

With defeated sighs and low growls from the wolves everyone was dismissed and allowed to go on with their day, the vampires were free for the next three days before they would be expected to join the wolves in day classes. Apparently they would be needing a whole new timetable considering they needed to focus on training and skills above academics. 

"Well I guess our plan to keep you away from Park really backfired huh?" Luhan whispered wrapping an arm over Baekhyun as they all headed to the library to discuss further about their schedules. 

"Yeah, it seems like the universe hates me" Baekhyun grumbled, keeping his eyes on the signs that would lead him and the rest on their way. "Why can't it just give me something so simple, why will I be seeing him again huh?" 

"Who are you avoiding?" Tao quizzed keeping his eyes on Baekhyun and Luhan who sighed in return.

"Well you see, Baekhyun and Chanyeol haven't really had a good couple days.. Baekhyun nearly allowed Chanyeol to bit him" Luhan informed making Tao gasp in surpise. 

"You're kidding me right?! He's an Alpha, their bites are unbelievably dangerous even betas like me would rather inmate than go for Alphas" Tao exclaimed keeping his voice low while they caught up to the wolves. "I've only been here a couple hours but I can tell that their venom isn't something that you should think lightly of Baekhyun" 

"Yeah yeah I know, I've already had that speech delivered more than once Tao" Baekhyun breathed his anxiousness and confusion leaving him as he did so. "Whatever it is it won't happen again, the wolf and I wont have any more problems that will concern any of you"

"Hey guys I can't believe that this is happening right now, it's crazy right?" Lay smiled his arm over Suho's shoulder. The two of them looking like a couple with how close they were together. 

"I still can't believe that she's allowing us to make our own school schedule!" Luhan squealed clapping his hands while slightly jumping up and down in excitement as well as grateful for the subject change. 

"If I had my way I'd have zero classes with the alphas" Tao giggled earning nods from Kyungsoo and the rest of the vampires. 

"They're not all that bad guys" Suho blushed turning to Lay who smiled sadly back at him. 

"Leave them be Suho, I'm sure my pack are saying the exact same thing about them" Lay mumbled glancing ahead to the wolves who were for once, being extremely quiet. 

"Can't we all just get along?" He cried stopping in his tracks to receive a warm hug from his alpha. Lay peppered his forehead with kisses trying his best to calm the vampire down but to no use. 

"Suho" he called grabbing the boys attention, Suho looked up at the mention of his name giving Yixing the time to quickly connect their lips before the latter would react. "Calm down they'll learn how to live side by side eventually." The vampire blushed bright red. 

They were just outside the library now, a part of Suho didn't want to enter it but since he was the supposed 'peacemaker', it didn't really give him a choice.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE CAN'T HAVE MUSIC CLASS YOU BROKEN !" Baekhyun screamed glaring invisible daggers at Chanyeol who was just as angry. 




"OH MY GOD shut up shut UP SHUT UP!" Luhan roared slamming his hands on the table, completely fed up with the both of them at this point. "If you two aren't going to give us a break for the thirty minutes we have here I swear to Satansoo that I will ripe your head off" he bellowed looking to Chanyeol "and I'll pull out your heart!" He finished looking at Baekhyun. 

"I agree with pinky seriously Chanyeol we don't need another fight breaking out, you've been good for almost 3 days now" Sehun sighed rubbing his temples. 

Baekhyun pouted crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned in his chair, they had to relocate in the room since the sun was getting higher in the windows. Baekhyun had to play scared of it like the other vampires because he didn't want the wolves to figure it out about his sunblocked skin and hand him over to the council. 

"Look just allow us to have this one class" Kyungsoo pleaded, hands folded together in a begging form, his eyes dancing between wolves. 

"No, we need to see how good you are at fighting so training and defence should be all we think about" Sehun explained pointing down at a piece of paper reading Training and defence. 

"We already know how to fight we get taught about it in our own defence and safety class" Baekhyun muttered his legs coming up to rest comfortably on the bar beneath the table, he stretched back in his seat and savoured the moment he heard his back crack out its tensions. 

"You have that?" Lay questioned his eyebrows raised. "I didn't think that the coach did night classes.." 

"Yes we have that class, Baekhyun had his first run with it last night" Kyungsoo nodded "and he was pretty ing good." 

"Fine we'll give you your dumb music class but only if.." Chanyeol annouced, his finger coming up in the air to silence the vampires excitement. 

"If you think you'll be biting Baekhyun you'll easily get a no" Luhan glared, his hands balling fists at the sneaky wolf. 

Chanyeol waved him off "No, what I was going to say is we'll give you music if you let us listen in whenever we want-"

"Done" Baekhyun grinned his hand slamming on the table, his body standing up in excitement. 

"-And we get to call on you for after class practise whenever we want" 

"Deal!" Minseok giggled reaching his hand out. Chen being the only one paying attention to the eldest vampire reached out and shook his hand. 

"Then it's settled we'll get our music class" Tao squealed his excitement playing off within the other vampires. 

Baekhyun grinned evilly as he began making his schedule to mimic his desires of where he wanted his subjects to be throughout the day. 

A few minutes later~ (please read in spongebobs narrative voice)

"Ok pass your schedules around to us" Kris annouced once he felt that the night classes students were finished.

The vampires complied and piled their pieces of paper up before Lay distributed a sheet to every wolf. Obviously he kept Suho's for himself. The wolves quickly read through the words on the paper, the vampires watching them all attentively. 

"I like this one!" Sehun held up his hand, his eyes not looking up from the paper. "I don't know who wrote it but I like the way he thinks" 

"Ok go on up to the board" Kai chuckled urging the youngest up to the little make shift white board Kris had dragged out from the back of the library. 

Sehun stood up still glancing through the paper, wanting to see if he could make any last minute changes, when he deemed ot presentable he grabbed a marker and in his rushed korean letters he quickly wrote down the schedule. 

"Ok I like that but I don't like Thursday afternoon" Chanyeol voiced out, while shaking his head reading what subject they would be facing before returning home. 

"What's wrong with it?" Luhan asked generally confused, it was his schedule Sehun had put on show and having the Alpha male question it he suddenly felt very insecure about his pickings. 

"You put Math as your last class" Chanyeol deadpanned. 

"I hate to admit this but.. I agree with the puppy" Baekhyun nodded "It's the last class Lu, I don't feel right having Math right before I go back to the dorm" 

"Then how about we flip Music and Math?" Minseok asked pointing to the board, Music had been the first class on the Thursday. 

"Math first class are you kidding me!?" Chen growled his inner wolf howling. 

"It gets it out of the way for the rest of the day" Tao voiced out, his voice somehow coming out in a singsong tone which surpised him. 

"The rouge has a point troll" Kris chuckled glancing between both the alpha and the beta. 

Baekhyun who had eventually taken his seat again when the excitement had died down stood up again "So is that ok for you guys, or do you want Chanyeol and I to stay in a room with each other longer?" 

"Yeah I second that, the sooner the better we get out of here" Chanyeol nodded, he too taking a stand "we'll do some technology work when you vamps are in your melody class" 

"Technically we're not all vampires" Kyungsoo pointed out, his mind not even processing the fact of what just happened. 

The wolves all turned to their Alpha, their eyes wide and jaws dropped. Chanyeol had a small smile on his face as Baekhyun's eyes landed on his. 

"Hold on...." Luhan breathed. 

"You called us vamps" Baekhyun grinned, his eyes sparkling in appreciation. 

"Yeah, I know" Chanyeol joked rolling his eyes, turning his attention away from the small vampire and to the sheet filled table. The room went silent, everyone keeping a close eye on the two boys, one not able to look the other in the eye.

"Thank you" Baekhyun breathed causing Chanyeol to look back up at him. 

"My pleasure" He winked. 

"Do you see just see that!?" Luhan whispered to Minseok.The boy nodding with a smile as his eyes switched between both of the slightly blushing boys before him. 

"New ship?" 

"Let it sail" Luhan giggled quietly, his hand coming up to hit against his best friend's in a fist bump. 

"Oh this is going to be good" Suho chuckled aloud seeing Baekhyun send him a confused expression. 

"Anyway" Chanyeol declared with a cough grabbing everyone's attention, in curiosity of what he was going to say now "I was wondering what time you guys finish your night classes at"

"Why?" Kris wondered, his deep voice ruining the perfectly good atmosphere. 

"We're usually in our dorm at 6am why?" Luhan wondered, unable to read what was going on in the wolves head. 

"Room 758 right?" Chanyeol muttered, his head leaning forward to coax Baekhyun onto looking where he was looking.

"How did you know that?" Kyungsoo wondered his eyes widening, he recalled when the three alphas came to their dorm but he couldn't recall if one of them looked to the door long enough to grab their number. 

"I have my dorm keychain out" Baekhyun laughed, twirling the keyring around his finger, showing off the yellow painted numbers on its side. "Are you planning on surprising us at my dorm puppy?" Baekhyun wondered. 

"Yah! I called you vamps you could give me some respect with the name calling too" Chanyeol pouted completely avoiding the question he had been asked. 

"Do you promise you'll continue to call every one of my kind 'vamps' or vampires puppy?" 

"You're pushing i-" 




"What are you doing?" 

"Giving you annoying names, it's not very nice is it wolfie?" 

"Fine! I promise I wont call your kind names anymore" Chanyeol groaned, throwing himself back against his chair, a glare being tossed Baekhyun's way. 

"Good" Baekhyun smiled his action breaking the glare Chanyeol was so focused on giving. 

"Glad your happy midget" 


"Hey, if you're going to be calling me names I might as well call you some, give myself some sort of entertainment" Chanyeol puffed.

"Fine Yoda" 

"Are you sure you want me to do this newbie? I can be pretty creative with the names I give people" 

"Like what? ? ? Daddy's boy?" 

Sehun spit out the orange juice he had been drinking, almost killing himself with choking on the remaining juice in his mouth. He had not expected the conversation to take such a sharp turn, in fact no one did. 

"I don't have kinks" Chanyeol's eyes slitted, his body getting hotter as the rising blood pressure fueled his actions. 

"Huh, I smell....bull" 

"There goes their cute moment" Luhan sighed, his head hitting the table in annoyance. "Back to square one again!"

"I don't have kinks!" Chanyeol shouted his fingers gripping the edge of the table to hold himself back. 

"BULL!" Baekhyun yelled back. 

"Oh shut up!" Chanyeol bellowed standing up and slamming his hands down on the table in anger. 

"Do it again I dare you, break the ing table with your anger!" Baekhyun dared him getting super annoyed at the latter's easy to blow switch. Chanyeol was like a deer caught in headlights. Baekhyun almost getting choked as he was shoved up against a bookcase, so quickly he barely blinked. Books tumbled onto the ground at the impact. 

A steaming Chanyeol pressed himself up against the vampire, Baekhyun breath hitching in slight desire. "I'm not angry" he whispered, his cool breath fanning Baekhyun's reddening face. 

"Really? Tell that to the steam coming from your pixie ears giant" Baekhyun whispered back, his voice soft and gentle seeing the emotion filled eyes of the wolf. Their bodies were moulded together and their fingers tingling in want but allowed their senses to keep them sane. 

"You get me angry easily" Chanyeol admitted with a sigh. 

"And I'm sure I'll continue to piss you off in the future but you need to control your anger" 


"Because if I'm going to be on a team with you to protect this school which means, oh great Alpha we will need to work together, that means no more fighting" 

"But our fighting is interesting in this boring school" Chanyeol pouted earning a small giggle from the smaller.  

"Guess we'll have to find something more entertaining" Baekhyun shrugged with a wink, pushing past Chanyeol and rush back to the group who had heard their entire conversation. 

Chanyeol watched as Baekhyun walked back and took his seat. "I think we're done for today" he mumbled, his mind filling with Baekhyun's words. 

"You sure hyung?" Kai asked his eyebrow raised. 

"Yeah, we need to get to class anyway" Chanyeol whispered, feeling his heart beating quickly. His voice seeming distant while his eyes stayed glued to the youngest vampire in the room. 

"Okay" Kai whispered, not wanting his voice to seem challenging to his Alpha. With a nod to his pack members, they stood up, slinging their bags over their shoulders. 

"We'll see you later" Lay spoke to the night class students, preferably Suho whose head automatically turned when he heard his anchor talk. 

However, Baekhyun wasn't listening, he just stayed sitting in his seat playing around with his thumbs, his mind a thousand worlds away. Chanyeol watched him from his spot by the bookcase, his fascination with the vampire growing more and more with every passing second. 

"I'm sorry " he spoke out, shocking his friends who had claimed him to have gone mute. 

"You were right though, I blow my switch too easily escpically when provoked" Chanyeol nodded, his eyes finding something new to gaze upon; a stain glassed window that reflected the UV rays of the sun. 

"I shouldn't have done it" Baekhyun sighed standing up and wrapping his arms around his chest, hugging himself as he approached the wolf. "I'm sorry" he spoke again, clearer. "I shouldn't have provoked you, but it's just really easy too"

"Don't worry about it Baekhyun it's fine" 

"It's not okay, I'm trying to apologise for my rudeness, unlike you" he glared but this time Chanyeol could see the playfulness hidden behind the meaningless look. 

"Fine, I accept apology" he sighed, watching with amusement as the vampire jumped happily in glee. 

"See it wasn't that hard now was it" he giggled sticking his tongue out, causing everyone to question just how old the latter actually was because he sure didn't pull off a teenager.

"I guess not" the wolf stated his eyes widening when extra weight was applied to his waist. Looking down at his stomach Chanyeol gasped, Baekhyun was cuddling into his body. 

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Beau1996 1381 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1381 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1381 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1381 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
750 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
750 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.