My Younger Boyfriend (JangChae)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

“How long do we play this lie?”

Chaewon drew that question as she was talking to Wonyoung and Yena. They were at a retro-like restaurant, indulging the sweetest of milkshakes yet sharing the saltiest remarks. The duck of the duo was having none of it while the tallest was sharing her sentiments.

“Yena, don’t you support us?”

“I do but I’m not worrying for my sake.” Yena added. “My Yuri already knows and still loves me regardless. I continue to dress as a guy sometimes whenever she liked it.”

“Lucky for you.” Chaewon mumbled. “How will I explain this to Hiichan and Wonil?”

“Heol…you have a girlfriend and a boyfriend.” Yena pointed out then nudged the quiet taller. “Is everything alright, Wonyoung?”

Wonyoung was silent at first yet she regained composure by joining the sentiments. “I don’t know what to tell Nako about this.”

“I’m sure your current partners will understand.” Wonyoung said to Chaewon.

“Yours too.” Chaewon added.

Yena slurped her milkshake like a pro and decided to order more for them. It was Chaewon and Wonyoung left and with the duck out of the picture, they had to talk.
“Why did you lie to Yena, Chaewon?”

“She has a big bill for a mouth. She’ll tell Yuri or worse, Nako and Hitomi.” Chaewon added. “Why did you agree to disguise as a guy and date me, anyway?”

“Because I have feelings, Chaewon.” Wonyoung rolled her eyes.

“Nako has feelings for you. Why not choose that?”

“It’s different with you.”

Chaewon froze, just in time for Yena to return with extra milkshakes. Wonyoung poured herself extra liquid and drank. Chaewon had to avert this situation by replying to Yena’s nags.

The three had a nick for crossdressing and attracted their girls. Yena was out of the picture because she was loyal to Yuri. Chaewon and Wonyoung had their fair share of the lies because despite having partners, they dated each other.

Who knows how long will they stick to it?


Are you going to come with me to the festival?

“No. I have somewhere to go.” Wonyoung answered Nako. “You can ask Hiichan to come with you.”

Psh. Hardly think that’s gonna happen. She has a date with Chaewoon.

“Just try and ask her.” Wonyoung spoke. “See ya.”

Nako hung up and Wonyoung returned her focus in wrapping her hair in a tight hairnet and stocking. She then puts her brown wig on and delivered a smile. She then got her portable cassette player and headphones and went out.

“I can’t be late…” She spoke to warm-up her lower voice register.

She got to a park and waited. She looked around until a familiar pink-haired girl met her.

Scratch that. His gaze.

“Wonil-ah~” Chaewon waved.

He got up and went to hug his girl. Chaewon hugged back and broke to hold his hands. “Let’s go?”

Chaewon and Wonil went to the same retro-like restaurant. Instead of milkshakes, they decided to order a big glass of orange juice for two. They ended up talking about cassettes, photocards, and tapes because those are things that they loved in common. Chaewon leaned her chin by thee hand as Wonil was listening to some music.

She watched how Wonil shuts his eyes as his head bopped with the music. Even if she was facing Wonil right now, Wonyoung was still evident. The taller had a charm to which Chaewon liked and somehow, she didn’t want to be away from it.

“What are you listening?” Chaewon nudged him.

Wonil opens his eyes and delivered a cute smile. Nonetheless, he takes off his headphones and puts it on Chaewon. His big hands fitted her small face pretty well; another factor to why she was whipped towards Wonil…

…even though he’s a girl.

“This is nice.”

“Right?” Wonil spoke as their order came in.

The glass of juice was in between them and with two straws, they shared it like the typical lovebirds. Both were sipping while looking at each other, feeling whipped.
Wonil was the younger boyfriend; too young to actually become Chaewon’s lover. When people looked at them, especially when they stand next to each other, they were like siblings. 

“They’re eyeing us again.” Wonil mumbled.

“So what?” Chaewon got the headphones off. “So what if you’re younger and that I’m the older sister?”

Wonil shushes Chaewon and the older’s heart pumped of the bigger hand covering . Wonil felt the same as his hand made contact with her lips. 
Chaewon thought about a possibility; that Wonyoung would be born five years earlier and that she would wait for her to grow. But love shouldn’t be based on anything – let alone age or biology. When you’re in love, everything else is forgotten.

What’s important is that in this love, the future built will last.


Chaewoon-oppa, we need to talk.

Chaewon gulped with that tone yet she was already prepping up with her greenish-gray wig. Her wardrobe of jumpers and sweatshirts was changed into a polo and khakis and she hastily went to the bus station, going down to a park where she and the caller had most of their dates. 

She saw her on her red shirt, flower-themed skirt, and pink shiny shoes that had extra heels just so she can stand to her level. Nonetheless, Chaewon had to greet her.

Time to change the vocal register. “Hiichan.”

“Oppa~” The cheeky girl reached to hug her. 

Chaewoon hugged her back, adding a cup on her cheeks. “Let’s go?”

She nodded and they held hands. Chaewoon planned their date at amusement park and she was going to shoulder everything for his date. Once they got their, Chaewoon chuckled as his date got excited. As the man, he was willing to do anything for her.

They rode many rides, ate a lot of food, and spent most of their time at the photo booth to take pictures. They may have had a long line during their use but to the least they had many transcripts of their wonderful date. They stopped by a bench and just sat, talking a lot of things.

“I’m sorry if I had to cancel our date at the festival last time.” Chaewoon spoke.

“It’s okay. Nako came with me.”

Chaewoon nodded. But then, the tension started as he called. “Hitomi.”

Hitomi wasn’t shocked of that call. She expected this date to be serious in the end. “Yes, Chaewoon? Or should I say…Chaewon?”

Chaewoon gulped as she faced Hitomi showing a sad smile. He didn’t want this; Hitomi had become a wonderful person in his life. But it was better to get out to seek the truth than to be stuck in a pit of lies.

“How did you find out?”

“Nako and I shared a suspicion. The difference was you and Wonyoung.” Hitomi spoke. “Now tell me…you cancelled our date because you went with Wonil – who is actually Wonyoung dressed as a guy, right?”

Chaewoon sighed again and nodded. Hitomi would’ve had the right to cry and lash out because she wasn’t good enough for Chaewoon or because she felt betrayed that Chaewoon was actually Chaewon and that she had someone else – who happened to be one of their friends.

“Come on, Hiichan. Lash at me. Spit at me for what I did.” Chaewoon made her look at him.

“I don’t need that.” Hitomi spoke. “Just tell me the stuff you’ve kept hiding. Be honest with me for this last time.”

Chaewoon was teary for he never wanted to hurt Hitomi. It was then he removed his wig and showed the long pink hair that bore Chaewon’s identity.
Her true identity.

“I never regretted being with you, Hiichan. You’re beautiful, pure, sweet, and like a younger sister to me. You’re even matured than I am that you always scold me for doing wrong stuff, especially when I say something selfish. Every moment with you was wonderful yet…”


“…our different charm preferences and our made our sparks gone.”

“Even the little ones?” Hitomi asked. 

Chaewon nodded. Hitomi followed her actions, feeling a lot of things. She had the fair share of losing the spark of their love, probably a reason why she’s not totally affected by it. 

“Before I fell for you, I thought about those concerns too. But as we got closer, it was gone and I hoped for it to last. But now, I start to eat my words…” Hitomi sighed, leaning on Chaewon’s shoulder. “…because maybe it wasn’t meant for us.”

Chaewon nodded. She apologized for this mess but Hitomi shuts her up.

“Put the wig back on and let me cherish the last moments of dating Kim Chaewoon.” Hitomi spoke. “It’s the only way I can forgive you.”

Chaewon nodded, tucked her hair back in her hairnet and stocking, and puts the wig back on. Hitomi helped her adjust the strands and pulled her up. “We still have the ferris wheel so let’s go.”

Chaewoon nodded and they walked side by side, heads leaning on each other.


I said I don’t want to see you.

Wonyoung grew worried about Nako’s tone. She wasn’t usually the one to grow serious but once she was, Wonyoung could piss at her pants for how scared she was.

“What’s wrong, Nako?” Wonyoung asked. “Why don’t want to see me?”

Because I might see Wonil instead.

Wonyoung gulped. There was no use to ask like an idiot as she spoke. “Nako…I can explain…”


“I couldn’t believe myself at first. Before I fell in love with you, I couldn’t believe the idea itself – let alone that it would happen to me. But as you came, everything felt more than normal. It was the most special thing that happened to me. Yet…”


“…we have drifted off lately.”

There’s truth to all you say, Won. I felt the same too. I guess it faded when you became Wonil. Sometimes, I wonder... where did I lack?

“It was me who lacked, Nako. It’s my fault.” Wonyoung spoke. “I’ll do the amends just for you to forgive me.

Then let’s stop lying to each other and cut this off.

“But what about you?”

There’s no use of keeping it when we can’t be honest with each other. And I’m in no position to stop you from being with Chaewon because you love her.

“How do you even…” Wonyoung rubbed her temples.

Hiichan and I had our fair share of suspicions. You and Chaewon even have the fair share of dressing up like guys. Yena would be out of this because she’s loyal to Yuri.

“Here you are spreading the word…”

Because I wanted you to talk about it and be honest yourself. 

“Nako…I’m just…” Wonyoung was feeling speechless. “Just let me see you…please…” 

No. Let it be this way. It’s the only way I can forgive you.

Wonyoung sighed. She felt heavy keeping her part of the promise.

Just give ourselves some time. We’ll hang out again. There’s one last thing that I want you to do.

“What is it?”

Be good to Chaewon.

Nako hung up immediately. Wonyoung may be free from the lie but the aftermath conflicted her.


A year passed. Breakups came and went yet new love came and never went. The six friends were in good terms and shared love on their own. Chaewon and Wonyoung got together, Hitomi and Nako got together, and Yena and Yuri were still loyal. Chaewon, Wonyoung, and Yena lessened the habit of crossdressing because there was not much use of it.

Today, Chaewon was wearing her favorite shirt with her jumpers, matching her blue socks and shoes. She got to the park she loved and saw a familiar person, facing her and doing a cute bang pose.

For a moment, Chaewon thought that the crossdressing was far from over. Nonetheless, she ran to hug him. “Wonil-ah~” 

“I got early this time.” He smiled.

Chaewon chuckled and pulled him closer, whispering to his ear. “I thought this was done, Wonyoung-ah.”

“Come on, unnie. I love it. You like this better by 60% so I wanted us to go on a date like this.”

“You big baby…” Chaewon pinched Wonil’s cheek as she pulled her to walk. 

“I’m not a baby.” Wonil huffed. “When you get a year older, I get a year older too.”

“Which is why we’re in a relationship where you can’t catch up to me.” Chaewon mumbled before pecking Wonil’s cheek.

Wonil blushed as they walked. Chaewon just enjoyed this moment with him.

She was his younger boyfriend, after all.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1762 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1762 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.