Sing: Part 6 (2Kim)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]


IZ*1 paved a great history in Enozi U. A new school band was formed in the same university and they took IZ*1 as an inspiration through a video tribute, showing the members and their current statuses.

IZ*1’s first guitarist Kwon Eunbi was now a business administration graduate and started a small café. IZ*1’s bassist Kang Hyewon became an IT graduate and is now a professional gamer representing the country. IZ*1’s drummer Jo Yuri was an agriculture and life sciences graduate and continued to study to become a music graduate. IZ*1’s keyboardist Ahn Yujin became an sports science graduate and was now a professional runner representing the country in the Olympics.

For IZ*1’s lead vocalist Kim Chaewon and second guitarist Kim Minju, they became music graduates and went on their own solo careers. 

The public saw them as successful people but it was far from that. They’ve walked their own paths but their true happiness was gone.


Minju was a star. All her written songs were a hit, her concerts were always sold-out, and she was a good artist that entertained fans and held lots of small busking for charity. For tonight, she was in a bar with a large crowd witnessing her. What was more fun was that the former IZ*1 members joined her sometimes. This night was the best for the new fans because of the excellent performances but worst for the old because a member was missing.

Chaewon was missing; their vocal pride, their friend, and Minju’s lover was missing.

While My Guitar Gently Weeps was the last song for the night and Minju poured her heart and soul to sing it, with Eunbi backing her vocals up. Everyone felt the emotions that the old fans cried of its message. For the members, they had their own message; that even Chaewon lied to them, they still missed her.

For Minju, she missed her and her heart yearned for her return, even though it was impossible for it to happen.

The performance ended and the crowd applauded. The members got to the backstage and hugged each other, missing each other after creating their own paths.

“Is the apartment still around?” Yujin asked.

“Yes. It became my studio.” Minju shared. “The rooms are left untouched. Just an expansion, that’s all.”

“Let’s go there~” Yuri whined. “We have a lot of stuff to catch up!”

Everyone agreed and bid their farewell to the audience. The audience bid them back as they call that they shall perform soon and try to bring Chaewon with them.

IZ*1 got in Minju’s car and they drove like a carpool karaoke. As they arrived at their old apartment, they gathered to eat and drink until they weren’t sober. They even sang like madmen as they poured their emotions.

Yuri, Yujin, and Eunbi were knocked out cold. The old childhood friends had higher tolerance that they had deep talks about their lives.

“Are you up for one more round, Min?” Hyewon asked, wanting to pour a drink.

“No thanks. Even if I drink to return to a fantasy where Ssamu is, the fact that she’s not with us still stays.” Minju sighed. “I’ve been hurt too much already, although I could say the same for you with Eunbi.”

“I could…” Hyewon added. “…but I’m a coward and we have different lives. But you know…” She slumped while trying to munch a cracker. “…I’ll always put her in my heart and I’ll wait for her.”

“Wholesome. Just like me with Ssamu.”

Hyewon raised her thumb as she finally slumped. Minju would be joining her friends slowly but as she did, she mumbled.



Chaewon was a star. All her songs were a hit, her concerts were always sold-out, and she was the best actress for her age, making a mark in television and in the Broadway. For tonight, she was in a concert performing with a band. What was more miserable was that it wasn’t the former IZ*1 members with her but a novice band that had no potential. This night was the best for the new fans because of Chaewon’s professionalism but worst for the old because some things were missing.

IZ*1 were misssing; her band, her friends, and her family were missing. Most of all, Minju was missing; her skilled musician, her friend, and her lover was missing.

Helter Skelter was the last song for the night and Chaewon poured her heart and soul to sing it despite the y accompaniment. For the audience, they thought it was a little off. And for her, she had her own message; that even IZ*1 were disappointed because of her mistake, she still hoped that they wanted her back.

For Chaewon, she missed Minju the most and her heart yearned to return to her, even though it was impossible for it to happen.

The performance ended and the crowd applauded. Chaewon maintained her cool but as she got backstage, she grew mad. And seeing her parents arguing, it grew worse.

“The band out there!” Chaewon ranted at her father and got to her seat, drinking alcohol with ginger juice.

“This has gone too far! Our daughter isn’t happy anymore!” Her mother ranted at her father too. 

“I’m not happy ever since your ing husband forced me into this!” Chaewon snapped at her mother. “I had to do this to protect my friends! To protect Minju!”

Her mother consoled Chaewon as she blamed herself for neglecting her. Chaewon could never get mad at her because she understood her the most. Her mother faced her father again.

“You better do something about it or else I won’t let Ssamu perform tomorrow night!” She spat. “If you’re going to turn her into the likes of our late Chaerin, I will – “

“Come on. It’s almost the end of the world tour.” Chaewon’s father spoke. “Pull yourself together, Ssamu.”

“Oh, I will…if you stop saying stuff like you’re some cool guy and get me a new band to associate with!” Chaewon snapped again. “That band had no soul in playing music!”

Her father got a call and her mother continued to rant at him. Chaewon was left to succumb into more alcohol and more sadness, battling consciousness. She would be joining her fantasies where Minju still existed but as she did, she mumbled.



Chaewon didn’t care about the meeting. She was just listening to her father nag about their next project for her comeback and about their company getting bankrupt. Some suggested for more investments through improved marketing promotions while the rest suggested that they should collaborate with another company; thus letting Chaewon collaborate with another solo singer.

“There’s this company that’s growing famous.” One of the board spoke. “UrbanWorks Entertainment.”

Chaewon perked up. The said company was familiar because her everything was an artist there. 

Minju was there.

“We should go with that collaboration.” Chaewon raised.

“That won’t be necessary – “

“ – and our company will lose fortune, manpower, and talent.” Chaewon scoffed at her own father. “Do you want that to happen?!”

“She has a point, Kim,” said the CEO. 

Majority of the board agreed to it, leaving Chaewon’s father to be degraded from his desired plans and for Chaewon herself to leave the meeting for she had no interest on the verdict.

After all, her successful career was always the worst milestone of her life. 

She walked down the hallway and relaxed at the lobby, calling someone. The number wasn’t changed – it could’ve been wrong, for all she knows – but she tried to call, hoping an answer.

What do you want, Chaewon?

The usual call was gone but she deserved it. “Eunbi – “

If you’re calling about what happened before, then stop it.

“Wait!” Chaewon spoke. “I accept that you won’t forgive me. I just want to call about Minju.”

There was silence yet Eunbi’s sigh cleared that suffocating air. She’s been well.

“Are you with her?” Chaewon asked. “Can I talk to her?”

I’m at my café, Ssamu. And even if I tell you where Minju is, she’s not gonna talk to you after everything. You want to give her peace? Leave her alone.


Eunbi hung up immediately, leaving Chaewon to succumb into her regret. Just then, her father got out of the conference room raging. Her mother came after her show and asked the board what was going on and Chaewon just spectated them like watching a play.

“Ssamu…” Her mother went to comfort her. “Are you alright?”

She wasn’t. “I’m alright.”

“The board made the decision that you’ll be collaborating with UrbanWorks Entertainment’s solo artist.”

Chaewon felt her weary soul gain its life. She confirmed it herself and from the nod her mother made, she hugged her tight, showing her happiness.

“Who am I working with, Mom?” Chaewon asked.

Please let it be Minju…

“I can’t tell you that, Ssamu.” She spoke. “Your CEO wanted it as a surprise for the next concert. The artist won’t be revealed until he/she will perform with you at that concert.”

“I’ll find out during the concert?!” Chaewon was confused. “What about the practices? The rehearsals?”

“It’ll be settled, Chaewon.” The CEO drew near them. “Just trust the process. You’ll nail everything, anyway.”

Chaewon wasn’t flattered with her boss’ compliments. Uncertainty was in her doorstep as she asked so many questions.

What if she’ll make mistakes frequently? What if the concert will fail? Who would be she collaborating with? Will it be Minju or someone else?

At the end of the day, Chaewon was uncertain yet she also hoped that she gets to work with Minju.


Today was the day. For the first time in a long time, Chaewon was nervous. Her father didn’t take charge of her for this concert as her mother did the honors. 

“Eomma…I’m nervous.” Chaewon mumbled.

Her mother calmed her through a soothing hug. Chaewon hugged back, feeling her worries flow away her system.

“You’ll do great and you’ll have fun.”

Chaewon received her cue and got on stage, greeting many fans – mostly from her time as a lead vocalist of IZ*1. She waved at the crowd as her cues insisted not to look at the back and just sing facing the audience. 

Who could the mysterious performers be, she thought. Shallow played and she readied to sing…

….until a familiar voice sang the first set of lines.

Chaewon wanted to turn around for her guesses were flooding yet the cues insisted not to again. She exhaled and tried to focus on the performance. It was the first song yet she felt like it was the last because she wanted to cry already. Nonetheless, she exhaled and sang her part.

Tell me something, girl
Aren't you tired tryin' to fill that void?
Or do you need more?
Ain't it hard keeping it so hardcore?

I'm falling
In all the good times I find myself
Longing for a change
And in the bad times I fear myself

I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in
I'll never meet the ground
Crash through the surface, where they can't hurt us
We're far from the shallow now

After her turn, she harmonized with the familiar voice again. And during her adlibs, Chaewon was instructed to turn around.

The scene made her cry as the entire arena cheered.

Behind her was IZ*1, slowly revealed by the spotlight. Eunbi was strumming her guitar, Yuri was playing the drums, Yujin was playing her new keyboard and synthesizer, and Hyewon was playing her bass, mumbling an ‘I am sorry’.

What made her sob was the last spotlight, revealing her love of life and her heart’s true desire.

Her Minju.

Minju helped her sing and Chaewon wiped her tears to continue the performance. She was facing the crowd and saw the ecstatic loyal fans for the never thought of having such a reunion, making her regain her cool and sing her heart out.

This time, it was a happy heart.


This concert was the breakthrough of each of their careers. Chaewon got to collaborate with her old band, especially with Minju. It was a blast of fun, nostalgia, and precious moments that made IZ*1 and their fans emotional. The highlight of it all was that IZ*1 played a new song; the one Minju composed which she sang to Chaewon before.

Really like you, I’ll hold your hand tight 
I’ll not let go of this hand 
Hold onto both warm hands and look at the sky 
I really like you, I really really like you 
If we’re together, we can shine whenever forever 

With you...

The audience roared for an encore. IZ*1 entertained the audience with a little talk and an emotional open forum for the band, especially for Chaewon and Minju. The audience cheered for them and delivered two more performances: Don’t Let Me Down and All You Need Is Love.

After the concert, IZ*1 were congratulated by the staff – even Chaewon’s mother went to hug them. They arrived at the waiting room and then came all of their waterworks.

Chaewon hugged each member tight and said everything she wanted to say to them, with her getting the same in return. Eunbi and Hyewon were sorry for their harsh words, Yuri was the forgiving one, and Yujin got her apology and sobbed on Chaewon’s shoulder. 

Her last stop was Minju. Chaewon had wanted to see her for so long but somehow, she was afraid. Eunbi led the others on the other room to leave the previous couple to talk. Chaewon looked away, crying. Minju was teary herself but she drew closer.

After all, she loved her and waited for her.

“Ssamu…” Minju hugged her from the back. “Everything’s alright now.”

“I’m sorry…” Chaewon sniffled as she held Minju’s arms that were hugging her. “It’s just that…after everything…” She held them tighter. “…I thought you wouldn’t want me back, even if I’ll come back for you.”

“Hey…” Minju lets Chaewon face her. “…what made you think that?”

“I was a pain after that incident, to the members and to you.”

“There’s truth to that…” Minju hugged her tight. “…but I’ll wait for you no matter what. And even now…” She lets go to cup her face. “…nothing’s stopping me from loving you again.”

Chaewon’s eyes gleamed, even Minju’s teary eyes. They exchanged their sadness and hugged each other. Chaewon made the hug longer, clutching onto Minju’s shirt and nuzzling on her neck. The rest of the members found them cute and they released their awwws.

“When will you do that to me, Kwangbae?” Eunbi sighed.

“Wait.” Hyewon was shocked. “You like me?”

“Wait.” Yujin and Yuri were shocked next. “You two are a thing?!”

“Wait.” Chaewon and Minju broke, looking at them. “You guys were watching us?!”

IZ*1 were silent until Eunbi confessed, pecking Hyewon’s cheek. “Of course, I do, you glutton.”

Yujin and Yuri were left to coo. Eunbi and Hyewon shared their hugs as Chaewon and Minju shared a kiss. 

“I love you.” Chaewon spoke first. “We’re forming the band again.”

“I love you too.” Minju replied as she called the company. “Say no more.”

“Let us get in there~” Yuri rushed to the couple.

The members did a group hug, doing cheers and little dances as they begin a new life together as a band.


Good day, Seoul. This is Kang Hyewon, live at the top of Namsan Tower to share good music for this beautiful day with – 

Chaewon sung first and Hyewon chuckled of hearing various fans asking if it was IZ*1 through the calls.

“You got that right.” Hyewon spoke again as she focused on playing her bass.

They were singing Destiny at the top of Namsan Tower. Many fans looked up and  cheered, some listening to the radio. For IZ*1, their musical career skyrocketed that they started their own company. What made it more wonderful was that 12*ONE reunited with them and fused with IZ*1 as a band and an idol group.

IZ*1 was the band, 12*ONE was the idol group. But together, they do both and form IZ*ONE.

Hyewon and Eunbi were on each other’s sides, strumming. Yujin and Wonyoung shared a large keyboard and a relationship. It was the same case for Yuri and Yena with a drum set and a timpani. The remaining members also had their roles – Nako and Hitomi did brass whereas Sakura and Chaeyeon did sick accompaniments with the 808.

And who could forget the bands’ main couple Chaewon and Minju? They harmonized as main vocals and the rest accompanied, forming an ensemble like no other.

As their last performance ended, majority of Seoul cheered. The group cheered for its success and hugged each other.

“Feels good for this to happen to us, right love?” Chaewon asked, hugging Minju.

“You can say that again.” Minju grinned. “All we had to do was sing our way through this life.”

They had to move for an idol group performance later. The members went our first, with Chaewon and Minju hugging each other while walking.

Minju had her point taken. They may have struggled a lot but they’ve sung themselves out and lived a wonderful and musical life.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1761 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1761 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.