Our Love: Part 7 (2Kim, Annyeongz, JangChae, Jinjoo)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

It was almost the winter break and almost the end of another first semester. The university’s modelling club will uphold another event that will determine the next set of members in the Elite group. A royal ball will be held to celebrate it and everyone will be invited. 

Today, the modeling club members will practice their dance numbers with their partner of their choosing. Wonyoung had the obvious choice of choosing Chaewon whereas Minju chose Yujin. Wonyoung didn’t like the sight yet Yujin was willing to do anything for Minju, thus she agrees.

“Okay, everyone. Members stand on the pink line, partners on the blue.” Sakura instructed.

The members executed the instruction and some squealed to see their partners. Minju and Yujin shared funny faces whereas Wonyoung faced nobody.

“Hmmm…we have an extra lady.” Sakura spoke then called. “Aish, this kid – Kwangbae!!”

Hyewon got up from her spot and checked her beloved’s concern.

“Partner up with Wonyoung – “

“I can sit out for a while, Sakura-san.” Wonyoung spoke. “I’ll wait for Chaewon-nim.”

“You can’t sit out, Jang. You’re the star of this dance number!” Sakura snapped.

“But – “

“Kim, step out of line.” Sakura pointed at Minju.

Minju felt isolated and betrayed by Sakura’s change of mood. Nonetheless, she obeyed and stepped out, leaving Yujin to partner with Wonyoung. Sakura starts the practices without hesitation, leaving Minju out of the room.

In the end, she bumped into someone again. 

“Again with bumping into me…” Minju hissed.

Chaewon gulped and helped her up, checking if Minju was okay. Minju yelped again when another yell from Sakura was heard. She went to see the commotion and her switch reverted. From the strict mentor, she became calm and smily.

“Well…sorry.” Chaewon spoke. “I didn’t mean to be late.”

“That’s fine. The two of you can be partners and join the dance.” Sakura said and lets them come in.

Chaewon and Minju nodded and got to the end where Wonyoung and Yujin were. Wonyoung had an angry look while Yujin was emotionless. Chaewon and Minju felt guilty, even Minju anticipated that Chaewon will demand to switch partners.

But no. Chaewon went along with the dance as much as everyone else did. She even held Minju’s hand dearly, as if she was going to disappear if she lets go for a second.

The dances went on smoothly as a single line until they changed positions and dispersed. Chaewon and Minju maintained a closer distance as Chaewon wanted to talk. Minju was hesitant yet her ears perk up to listen.

“Min, I’m so sorry about everything. I don’t want our relationship to be cut off. I’m mostly to blame in this conflict so let me make up to you.” Chaewon started. “Will you let me in again? Please?”

“I don’t know, Ssamu. I’m not up to commit on something that will hurt me and everyone else in the end.”

Chaewon continued to persuade as Minju continued to hesitate, not realizing that another couple was listening to them and talking to each other.

“Won, you’re getting paranoid.” Yujin commented. “Nothing’s going on between them.”

“How do you know that? Ssamu’s never like that with anyone, not even me…” Wonyoung hissed. “I swear – if she does anything towards my girlfriend, I won’t hesitate to do something.”

“So that means our friendship is off, then?” Yujin asked.

“AhnYu, don’t make me choose between both of you. You two are the most important people of my life.”

“Remember the deal.” Yujin reminded.

Sakura yelled instructions to gather into four members within the dance. Chaewon and Minju move to where Wonyoung and Yujin were and they formed in the middle. The others wowed of their prowess while dancing, even Sakura and Hyewon thought it was a beautiful and powerful sight.

During the dance, all but Wonyoung had smiles on their faces. Chaewon and Yujin’s gazes were mostly on Minju that Wonyoung was provoked, stretching her long leg to trip her. Minju yelped that Chaewon and Yujin reach to catch her.

And yet, Chaewon caught Minju most. So much for Yujin’s tall stature.

Hyewon turns on another music, which was supposedly Wonyoung and Chaewon’s highlight routine. Minju wanted to step out but Chaewon didn’t let go of her. Instead, she held Minju’s hand and nodded, leaving Minju to go along with it. As a result, they did the dance together. Everyone was impressed that Minju knew Wonyoung’s part and executed it better. However, Yujin didn’t want to let her best friend down and joined the routine. Wonyoung and the rest were impressed that Yujin knew Chaewon’s routine.

The four friends stole the spotlight and delivered a performance that made Hyewon and Sakura cheer. The rest joined them as part of their routines and they delivered the dance better than expected. When it finished, the four delivered their own poses. Everyone applauded for a good practice.

“Wonderful, everyone. Wonderful.” Sakura clapped. “Now, do a final bow and curtsy to your partners.”

Chaewon and Minju bowed at each other and Minju noticed Chaewon smiling greater than expected. Wonyoung noticed by the other side and was furious yet she doesn’t show it as Yujin was calming her down. 

“Despite the short practice, everyone has executed the dance spot on. We’ll resume the practices next week due to the final examinations coming along. Keep in mind that you will perform this is front of an audience so make sure to do your best, understand?” Sakura spoke and everyone nodded.

“Wooseok-ah, will you resume the usual sessions?” Hyewon called.

“No, Hyewon-nim. That will be all for today.”

“Good.” Hyewon raised a thumb. “Jang, Ahn, and the two Kims remain. We have something to discuss about the highlight routine.”

The rest went to get their things and go. Hyewon and Sakura faced the four women, eyes glaring at Chaewon.

“Why were you late?” Sakura asked. “We didn’t have student council related activities today.”

“I forgot the practice was today. My apologies.” Chaewon bowed.

“You almost costed your girlfriend her routine. If you didn’t arrive today, we could’ve replaced you and her.” Sakura spat. “Do you want that to happen?”

Wonyoung shook her head right away. However, Chaewon became defensive. “It was only for today. I won’t be late again. I promise.”

“You better not. Or else, we’ll have Minju and Yujin do it.”

Minju shook her head as Yujin comforted her. Chaewon could only look at her since Wonyoung was beside her. And for Wonyoung, she scoffed and left without saying anything. Chaewon went after her whereas Yujin comforted Minju because she thought that Minju will blame herself again.

“Yujinnie, you don’t want to console Wonyoung?” Minju asked.

“No need, Angel.” Yujin assured her and she had no time to get whipped towards her new call. “She needs Chaewon-unnie’s concern more than mine.”

“Minju-ya.” Hyewon called. “We meant what we said earlier. If Chaewon can’t uphold that simple responsibility in the next practice, you and Yujin will do the highlight routine.”

“Hyewon-nim, Sakura-nim, thank you for trusting us with the routine…” Minju bowed. “…but we can’t replace Wonyoung. She worked hard for this.” She then nudged Yujin. “Can’t we just let Yujinnie be her partner if that happens?”

“Hmm…who are we to force you?” Sakura looked at her, smiling sadly. “What do you think, Yujin?”

Yujin was conflicted. If they did the highlight routine, it would be her chance to confess and court her. However, she didn’t want to contradict Minju’s idea, let alone outcast her best friend out of this performance that was meant for her.

In other words, she never wanted to be selfish.

“I go with whatever Angel decides, sunbaenims.”

Hyewon and Sakura respect the decision, concluding the short meeting. All of them went out, with Minju and Yujin going out together.

“Yujinnie.” Minju called. “You should go. Wonyoung needs your comfort too.”

“But I want to hang out with you today, Angel.” Yujin spoke. “Do you…do you not want to?”

“It’s not like that. It’s just…” Minju spoke. “…I’m worried about Wonyoung. Maybe she needs your comfort too.”

“I know her, Angel. She prefers Chaewon-unnie’s comfort above anything.”

Minju didn’t pry any further. Yujin was relieved because she wants to spend time with her again.

“Let’s go for some fishcake.” Minju held her hand. “Imo should be missing us now.”

Yujin agreed and they walked side by side.


“No. No!” Wonyoung drove her hand away. “What was that, Ssamu?! What were you thinking?!”

“Won, I’m sorry I was late.” Chaewon held her hand. “I just had a personal matter. I won’t be late again. We’ll even practice together whenever you want to -“

“I care less about you being late. I am willing to sit out to wait for you. What pissed me off was that you stick to being a partner to Minju!” Wonyoung spat. “Having her potentially replacing me for the highlight routine was embarrassing.  I’m supposed to be the star so I should shine!”

Chaewon felt bad hurting her girlfriend and wrecking her pride. She knew Wonyoung gets easily jealous yet she tolerated something that could trigger it.

“I’m sorry. Ssamu’s sorry, okay?” Chaewon hugged her closer. “That was temporary, okay? We’re partners in the dance and nothing will change it.”

“What if it will?!” Wonyoung drove her away. “Don’t you know how badly I want this to work?!”

Chaewon wasn’t giving up in making up with her. She never saw Wonyoung so distressed. She could never leave knowing her girlfriend was bearing a bad heart in which she never wanted herself.

“And of all people, why Minju?! What’s it with you and her?!” Wonyoung spat her frustrations out, much to Chaewon’s shock. “You know, I try to tell myself that there’s nothing going on you two. But now, I suspect both of you.”

Chaewon couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Many possibilities ran in her head as to how Wonyoung got her suspicion. She knew the truth will come out eventually but not this soon.

“Won, I can explain. It’s now what you think –“

“What should I think, then?” Wonyoung asked, crossing her arms. “If there’s nothing going on you two, then stay away from her and let Yujin have her chance.”

Chaewon’s inner battle grew larger. She knew everything that went down. She’s the main subject, after all. She was willing to keep her relationship with Wonyoung intact but her heart was yearning for Minju too. And by understanding the fact that Yujin liked Minju, she hated them being together.

In fact, that was the reason why she was late for practice. She was pacing in the office, thinking of what to do about the inner fiasco. She truly wanted to make her relationship with Minju work without betraying Wonyoung and keeping Yujin away from her chances of courting Minju.

“Won, I’m sorry.” Chaewon spoke. “What must I do for you to forgive me?”

“Stay away from Minju and let Yujin have her chance.” Wonyoung shrugged. “My best friend likes her. I want Yujin to have her chance too. I want them to develop feelings for each other.”

“I don’t understand. Why must I stay away from Minju?”

“Because you need to.” Wonyoung spat, eyes glaring coldly at her. “Yujin will court her, Minju will accept her, and we’ll become the most powerful couples in school. Isn’t that enough?”

“Won…what are you getting with this?” Chaewon asked back, holding her hands. “Are you jealous of Minju? Are you formulating this plan or what?!”

“Why are you asking me back? I’m concerned about us!” Wonyoung spat. “I don’t want you to be associated with someone with a questionable background – “

“Minju has no questionable background. We’ve been classmates since we got here.” Chaewon got slightly angry at her girlfriend’s accusations. “Is Yujin part of this?!”

“That doesn’t matter. My point is that I want you to realize that we are for each other and I don’t want anyone in the way, even Yujin.”

Chaewon still couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She never expected Wonyoung to act so trivial with their relationship. She reckoned they trusted and understood each other but she never expected Wonyoung to be jealous of Minju and stating such immature propositions.

Minju of all people?! Chaewon would never want to tolerate that.

“God, Wonyoung…” Chaewon rubbed her temples. “What did you eat for you to think like that? I’m your girlfriend as much as you’re mine. Don’t you trust me?!”

“Of course, I do…” Wonyoung went to hug her. “I’m sorry if I’m like this. I’m just stressed and I just want our relationship to be intact.”

“But why would you say stuff like that about Minju? Why treat her that way? She doesn’t deserve it.”

“I know! I know…” Wonyoung spat then hugged her tighter. “I just love you. I don’t want to lose you…”

“Hey…” Chaewon broke the hug to wipe her tears. “You won’t lose me. I love you. Nothing will change that. And Minju has nothing to do with anything. I promise you that.”

“Still…can you stay away?”

Chaewon didn’t like it. As much as she truly loved Wonyoung, she wasn’t going to tolerate such behavior. As a result, she lets go and excused herself for student council work. Wonyoung insisted to wait for her but Chaewon told her to go home and rest from her stress.

“Can you at least send me off properly?”

Chaewon nodded and dialled Wonyoung’s driver. Both of them walked towards the gate and the familiar black sedan of the Jang family was seen. Chaewon reminded her to rest and Wonyoung nodded, kissing her lips before leaving. Chaewon watched at the sedan drove away and she looked back sighing.

With that, she dialled another number.


Minju and Yujin were enjoying their fishcakes when they got calls. Minju answered hers while Yujin didn’t. She watched Minju distressed with the call until it ended.

“Is something wrong, Angel?”

“Something came up. I need to go home now.” Minju answered. “What about your call? Are you okay? You look distressed.”

“I’m good, Angel. I could ask the same thing.” Yujin added. “Can I take you home?”

Minju nodded, paid for their snacks, and bid the owner farewell.

“You look so good together.” She added. “Maybe if you come here again, you’ll be a couple.”

Minju laughed the idea off. Yujin joined her but her heart hoped for it. During the walk, Yujin was in deep thought while looking at Minju. The feelings she had for her never ceased as every day, her heart grew bigger wings for her. She had thoughts to confess to her. With the passing days, Yujin wanted to have the right chance and at the same time, she wanted what’s best for Minju.

The two got to the apartment complex and Minju entered first. Yujin followed her, much to Minju’s surprise.

“Yujinnie, I can go from here.”

“But I want to take you to your room.” Yujin spoke. “Am I not allowed to?”

“I’m sorry but no. The policy says so.” Minju answered. “Thank you for today. I hope you go home safely and take care of yourself.”

Yujin nodded. Minju would’ve went on her way when Yujin held her hand and turned her around. Minju was shocked as she felt lips on her cheek and was released.

“You too, Angel.” Yujin smiled. “Goodbye.”

Minju froze as Yujin walked away. Her hand was on the cheek Yujin kissed until she was on her way to her residence. When she was at the door, she got herself together and got inside, only to be tackled by a hug.

“S-Ssamu…” Minju tried to release herself. “What’s with you?”

“I’m sorry if I called. I…” Chaewon gave space but the hug was still intact. “…I feel strange.”

Minju nodded and patted her back. As much as Chaewon needed the hug, she lets herself go to change. Chaewon followed her towards the room and laid down on her bed.

“Did you eat already?” Minju’s voice rang within the room while she was in the bathroom. “What made you call?”

“I wanted you home.”

A simple oh was heard. Not long after, Minju was all ready for bed. She got to the other bed when Chaewon got up and stopped her. “Can we sleep beside each other?”

“I don’t think we should – “


Minju looked back and saw Chaewon’s distressed look. The perfect life she was expected to live with tolled her entire being. The constant need to be perfect opened room for imperfections she couldn’t accept; inconsistent academic performances, negligence of her duties, and ignorance of her actions that had hurt others. She’s also having constant feuds with Wonyoung and created a bigger drift with Minju. As a result, she grew restless and scared.

Minju and Wonyoung were the most important people in her life. Chaewon can never bear to lose either of them.

Minju lost and nodded. Chaewon gave her space on the bed and Minju laid down, her back facing Chaewon. Chaewon felt sad that Minju didn’t bat an eye but she had to settle with this. It was better than not have Minju beside her at all. She drew closer and did something she never had done with her in a while.

Chaewon spooned Minju and whispered. “I love you…”

Minju sighed and her tears dropped endlessly. She didn’t make any noise and cried silently.

This was the one thing that made and broke her. This was the one thing that made her love and hate altogether. This was the one thing she wanted to get away but wanted to stay anyway.

She loved her. She always had.


It was another day and the start of Minju’s good progress in the modeling club. It was announced that she was one of the members that got promoted to the Class group. Most of the members were impressed with her improvement while some stay silent, especially Wonyoung.

The officers were proud, even Chaewon was happy for Minju’s promotion. Minju and Wonyoung noticed Chaewon’s persona and it made them uneasy. 

“We’ll resume practices after the break.” Eunbi announced.

Everyone dispersed. Some members congratulated Minju and in fact, the Elites group got her attention because Kyulkyung believed that she can be part of the Elites group in no time. The sight made Wonyoung jealous.

And to add up, Chaewon went to Minju to congratulate her personally. But then – 

“Angel!” Yujin called from outside. 

Wonyoung used the distraction to get Chaewon away and grab her attention. Minju greeted Yujin back as the taller got inside to congratulate her.

“Thank you. I also heard from Yena that you and Hitomi will play for the Interschool Olympics for volleyball.” Minju added. “Congratulations for being part of the best six, Yujinnie.”

Wonyoung face-palmed in her conscience. How could she not know that her best friend was going to play at an Interschool competition?

“Thank you. Shall we celebrate later?”

“Can we join you two?”

Wonyoung was the one who asked with Chaewon on hold. Yujin didn’t want it. She wanted to spend time with Minju alone. But with her whipped heart, she’ll go with whatever Minju decides.

“Okay.” Minju nodded. “You two can come along.”

Chaewon and Wonyoung were delighted as much as Minju was. For Yujin, however, she was conflicted. Her best friend and her girlfriend were with them and with Wonyoung’s current persona, she was worried of what Wonyoung will plot against Minju.

The thought had to be ceased as practices resumed.


The afternoon was spent with students watching the volleyball practices. Yujin was giddy to train since many will watch their school team play. Like how the Glee Club made specific people watch their recital, the same people came to watch their game. The only difference was that other students joined in.

“There’s so many people outside.” Hitomi huffed while stretching. “Why do they have to watch as well? Can our circle of friends just be our only audience?”

Yujin chuckled and told her not to worry. Hitomi chuckled then said, “Maybe you’re just saying that because Minju will be watching.”

It was Yujin’s turn to become nervous. Hitomi made a funny gesture as a sign of getting back to her remarks. Nonetheless, they returned their focus and went out of the field, hearing cheers from the spectators. Hitomi and Yujin were separated as they will be the aces of their teams. Yujin was in the middle as the blocker, focusing on Hitomi since she will be the setter.

The whistle was heard and Hitomi’s team does the first serve. The ball was passed within the field, with no team having hopes of failing. Yujin was mostly eyeing the ball and the opposition as Hitomi delivered her spikes. Yujin managed to block the attacks but she gets distracted at some times.

How can she even focus when Minju was at the other bench, cheering for her?

“Let’s not have wandering eyes, Yujin!” Hitomi spat.

Yujin nodded and coaxed her to give her best shot. Hitomi’s team delivers another goof service and the game resumed.

By the bleachers, the circle of friends from the recital got the best seats to watch the game. Each of them were cheering for Hitomi and Yujin. Minju and Wonyoung cheered for her the loudest, leaving Chaewon to cheer on Hitomi. Despite the crowd, Wonyoung had sharp ears and nudged her. 

“What?” Chaewon asked.

“Why are you cheering for Hitomi?”

“Because we are both each others’ fans.” Chaewon added then screamed Hitomi’s name.

Wonyoung rolled her eyes and cheered for Yujin. For Minju, she cheered for both but mostly cheered for Yujin. 

“Block the ball, Yujinnie!”

Yujin heard it and made the motion to jump and block. She managed to do it. However, the ball deflected and was heading towards the circle of friends. Yujin was triggered upon realizing who was going to take the hardest hit and ran out of the court like lightning.

Everyone at that moment braced themselves. Hitomi was even shocked and joined Yujin, heading towards where their friends were sitting. The ball would’ve hit them when two of the friends shielded them…

…but mostly Minju.

The ball was accurately and uncoincidentally towards Minju. Yujin rushed to protect her…

…even Chaewon.

But in this moment, Yujin managed to redeem herself from the last attempt in protecting Minju. She was hit by her own deflection but to the least Minju was safe. The shocked audience cooed because they were inches away from each other.

“Are you alright, Angel?” Yujin asked.

Minju nodded and felt guilty. “How could I not be okay? You protected me…”

“Hey, don’t be like that.” Yujin pinched her cheek. “It’s not your fault. What matters is that you’re safe.”

“Yah, Kim Minju.” Chaewon got to her. “Are you okay?”

Minju nodded again. “Yujin saved me.”

Wonyoung coughed as much as Hitomi did. Yujin sighed and returned to the court. 

“Pft. Lovergirl…” Hitomi mumbled and returned to her position.

The game continued again. Minju became flustered because of what happened but regained composure to watch the game. Chaewon didn’t like it and continued to cheer for Hitomi despite Wonyoung nudging her.

Wonyoung’s conscience was conflicted. She was happy because Yujin was making her move, increasing the chances in her favor for Chaewon. However, she was also sad because she felt ignored by her own best friend. However, all exciting emotions returned when the game was still on, especially when both teams were close to a draw and when Hitomi and Yujin delivered their moves that could change the games in either of their favors.

If Hitomi lands her spike well, they win. If Yujin manages to defend, both teams are tied. 

The crowd cheered again as the game ended. Yujin cheered with her team as the ball go through thanks to her defenses. Both teams congratulated each other for a good training. The circle got to Hitomi and Yujin and congratulated them. Wonyoung went to Yujin to congratulate her personally.

“Congratulations, AhnYu – “

“Angel, how did I do?” Yujin looked at Minju instead.

The other friends cooed in silence. Minju raised her thumbs then gave Yujin a towel to wipe her sweat. “You did great. You looked majestic with that jump.”

Yujin felt like she was in the clouds. Her smitten nature was hit again with just one compliment from Minju. 

“T-Thank you…” Yujin accepted the towel and wiped herself. “You think we’ll be able to win?”

“Of course. You and Hiichan did well.”

“Thank you, Min.” Hitomi grinned. “Let’s go and celebrate at our restaurant!”

The rest followed the cute peach. Minju and Yujin were in the middle, walking casually while talking. Chaewon and Wonyoung followed but had mixed emotions.

Wonyoung was hurt that Yujin didn’t notice her and noticed Minju instead. Chaewon was hurt that Minju was happier with Yujin than her.

Both were desperate to be together but at what cost?


The twelve friends clunked their drinks and congratulated each other in various fields. Eunbi was congratulated for her upcoming graduation, Sakura and Hyewon for their IT competition, and for Yena and Chaewon for passing their vocal practicum. Chaeyeon, Minju and Nako were congratulated for being top on their exams, with Hitomi and Yuri next in rank. Yujin and Wonyoung also excelled in their year level for both academics and extra curriculars.

“By the way, has your class prepared for the field trip?” Eunbi asked the sophomores.

“What field trip?” Wonyoung asked, looking at Chaewon.

“It’s a custom at the end of the month. All year levels will go on a field trip within their schedules.” Sakura added. “Eunbi had hers two weeks ago. Hyewon, Yena, and I had ours last week.”

“From Friday up to the next, our batch will go.” Chaeyeon spoke.

Wonyoung and Yujin were a little anxious because it concluded that Chaewon and Minju will be in one setting together. Worse case scenario, they’d be alone together.

“Is it necessary for you to go?” Wonyoung asked.

“It is. It’s part of our requirement, especially for my part.” Chaewon answered then eased her. “It’s only for a week.”

“Anything can happen within a week.” Yujin added then held Minju’s hand. “Do you need to go, Angel?”

“I must.” Minju spoke, adding a pat on Yujin’s hand.

Nako sneezed and Hitomi wipes her nose before both went to go get their food. Yuri rushed to help them and everything went back to a normal talk.

Everyone knew the tension between the four. To respect their situation, they decided to keep quiet. The members of the student council were mostly aiming the whole scenario to Chaewon in hopes that one day, she makes her move to reconcile with them, especially with Minju.

They hope for the field trip to resolve that so both can be true with their feelings.


The next morning became intense for the sophomores. Chaeyeon, Chaewon, Minju, and Yuri stood in silence as Nako and Hitomi argued about a banana plushie.

“Yeon, do you still want to be with Eunbi-nim as you see that?” Yuri asked. “You know she can be a hothead sometimes, even worse than them.”

“I could ask you about Yena-nim too. She’s too dense most of the time.” Chaeyeon added. “Acceptance is key. You know love isn’t just about rainbows and cupcakes. It’s a balance of both good and bad.”

Yuri nodded and went to help them out. Chaewon and Minju were rooted to the ground, feeling queasy to what Chaeyeon and Yuri said. They looked at the four friends and it was worse than before.

“Come on. Let’s help them.” Minju pulled Chaewon towards them.

Chaewon felt tingly yet she got to Nako’s side and consoled her while Minju consoled Hitomi. They consoled each of them and consoled them together to resolve the situation. Chaeyeon and Yuri were impressed that they managed to comfort them and made them make up for their arguments.

“Great timing too. The bus is here.” Yuri spoke and pulled the recently friendly couple aboard.

Chaewon and Minju remarked each other for a good job. Chaeyeon chuckled and draped her arms around them. “No wonder you managed to do it. Now that makes me want to marry Eunbi in the future.”

They were shocked, especially Minju. Chaewon was reminded to talk with Eunbi as to how Chaeyeon knew.

They had no time. They need to be in a field trip now. As they got in, they were finding separate seats but unfortunately, Nako and Hitomi paired to sit next to each other, including Chaeyeon and Yuri. The only seats vacant were at the back next to each other.

“I can just stand – “

“No.” Chaewon held her hand and they say together. “It’s okay, Min.”

Minju nodded lightly and made herself comfortable. Chaewon did the same and checked on Minju by puffing her neck pillow and making sure she sleeps properly along the trip.

“Hey. Don’t forget to drink this.” Chaewon gives her tea in a metal flask.

Minju thanked her and drank. Chaewon even made sure to wipe her chin since the liquid dangled. Minju almost spits because of the contact and Chaewon patted her back.

“Ssamu…” Minju regained composure to speak her mind. “Why are you doing this?”

“Because I’m worried about you. Can’t I care for you like this after everything that’s happened?” Chaewon looked at Minju, her eyes begging. “You said I can do whatever I want and this is what I want.”

Minju remembered what she said during that call and surrendered. The bus was already taking them towards their destination and being in the back seat was bumpy. Minju didn’t like it and Chaewon made sure she felt comfortable by holding her closer. 

The trip went on for three hours. Chaewon wasn’t a sleeper since she was always reprimanded by her mother not to do so during trips. Minju, on the other hand, was already dozing. Chaewon looked at her to see the uncomfortable position that she removes the pillow and lets her head lean on her shoulder. She also patted her head and held her in her arms. 

Chaewon felt her world stop looking at Minju. She had been beautiful since she was born. Chaewon knew her for all her life and they grew up together seeing each other live their lives. They supported each other from the beginning and will continue to do so…

…or so they thought…

Ever since Chaewon fell in love with another, their bond was never the same. She became rebellious and tactless, not realizing that there are people that get hurt, especially Minju. Her conscience always reminded her to be accountable – even her sister and student council members tell her. But sometimes, she never does that. 

It doesn’t need to be complicated but Chaewon made it complicated for Minju, Wonyoung, Yujin, and herself. But with today, she hoped to make amends and change for the better.

Minju shifted in her sleep that Chaewon comforted her again. Minju slept peacefully with a happy hum and Chaewon couldn’t help her smile. 

Little did she know, it was the biggest smile she plastered as her heart became the lightest she had even felt.


Wonyoung’s steps looked ladylike and poweful but those were steps of concern. She knew Chaewon went on a field trip yesterday but she was desperate to get to the apartment she lived in and try to ask for her contacts. Her girlfriend didn’t send anything – whether she arrived at the destination or that she was still okay – and it made Wonyoung more anxious.

She got to the apartment complex and asked the receptionist for Chaewon’s contact number. The receptionist wasn’t eager to give due to their policies but Wonyoung became persistent. It caused her to show her bad attitude. The receptionist was shocked and tried to calm Wonyoung down but it was no use. She was about to call security when Wonyoung became quiet.

“Yes, Miss Ahn?”

“I’m here to deliver something for Miss Kim Minju.” Yujin showed her an ongoing call.

The receptionist accepted it and accepted the call. The call was about a parcel to be delivered in the house by their fathers. As someone who knows the Kim family, she can confirm it was Minju. The call was hung up afterward.

“Thank you, Miss Ahn.” She added as Yujin nodded. “I’ll inform you when the Kims arrive.”

Yujin nodded and bowed. Wonyoung was confused and demanded answers but Yujin hugged her and dragged themselves out. Wonyoung didn’t become a brat as Yujin escorted her out and only pouted. 

“I told you to wait for me. Why did you just prance your way in?” Yujin spoke.

“I was just worried. I’m sorry.” Wonyoung pouted again. “Ssamu hasn’t contacted me yet.”

“Same with Angel. Maybe they’re busy with activities.” Yujin added. “Anyway, you promised to help me get a present for Angel.”

“Same with you. I have this gift for Ssamu that I wanted her to have.” Wonyoung held her hand. “Let’s go.”

The two friends went to the mall and decided to have fun for the day. With their favored persons in a field trip, it became a time for them to reconcile as best friends. As much as Wonyoung missed Chaewon despite the short hours, she was also happy because she gets to have Yujin for the whole week.

She missed her. She missed everything about her.

The two went shopping for the things they like and for Chaewon and Minju’s gifts that they’ll send to the destination . After that, they had snacks at their favourite restaurant. They talked for a bit until Wonyoung suggested to call Chaewon. Yujin sighed and decided to call Minju too, excusing herself by the veranda.

“Hi, love~” Wonyoung waved as soon as Chaewon was on the screen.

Uh…hey, love…

“Why didn’t you call?” Wonyoung pouted. “How are you? When did you arrive?”

The trip got busy and we arrived at midnight. Things got pretty busy here because we had arrangements.

Wonyoung nodded and talked about how she missed Chaewon. However, she noticed that another silhouette was at the back, holding a towel and wearing pajamas. The voice was also familiar, as if the person was video calling someone.

“Do you have a roommate system in the trip?” Wonyoung asked as Chaewon nodded.  “Who’s your roommate?”

Ssamu, can you help me with something?

Wonyoung had keen senses and was familiar with the voice and its owner. She asked Chaewon again when the latter hang up from her video call, shocking her.

On the veranda, Yujin was an excited puppy waiting for Minju to call. Luckily, Minju answered with a covered face. Yujin noticed that she was still waking up and found her cute. “Good morning, Angel.”

Morning…what made you call?

“I wanted to check on you. How’s the field trip?”

It was rowdy. We had a lot of arrangements since midnight that we got preoccupied.

“It’s okay, Angel.” Yujin spoke. “How you’ve been?”

Minju answered all that had happened within the trip while she did her morning routines. Yujin adored seeing Minju like watching a vlog on YouTube. She even giggled watching Minju sharing more moments as she walked towards the bathroom with a towel on hand.

What Yujin didn’t expect on the next set of actions was that she noticed a familiar face behind Minju.

Yujinnie? Are you still there?

“S-Sorry, Angel. I just remembered something. I have something to do so I’ll call you later, okay?”

Minju nodded and bid her farewell. Yujin waved back and Minju hung up the call. Yujin puts her phone down and sighed, just as much as her smile had died. She couldn’t help the fact that the person she saw was familiar.

It was at that moment where she knew who it was.

Yujin returned to the table, hearing Wonyoung getting angry. She went to the table and would’ve consoled her when –

“Why did you suddenly turn off your phone?!” Wonyoung spat. “What were you doing? And was that Minju?!”

No, it’s not what you think.

Yujin sighed again and excused herself to order their snacks. Wonyoung was still crossed and Chaewon was working harder to calm her down.

“So Minju is your roommate?” Wonyoung raised her eyebrow.

She is. We were assigned by the faculty to be paired.

“You couldn’t choose out of your classmates? What about Chaeyeon or Yuri? Not even Nako or Hitomi?”

Again with this, Won. This is a field trip; an official school event, for God’s sake. Nothing is happening between Minju and me. Why can’t you get that?!

Wonyoung couldn’t believe it. She was saying things as a worried girlfriend yet Chaewon spoke out like she was the delusional one. It became silent, even when Yujin arrived with trays of their favorite snacks.

I’m sorry for flipping out. I’m still tired. Can we call later?

“Why can’t we continue the call? “ Wonyoung asked. “So you can cuddle with Minju?!”

“Yah, Jang Wonyoung!” Yujin got angry. “Leave Angel out of this!”

Countable people heard them and spared a look. Yujin apologised to them for disturbing yet Wonyoung was still angry.

You’re with AhnYu?

“What? Can I not spend a day with my best friend?” Wonyoung asked, still angry. “You know what, we can talk about your relationship with Minju now. Who really is she to you?”

I have no time to talk. I have to go.

Chaewon hung up immediately, leaving Wonyoung frustrated. She would’ve screamed when Yujin snatched her phone. She crossed her arms in disappointment. “Can’t you calm down for once, Won?”

The expected hangout as best friend became bad. Wonyoung had gotten ill-tempered because of Chaewon’s unexplainable statements whereas Yujin became conflicted and paranoid of what she saw during her video call with Minju. Both had their own possibilities without realizing that they pointed towards the same people.

Wonyoung had a concrete idea on what she would do about it. Yujin was debating to join her or not.

“AhnYu, I’m sorry…” Wonyoung mumbled, her head lowered. “Can’t I be a worried girlfriend for Ssamu? I know it’s not right to pinpoint but I can’t help it.”

Yujin sighed, shook her head, and scooted Wonyoung’s snack to her. “Enough. Let’s eat first.”

“But – “

“I’ll confess and court Minju when she returns from the field trip.”

Wonyoung was shocked. However, Yujin made her shut up and gave a spoonful to her.

“I’ll shut up and eat if you mean what you said.”

“I mean it. You’ll even help me, right? Isn’t that what we talked about before?”

Wonyoung took it seriously and ate. Somehow, Yujin noticed Wonyoung’s anger subside and she felt relieved herself, knowing that she herself will take action. The two best friend enjoyed their food as Wonyoung finished her first, her actions full of grace and dignity.

“I’m glad you got your senses straight.” Wonyoung spoke. “I assumed you made a deal to ruin our friendship if I do something to Minju.”

“I know. I’d be against it but…” Yujin sighed. “… something happened.”

“The video call. That’s what happened, AhnYu.”

Both had shared their findings when they called Chaewon and Minju. Those findings were not proven true and pointed out to the two. Wonyoung had all the possibilities thought yet Yujin was being rational and instead thought about plans to keep Minju from any harm.

“So… will you be taking the deal back?”

“No…” Yujin spoke, shocking Wonyoung. “I go with whatever Angel wants because I care about her.”

“What about the courting?” Wonyoung asked. “AhnYu, I don’t want to lose you and Ssamu. I’ll hurt Minju if I have to.”

“We made a deal, Won. I assume you don’t want me to go on my part as your best friend.”

“Indeed not…but guarantee me that you and Minju will be together.”

“Just stick with the fact that I’ll court her when she returns. I won’t make any promises that will compromise my conscience.”

Wonyoung sighed and watched Yujin eat her snack. She crossed her limbs and rolled her eyes, trying to keep a strong persona. But deep down, she was scared.

She was scared to lose Chaewon, to lose Yujin, and to hurt and lose to Minju.

But if it was to keep everything she held dear and return to the usual, Wonyoung was willing to risk it.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1761 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1761 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.