’s him?”

“Forensics say a 100% positive ID.”

Chaeyeon rubbed her temples. She was worried about the cousins’ safety, Hyewon’s life, and the possibility that  the enemy will strike again. 

“Well, whoever you got at the station wasn’t here last night. This was a professional. It’s even one of his subordinates!”

“This is crazy…” Chaeryeong was just as worried as her. “…we better pray that Chaemin can get some information about that bastard. Also, we’ll run up another round if one of his subordinates escaped.”

Chaeyeon pleaded for it and the sisters decided to return to Seoul together.


Stringent security surrounded the Miyawaki compound today as former SWAT member Kang Hyewon was gunned down at a lakeside retreat last week by an unknown intruder. Hyewon was the bodyguard of IZ*4’s leader, Kwon Eunbi. A spokesman for the Mnet Asian Music Awards nominees said that the members were devastated by the tragic event and added that, naturally, it cast a pall over the upcoming MAMA ceremony. It’s still unknown that the group or Miss Kwon will be attending MAMA. Word is that Miss Kang didn’t suffer fatal damage but it suggested that the members may not attend due to their safety.

Eunbi turns off the TV after the news and slumped next to Hyewon’s bedside. This horrific event tolled her system, especially of what she plotted towards her cousin. What’s worse was that an important person in her life got involved and was battling for her own life.

Eunbi wept and hugged an unconscious Hyewon. She finally admitted to her wrongdoings and asked for forgiveness. One of the bodyguards got inside and felt her heart heavy seeing the scene.

“Eunbi.” Chaeyeon’s voice was cold. “Your family’s waiting for you. There are things you need to discuss with them.”

“I’ll be right over.” Eunbi spoke as Chaeyeon waited outside.

Eunbi had a moment with Hyewon, hands cupping her face as she whispered her prayers. She looked at Hyewon one last time and kissed her. “I love you…I’ll return to you, okay?”

Eunbi was quick to let go and get out of the room. Her tears were endless as she followed Chaeyeon towards a talk that’ll change her life forever.

Whatever the verdict may be, she’ll make sure to get to Hyewon again.


Orange juice and vodka. Chaewon thought it was a weird concoction but knowing that it was Chaeyeon’s favorite and that she was curious, she tried drinking it.

It was strong and good…but she wasn’t up for another glass.

She sat down on the chair, letting the darkness succumb her surroundings as she was looking outside, feeling so down. With all that had happened, it tolled their emotions towards insanity. They may be facing war every day but humans were humans. There’s always a time to feel vulnerable.
Chaewon placed the empty glass and sulked when someone blocked her view. The outside view was replaced by a beautiful vixen. 

“You okay, Chaewon-ah?” She spoke as she reached to cup Chaewon’s cheek. 

Chaewon felt those hands melt her very being. She looked up to meet the vixen’s eyes, saying. “Yeah. I’m okay, Minju. How about you?”

“I couldn’t sleep. I was scared thinking about it…” Minju added. “What if it happened to you?”

Chaewon consoled Minju’s worry in a tight embrace. Minju snuggled onto Chaewon’s neck, just feeling her, as if her presence was her greatest source of protection.

“ you feel scared?”

“Everyone’s afraid of something, Minju.” Chaewon added, her fingers caressing Minju’s locks. “That’s how we know we care about things...when we’re afraid to lose them.”

“What are you afraid of?” Minju broke their distance so that they’ll face each other.

“It’s best if you try to go back to sleep.”

“I won’t…not until you rest with me.” Minju added. “What are you afraid of, Chaewon?”

Chaewon didn’t answer and Minju had her guesses, in which all of them were wrong. Minju kept persuading until Chaewon decided to answer.

“I’m afraid…of not being there for my loved ones when they need me the most…”

Chaewon felt a heavy weight on her. She looked to see Minju falling asleep on her hold. Chaewon carried her back to her bed, only to be pulled to sleep next to her. Chaewon sighed and held her close, eyes locked towards her.

She was really afraid. She was afraid that Hyewon got shot, that her friends are worried, that the Miyawaki family were in danger, and that she would fail to protect Minju.

Ironically, it gave her that ounce of courage to protect her despite the adversaries.


The days passed and the Miyawaki compound became a place of refuge for its family. The bodyguards were free to do nothing but they stuck to do their job for the family’s protection. The four of them were linked to the cousin’s hips – with one in intensive care.

Hyewon was recovering. After the talk, Eunbi was punished by putting herself on hiatus, stripping off of her schedules and her earnings from the girl group for the whole year. It was fine for Eunbi since it was a greater chance to be with Hyewon, watching her. For IZ*4, there was still a debate if they’ll attend MAMA or not.

And that’s when Sakura inched closer to Chaeyeon who was sitting by the pool, dipping her feet. She was now the leader and the decision maker for their group’s career and had the idea of talking to Chaeyeon about attending the award. 

“Do you mind if I sit?” Sakura asked as she was on Chaeyeon’s left.

Chaeyeon shook her head, wiping the wet floor as Sakura sat down and dipped her feet as well.

“It’s still not over, right?” Sakura asked. “Will that Nicholas Baker strike again?”

“It’s possible.” Chaeyeon answered. “There might be remaining subordinates who will do the bidding.”
“Even at the MAMA?”

Chaeyeon nodded. That’s where Sakura told her about attending the MAMA, that they have to attend for the fans and for Eunbi. It would be very important for the group to have their fans see them win.

“I don’t know, Sakura…” Chaeyeon sighed. “It’s still pretty dangerous.”

Sakura thought Chaeyeon was a bummer. “Just so you know. I didn’t get to where I am doing the smart thing all the time. How about you?” She poked Chaeyeon’s shoulder. “Lee Chaeyeon, the bodyguard who’s always out of the edge…”

“What are you playing at, Sakura?”

“Have you ever tried to do something that doesn’t make any sense?” She began. “You got to have one somewhere, deep within the crevices of your gut.”

Chaeyeon nodded. Sakura proved her point by nudging her again. “See? Because you’d never be good any anything without it…and you’ve been really good, Chaeyeon.”

Chaeyeon looked back and Sakura’s head leaned on her shoulder. Chaeyeon didn’t move her away and just sat still.

“I don’t usually say this but…it’s not your fault. And I hope you can hear me out because this is my apology to you.” Sakura spoke. “So if we had the chance to go at the MAMA, we’ll be alright because we have Chaewon, Yena, and you to protect us, right?”

Chaeyeon agreed to it with a melting heart. Sakura whispered her gratitude together with a kiss on Chaeyeon’s lips. Chaeyeon kissed back and whispered her agreement.

It’ll be fine. She promised to protect her whatever the cost.


The Mnet Asian Music Awards was an annual event celebrated by Asian artists, groups, and the such. Various performances are presented and awards are given for the best artists. 

For IZ*4, they were nominated for Artist of the Year and their comeback title was nominated for Song of The Year. Many people and fans bet for them to win that hearing the news of not coming to the awards bummed their hearts and feels. The news of Eunbi’s temporary departure from the group was twice as hurtful.

“Remember where we need to be.” Chaewon spoke. “You better not screw up, Haruppi.”

“Ssamu, cut her some slack.” Chaeyeon spoke. “She and Shige know what they’re doing.”

“Thanks, Yeon.” They raised their thumbs up.

“Maybe we should’ve not come here…” Yuri got worried, seeing the people. “…what if the hitman’s here?”

“You need to relax, Yul. Even Min’s calm. I’m not going to stress my mind.” Sakura added as she rested. “If it’s your time, it’s your time…right, Chaeyeon?”

Sike, said fate. Three of the four members came for the award, just as five out of the six bodyguards were watching over them. Their security was twice as strong but when they feel that decent fans want to engage, the bodyguards let them in a safe distance, even with interviews. They got to the dressing rooms and the producers discussed some assignments for the group – from their seats to their time of performing. In the case of Sakura, she will be a temporary MC together with an actor to announce the winner for the Song of The Year award.

Before getting to their respective areas, the bodyguards called the girls and gave them charms. They were different for every members: a fire emblem for Yuri, a cross for Minju, and a shuriken for Sakura. The girls thought it was beautiful.

“It has a radio transmitter connected to our gear. If anything happens, just press the button and we’ll be there when you need us.” Yena chimed.

“We’ll use these. Thank you,” said Yuri.

“Chaeyeon?” Sakura noticed her guard looking around. “Is something wrong?”

Chaeyeon could call herself a paranoid again but she had the feeling that within the crew, the hitman was hidden. Sakura called her again and she returned to reality.

“Nothing.” Chaeyeon spoke and all of them got to their positions.


IZ*4 chilled in their table for almost at hour until they were called to be at the backstage for their performance. The bodyguards were right on their tail until Chaeyeon patted Anna and Haruka’s back to fill in her spot as she looks around. The two bodyguards let her and Chaeyeon walked around the venue.

She didn’t want to leave Sakura’s post for she always swore to do her job seriously. But something in the ceremony was off. She couldn’t help that the said Nicholas Baker had remaining subordinates to do the bidding of causing havoc towards the girls. Even if they were General Shouji’s enemies, it would be wiser and more painful to target the enemy’s loved ones first.

Chaeyeon stopped by the stage, just at the very side of it as the cousins performed while the rest of the guards were at the other side. She turned to the side and saw a familiar person. “Kaeun?”

“Hey, Chaeyeon.” Kaeun waved as she was as observant as her. “How are you doing?”

“Good. What brings you here?”

“On the job.” Kaeun pointed at Miru by the audience. “Miru wanted to see her cousins perform. Yunjin’s by her post.”

Chaeyeon just nodded. Kaeun apologized about the incident at the hotel with Sakura and suddenly, she spoke. “Your instincts are correct.”

“What instincts?” Chaeyeon asked.

“About Baker’s remaining men being here.” Kaeun spoke. “The other hitman that escaped. Him.”

“A he?!”

Kaeun shushes her and they had to go somewhere private. They got to an empty hallway and decided to talk.

Chaeyeon’s eyes went wide about what’s happening. Kaeun had to explain as quick as she could. “SPD and SWAT collaborated to catch them. General Miyawaki and Director Shiroma worked on the plan to stop them but they got a little wrong with the venue plus they’re short on heads.”

“How many are we talking here?”

“The numbers are uncertain.”

Chaeyeon cussed yet she had the conclusion. One of them was the other hitman that escaped. “One of them might be a partner of that person that shot Kwangbae.”

“Possibly.” Kaeun spoke. “Let’s go and be cautious. We need to get rid of them before something happens to the cousins, including the innocent.”

“I’ll also try to contact Chaeryeong to have them stationed here.”

Chaeyeon connected their devices as she and Kaeun returned to where they met then splitting up to return to their assigned cousin. Chaeyeon walked quickly while she called for the rest of the guards. “Guys.”

What is it, Chae?

“This is the night we get the culprit, Yena. I saw Kaeun-nim and Yunjin and they say that the other hitman that partnered with the person that shot Kwangbae will strike with an unknown number of people.” Chaeyeon began. “I think she might go for any of the cousins so stay alert.”

. That’s crazy.

“Looks like it but she’s not, Shige.”

Kaeun? Isn’t that the tall giraffe at the party?

“That’s her, Haruppi. Don’t worry. She’s on our side.” Chaeyeon assured. “Listen. We need to assure their safety. Kaeun-nim and I will try to look for the rest and deal with them.”

Chaeyeon would’ve said more instructions but one of the staff had to confiscate her device for messing up their signals. Chaeyeon had no choice but to comply. She then ran back to the spot and talked with the guards about their plan.

IZ*4 finished their performance. Sakura had the keenest observation that as they got to the backstage and that she saw Chaeyeon’s serious expression, she had a bad feeling about tonight.

“Chaeyeon.” Sakura called, getting her attention. “What’s wrong?”

Chaeyeon couldn’t say anything. She broke off her serious shell and chose to protect out of secrecy. The rest of the guards understood her plight but Sakura demanded an answer, even Yuri and Minju wanted one.

It was cue for Sakura’s MCing and the coordinator reminder her. She was even mad at the presence of the guards for delaying the events yet Sakura defended them. “No. We want them.”

The coordinator was at loss and continued her work. Yuri and Minju returned to their seats with Yena and Chaewon as Chaeyeon was behind Sakura being escorted by the said actor who will be MCing with her. Haruka and Anna excused themselves to do Chaeyeon’s task in finding Kaeun and work with her to find the culprits.

Sakura got worried as her hands caressed the emblem. Despite the actor telling her to relax, it was never going to work. Nonetheless, the two celebrities got to the stairs and climbed together. Sakura’s gaze was still locked onto Chaeyeon yet she had to do her job and focus. Chaeyeon followed her in the shadows, eyes locked onto her.

As Sakura got into the pedestal, she remained professional in running the lines. But as it progressed, her fear was consuming her. It got to a point where she held the emblem tight and forgot to recite her lines in which her partner had to speak for her. 

The glimmering lights, the audience, the cameras, everything. Everything was fueling her fear up to her head that her left hand had to press the emblem’s button hidden by her right. Chaeyeon got a beeping noise but she looked at Sakura staring back at her.

It’s okay.

Those were the words Chaeyeon mouthed that made Sakura return to reality. She handed the envelope to her partner to reveal the winner for Song of The Year. As she looked at  the opened envelope, flashbacks of the events about the drug lord came to her like a boulder that even if their song was announced as the winner, Sakura stormed off the stage.

The staff got worried as Sakura continued to rush off. Chaeyeon ran to the other side. Yuri and Minju presented their award without Sakura and once they were done, they caught up with Chaewon and Yena on their tail.

“Something must’ve happened.” Minju spoke then as she approached Chaeyeon. “Didn’t she use her emblem?”

“She did but I didn’t go near her because there was nothing going on.”

All of them got to the dressing room and the cousins went to comfort Sakura. Chaeyeon wanted to draw closer but Anna stopped her. “Don’t, Chaeyeon.”

“Where’s Haruppi?”

“She’s with Kaeun-san and the SPD. They’ve dealt the subordinates quietly. I had to return after what happened to Sakura.”

“Kkura, are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine, Min. I’m fine!” Sakura spat then saw Chaeyeon. “Lee! You made me into a raving lunatic!”

Sakura huffed as she wiped her tears. Yuri continued to console her as Minju drove the annoying coordinator away, spitting at her that they’ll get to their seats after Sakura is okay to go. Chaeyeon sighed and had to tell her. “Miss Sakura, there’s something you should know – “

“You’re driving me crazy, Chaeyeon!” Sakura spat.

“She’s here with her subordinates – “

“Shut up!” Sakura faced her. “You’re a maniac! You’ve embarrassed me in front of many people and you won’t quit!” She stormed off. “Shige, you’re back in charge!”

She and her cousins followed together with Yena and Chaewon. Anna tried to calm her down. “Sakuratan, calm down. Wait for Chaeyeon.”

“Isn’t she coming or what?!”

Chaeyeon sighed for Sakura’s unreasonable rant yet she went anyway. As they walked, Haruka got to them as Anna explained the details while she stopped Chaeyeon to talk about the details. 

“Kaeun-san and Chaeryeong-san told me to tell you this. The hitman is James Prunier. He apparently was Baker’s right-man that escaped with ten subordinates. Eight of them are caught.”

“Are any of you coming or what?!” Sakura snapped again. 

Chaeyeon and Haruka stopped their talk and went towards the seats. The cousins sat as the guards stationed themselves by the sides. It was then Chaeyeon nudged Haruka. “You need to help me with this. You take the right side, I’ll take left.”

“Okay. What must be done?” Haruka asked.

“Try to keep those cameramen away. They don’t need to be there.”

Haruka nodded and went. Chaeyeon tasked the rest to stay in their post and they obeyed. Chaeyeon ran on the back and got to the left side of the backstage, just as the MC will announce the Artist of The Year award.

It was then that was about to get down when Chaeyeon saw a disguised staff holding a camera equipped with a gun. Haruka got to stop it but her eye was stabbed and she was knocked out by a karate chop. And just as IZ*4 were announced as the winners, Chaeyeon saw the remaining two subordinates, carrying the same equipment.

IZ*4 are the targets. And if any action won’t be done, it was going to be bloody.

Chaeyeon rushed to a more open spot to signal Chaewon and Yena to monitor the girls through signs, all the while she found all three men. The crowd, the cameras, and the lights became a distraction that as IZ*4 got to the stage and the light shone on them, Chaeyeon had to rush to the stage. 

It felt slow and intense. Sakura saw Chaeyeon run towards her as much as Yuri and Minju saw Yena and Chaewon run towards them. It was then that three simultaneous gunshots were heard as three bodies collapsed to cover the girls.

The staff had to cut to commercial as the audience panicked and ran for their lives. The security team of the venue had to intervene and forced the bodyguards’ weapons off. Sakura’s question of their actions rang like an alarm as Haruka was up, shouting the hitman’s name as she and Anna rushed to look for her. The SPD also busted themselves open to search for the remaining culprits, with Kaeun shooting the two subordinates as Yunjin got Miru to safety. 

Chaeyeon sweated as her white shirt was tainted in red. She saw the hitman and used her last ounce of energy to shoot him, breaking the camera as he was shocked and arrested by one of Chaeryeong’s men. 

“The artists are bleeding!”

“It’s not us!” Minju realized first as she held Chaewon’s bleeding chest.

“They’re our bodyguards!!” Yuri spat as she had a hand on Yena’s bleeding waist.

It hit Sakura as she had a bleeding Chaeyeon in her arms. She saw her sunken eyes and even spared a grin. Sakura’s nos and Chaeyeon’s name spat in as she nudged her to not give in.

Chaeyeon’s eyes closed as Sakura feared for the worst. “No, No!! Chaeyeon-ah!!” She sealed her wound on the shoulder with her hand. “Come on! You can’t die in front of me! Stay with me, baby…stay with me…”

Chaeryeong got to her sister’s aid and yelled at her team to get the paramedics. Anna and Haruka got to them and had to pull the cousins away as the bodyguards were sent to their respective ambulances. It didn’t stop the cousins to follow them and be by their bodyguards’ sides, holding their hands and whispering sweet nothings of holding on.

It became a messy night. Drug syndicates were arrested, civilians were in a state of panic, bodyguards were injured, and paparazzi were still paparazzi. But in the case of IZ*4 and their bodyguards, it was an unforgettable night of various emotions, with worry dominating most of them.

They ed their wins and their trophies tonight for they’ll lost their true trophies if they don’t hold on to their lives. 


A week passed but at the time, the Miyawaki family were finally peaceful. Their enemies were arrested and punished, they were now safe, and their lives were back to normal. 

Such was a different case for IZ*. Eunbi finally returned and they even have Nako and Wonyoung as additions, hence the name change They paved their way to become a very successful girl group that still needed their family’s security team in case bad things will happen again.

A limousine got to an airport and out came six new faces in the security team. IZ* also came out assisted by a long-haired Anna and a one-eyed Haruka. Haruka saw familiar faces in the distance and got to them, sparing hugs and handshakes. Anna managed to catch up and did the same thing.

“How’s it going?”

“We’re good, guys. Our security system is in full control.” Anna spoke. “But it will never be the same without the four of you.”

Hyewon chuckled as she winced because of her bandaged chest. Yena held her aching stomach because of her patched waist, all the while she held her crutches. Chaewon tried to do a thumbs-up with her bandaged arm while Chaeyeon was on a wheelchair. It would’ve just been a patch like Hyewon’s but her past injuries of being in military services tolled her long-time injured legs to the point she couldn’t walk anymore. Chaeyeon thought it was fate’s way of saying that she has to rest for a long, long time.

All of them had to rest for a long, long time.

Wonyoung and Nako saw them and ran to gently hug them and bid their farewell. Their junior bodyguards were also present and gave bows to their seniors. The older members of IZ* got to them and spared their moments with the bodyguards because it might be the last.

The pairs gave themselves the privacy to talk to each other. The members were saddened about the bodyguards’ injuries, resignation, and of leaving them to new bodyguards. They were also teary for they have loved them as more than their protectors yet they have to say goodbye.

Eunbi gently hugged Hyewon, arms wrapped around her neck as she cried silently; while Hyewon hugged her closer with a smile as her tears flowed endlessly. Yuri sobbed and kissed Yena’s cheek, telling her not to go;  while Yena cried her apologies and encouraged her that they might see each other if given another chance. Minju’s head was snuggled on Chaewon’s chest as she wept; while Chaewon silently hugged her for as long as she could. 

Sakura was the most affected. She just hugged Chaeyeon, fingers caressing her locks. She silently held for as long as she could, even if the other three pairs were already saying their goodbyes and share their last kisses.

“Goodbye, Sakura.” Chaeyeon spoke as she hugged back, kissing her forehead.

Sakura still wept, shaking her head. She slowly lets go, sobbing. “Goodbye, Chaeyeon.”

Chaeyeon reached to wipe Sakura’s cheeks and got a long kiss from her. Both wanted the time to stop there but it was theoretically impossible. They broke and Sakura slowly lets go, running towards the plane ang getting to her seat, crying. 

The plane’s engine revved as the vehicle went through the runway. The cousins watched their bodyguards wave their and they could only wave their farewell back while crying.

It would’ve been mostly composed of a sad goodbye but maybe, it was an instrument towards a happy hello someday.


IZ* were on the stage performing in MCountDown their latest song, Destiny. It was a calm moment for the audience and its performers were performing with all their heart and soul. Within the sea of people, there were six bodyguards on the side, smiling at them.

When the performance ended, the members saw their faces and plastered a smile that forgot the sad goodbye and remembered the happy hello.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1761 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1761 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.