An Extremely Busy Marriage: Part 3 (KkuChaen)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

The rays of the Sun hit Sakura's eyes that she woke up in a jolt. Then, her gaze softened as she was greeted by her wife’s beautiful face. 

“Finally, you’re up.” Chaeyeon spoke the inched to kiss her forehead. “Good morning, my sleepy head.”

“Good morning.” Sakura hugged her closer. “I love you...”

“I love you too.” Chaeyeon smiled, showering her forehead with more kisses.

Chaeyeon would’ve broke the contact but Sakura ended up pulling her back to lie down on top of her. Chaeyeon yelped but Sakura cradled her in her arms. They ended up looking at each other’s eyes and stayed in their spots.

“Let’s just lie down together.” Sakura spoke as she cupped Chaeyeon's cheek.

Chaeyeon giggled and leaned on Sakura's hand. Their distances were closed little by little as they shut their eyes and puckered their lips...

...until they stopped midway because of a rumbling stomach.

“Stupid stomach.” Sakura mumbled, leaving Chaeyeon to break out a laugh.

“We must get up.” Chaeyeon rose up and pulled Sakura with her. “ I need to feed my baby.”

Sakura pouted and Chaeyeon cupped her cheeks and cooed her like she was a real baby. Sakura played along and lets herself be pulled by Chaeyeon towards the kitchen, leaving the messy bed to be fixed later.


Sakura chuckled as she leaned by the counter, chin resting on her hand. She was eyeing Chaeyeon cooking breakfast for them and she adored how she was dancing while cooking. From graceful sways to dorky pop and locks, Sakura smiled at every gesture and she would never wanted to avert.

Chaeyeon returned with two plates of Japanese chicken rice and almost dropped it since Sakura had a deep look towards her. 

“I'm sorry, love. You seem energetic this morning.” Sakura spoke.

“How could I not be energetic? We’re spending our day together.” Chaeyeon spoke and placed the two plates on the counter. “To celebrate the morning, I cooked your favourite chicken rice.”

Sakura wowed and watered of the succulent chicken and fried egg laid on top of a bed of butter-fried rice. They said grace and ate. Chaeyeon was graceful whereas Sakura wowed with every bite, making Chaeyeon adore her and take a picture without Sakura noticing.

“Is it really that delicious?” 

“It is. You always outdo me with your recipes, love.” Sakura spoke and ate another bite.

“I'm glad you love it. I’ll make it for your future lunchboxes when you’ll return to work.” Chaeyeon spoke as she got a grain of rice off Sakura's cheek.

Like a baby, Sakura remained still as Chaeyeon got the grain off, eating it afterward. The sight made Sakura's face red but both have distracted themselves by eating.

“I’ll get the dessert and side dishes.” Chaeyeon stood up and returned to the kitchen.

Sakura nodded and continued to eat when her phone rung. She checked in and answered after swallowing her food. “Nako?”

Boss Kkura, we have an emergency regarding the project.

Sakura excused herself to the veranda and answered. “ know I’m on my day off.”

All of us know, Boss. The Kangs arrived to make a proposition with the land. The investor and his henchmen came with them and as much as Chaewon wants to conduct the meeting in your place, they require your presence.

“Bastards...” Sakura cussed under her breath. “What is it about?”

The Kangs have offered a bigger purchase for the lot. In CASH. Unless we can give a bigger price today, we won’t be able to start the final arrangements for the project.

“Chaeyeon will kill me.” Sakura huffed. “Alright. I’ll be there in 30 minutes.”

Sakura hung up and returned to the counter. Chaeyeon was arranging the table and had two servings of tempura and two slices of matcha roll cake with a smiling face and Sakura had that inner fear of disappointing her.

She needed to tell the truth. Making up excuses wasn’t the right way to do it.

“The company called, didn’t they?”

“Love, how did you know?” Sakura gasped.

“I can hear your rants outside, love. You know you’re loud when you’re crossed.”

“Love, I’m sorry...” Sakura hugged her close. “It’s about the project. I need to be in a emergency meeting.”

“Hey. Don’t be too hard on yourself. I understand that it’s an emergency. As the boss, you must aid to your subordinates.” Chaeyeon broke to cup her face. “You can go.”

“Are you serious?” Sakura asked. “What about our day together?”

“Why bother asking me that when I can’t stop you even if I want to?” Chaeyeon asked back. “You’re always dedicated to your work. We both are but your job is more important in times of emergencies.”

Sakura sighed and looked up, almost teary. It was a sign of thanking the Almighty for being married to an understanding woman that she loved more than anything.

“Thank you, love.” Sakura hugged her again, kissing her face many times.

Chaeyeon chuckled and hugged her. As much as they wanted to stay, time couldn’t wait. They resumed to finish their breakfast and Sakura sped to their bedroom to bathe and change. Chaeyeon was left to clean the table and wash the dishes, just in time for Sakura to return, already suited for work.

“I’m sorry again.” Sakura huffed and kissed her wife’s forehead.

“Kkura, promise me one thing first.”


“Be back early for our dinner.” Chaeyeon handed a paper bag. “It's sushi, sashimi, and wagashi from the café. Have it as your lunch.”

“Okay Thank you.” Sakura pecked her cheek. “I love you.”

“I love you too. Take care.” Chaeyeon spoke, watching Sakura run outside and closing the door with a loud bang due to rushing.

As Sakura was out of sight, Chaeyeon couldn’t believe that an emergency like that happened. She could curse at whatever factor there was that wrecked her supposed day with her husband. However, she couldn’t dwell into it forever. She trusted Sakura when it comes to her work and she was sure that she’ll finish and return to her soon.

With that, she had an idea and decided to do shopping to prepare for the special dinner.


Nako gulped as she scooted two bags of cash towards the investor. The investor gulped and checked the content whereas the opponent scoffed. Nako looked back to her boss and gulped again, leaving her to be comforted by Chaewon and Minju, who were just as scared as her.

Why were they scared? Sakura was giving her deadly glare. She was giving that because she had to dedicate onto this project through a meeting that lasted until noon and now, a negotiation that was going on now until God knows how long. What made her pissed off was that her opponents and the investor were wasting her time, resulting her to leave her wife and their supposed special day together.

“That’s a million U.S dollars, Mr. Shim.” Sakura spoke. “That covers everything for the project, even the amount of the land.”

The investor lets his henchmen count the money in the bags. He hurries them as Sakura's look was getting deadlier by every second. 

“It’s a million U.S. dollars, boss.”

“I apologize, Mrs. Kang and...Mrs. Kang. Mrs. Miyawaki gave greater money – “

“We’ll give two million.” 

“Bull, Kang Eunbi!” Sakura hissed. “I could wipe my with two million.”

“Come on, Kwangbae! We must have that land!” Eunbi fumed at her husband. “My villa~”

“A villa next to a museum is preposterous.” Sakura hissed. “This infrastructure project is important for children who can’t afford to go to school. I won’t let some lavishing and useless house of one selfish woman get in the way of the important future of many children.”

Eunbi was furious but her husband stopped her. “Come on, Sakura. Cut some slack. Our villa is also for the homeless. Weigh the more important matter here.”

“Shut it, Kang Hyewon. You heard it from your partner's mouth, didn’t you?” Sakura raised and sighed. “Alright. Make it three million.”

“Five.” Hyewon spoke.

“Ten. In cash.” Sakura spoke.

Hyewon cussed and walked away, dragging her gold-digging wife with her. Nako, Chaewon, and Minju applauded their boss for a job well done.

“Yes! We got the deal, Boss!” Nako cheered.

“Why the thrill, Boss?” Chaewon asked. “You can actually donate a hundred million and it will barely touch your savings account.”

“I’m thrifty and it’s only for important projects.” Sakura spoke then faced the investor. “Ten million, Mr. Shim. Is it a deal?”

“With pleasure, Mrs. Miyawaki.” He agreed and shook hands with her.

“Finally this is over!” Sakura stood up. “I need to return home.”

“Hold on, Mrs. Miyawaki.” Mr. Shim presented some papers. “We still have the contracts.”

“I will give permission for Kim Chaewon to sign them.” Sakura spat. “I really must return to my home.”

Mr. Shim tried to insist again that the three subordinates insisted back. It was then that Sakura glared and spoke. “Fine. I’ll sign...but let me do a call first.”

Sakura went out towards the building’s veranda and took time to make a call. She saw Chaeyeon's picture as her wallpaper and a huge 18:00 written at the top. She sighed and decided to text instead.


Chaeyeon sat her chair, looking at the door for any sign of Sakura's arrival.

The dining room was decorated with red linen cloth and small white balloons. The hours without Sakura made Chaeyeon do groceries for dinner and shopping for her present. She cooked for most of the hours and it became evident because of the food on the table.

She prepared new tempura and sashimi as side dishes, new sushi and chicken rice as the main course, and new wagashi and matcha roll cake for dessert; all of which are Sakura's favourite food. She also added squid chips and matcha lattes since it was her specialty which Sakura loved the most.

The table was laid with a white cloth, the plates of delicious food, a lit candle, and a bucket with champagne and the matcha lattes. Chaeyeon was even in decent makeup and in a decent attire, hoping to match Sakura in her business suit.

At that time, she waited. Seconds, minutes, and an hour passed and Sakura wasn’t around...

...until a sound was heard.

“Kkura?” Chaeyeon checked the door again. 

It wasn’t her arrival. It was from her phone. Chaeyeon got a message from Sakura and she got excited to read it.

From: Kkura
Love, I’m so sorry. I’ve been busy all day due to two meetings and now, I’m still signing all the contracts for our project.

It would’ve been fine but the next sentences weren’t.

I can’t make it to the dinner. I might come home late so don't wait for me.

If Chaeyeon wasn’t a decent human being, she would let her inner hell break lose. Food would be scattered around the room and the decorations would be torn to shreds. But no. She ended up sighing, blowing the candle, and walking away from the dining room, leaving the rest of the preparations unscathed.

She was disappointed AND mad. Sakura swore for a day with just the two of them. She may have broken a quarter of it by going to work due to an emergency but Chaeyeon expected her to make it up for dinner. Now, Sakura broke the WHOLE promise, making Chaeyeon believe that she wasn’t as important as her husband's work.

As a result, the excited mood she plastered was gone. She ended up changing, taking a bath, and tucking herself to sleep.


It was 8 in the evening and Sakura arrived home after a day of exhausting work. She called Chaeyeon but she wasn’t given a response. She looked around the ground floor, with her last stop at the dining room. Sakura got inside and she couldn’t believe her eyes.

She saw the decorations, her favourite food, the dim candles...

...and the squid chips and matcha lattes.

“Jjaeyeon...” Sakura mumbled, her heart heavy.

She knew Chaeyeon was displeased during that call. She knew Chaeyeon would go through many lengths to prepare for the dinner. Most of all, she knew Chaeyeon would be mad because she broke her own promise and she knew to herself that she should’ve done greater lengths of her own. She had many job opportunities but she only has one wife and yet, she forgot to care for her; the most important person that made her whole.

She puts her stuff on the living room and fixed the table. She kept little portions of everything in the fridge and reheated the rest. With the long remaining time, she went to the bedroom, did her evening routine, and tried to slip under the covers.

She froze, however, as Chaeyeon muttered and cried frustrations in her sleep. It pained Sakura to see her wife so distressed that hugged her while lying down and used her strength to turn her around so they faced each other.

“Jjaeyeon?” Sakura called. “Love?”

Chaeyeon slowly awoke from slumber, seeing Sakura plastering a scared smile. Chaeyeon regained full consciousness and harrumphed, turning around so her back faced her husband.

“Love, please talk to me and listen to me.” Sakura hugged her again. “If you let me explain – “

“Zip it, Kkura.” Chaeyeon spat then yawned. “Just go to bed or something...”

Sakura was a scary boss but a scared husband. She would never want anything bad for Chaeyeon yet her betrayal in her promise inflicted a scar on her wife. She knew better to hurt her caring yet emotional wife with her words, which is why she wasn’t stopping to settle everything.

“Oh, Jjaeyeon...” Sakura pecked her head. “I care about you. I care about us. I don’t want to sleep peacefully knowing you’re crying beside me so to me and listen to me.”

Chaeyeon turned around again and her crying eyes met Sakura's watery ones. She felt a little pity but her anger was taking over.

“Well , Kkura!” Chaeyeon spat. “If your were truly my husband, you would do anything for me, even just for today! Yet, you have all the time to work to the point you don’t have the time for me anymore!”

Chaeyeon got up and sat on her side, covering her face and crying. Sakura dropped a tear and pulled her in an embrace.

“Love, I’m so sorry...” Sakura spoke. “I never want you to feel that you’re not worth it. You’re everything. You’re my wife and I love you with every part of my being...”

“If a certain someone truly loved another someone, you would think that the certain someone would do anything for that another someone.” Chaeyeon continued to rant. “You could’ve shown up early for dinner, you could’ve apologized for not showing up, you could’ve called earlier that we should have another day off to make up for today, you could’ve left me a note in the morning that we cancel the day off and just work, or something.”

Chaeyeon drove Sakura's hand off and went to their balcony, letting off steam that she kept for so long. Sakura felt guiltier, almost succumbing into feeling worthless because Chaeyeon had a point with everything she said.

“You’re’re right.” Sakura began before trying to hug Chaeyeon again. “I'm ashamed to be your husband when I can’t even care for my own wife...and I’m truly sorry about it, love...” Sakura buried her face on Chaeyeon's shoulders. “I let my head be consumed with too much work that I lost track of everything that’s important to me: you...”

Chaeyeon gulped as she felt something wet on her shoulder. Sakura's head was buried there but her tears were silent.

“You mean everything to me, Jjaeyeon. I love you so much...” Sakura mumbled, her hug still intact. “It’s always you in everything I do and the worst nightmare I’ll ever have will be the day you won’t be with me anymore.”

Chaeyeon wiped her tears away. Her crossed arms went loose and one hand held Sakura's arms around her while the other patted her pink locks.

“I’m sorry, love.” Sakura spoke again between sniffles. “Will you ever forgive me?”

Chaeyeon broke slowly and Sakura was worried she triggered her again. Chaeyeon calmed Sakura down with a gentle hold and looked at her, head lowered as her heart sank for what she had done. Chaeyeon cupped Sakura's face and saw her penitent eyes, looking like a whiny baby.

“ can I not forgive you?” Chaeyeon hissed and wiped her tears away. “I’m sorry for ranting. You were doing your work for us and for our future so I should’ve understood more.”

Sakura shook her head and pulled Chaeyeon for a hug. Chaeyeon hugged back and the couple lets each of their presences calm each other down.

“I almost lost you today...” Sakura mumbled. “I’m going to leave Wednesday as my day off every week this time.”

“Include the whole company, Kkura.”

“Yes. I’ll do that. I’m going to draw an iron fist to those picky investors, and this time...” Sakura broke to hold Chaeyeon's face. “...I’ll spend those special days with you without any distractions, starting off by having dinner with you.”

“But Kkura, the food’s cold. It’ll take time to reheat everything.” 

“Don’t worry, love.” Sakura spoke, just as the ring of the microwave was heard. “I reheated them when I arrived.”

Chaeyeon sighed and hugged Sakura, head buried on her neck. Sakura hugged back and they managed to exchange their words of love before returning to dining room to eat.

They ate the extravagant food in their pajamas inside a decorated room. The setup wasn’t as expected but it was a day filled with a lot of emotions. Despite the backlash earlier, it became the way to their relationship's strong pillar.

They were married and they’ll do whatever they can to face their extremely busy marriage together.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1761 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1761 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.