Quality Time Together


After a couple hours of the two supernatural students cuddling out on the balcony, Baekhyun woke up by the constant blaring sun shinging down at him. Confused at his surroundings the small vampire glanced down at the arms that encased his body, they were wrapped around his waist in a protective manner that had him inwardly screeching. He moved his head ever so slightly hoping to take a glance at the wolf as he slept but froze when he heard Chanyeol whisper into his ear, his breath tickling his neck making a shiver run down his spine. 

"5 more minutes" 

Baekhyun bit his lower lip trying to stuffle a giggle coming from his lips. Although he admitted to having some sort of weird feelings for Chanyeol he couldn't get over the fact that the giant could easily put people that were different from them into the simple 'witch' category in school, as he was too lazy to deal with more categories regarding the classification of the Academy. 

The reason Baekhyun hated it so much was the fact that when he was with Daehyun he was never allowed to have a input into anything, Daehyun would always be the one who made his decisions for him without giving Baekhyun much say in the matter. It was true that he was mind controlled most of the time but whenever Baekhyun had his free will he still didn't act on his beliefs, it really made him upset that he couldn't do anything about it then so now that he was dealing with something similar he wanted to put his foot down. 

"What time is it?" Baekhyun asked pulling Chanyeol's arm up from his waist so he could get a look at the expensive watch. "Chanyeol it's 10 am!" 

"And your point is?" The wolf grumbled dropping his arm back to Baekhyun's waist in order to cuddle him closer. 

"I told you to go to school!" The vampire scolded hitting his fist against the hard chest of the latter. 

"You fell asleep on me so what was I supposed to do? You look really cute when you sleep so I didn't want to disturb you either" Chanyeol chuckled finally opening his big eyes, making Baekhyun freeze to come up with an answer, however his mind gave him nothing. 

"Then I think you deserve a small thank you" Baekhyun whispered his eyes facing a inch lower than the wolves eyes. Chanyeol took notice in the action, his tongue darting out to slip across his lower lip. 

"You looked tired earlier when I first brought you out here" Chanyeol admitted feeling Baekhyun shift again somehow managing to bring himself closer to the wolf than before. 

"I haven't been sleeping great lately, I think my body is still getting used to having a bed as well as being a vampire, I don't think you know but I was living behind a dumpster when Suho found me" 

Chanyeol smiled, his gaze slipping from the bright eyes to the luscious pink lips before him. Baekhyun mirrioring his action, the two suddenly becoming aware of the amount of between them. The vampire's eyes darted from the giant's lips and back again, their heads coming closer unknowingly. 

A loud sound from inside the dorm broke the spell that enchanted them both, Chanyeol sighed while Baekhyun frowned. "Would you like some breakfast?" Chanyeol wondered tilting his head making the vampire look back at him. 

Baekhyun nodded not really feeling like he could correct Chanyeol in how he actually should be sleeping now and that the meal he'll be eating would be considered a super late dinner. Pushing himself off the wolf Baekhyun held out his hand, Chanyeol took it before stumbling once he stood up. 

"My legs are numb" he laughed holding into the railing of the balcony as well as Baekhyun's hand tightly. 

"Come here you weirdo" Baekhyun laughed wrapping Chanyeol's arm around his shoulder so he could help him stand and walk towards the door. 

They managed to get there with some teamwork, Baekhyun managed to get the door open however neither one of them noticed the couch that had been moved infront of it.  

"YAH!" Baekhyun screamed, once the giant rushed off him, the two having collapsed ontop of each other when they moved to walk inside. 

"Yess~" Luhan giggled from the kitchen, his bracelet glistening from the sunshine shining through the door. He had an evil smirk on his face seeing Chanyeol ontop of his friend. 

"Why is the couch further to the door?" Chanyeol asked standing up, dragging Baekhyun up with him as he went. 

"Oh no reason~" Sehun chuckled, an equally sinister expression on his face to the bubblegum haired vampire behind the counter in the kitchen. 

"I thought we put it there so they wouldn't be able to get back in?" Kai announced. "Remember we thought that they would be able to get over their problems if they were locked somewhere together with no way of getting out?" 

"Aish..." Kyungsoo sighed sending a glare to Kai as he stood up and walked to the fridge. "Hungry Baek?"

"Starved" Baekhyun answered, his reflexes working for the juice box being thrown to his head. 

"We got cookies too" Luhan smiled holding up a bunch of chocolate chip cookies hidden in boxes just out of the oven. 

"Is that white chocolate chip?!" Kai gasped standing up from the moved couch and rushing over to get a good few options of cookies. 

Baekhyun rolled his eyes, slipping past Chanyeol around the couch to the television deciding now would be the best time to watch his beloved movie that had been waiting for him as he snoozed. 

"Finally!" Kyungsoo called diving onto the couch smiling happily his red and black blanket covering his legs. "Chanyeol can y-"

Without needing to be told Chanyeol pushed the couch back against the wall into it's right place, the three vampires that watched him gasped at the strength the latter held within his body. Kyungsoo glanced at the couch inhabitants, himself and Sehun as well as Luhan with their combined weight should have made the Alpha hesitant in moving the furniture but Chanyeol seemed completely unfazed with the action. 

Baekhyun joined Kai in choosing a couple cookies from the boxes provided his heart hammering against his chest at what he just witnessed. Out of the corner of his eye Baekhyun witnessed Chanyeol collapse onto the bit of chair that allowed him to stretch his long legs out. 

When they had finally chosen their desired cookies Kai was the first to claim a seat on the couch. Baekhyun watched as he dropped down between Kyungsoo and Sehun which meant that the only space left for himself was the spot next to Chanyeol. 

Sitting himself down next to the Alpha Baekhyun grabbed his white and blue checkered blanket drapping it over the two of them, when he was finished he reached forward and grabbed the juice box and plate of cookies he had left on the table. 

With the plate of cookies on his lap he expected Chanyeol to reach over and take one but he was surpised to see the latter move closer instead. Chanyeol got himself comfortable, stretching the curtains across to block out the sunlight for their film feast. The Alpha's arm ran along the back of the couch just above the shoulder's of the smaller, he cuddled closer into the warmth of the blanket not even flinching when his body came into contact with Baekhyun's. 

The vampire's breath hitched realising what just happened. Not only did he share one of the most darkest memories with one of the many people he never thought he would, he also admitted his 'special ability' and now that their bodies were back in touch he became really embarrassed. 

"Why are we watching this again, isn't it for children?" Kai groaned, earning a slap to the chest from Kyungsoo and a glare from Luhan. 

"It's our movie so if you have a problem get the hell out of our dorm" Kyungsoo hissed with a glare. 

Baekhyun just focused on stuffing cookies in his mouth like crazy until the voices around him were nothing more than noise in the background, he figured that the more he ate the more he'd distract himself from everything that happened in the past couple hours. His eyes were trained forward staring into the space infront of him with uncertainty. He didn't think that following Suho that day was a good idea anymore, although he pushed that thought away when it came into his mind. 

He had promised himself he'd never talk about the matter anymore, and yet he had spilled everything tk Chanyeol ike it was nothing. Baekhyun was disappointed in himself, by telling Chanyeol was risky enough, he couldn't be constantly scared about what the Alpha would do with the information.. would he go to the council?

"Hey, you okay?" Chanyeol whispered, leaning closer, his hot breath bouncing off Baekhyun's skin making goosepimples appear. 

"No" Baekhyun found himself admitting. Again he criticised himself for folding so easily, what was it that allowed him to confess so easily to the taller? 

"What's wrong?" Chanyeol's voice remained low for Baekhyun's benefit as the first musical number of Beauty and the Beast took everyone else's attention away. 

"Nothing" Baekhyun defended hoping to move on from focusing the matter further. 

"Baekhyun, don't lie to me I know there's something" Chanyeol mumbled moving closer allowing the smaller's breath to hitch. 

"It's you.." 

"What about me?" 

"I told you alot about me Chanyeol" he admitted feeling a slight pull to his arm. His body fell into Chanyeol's, the wolves muscular arms wrapping around him tightly holding him close. 

"I like that you did Baekhyun, it makes me feel alot more closer to you than before" Chanyeol smiled sadly down at the smallers whose big brown eyes stared up at him from his chest. "I was surpised that you opened up as easily as you did to me but I appreciate it none the less, I would never imagine myself harming you in the way he did and now that I know a little I can help you forget.." 

"It's not that.." Baekhyun blushed, his gaze fallening onto the black material of the wolves shirt. "It's about my skin.." 

Chanyeol took a moment to try and understand what the vampire meant, until it finally clicked in his mind."Baekhyun.." Chanyeol muttered gently taking Baekhyun's chin in his hand to force him to look back at him. "I would never hand you over to the council like that, your skin is amazing and shouldn't be experimented on.. I'll do whatever I can to protect you" 

Chanyeol watched as Baekhyun's cheeks flared red in embarrassment. The smaller moved the wolf's hand away favouring cuddling into Chanyeol's chest rather than looking up to Chanyeol's eyes and feeling these crazy things fly around his stomach.

Baekhyun nuzzled closer moving his hips to find comfort, only receiving it when Chanyeol's arms found themselves around his waist engulfing the smaller with warmth. 

The other four boys sitting next to them were shellshocked, the two before them had spent a couple hours out on the balcony no-one really knowing what they were doing out there, but clearly as they were now experiencing they had used that time to bound, to spend some.. quality time together.


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Beau1996 1381 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1381 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1381 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1381 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
750 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
750 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.