My Royal Responsibility: Part 1 (MinKkura)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

Miyawaki Sakura was a very meticulous woman for her age – a goddess even. She a top student; a graduate of Medicine as Summa Laude, a professional gamer, and an aspiring doctor who’s still taking her doctorate. But what aspired her to being at the top of the pyramid was her destined role.

She was an crown princess; the heir of the Imperial Kingdom of Japan.

“Miyawaki Sakura! Get in here this instant!”

It was a good game of CrossFire. As the Top 1 in the whole world, she had no time to respond to the Empress’ nags, even if they were the most important meetings or the most important balls. It was part of the E-Sports Championship and with the pandemic, she had all the leisure to play in her large room, with half of it as her workstation and gaming area.

She cheered as she won, thus maintaining her rank. She stood out of her gaming area and ran to the Empress’ aid, getting a glare and bow from the rest of the people.

“A little decency, Sakura.” The Queen pointed out.

She and other royal officials were in gowns and suit and ties. She presented herself with a simple shirt, a simple pair of jogging pants, and a simple pair of cat slippers. 

“You called, Mother. I had to get to you as quick as I can.”

“Aish…you’re just like you father. Anyway, have a seat.” The Empress patted a vacant seat next to her.

Sakura shrugged and sat. Even if she wore simple clothing, her posture was always maintained. For the other officials, Sakura was still the crown princess beneath her simple articles.

“What is there to discuss?” Sakura asked. “Why are our major branches here?”

The Imperial Kingdom of Japan had all prefectures as their branches but two were the longest in service; on the left side was Tokyo led by the Yabuki House while on the right was Tochigi led by the Honda House. These branches were the kingdom’s most trusted allies, were extended members of the imperial family, and have helped ruling all of Japan, hence to why they were called major branches. Nonetheless, Sakura continued to bat her questions. “And why aren’t Nako and Hitomi here?”

“Mind us for our crown princesses, Your Highness. They’re in their dance recital,” said Honda House’s Princess Erii.

“Anyway, our major branches are here today for we will discuss about the Royal Ball.” The Empress spoke again.

Sakura wanted to get out of the topic but the Empress wouldn’t let her. And with the Emperor arriving from a business meeting, everyone stood up to pay respect, even Sakura.

“I guess I’m not alone for casual wear.” He spoke and sat next to his daughter. “Isn’t the right, Kkura?”

Sakura nodded and was eased. Her father always had a way to relax her. With a serious meeting like this, Sakura couldn’t get away because her father was very strict about meetings.

“We would’ve had a virtual ball but the Korean Empire insisted in having the Royal Ball at their country.” Crown Prince Yabuki spoke. “Even if it’s risky, attendance is a must and safety precautions are implemented.”

“I bet sick officials will be thrown out of the ball.” The Emperor joked, causing the patriarchs to laugh.

Sakura joined in but the Empress pinched her ear, including her husband’s. She shuts the whole room up, saying. “We’ll attend the Royal Ball. For our safety, it will only be for the emperor, empress, and the crown princes and princesses from the Imperial Kingdom and from both of your houses.

Sakura sighed of this. Sure it was nice that Nako and Hitomi will come with her but she hated balls. There was a time when Sakura skipped an important ball because she hated it and spent playing video games and got a major scolding from the Emperor. This recent ball gave her more reasons to hate attending them because of one thing.


Everyone agreed to it and the meeting was over. Sakura bids goodbye to Nako and Hitomi’s siblings, asking them that their sisters say hi for her. As the room was empty, Sakura was happy to return to her own room.

A cough made her freeze. She slowly turned around to meet the looks of her parents; the Emperor responsible for the cough while the Empress was crossing her arms. Sakura crossed her arms back, saying. “I know what you’re up to with this ball, Otousan. Okaasan.”

“We’ve talked about it, Sakuratan. You’re 22 years old already.” The Empress sighed. “You need to find your other half, settle down, and get married.”

“I can’t, Okaasan. I’m already married – “

“ – to your video games.” The Emperor interjected. “Kkura, this isn’t just a ball. It’s an allegiance with another country. We go to that ball to cut the history about our oppositions and unite our countries together.”

“And you’re saying you want me to settle down with a Korean?” Sakura asked. “Because judging from the plans, it’s only exclusive to the Imperial Kingdom of Japan and the Korean Empire.”

The rulers of Imperial Japan may be strong but not strong enough to convince their daughter. They always felt unbelievable for Sakura’s potential, hence to why she’s a crown princess; a female heir when they had another patriarch aside from her father.

“Why not bring Sato along?” Sakura asked. “I can stay here.”

“Sato’s too young, Kkura. You know that.” The Emperor was starting to get crossed. “Plus, he’s not a crown prince, not until he turns 20.”

“For the love of the late Emperor Meiji, please consider this, Sakuratan.” The Empress spoke again. “I know you have other aspirations in life but this is your destiny and your responsibility in the future.”

“Remember that you are our heir. You are the crown princess of the Imperial Kingdom of Japan,” said the Emperor.

Sakura couldn’t argue with that. She was dedicated to take her royal responsibility but the idea of betrothal sickened her. And usually with royal balls, her parents would initiate them and invite the other branches just so Sakura could find a potential fiancée.

It’s the reason why Sakura wanted to refuse. Even if she was a normal person in the eyes of others, she was a monarch that loved her family and her kingdom.

“Fine. I’ll go.” Sakura sighed. “But please! No more talks about betrothal!”

Her parents can never be sure to promise that, even Sakura raised suspicions about it. Nonetheless, her parents swore.

“Now can I return to play my video games?”

The Emperor lets her and Sakura paid one last bow before running to her room. As the crown princess, the rulers looked at each other and sighed.

“You may take the princess off of the console…” The Emperor started.

“…but you can’t take the console off of the princess.”

“Your right, love.” The Emperor agreed to his wife. “And that’s what worries me…”

They may be rulers but at the end of the day, they were parents of a crown princess and a baby prince. They always put their children first and in Sakura’s case, they wanted her to settle down and get married not because of allegiance nor because of their desires.

It was because they wanted their daughter to come out of her box and socialize, have fun with friends, and find someone because she deserved to be loved, like how they love each other.

They had failed attempts in past balls but hopefully, this coming ball will be the key for Sakura to truly grasp and understand what her parents meant and wanted for her.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1761 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1761 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.