Someday Soon: Part 4 (JoYuriz)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

Chaewon opens her eyes, seeing her mother finish her performance; a musical about America’s history. From start to finish, Chaewon witnessed everything, shutting her eyes whenever her mother sang. She even witnessed her mother bowing and going backstage, making her stand up and follow her. She was restricted by security but one of the staff interjected. “Let her in. She’s Ranhee’s daughter.”

“Thank you, Mr. Lee.” Chaewon bowed as she got inside.

She was met by the other performers, with one of them calling Ranhee. The older woman looked to see her daughter and rushed to hug her. Chaewon hugged back, saying. “You did great on the stage, Eomma.”

“Thank you, dear.” She spoke before breaking their hug. “I’ll go change and we can go home together.”

“Eomma…” Chaewon stopped her by holding her hand. “Can we talk?”

Her mother knew Chaewon well. The talk she would be referring to was like an open forum. She nodded and lets Chaewon sit by their resting area. Chaewon waited and looked around, sparing to greet staff and her mother’s fellow actors in between. Within minutes, her mother got changed and patted Chaewon’s back so she’d stand.

“How about we talk outside?”

Chaewon nodded and they exited the dressing room. They walked along the tight hallway and got to a small veranda with a view of the city at night. The mother and daughter felt the breeze blow until Chaewon voiced out. “Eomma…why didn’t you want me to become a singer?”

“Chaewon…I know you wanted and I wanted that for you. It’s a talent we shared.” Ranhee spoke. “I just didn’t want you to sing with another group?”

“But why?” Chaewon asked again. “I’m happy with my members. We were at the top of our fame but…” She looked away and sighed, trying not to cry. “…I abandoned them because you wanted me to see your major musical. I was the leader but I didn’t uphold that responsibility because I have to obey you. You’re my mother but I can’t help to say this. You were selfish.”

Ranhee’s face went dim and Chaewon was bracing for punishment. Her mother was always a disciplinarian and Chaewon was made to obey. She was the daughter and her mother was her mother, after all. But sometimes, being older shouldn’t be an excuse to belittle the younger, especially when the older is in the wrong.

“I’ve always obeyed you and I’ve always listened to whatever your heart wants,” Chaewon spoke, looking at her mother directly. “I’ve wondered if would give me the chance to listen to my own.”

The strong mother became weak, her tears dropping. Chaewon became worried about offending her but Ranhee stopped her, wiping her tears away. “I’m sorry. I did it out of fear. I’m worried because you might end up like your father and sister.”

Chaewon gulped and remembered the incident.

It happened 15 years ago when Chaewon was 5 years old. They were a family of celebrities; with Ranhee as a theater actress and her father Chaewoo and her sister Ranhye as singers in their respective groups. Chaewoo and Ranhye went on their respective world tours at different times but never returned home. Reports were posted on the media that both of their groups got into accidents, costing their lives.

For Ranhee, it became her fear. She feared that if Chaewon will follow the footsteps of her father and sister, she’ll continue to follow with the same fate, losing her only family. For Chaewon, she didn’t think of it as a curse that could be inflicted on herself. What happened to her father and sister was of pure circumstance and if they were alive now, they’d fully support her dream.

She was angry at her Eomma for stopping her but upon realizing her reason, she couldn’t dwell on it anymore.

“Eomma, what happened to Dad and Ranhye-unnie won’t happen to me,” Chaewon spoke. “I can be with you in some acting gigs or I could have some solo opportunities but I want to be with my groupmates. Singing with them felt wonderful and being with them makes me happy. I may not look I care but deep down, I do.” She sighed. “It was inevitable; a happy one, at that.”

Ranhee listened to those sentiments and patted Chaewon’s head. “Does it mean that much to you?”

“Of course. You and Trinity mean everything to me.”

Ranhee faced her daughter, cupping her cheeks like how she cupped them when she was little. Chaewon may have grown but mothers will always see their adult children as children, no matter how old. At that Eommaent, she decided to let go of her pride and follow her true happiness: Chaewon’s happiness.

“Then we won’t go home together.” She spoke, shocking Chaewon. “Pack your things and return to your apartment.”

“But Eomma, I sold it – “

“I’m buying it back this instant and you’ll stay there because it’s near the company. Will that be a good negotiation?”

Chaewon couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Even if Ranhee assured her through a hug, she was still shocked.

“Go and live your dream. And if you’re dying from it, you can always return to me. I’ll always welcome you with open arms.” She adds a kiss on Chaewon’s forehead. “Go and live life well, my daughter.”

Chaewon throws her anger and insecurity down the drain and thanked her mother through a tight hug and cries. Chaewon felt her doubtful heart regain happiness. Therefore, this was a day she will never forget.


Yena sighed as she was bedridden. She had a central venous catheter on her arm that was connected by one of her prescription drugs and a bandage around her neck to cater to another drug. Lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes) was her enemy from when she was a baby and she survived it but fate had to be a devil to return it to her system. It was one of the reasons why she coughed when she would hit high notes, why she didn’t attend practices, and why she felt her abdomen ache, causing her not to perform during the BMA.

She was truly sorry for not taking her career seriously but her health excused her for it.

“Is the catheter painful, Yena?”

“It’s fine, Sungmin-oppa.” Yena spoke. “After this chemotherapy, can we go to the arcade and play games?”

“That’s a no, Yena,” said their father. “You’re unwell. You need to rest.”

Something in those words struck Yena’s epiphany. She was reminded about her singing career, on how Trinity made it possible for her to reach that dream. It was then she sat up, shocking her father and brother.

“Choi Yena, what are you doing?!” Her mother came in and the whole family gathered around their youngest.

“I’m getting up and returning to the company, that’s what.”

Her mother halted her to do anything by pushing her shoulders down and facing her. Yena saw the worried look in her eyes; a look that was evident from her family.

“Yena, you’re not capable of doing anything now. You have to rest. Please…” Her mother hugged her, crying. “We almost lost you when you were still a baby. We can’t lose you again.”

Yena hugged her back as a tear dropped from the corner of her eye. As they broke, however, Yena got her catheter off, shocking her family.

“I won’t be capable of doing anything if I lie down and rely on the therapies.” Yena spoke. “I’m almost well and I will be well. I want to follow my destiny.” She held Trinity’s debut album. “This is my destiny.”

“But what if – “

“I won’t be taken away. I still want to live by becoming a singer and making you all proud, Dad.” Yena interjects. “I need to return to the company. Will you please let me?”

The male members wanted to, leaving the mother to agree. However, she lets Yena lie down and changed her catheter. “You’ll return tomorrow. You have to be a good girl and continue your medication.”

“Okay…” Yena pouted and resumed her rest.


The next day came and Yena was concentrated on getting a stuffed animal in a claw machine. She had wasted half of her money and two hours yet she was eager to get one. And thank the stars because she got the largest one: a stuffed hamster.

“Yes!” She held the stuffed animal like Simba from Lion King.

She got out of the arcade and hitched a taxi to the company. She would get stares from the people for being a celebrity but she didn’t care. She arrived at the company and ran towards the practice room. She knocked on the door but no one answered. She opened the unlocked door slowly, seeing Yuri writing on the table, facing the recording room. She had a phone in hand for she was calling her family.

“Even if you stop me again and again, I’ll continue my dream to become a singer. Nonetheless, I’ll schedule a trip to BusanHyewon soon.” She spoke and hung up.

Just as Yuri’s call ended, Yena crept in, sat next to her, and scooted the stuffed hamster close to her.

“Buzz off, Yena. You’re disturbing me.” Yuri spat and resumed writing.

“Hey…I came to say I’m sorry.” Yena spoke. “I’m sorry if I didn’t come to practices often, I’m sorry if I bailed out in the performance, and I’m sorry for keeping this secret from everyone, especially from you.”

“Huh? What secret?” Yuri faced her.

It was then Yena told everything, especially about her condition. She even showed transcripts to prove to Yuri she wasn’t lying. With every confession, Yuri became teary. And upon hearing that Yena returned to reconcile made Yuri cry. Yena got worried and waved the stuffed hamster in front of her face, like how adults cheer crying babies up. Yuri thought it was childish but Yena didn’t stop until she laughed.

“Okay, okay…” Yuri grabbed the stuffed hamster away and hugged it. “I’m also sorry for jumping to conclusions. I should be the one asking for forgiveness because you had a justified reason.”

“All is forgiven.” Yena spoke then lowered her head. “That hamster’s for you. I saw it inside a claw machine as it reminded me of you. I hope you like it.”

“I don’t like it,” Yuri spoke then tackled Yena for a hug. “I love it!”

Yena felt awkward. She was never a woman to like hugs but then, she hugged Yuri back.

“Don’t I get a gift too?”

They broke as they saw Chaewon by the door. The two crossed their arms at their leader as they watched her come inside and sit with them.

“I came to say I’m sorry,” Chaewon spoke. “Not attending to practices, doing other activities by myself and with my mother, bailing out on the BMA performances, and not being a great leader to our group were my mistakes.” She sighed, bearing her tears. “I did those to strive hard in life. I have to strive. It’s the only thing I can do to survive. I had to survive because I only have my mother and she only has me.”

Chaewon talked about the incident of her family, leaving the two to feel sorry. Yena had it worst because she and Chaewon mostly had disagreements.

“But as I look upon what happened to us before, I realized that being with you guys was the most important thing. I should’ve been more responsible but I let you guys down…so I’m sorry about that.”

Yena and Yuri felt bad for not understanding her. They even got to Chaewon and hugged her because it was the first time she cried in front of them.

“We’re sorry for not listening to you too. We should’ve realized that you meant well and you did for your only family.” Yena eased her. “All is forgiven so don’t cry.”

“You forgive but I won't forgive you for being sick.” Chaewon looked back.

“Eh? How did you – “

“I had to do my research,” Chaewon explained. “It turned out one of my mother’s fellow actors knew Choi Sungmin, your brother. I found out that you had a condition and made donations for your chemotherapy drugs.”

Yena gasped and cried again, leaving Chaewon to present transcripts and Yuri to comfort her. Chaewon and Yena were the members to mostly disagree but they were potentially best friends; both becoming willing to be each other through hard and easy times.

“Hey. You forgot me.” Yuri mumbled.

“We didn’t. We’re so sorry for letting you carry the burden of our group. It’s supposed to be our responsibility together.” Chaewon held her left hand.

“Chaewon’s right. We’re grateful to you, Yul…for keeping our group strong.” Yena held her right hand. “Now that we’re here, we’re going to continue our dreams together.”

Yuri plastered a cute smile and cried with them. They did a group hug filled with smiles and tears and broke forming a stronger bond with each other. Just then, Manager Kwon and CEO Lee got inside their practice room and did a little applause.

“Finally, you’re back on your feet.” CEO Lee started. “So, is this the answer to what we’ve discussed before?”

They remembered the day CEO Lee called them to discuss their group’s continuation or disbandment. The company’s verdict was that they’ll continue. However, the trio decided to be on hiatus so they can calm their anger and fear, and talk together when it was a good time. CEO Lee lets them and the time came earlier than expected.

“Yes, boss,” Chaewon spoke and held Yena and Yuri’s hands. “Trinity’s back on business.”

“Finally, I can manage you three again.” Manager Kwon sighed in relief.

“To start it off, you must do this major task.”

“And what would that be, boss?” The trio asked.

“Prepare for your first comeback.”


The entertainment industry may be filled with luxury, opportunities, and fame, but with all those lavishing rewards come struggle, hard-work, and competition. Social factors even affect those who attempt to make steps towards stardom. If you’re weak and indecisive, you’ll be trampled down by those who are better than you. It’s the way of life in acting, dancing, rapping, composing…

…and singing.

It was a sunny day in the streets of Hollywood. Inside a theater, there was an anticipated act; a returning female trio with voices as sweet as honey and as soothing as the rolling waves of the sea. In front of 20,000 people of various races, these females sang their comeback song, an inspirational melody about discouragement and determination to face whatever challenge.

If you will walk this road with me, from all my fears will I be free

And I will make it, yes we will make it – someday, as one of the lyrics says.

After their performance, they got a standing ovation from the audience. The three females flashed proud smiles, watery eyes, and quiet cheers for themselves and each other. They held hands and bowed, their consciences feeling relief that despite their first time performing for a crowd, their efforts have paid off through the performance. They walked backstage and released more emotions. The proud smiles became proud laughs and cries. The watery eyes broke down into happy tears. And the quiet cheers became loud cries and laughs.

“Nice job, you three.” Their manager got closer to them, applauding. “The song is becoming a hit! Best to prepare because you’ll be interviewed this instant.”

The three nodded, bowed their gratitude, and got to the resting area. They met with a middle-aged woman and greeted her with handshakes.

“Kang Hyewon from SBS. I’m honored to be interviewing the famous trio Trinity.” She spoke and the trio bowed again. “I’ll be giving five questions; two for the trio and one for each of you. Since I reckon you only have this break to be interviewed before your next performance, it’ll be a fast talk.”

“Okay, Miss Kang. Lay it out,” said Chaewon.

“Give a short description of the song.”

“Our song’s titled Someday Soon. It’s a ballad that depicts the metaphorical view of struggles and overcoming them.” Yena started.

“It’s a song that’s close to heart since I created it. It’s a collection of our struggles and how we overcome them, mixed in a song,” said Yuri.

“It’s also our encouragement for our fans and for other people who are also dealing with struggles. It’s a medium of a belief that they can overcome their struggles too,” said Chaewon.

“Wonderful. The next question is for Choi Yena.” Hyewon flipped her card. “For you, to what or who do you sing for?”

“It’s was for my goal. At first, I thought of it for an ambition that I loved and that I’d make my parents proud of it.” Yena began. “But as I go through this portion of life, I realize that singing wasn’t just for my goals. It was for myself; that I build a stronger version of myself.”

“What a wonderful from a cancer survivor. We hope for your recovery, Miss Choi.” Hyewon spoke. “How did you feel about debuting, Miss Jo?”

“I felt many emotions. It was a challenge. Losing in two survival shows became my reminder.” Yuri spoke. “Now that I reached this part of my dream, I realize that even if I don’t know how much time I have to practice, even if I don’t when or will I ever get to debut, what matters is that I had shown that I’ve grown and debuted.”

“As expected from Trinity’s center. Now, for the leader, Miss Kim Chaewon…” Hyewon flipped another card. “What would be your future if ever Trinity disbands?”

“I’ll never tell. I find it a sudden question in the peak of success.” Chaewon began. “I could say acting gigs or being a solo balladeer but being with Trinity is where I want to be.”

“Confident…now for the last question.” Hyewon eyes all of them. “Do you agree that fame is not forever?”

The trio was silent. It was a juxtaposition of their dreams but they also realized to be real with their judgment about it.

“I agree. The entertainment industry is harsh. Fame rises and falls like the sun. One day, the sun will set on our time and will rise with fresh faces.” Chaewon spoke.

“It depends. If you left a huge mark in the world, people will remember for a long time.” Yena shrugged.

“I agree with Yena. It varies on what impact you give on the world. What matters is that it’s good.” Yuri spoke. “For us, it’s what we’ll do through our singing. We’ll cherish each other and continue to sing and give hope to our fans for as long as we need and want to.”

Hyewon was satisfied with the interview and thanked Trinity for their time. As they shook hands with Hyewon, the stage manager calls them for another performance. The trio walked to the stage again, hands held together and feet walking together towards their dreams.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1761 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1761 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.