Me or Him?: Part 3 (2Kim)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

The days went by full of cooking and dates, especially for Chaewon. She juggled up her time everyday for work, for her best friend, and for her boyfriend that Minju was concerned about her well-being, especially her health.

Like for today’s service, Chaewon burnt her hand after preparing hollandaise sauce for Yuri’s salads.

“I’ll take over, Min.” Chaeyeon got to her station and chopped the rest of the salmon. “Go help Chaewon.”

Despite being assigned to different stations, Chaeyeon had prepped all of them to know the whole kitchen and how different styles of cooking work  – even Wonyoung and Yujin know how to roast pork in a strong fire for many hours. Minju got to the sauce station and finished the sauce before checking on Chaewon’s hand submerged in ice.

“Don’t rush it in. You might get blisters.” Minju held her hand and another searched for ointment in a first-aid kit.

Chaewon watched as Minju rubbed the ointment on the burned area and applied a light gauze so that it won’t touched. She also watched her blow on the wound that struck her small heartstrings.

“Thanks, Min.” Chaewon smiled. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“Cute…but be careful next time.” Minju reprimanded her. “And you should rest after our service.”

“But I have to help you find a new apron plus I have a date with Taeyang later.”

“Ssamu – “

“I insist, okay?” Chaewon said again and returned to her station. 

Minju just scratched her head and returned to her own station. She couldn’t say no to Chaewon’s remarks, making her think she had a tough yet loving best friend.

She sighed about Chaewon. She always wondered if she’ll ever get her epiphanies straight.


After helping Minju in buying an apron, she ran towards the restaurant Taeyang texted. She got there as a sweaty mess yet she quickly fixed up before meeting Taeyang at a table.

“What took you so long?”

“Sorry. I went on an errand.” Chaewon spoke. “I was helping Minju in buying a new apron.”


Chaewon raised an eyebrow about it yet Taeyang got busy taking their orders. Once Taeyang was free, Chaewon spoke. “I texted you. I said that I’ll be late.”

“You’ve been doing that for a whole month.” Taeyang sighed. “You care about your best friend more than your own boyfriend.”

“Come on, Tae…” Chaewon held his hand. “I never miss a date, don’t I?”

“I know…but I’m worried about you. You’ve been juggling a lot of stuff.” Taeyang added then was shocked of Chaewon’s hand. “What happened?!”

“I got into an accident in cooking. Minju wrapped it up for me.”

Taeyang was holding it gently and Chaewon thought it was cute. He may be doing cute gestures to his girlfriend but his mind was thinking a different thing. 

And that different thing will be talked about in this dinner. 

“Chaewon-ah.” He began. “Maybe it’s best if you spend less time with Minju for a while.”

Chaewon felt fishy. Taeyang might have a point with his suggestion – she has less dates than friendship times and work combined – but she could never toss away her time with her best friend.

Her ogling past self might be willing but now, she wouldn’t want to. 

And thus the universe s up as Chaewon agreed to it.

“We’ll go on dates when either of us call it, okay? Promise?” Taeyang asked.

Chaewon promised and they resumed dinner. She and Minju already had most of their times together so she should give more room for her boyfriend.

What’s the worse that could happen?


The training was on for their whole services. Yujin and Wonyoung had most of their work in the kitchen and now, all eight of them were working in the kitchen. Even if there were more hands to help with the dishes, the space was cramped and prone to accidents.

Like for instance, Chaewon had spilled her balsamic residue for the steak and it got to Nako’s feet, causing the midget to yelp like a wrestler. Chaewon would’ve helped her when Minju stopped her since Nako had gone crossed.

Nako was crossed since Chaewon had been messing up lately. She was usually very patient but today was her breaking point. Everyone was aware of it and it was very unusual. Those remarks alone made Minju concerned.

Chaeyeon took over the three stations as Chaewon, Minju, and Nako rested in the vacant corner. Minju mended the both of them as Nako gave Chaewon the death glare.

“I swear to God, Chaewon… Nako fumed as Minju submerged her feet in cold water. “…screw up again and I’m going to throw you into a pool of fish guts.”

“Sorry.” Chaewon mumbled as she lowered her head.

Minju consoled the two of them, mostly Chaewon. She saw Chaewon rub her temples and said, “Why did you call Taeyang the whole night?”

“Quality time. We haven’t gone out a lot.” 

“You can do that but don’t it up during services.” Nako reminded her. “Your screw-ups are getting frequent. Who knows what Chaeyeon will do?”

“Nako’s right, Ssamu.” Minju comforted her. “Tell you what. We’ll have dinner early so you can rest early.”

“Rain check. I promised Taeyang a date later.” Chaewon spoke as she stood up.

“But it’s been our routine…” Minju spoke and suddenly got frustrated. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier – “

“I didn’t because we were almost late.” Chaewon spoke as she tries to control her temper. “I’m sorry, Min…but next time, okay?”

Hitomi returned to check on them. The three stopped their rest and resumed working. Chaewon and Minju got to their stations and became silent.

Deep down, Minju couldn’t help but feel hurt.


Many days passed by and so dis the annual critic. It was a very tense week for 2000 yet they worked their hardest and smartest to deliver high quality service. All eight of them served a whopping thousand during the first six days and the panelists joined in the last day. They served their dishes each and it was a wonderful menu to the customers. For the panelists, all of them had their dishes ranked and critiqued.

Chaeyeon was the winner. It was then followed by Minju, Hitomi, Wonyoung, Yuri, Nako, and Yujin. Chaewon was last because her sauce was overcooked and less seasoned.

The annual critique may have ended but a meeting came after it. Chaeyeon has discussed the results and everyone had their reactions.

“Good news, we got another star for our restaurant. The bad news…” Chaeyeon sighed. “…we’re the last of the sister restaurants.”

It was a bit humiliating for them. They were the foundation of their sister restaurants yet they were the lowest in the hierarchy. It seems Chaewon’s points had a big pull down the ranks.

“I’m sorry.” Chaewon stood up. “May I leave early?”

“Where are you going?” Chaeyeon asked.

“Errand. Please, boss. This is important.” 

Chaeyeon lets her off as Chaewon bowed and left. Once she was gone, everyone had sour reactions. 

“Your best friend is going downhill, Minju.” Nako called as she crossed her arms. “An overcooked and less seasoned sauce would’ve been fine but her being the cause of us being in last place is an act of felony.”

“Let’s not forget that she’s been messing up service for almost two weeks.” Yuri voiced out. “It’s unbecoming. Just because she’s juggling up her time as a cook, a best friend, and a girlfriend, doesn’t mean she’s immune to becoming a burden.”

“Yul, don’t say that.” Minju spoke. “She’s been stressed lately and besides, we have no right to interfere with her life.”

“Hello, unnie? Did you forget?” Yujin spoke. “She’s been breaking your routines for many consecutive days already. All of us had to eat dinner together so that you won’t be lonely.”

Minju had very thoughtful co-workers. She appreciated the efforts but all of them knew that it was supposed to be Chaewon’s priority. They were abnormally close and a sudden change was like the violation of their friendship.

“Yujin and I had been friends since we were elementary and one of rules of best friends is to never change and forget shared routines, like you two having dinner together every day.” Wonyoung added. “Come on, unnie. You’d know that. Don’t deny your feelings for her.”

Minju was stuck. She still had those feelings for Chaewon but knowing she had a boyfriend, she had to step back and be the usual best friend. Everyone in 2000 was aware of those feelings that they pitied Minju for playing the third wheel and the battered lifesaver.

“That point is long gone, guys.” Minju added. “We will never be official.”

“Oh, you two will.” Hitomi pointed. “I can sense that guy’s a cocky .”

“He is.” Minju became honest that made them react.

“Fs in the chat~” Nako chanted.

“Jokes aside, I want you to take full responsibility of her, Min.” Chaeyeon grew serious and everyone went quiet. “If she messes up again – “

“I know, boss.” Minju nodded. “I’ll talk to her later.”

Chaeyeon resumed the meeting and for Minju, she was thinking about considering her co-workers’ opinions. Being her best friend, she had to guide to the right path again. 

But can she?


Minju finished prepping their breakfast for tomorrow and waited for Chaewon to return. She had a cup of coffee to make sure she wouldn’t be asleep. 

It was almost 11PM and Chaewon arrived with shopping bags and a new hat. Minju thought she was extravagant yet pretty.

“Look at you.” She began. “Are you going to be in Seoul Fashion Week?”

“Nah. These are just gifts from Taeyang.” Chaewon sat next to her as she puts the things down. “We had a great time.”

“Pretty evident.” Minju mumbled before sipping her drink. “You ditched the meeting, though. We discussed a lot of important things.”

“I have you to give me the details.” Chaewon went to hug her. “I’m really sorry. I’ll make it up this time. We’ll eat dinner together again and in the weekends, we’ll go watch a movie.” She leaned by her shoulder. “I promise.”

Minju felr her heart tingle because of the contact. However, Chaewon’s words didn’t guarantee her emotions. She ended up letting her go and had to talk some sense into her.

“Promise is a really big word, Ssamu.” Minju crossed her arms. “It’s just like when you promised me you’d take over cleaning duty yet I had to do it. For five days.”

“I’m really sorry about that. You know I promised Taeyang we’d date whenever he called.” Chaewon reasoned. “Look, I’ll do it tomorrow.”

“And you’re going to forget it again when Taeyang calls you.”

Chaewon denied it and even apologized about the incident with Nako. Minju listened to her complaints about her tired schedules and messed-up days at work like a best friend should. But as much as she wanted to understand Chaewon’s sentiments, it was starting to become inexcusable and redundant.

“I see, Ssamu. A boyfriend, new shopping bags, daily dates. It’s all crazy stuff, especially when you juggle them all and can’t keep track of what’s really important.”

“Your point?” Chaewon asked.

“It’s seems that it’s not the different stuff.” Minju spoke. “It seems like a different you, Ssamu.”

Chaewon watched Minju go to the kitchen, washing dishes and brushing her teeth before going to bed immediately. Chaewon sat on the couch and had her time to contemplate, her mind debating between concerning herself and concerning others, especially Minju.

Chaewon rubbed her temples again as she realized that she’s making a mess out of their friendship.


It was a day-off for 2000 yet all of the employees came for a dry-run on their new menu. Chaeyeon led them to create dishes individually within a short period and tasked the rest of the members to taste them. 

Minju was up first and whipped up a baked salmon with pesto and cherry tomatoes. Everyone had a taste and thought it was a sole candidate for entrees, even Chaeyeon thought it was delicious.

“Nice work, Min~” Yuri patted her back as it was her turn.

Yuri was the most prepared and whipped up a quick duck carbonara. Everyone was impressed of the visuals and wondered about the taste. 

“Needs lesser salt, Yul.” Minju spoke. “Duck itself is quite salty so you don’t need to add more salt to the pasta or the egg-cheese mixture.”

“Good observations, Minju. That is exactly what I’m looking for.” Chaeyeon gave a thumbs-up. “Chaewon, you’re up next!”

Chaewon looked very unwell yet she had her turn to cook. During the process, she saw Minju and Yuri laughing at each other, causing her to clench her lemon too tight, pouring too much juice on her sauce.

“Focus, Chaewon!” Chaeyeon snapped.

Chaewon returned to her task and finished her dish: a modified shrimp cocktail. The presentation was nice but as they dipped and ate a shrimp each, their faces went sour.

“Too much lemon juice in the sauce!” Yuri pointed out. “It just overpowered everything.”

“Sorry. I squeezed too much of it.” 

Chaewon cleared her dish out and would’ve thrown it when Minju got the martini and added more salt and pepper. She lets Chaewon taste and like a bandage on a wound, it sealed its true flavor.

“You’re doing well, future sous chef.”

“Hiichan has a better chance.” Minju smiled then reached to pat her head. “It’s okay…”

Chaewon felt warm and soft of that pat that she hugged Minju close to her. Minju hugged back and felt Chaewon sigh. “I’m tired.”

“After this, you’ll rest. We’ll both rest, okay?”

Chaewon nodded and she never lets go of Minju. Minju chuckled of her soft side that she kept hugging her.

All of that had to stop since they need to do another taste test.


Chaewon and Minju slept after the dry-run. They even shared a bed and were sleeping next to each other and cuddling like a couple…

…until evening came, Minju woke up, and realized Chaewon wasn’t around anymore.

Chaewon was an independent woman but she always told Minju where she’d go. It was the first time she didn’t and Minju got worried.

Minju called Chaewon many times but she wasn’t answering her phone. She went out to look for her in the possible places she could be yet she didn’t find her. She looked for her for hours and gave up when she got tired. As she returned home, Chaewon was by the door as Taeyang kissed her cheek and bids her farewell. He passed by Minju and with that, Minju struck a nerve in her own system.

“Hey, Ssamu. How did the date go?” Minju spoke as she got to the door with her. 

“Urgent yet wonderful. Sorry if I didn’t tell you.” Chaewon spoke. “I didn’t want to disturb you?” She showed a pack. “I got you your favorite ramen – “

“What the , Kim Chaewon?!” Minju flipped out, shocking Chaewon. “I looked everywhere for you! You vanished like thin air without informing me!”

“I’m here now, okay? Don’t be so uptight.” Chaewon spoke as she got in. “I’m a grown- woman. I don’t need my parents’ worries as much as I don’t need yours.”

Minju got inside and slammed the door, making Chaewon look at her with an equally distressed look.

“Wow, Chaewon…” Minju scoffed. “You don’t care about me worrying about you now?”

“Come on, Min. It was just a date with Taeyang, okay?” Chaewon spat. “I’m back and in one piece. Happy?”

“You wouldn’t give a even if you spilled hot sauce on a worker because I mend you and her!” Minju got into her face.

“You also don’t give a even if I juggle my work and my life – “

“Oh! So I’m not part of your life, then?”

“I did not say that, Min!”

“You didn’t have to, Ssamu. You’ve forgotten it the moment you broke our promises and dated a !”

“Taeyang’s not a ! You didn’t say it too because you just let me get humiliated in front of the workers whenever I mess up and you meddle in my life too much!” Chaewon spat. “You’re a best friend, not a mom.”

Minju felr her heart break. She scoffed it yet her tears became endless. Chaewon noticed them and felt foolish for yelling at her.

“You’re right, Ssamu. I’m your best friend. I’m just your best friend.” Minji began. “Before you continue to yell at my face like some conglomerate, let me tell you that I never took our friendship for granted. I was always there, I let you do things without interference like breaking promises and texting Taeyang every night, and I worry about your well-being, especially when you feel queasy.”

Chaewon could never deny everything Minju did for her. She’s been there almost all her life.

“I didn’t get a best friend because I didn’t want to be lonely. I got a best friend because I would do everything to love her. To love you.” Minju added as she wiped her tears away. “But I guess it changed. I guess you changed, Ssamu.”

“I changed? You think you got me figured out?” Chaewon batted back. “I don’t think so! I also don’t answer to you!”

“Well, from now on, answer to yourself!” Minju snapped and pushed her away.

Chaewon was thrown off guard, landing on the floor. Minju helped her and drove Chaewon’s hand away at the moment Chaewon wanted to hug and say sorry.

“We’ve been like sisters since forever. But if I don’t know who you are these days, then who does?”

Minju got to the room and slammed the door shut. Chaewon rushed towards the same room when she heard Minju cry from the other side. Her cries always pained Chaewon that she could only lean by the door and feel bad about what she’s done.

She was basically a coward. If she was brave, she would knock on the door many times and say sorry. But sometimes, space and time can have their ways to mend a broken heart.

Chaewon hoped for a reconciliation and swore to herself not to hurt Minju again.

She meant it this time.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1761 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1761 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.