Our Love: Part 6 (2Kim, Annyeongz, JangChae, Jinjoo)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

It was another week in the modeling club. The members were at the auditorium to practice their poises. Two lines were made based on the novices and the current members. Eunbi was there to observe them.

During the practice, Minju was in between Junho and Jinyoung. Despite being men, Minju observed that they were quite the gossipers.

“I’ve heard something,” Jinyoung whispered. “It’s heard that Lee Eunsang is the youngest cousin of Kaeun-nim and Suhyun-nim. He might follow the legacy.”

“He did have the skills and was picked by the club,” Junho added. “But we’ll never know, right Minju-nim?”

Minju turned around to talk to Junho, only to stumble and bump into someone. Minju apologized but yelped as it was Wonyoung in front of her. New members Heo Yunjin and Shiroma Miru made sure she didn’t fall.

“You again?!” Wonyoung asked and looking pissed. “What’s with you?! You’re a walking disaster!”

“Enough!” Eunbi made her quiet. “Resume your practices but in a circle for each line. Jang, Kim, Cha, and Bae, you four are on a break.”

The boys apologized to Minju for involving her in their talk. Minju didn’t mind it and sat with them, observing the members. Wonyoung was pissed because the break made her lose precious time in practicing. Despite that, she was a little thankful because her ankle can rest.

That’s not an excuse, Won! Apologize to Angel.

Wonyoung sighed about that memory. It turned out that Yujin witnessed her behavior and scolded her for it. She found it peculiar since Yujin never scolded her.

What did she feed my best friend for her to act like so?

“Wonyoung,” Minju called her. “I’m sorry for being tactless with my actions. I almost made you fall.”

Wonyoung accepted the apology by nodding. However, Minju got closer to her with bandages on her hand. She checked Wonyoung’s ankle and unwrapped the bandage.

“What are you doing?” Wonyoung wondered.

“I’m replacing it,” Minju answered.

Wonyoung winced as Minju pressed a part of her ankle. Like a physical therapist, Minju pinpointed the injured part and puts ointment on it before wrapping it up with a new bandage. Wonyoung may be mad but she was impressed with the bandage. The last one was too loose but Minju’s was just right.

“How did you do that?” Wonyoung asked.

“My mother is a doctor. I learned it from her.” Minju spoke.

Eunbi observed them and called Minju, Junho, and Jinyoung to practice again. Wonyoung wanted to join but Eunbi told her to sit down.

“Eunbi-nim, let me join again.”

“No.” She demanded. “Not only you disrespectfully yelled at a member much older than you, but you also put your injury at risk.”

“But I – “

“Do you want me to pull you out or not?”

“Please don’t…” Wonyoung spoke. “I want Ssamu to see me in the Elites group.”

“Then rest for the day. I’ll have Chaewon pick you up.” Eunbi instructed.

As someone talking to a former member and a student council president, Wonyoung had to obey. She watched everyone practice and the members focusing on Minju because she was getting better.

It was her turn to become conflicted. She never wanted to disrespect Minju in any way but her jealousy and pride are taking over, especially when she always saw Minju hanging out with Yujin and when something connects her and Chaewon. As much as she had more time with Chaewon, Wonyoung missed Yujin. But the most striking trigger was Chaewon’s ring…

…that was similar to Minju’s ring.

My Ssamu would never cheat on me…

Wonyoung couldn’t help but rest and sigh.


It was another session and Chaewon was in charge to observe them. Wonyoung was happy to see her and had an incentive to make a good impression. Minju felt awkward again but she had to stay focused.

“Today’s session is about enhancing your talents and skills. Each of you will showcase your most profound talent. You can sing, dance, act, even do modeling. The Fresh group will go first.”

The members were called at random and many showcased different talents. The serious ones were approved by Chaewon but the funny gags and skits didn’t. When it came to Wonyoung’s turn, she was always impressed with her modeling and doing facial expressions. Everyone wowed by her delivery. Wonyoung was indeed a force to be reckoned with.

“This is what you must do in showcasing your talents. Connect to the audience to earn the respect you deserve for your performance.” Chaewon spoke. “Thank you, Wonyoung. You did a great job.”

Everyone applauded, especially the Class group and some members of the Elite group. Wonyoung was happy to get the compliment and returned to her spot.

“Next. Kim Minju.”

Minju got to the center with her guitar. The Fresh group was excited about her performance.

“You play guitar…” Chaewon mumbled.

Just like when we were kids…

“I do, Chaewon-ssi,” Minju spoke. “I’ll do a cover of IZ*ONE’s Slow Journey.”

The cover became a soft ballad. Minju’s struck the strings and sang the song with many emotions. Everyone was drawn to it quietly, impressed that Minju had quite the hidden talent like that. For Chaewon, it hit everything.

Slow Journey was Chaewon’s favorite song. She was always happy when Minju played it for her. They would sing it together before but now, Minju’s singing it alone. That made Chaewon tear up.

Once the performance was over, everyone cheered. Wonyoung was impressed again but she wondered as Chaewon was crying. Everyone grew worried for the secretary because she didn’t talk for a whole minute.

“Chaewon-nim, is there something you need to say to Minju-nim?” Wonyoung broke the silence, almost nudging her.

Chaewon returned to reality, saying. “It’s a surprise. We never thought you had it in you. Regardless, it was a beautiful performance.”

Minju almost scoffed, especially when it was announced that Wonyoung won their little showcase. The reward was she will be moved to the Class group. This left some members to question Chaewon’s decision.

This left Minju pissed.

“The decision has been made. As a former member and part of the student council, they decide what is what.” Wooseok said. “Let’s all congratulate Wonyoung for moving up in group rank.”

Everyone applauded again and Wonyoung bowed. Minju joined the applause but deep down, it was the most ridiculous thing that had happened. Everyone loved her performance more but the secretary chose her girlfriend over her; connection over skill.

Relationship over skill.

When the session was over, Minju left first. She went to her locker and pulled off her ring. She placed it inside the box and slammed it shut. She walked away from the buildings and into the field. There she saw Yujin, playing volleyball.

Minju took an interest and stopped to watch Yujin deliver her spikes and blocks. She was tall and a good jumper, making her a huge asset to the team. With every score her team got, the other witnesses cheered.

“Angel!” Yujin saw her and waved.

The other spectators had their reactions. Unlike Chaewon and Wonyoung getting doubtful reactions, they got adoration. Some even shipped them. Nonetheless, Minju waved back and cheered for her, leaving the others spectators to cheer with her.

Yujin was ecstatic to see Minju. Usually, Wonyoung watched her games but with her own schedule and Wonyoung’s time invested on Chaewon, Yujin had no close spectators. With Minju sitting on the bench, Yujin was eager to do her best.

“Lesgetit!!” Yujin screamed and her team cheered.

In the office, Chaewon witnessed it. Her fists clenched and her teeth gritted. She had no right to be spiteful but here she was, being a hypocrite of her own principles.

“How bold of you to feel that way, Ssamu,” Hyewon spoke, draping an arm around her shoulder. “Something happened, didn’t it?”

“She shouldn’t be doing that. What will everyone say?”

“Pft. That’s only the case for you and Wonyoung.” Sakura cackled. “But Minju and Yujin? It’s a heavenly match.”

“You’re right. I shouldn’t be affected.” Chaewon spoke. “Wonyoung got promoted to the Class group. She’ll be in the Elites group in no time.”

“Says the woman who chose her girlfriend who had mediocre skills instead of her former supposed wife who showed the best skills.” Eunbi joined in. “I saw the session, Ssamu. What were you thinking?”

Chaewon was cornered by her fellow officers. She knew she had messed up her principles. Her perfect image was starting to get messy like a burp in a symphony.

“Come on, guys. What was I supposed to do? That was my girlfriend. I want to do anything for her to be happy.” Chaewon spoke.

“Even if that happiness will hurt people like Minju? Is that it?!” Hyewon got pissed. “You’re complaining about her hanging out with Yujin but does she complain that you hang out with Wonyoung?! No!”

“Wonyoung’s my girlfriend. She’s the one I love!”

“But Minju’s your wife. She’s the one bound to you.” Sakura spoke. “You love your girlfriend but you get pissed when Minju is giving you peace by being happy for herself with another person?! You’re betraying yourself, Chaewon. Woman up and take responsibility for it!”

Eunbi shuts them up a knock was at the door. She opened it to see Wonyoung. The other three were worried if she heard it. The office was soundproof so no one can hear, right?

“Love, let’s go,” Wonyoung called.

Chaewon excused herself to be with her girlfriend, leaving the remaining officers to sigh. What Chaewon did was wrong. Letting hopes high for Minju and Wonyoung without any reassurance is wrong.

They hoped and prayed that Chaewon will return to her senses, take responsibility, and make the right decisions.


Minju and Yujin celebrated their little successes. This time, Yujin took Minju out to eat at a fancy restaurant.

“No more fishcake and tteokbokki?” Minju pouted.

“Don’t give me that look. I want us to go on a special date.” Yujin held her hand. “This is special for both of us. You get to showcase your talent while I get good scores for my playful volleyball matches.”

Minju nodded. Their food was served and they ate while telling each other stories of their days in their respective clubs. During the talk, Minju gasped seeing Chaewon and Wonyoung.

“Is something wrong, Angel?”

“Oh, it’s nothing, Yujin-ah,” Minju spoke. “Where were we?”

In another perspective, Chaewon was shocked to see Minju and Yujin at another table. Two best friends were ecstatic to be with the most important persons and the other two panicked to see themselves in the same setting and prayed that they won’t meet.

Today, God forbids it.

“Hey, Won. Chaewon-unnie.”

Wonyoung looked back to greet her best friend yet she was shocked to see Minju. Chaewon and Minju got awkward and Yujin had a sharp eye to catch the context. Wonyoung couldn’t help but feel betrayed.

“This is where you went? You rejected my text for her?”

“Yah…” Yujin raised as she checked her phone. “No need to raise your tone like that, Won.”

Yujin read her phone again and noticed the missed calls and texts from Wonyoung, only to return her phone afterward. “Mind me. I was busy with training. Angel here watched me so we decided to hang out.”

“But why didn’t you have dinner with us?” Wonyoung asked. “I invited you.”

“Nah. I wouldn’t want to be a third wheel.”

Minju nudged Yujin’s shirt and the puppy averted her attention to her instantly. “Yes, Angel?”

“I should get going.” Minju pouted. “You can stay and have fun with – “

“Join us, Min. AhnYu.”

The three heads turned to Chaewon. Wonyoung was shocked again but knowing Yujin was present, she agreed with her girlfriend. The two pairs now sit across each other, ordering themselves another dose of drinks.

The four talked about many things that didn’t meet in the middle. One instance was Minju congratulating Wonyoung for her promotion, making Chaewon feel proud for the two but making Yujin compare that Minju was slightly better than Wonyoung. Another instance was Yujin and her games. Wonyoung and Minju admired her skills and leaving Chaewon to listen. But the third instance was shocking for Chaewon and Minju because Wonyoung asked this question.

“How did you two meet?”

“Wonyoung-ah, we’re classmates.” Chaewon answered, “We’re classmates with Chaeyeon and Yuri.”

“Do you two know each other before being classmates, Minju-nim?” Wonyoung asked her.

“No,” Minju answered. “We only knew each other for two years as classmates.”

“Mind me if I ask this out of curiosity…” Wonyoung started again. “…but you and my girlfriend look really close. Are you sure you haven’t known each other before that?”

Minju hesitated to answer. Either way, she felt Wonyoung would ask more until their secret will be revealed. The fact that Wonyoung was having a hunch was scaring her.

Ironic. Minju was scared of someone younger than her.

“Drinks are here,” Chaewon spoke, breaking the conversation.

Minju and Wonyoung had to settle their differences next time. Yujin cheered for themselves to clunk their drinks whereas Chaewon became worried about the whole situation.

Correction. Both Chaewon and Minju were worried about their secret, especially when they had a feeling that Wonyoung and Yujin are finding out about it.


The four friends walked in pairs after their little celebration. Wonyoung’s house was nearer so she’ll be sent home first. After many steps, they arrived at her house. Chaewon knocked on the door and Wonyoung’s mother greeted them.

“Good evening, Eommonim.” Chaewon bowed.

“Good evening.” Wonyoung’s mother greeted back. “Is she your new friend, Wonyoung?”

“Eomma, this is the Kim Chaewon I always talk about.” Wonyoung spoke. “She’s my girlfriend.”

At the back, Yujin and Minju looked at each other. Yujin joked about the moment to ease the awkwardness and Minju went along through laughing, even it the sight had hurt her.

“Yujin-ah~” Wonyoung’s mother greeted her. “What a beautiful lady you have there.”

“Eommonim, this is Kim Minju.” Yujin introduced.

Minju greeted the parent and the latter was amazed with her visuals. She even made comments that Yujin was lucky to have her and that she was prettier than Wonyoung.

That made them awkward, especially Chaewon and Minju.

“Eommaa~ right in front of your daughter’s salad?” Wonyoung huffed. “Anyway, they’ll be off.”

“Let them have dinner first~” Her mother cooed again.

“l’m sorry, Eommonim. I need to go home.” Minju respectfully declined.

The mother could only nod and leave them. Wonyoung and Chaewon bid their goodbyes as Yujin and Minju look away.

“Hey, Angel.” Yujin nudged her. “Can I take you home?”

“I’ll take her home.”

Yujin and Minju looked back as Chaewon was in front of them, giving a serious look. Wonyoung raised an eyebrow towards them until Yujin talked. “Right. You two live in the same apartment complex.”

Wonyoung was reminded of Minju helping her when she and Chaewon had an argument at the new place. With that, her inner suspicion grew towards the two. As much as she wants to know, she needed to gather information gradually.

“Love, will it be okay?” Chaewon asked, making her return to reality.

“Sure, love.” Wonyoung nodded.

Chaewon and Minju bowed their goodbyes before walking away. Yujin would’ve gone when Wonyoung held her hand. Yujin looked back.

“Can we talk?” Wonyoung asked. “Please?”

Yujin nodded and followed Wonyoung towards her home. Wonyoung’s mother was ecstatic to see Yujin. Albeit expecting Chaewon and Minju to join with them, Wonyoung assured her to include them next time.

“Eomma, we’ll just be at the rooftop.”

The friends went up to the highest part of the house; a balcony that had a nice view of the neighborhood. Wonyoung and Yujin got to the rails and looked at the solemn night sky.

“This used to be fun for us.” Wonyoung started. “When we were younger, you dared to cross the railings like it was a jungle gym. Uncle was so worried and went down to catch you.”

“Well…I was quite the rascal.”

“You’re my rascal, you know that?”

Yujin looked at Wonyoung, seeing her teary eyes and pout. Naturally, Yujin would soften her heart and do anything to ease her best friend’s emotions. However, she just patted her back, saying. “I take that as a compliment…but I guess we didn’t come here to talk about that.”

Wonyoung sighed and nodded. “I’m sorry. I’m just scared.”

“About what?”

“Losing Ssamu...”

“And what proof do you have that Angel is part of it?” Yujin asked, shocking Wonyoung. “Don’t give me that look. I know what you’re thinking and you’re putting Angel into the picture.”

Wonyoung’s hands clenched on the rail. Yujin was having enough of her best friend’s shenanigans because she wasn’t facing the best friend she knew before. She realized that ever since Minju came into the picture, Wonyoung had gone restless and dreadful on how she treats others. She was close to being obssessed with Chaewon and disrespecting Minju during activities in the modeling club.

What happened to you, Won?

“And you…” Wonyoung spoke, making Yujin return to reality. “You care for Minju more than me.”

“Hey. It’s not like that. I have my own life too. I want to be with someone as much you want to be with Chaewon-unnie.” Yujin added. “Please realize that I can’t be your shadow forever.”

Wonyoung knew Yujin was right. Ever since she and Chaewon became a thing, she had spent lesser time with Yujin, even coming close to removing her from the picture. Yujin had all the right to live her own life and be with people she wants to be with aside from her and Chaewon.

“Is that all you need to say?” Yujin asked. “Because I think I should go.”

Yujin walked off. Wonyoung was stuck in a decision that could change their lives forever. Thrn again, she had to say it.

She had to say it in exchange for her life with Chaewon.

“You love Minju, don’t you?”

Yujin froze. There was no denying it ever since they knew each other. When Minju was with her, everything felt new and nice. Her eyes sparkled, her heart thumped, and her soul felt light.

“I do…but she loves someone else.”

“How can you tell?” Wonyoung asked.

“I just know…” Yujin spoke before walking out again.

Wonyoung wasn’t giving up. She ran to face Yujin again, hands holding her arms and begging her to try. She even proposed to help.

“I can’t, Wonyoung. Why can’t you get that?” Yujin spat. “I’ll court her when it's the right time but not now. I don’t want to rush her in these things.”

“Court her by the end of the school year.”

“Yah, Jang Wonyoung!” Yujin snapped. “What are you trying to prove?!”

“I’m suspecting Ssamu and her! There! I said it!!”

Yujin got herself off Wonyoung’s hold. She couldn’t believe her best friend’s actions.

“You want me to court Minju just to prove your point?” Yujin asked then snickered. “I can’t believe this…”

“It won’t be just for that. Don’t you like her? This is your chance to finally win her!”

“Wonyoung-ah.” Yujin called.

Wonyoung gulped as Yujin delivered a dark expression; an expression she rarely sees in her.

“Don’t make me decide to lose our friendship. Because if you do anything to hurt Angel…” Yujin spoke. “…I’m willing to do so.”

Yujin walked away, leaving Wonyoung frozen and scared. She watched with teary eyes as Yujin walked out of the neighborhood, causing her to go down on her knees and cry.

First Ssamu…and now you?

Wonyoung’s resentment towards Minju grew. She felt betrayed. Minju was taking away the two most important people of her life. She wiped her tears away and walked to her room, her mind changed into something that was never a part of her.

Kim Minju! You’ll pay for this!

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1762 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1762 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.