

Ever since Chanyeol had unlocked his hidden beast, Baekhyun's father and the king instantly began training the young prince into controlling his powers. One by one the others Alphas who had been allowed to take part under their prince's invitation to the mate selection came forward with different markings on their bodies, they each possessed different tattoos therefore having a sole power in relation to the twelve wolf creators that have been reborn into their bodies. 

With time the omega's followed suit, it started with Baekhyun coming down the stairs and into the dining room where everyone was waiting for him to arrive. He came with the brightest smile and tears in his eyes as he displayed his mark which was located on his wrist just where Chanyeol's had risen the afternoon he burst a fuse, his heart raced as the Alpha stood up and rushed to his side. 

"I knew it!" He cried, clutching Baekhyun's waist tightly as he smiled. "I knew you had to be one too, I just knew it!" 

"I'm the Light creator's reborn spirit" Baekhyun sobbed through his giggles, holding Chanyeol's cheeks with the palm's of his hands. "do you know what that means?" 

"It means that you two were the first mates," the king explained his brows wiggling in a teasing manner. "in our history and right now too." 

"So it's true?" Chanyeol questioned, swiping at the tears falling from his eyes as he stared into the omega's eyes. "Our wish came true?" 

"I don't care" Baekhyun giggled, pulling the Alpha into his embrace. "all I care about is that I'm a reborn spirit just like you are and our previous lives were spent together, let's spend this one together too." 

"Now I can court you with guranteed outcomes." Chanyeol joked, winking his right eye as he nuzzled his nose into Baekhyun's neck. The omega let out a giggle as everyone else looked on with smiles and fake gagging gestures but everyone was happy for them. 

After that morning, it was the omega's turn to come and show off their own markings which in turn brought tears to their respective Alphas whose markings were located in the same place. A long time had passed since then, at least a couple years judging by how grey Baekhyun's father and the king's hair had become. 

The eldest prince had taken a long vacation to the northern water lands because he couldn't stand being around the reborn spirits, he had set out to make himself feel better and to take some time to himself before he took the crown. 

However, if the king was having problems deciding on which son would take the throne the past couple months had been an even harder decision to make frankly because it was Daehyun's birth right but Chanyeol deserved it more. 

"I don't know what to do Haeun, Daehyun deserves the throne because he is the first born however Chanyeol has done more in his life to deserve it.. I know I shouldn't even be considering him for the throne but-" 

"Give Chanyeol the throne" the queen smiled, placing her hands on her husband's chest. "we all know how much our people love him, he's done more for our people than Daehyun has ever and you wouldn't have to persuade yourself into thinking why he should get it anymore, we both know you can rest well if our youngest takes over." 

"My father before me chose me for the throne over my brother and I never understood why, may the tree of life watch over his soul but now that I'm living his decision myself I can clealy see how he came to his choice." 

"You were the youngest out of your father's children and you've made a brilliant king my love, Chanyeol will follow your steps and do what's best for the planet while Daehyun-" 

"Will only look out for himself, like he's always done." The king finished with a nod, already seeing where his wife was coming from. He drew a sigh and closed his eyes before swiping his hand and gesturing for the butler to bring in his first appointment. 

The laughter of the teenagers entering his office instantly had the king's lips curling in a smile, their teenage love reminding him of himself and Haeun when they had done the mate selection all those years ago. 

"Hello father, you asked to speak with us?" Chanyeol grinned up at his dad, helping Baekhyun into the chair before taking a seat of his own. 

"What can we do for you Sejoon?" Baekhyun blinked up at his future father-in-law with his innocent eyes. "Is everything okay? You're not sick are you?" 

"No Baekhyun" the king laughed, his shoulders shaking as he stood up from his chair and made his way around the table. He sat himself down on the edge of it and looked at his son's mate before settling on his son. Chanyeol blinked up at him in confusion, his hands were gripping the sides of his chair in worry. "Actually I brought you and Chanyeol in here for a reason, I wanted you to be the first people to know about my decision in regards to the throne." 

"The throne? Why would you need to be thinking of a decision for the throne?" 

"Did something happen to Daehyun?" Baekhyun wondered, he didn't care if something had happened to the future king but he wanted to at least make it look like he was worried for him. 

"No my son is fine." The king stated with a click of his tongue. "I wanted to tell you both that Chanyeol will be the future king." 

"I'm going to be what?!" 


"Because Daehyun cannot be the king with his attitude, the day your mark was revealed he was willing to make Baekhyun's his by force. If he was like that when choosing a mate, who knows what he would have done to this planet." Chanyeol's father declared with a curt nod in his wife's direction. 

Haeun took up from where her husband left off. "Daehyun is only concerned about himself, we cannot take the chance of war with our neighbours after years of peace. I refuse to hand the planet down to someone who is not worthy of recieving it." 

"And you want me to do it?" Chanyeol scoffed. "How do you know I wouldn't do the same thing my brother would?" 

"Because you're not like him" the king and queen choired, their eyes wide. 

"You're not even eighteen yet, we are not going to give you the throne tomorrow. We have paperwork to fill out and you have to learn about how to rule therefore the both of you will be recieving private lessons from a close personal friend of ours." the queen smiled, turning back to the door where Baekhyun's father entered with a twinkle in his eye. "Joonwoo will be that person." 

"Yeah this is going to take some time to wrap my head around" Baekhyun whispered, his eyes locked on the space before him. His fingers found their way into Chanyeol's from the beginning of the meeting yet now that the information had been leaked his body didn't evemn feel comfortable for his soul anymore. 


Baekhyun woke with a jolt, his  chest heaving as he propelled himself into an upright position rather than a laying one. The blankets that were covering his abdomen fell onto his lap as he attempted to get his breath back, things were definitely getting interesting in his dreams. 

He glanced towards th clock on his bedside table, knowing how deceiving his black out curtains could be. It was 8 am on Saturday morning and for once Baekhyun felt like he had slept like a baby, there wasn't anything strange in his dreams anymore after he had realised how he felt for the Alpha. 


Where was Chanyeol? 

The space in his bed right next to him was vacant, refilled with the bed covers folded neatly to make it feel like he was still there providing Baekhyun's back with warmth. Without thinking Baekhyun tossed the blankets off himself and rushed out of his bedroom, he had grabbed a hoodie to throw on before he made it into the livingroom which was (thankfully) empty of his friends. Instead Baekhyun found the Alpha cooking breakfast on the stove, his brows creased in concentration as he gently probed at the bacon and eggs in the pan. 

"Hey giant." Baekhyun called, announcing his presence to the wolf whose actions had frozen after hearing the words. The vampire watched as Chanyeol brought his cooking temperature down, he swirled around on his heel and approached the latter who smiled at his steps. "Did you sleep well?" 

"You know I did smurfie," the Alpha chuckled, cautiously looping his arms around Baekhyun's waist. When he noticed that the vampire wasn't pushing him away Chanyeol continued, he gently rested his forehead against Baekhyun's shoulder. The vampire coudln't help but giggle as the wolf nuzzled into his neck, seeking warmth and comfort, he found it instantly. "it was quite the adventure you took me on. You know that right?" 

"It was shocking for me as well you know" Baekhyun countered, gently threading his fingers through Chanyeol's hair. "it appears that we found out even more about your brother's rage." 

"Oh so you're finally admitting to him being my brother hmm?" Chanyeol couldn't help it as his desire to press his lips against the latter's soft neck took over, his pressure was gentle and his kisses rose butterflies in Baekhyun's belly. "I never expected you to do such a thing." #

"The more I see, the more I feel like it all happened." 

"What plan have you made for the upcoming week?" The Alpha wondered, pulling himself away to tend to their breakfast. Baekhyun sat himself down on the stool by the island, his chin resting peacefully in his palm while watching Chanyeol dish their food. 

"I think I'm just going to live my life like a teenager for the week, I'll still be dreaming of our previous life but at least this time I can just accept what's happening. You'll be seeing everything I see anyway so that's reassuring, I think we've been ignoring our protector duties. Last night was a real eye opener to what we could be dealing with, do you think it could be related to Maddix?" 

"What do you know about Maddix?" Chanyeol was generally curious while he asked, he put the dish down directly below Baekhyun whose mouth filled with salvia at the sight of it. "I'm expecting not much huh?" 

"I have heard of his name before" Baekhyun began, taking a forkful of the eggs into his mouth then continuing. "I couldn't remember where I heard it exactly but I definitely had before I came here." 

"He must have something to do with Daehyun then." Chanyeol suggested with a certain nod, his lips were pressed into a thin line while his eyes flicked through the contents of the fridge. Baekhyun watched him as he took out the cartoon of orange juice. 

"It could be" he agreed, giving a nod of his own. "it would make sense that I heard it from there but I'm not entirely sure either. Do you think we could ask the queen?" 

Chanyeol let out a laugh, the two of them had gotten used to addressing his mother as the queen since they shared the dreams that told her as one. "We will be going to her asking a lot of questions by the sounds of things." 

"Have the others woke up yet?" Baekhyun wondered happily chewing on his bacon with a smile. It took Chanyeol a couple minutes to recover, but when he did he was quick to answer.

"Nope, you're the first to wake. Sehun and Luhan stole the book last night so I'm assuming that they have both been reading through it until the crack of dawn when their exhausted bodies finally decided to give out and sleep, as for Kyungsoo and Jongin, well they have been quiet for a while now." 

"I don't think I want to know what those two are doing." The firey blush that appeared on Baekhyun's cheeks as he recalled the morning he found out about their scandal was priceless. "Like ever again." 

"Our markings were kind of cool." Chanyeol changed the subject again, bringing it back to their shared dream last night. Baekhyun noticed how often the Alpha could turn his gaze towards his wrist, he couldn't help but admit he had done the same after waking up, their tattoos were interesting and seeing them vanish almost made them feel like a part of themselves were gone. "Do you think we'll ever get our powers back?" 

"I'm not sure, it's hard to say. Maybe?" 

"I can guarantee that we didn't have them in our previous lives here." Chanyeol clicked his fingers like he was willing to risk it all for that bet. Baekhyun simply rolled his eyes before refocusing back on his delightful breakfast, he was surprised that the Alpha was able to cook just as good as Kyungsoo. 

"Like I said, enough of the reborn spirit nonsense for now. Let's just be teenagers that have a duty to their school-" 

"We were teenagers when we got told that we were going to be taking the throne." Chanyeol intruppted, his eyes hard as he stared at Baekhyun almost like he was challenging him to comment on . 

Instead the vampire drew a deep breath, using it to cool down the hot meat on his fork. "You have a point, I guess there is no escaping this huh?" 

"Not in the slightest." Chanyeol smiled, sending the latter a wink. 

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Beau1996 1381 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1381 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1381 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1381 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
750 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
750 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.