Come to peace with it


 "You need to tell us what the hell you did with Conor!" Chanyeol stated after having flung his mother's office door wide open, the poor woman clutched her chest in surprise. Baekhyun scoffed at his mate's terrible use of manners, he bowed his head in apology to his mother-in-law. 

"What he means to say is; Good morning Eomma, how are you this morning? We need help as Kyungsoo has been kidnapped and we believe that Conor and Ms. Butterwell are suspects in his disappearance, we would like to know what you did with him as we know you haven't done anything about Ms. Butterwell as of yet." Baekhyun sighed, taking a seat right next to his mate who remained standing with his palms pressed against the backrest of the chair next to one now holding his lover.

"Well I can say this is definitely not what I was expecting when I woke up this morning," Ms. Lee huffed, her head hanging heavily between her shoulders. Baekhyun and Chanyeol watched her with pursed lips, they glanced at each other before returning to Ms. Lee whose hands were pressed against her cheeks. Her drooping eyes made them realise just how exhausted she was after the lengthy week of preparations for Kyungsoo's ceremony. "Wait did you just say that Kyungsoo was taken?"

"By Maddix and Daehyun" Baekhyun nodded his head, his lips curling upwards at the sight of Ms. Lee's shocked expression. "there were dead wolves all over our dormitory floor. He's nowhere to be seen and his room was thrashed, we noticed that some of his grimoires are gone too most likely because they need spells from it."

"Kyungsoo is one of our most powerful magical beings here," Ms. Lee nodded her head, she rose from her chair and moved towards the window just behind her desk. "I'm not surprised that they took his spell-books. Those few people who believe that the incredible magic one possesses comes from their spell-books but that's not entirely the truth, it's about the person themselves and the amount of magic that courses through their veins."

"Please tell me that there isn't a spell that could take someone's magic from them?" Baekhyun begged, looking up at Chanyeol whose eyes widened in realisation.

"I sure hope not!" the Alpha huffed, looking to his mother who remained silent for a moment more before continuing.

"I wouldn't know what spells are in Kyungsoo's spell books, there has to be someone who has seen the contents of these books themselves." Ms. Lee stated.

"Luhan." Chanyeol and Baekhyun choired together, nodding their heads as they agreed to find him after dealing with their headmistress.

"We just came here to tell you what happened so you can be prepared for the countless questions you'll get at breakfast this morning. Minseok and Tao have been tasked to explain our situation in the cafeteria in a couple minutes, we wanted to warn you beforehand."

"What are you planning on doing?" Ms. Lee wondered, her hands tightly wrapped around each other as she stared at the two boys across her desk. She was scared, Chanyeol could smell it on her. He couldn't blame her, if he wasn't so pissed off he probably would have been as well.

"We're going to war." Baekhyun answered honestly, standing up from his chair. His hand sought out Chanyeol's, their fingers tangling together as the vampire gently pulled them to the doorway. "I'm going to kill your son."

Ms. Lee's jaw dropped in surprise, her eyes blown wide at how unbothered Baekhyun seemed by the words that had just left his mouth. She figured that it was only a matter of time that her two sons would attempt to kill each other but she never expected Baekhyun to be willingly joining them, he was always so scared whenever Daehyun was in the picture. She couldn't ask questions or at least voice her worries because Chanyeol pulled them both from the room, the door slamming closed behind them causing her to flinch in surprise. She knew that she could run after them, begging them to stop and merely enjoy the life they have while they still had it. But then she realised that it wouldn't be much of a life, they wouldn't be able to confess their true feelings to one another and they would have to constantly look over their shoulder for Daehyun.

"There is no way they can kill him without their powers." she whispered, leaning back in her chair. Her gaze came to rest on the morning sky before her, gone was the darkness as it gave way to the light. Baekhyun's first life's creation gave way to Chanyeol's, the bright orange sun slowly began rising in the horizon bringing with it a terrible taste at the back of . She had to prepare herself and everyone within the walls for war.


"Alright so everyone knows the plan?" Chanyeol wondered, glancing around the circle of friends. Baekhyun stared at his mate lovingly, holding his hand desperately as he valued the last few moments they spent together.

He had been trying to keep his mind on other things all day, those thoughts surrounding various attempts at killing Daehyun. Baekhyun was never a violent person, he never meant to kill any of his victims including the poor woman he murdered in the alleyway just before he met Suho, her death was tied to Daehyun just as much as the rest of them.

No one spoke about the two different plans going on in the background of this emergency meeting. Chanyeol refused to speak of his combined plan with the wolves and Baekhyun couldn't allow himself to focus on his own death now that he properly recalled that Chanyeol could read his mind.

What everyone could agree on was that they wouldn't be leaving the village without Kyungsoo. This was a rescue mission above all else.

The other protectors knew what was expecting them inside the warehouse that Kyungsoo's shirt (that Skylar had spelled) had led them to, the scents inside were overwhelming. Two lone figures and of course their close friend.

"Yes, I take Lay and Luhan to the west side." Suho nodded, his eyes remaining downcast. No one was able to look the two mates in the eye, including each other. They had already been foretold of what was going to happen today, Baekhyun already knew that his time in this life was running out. Chanyeol refused to think about it.

"Kris, Tao, Chen and I will come from the upper floors." Minseok spoke his voice so close to cracking. This was a rescue mission, above all else.

"Sehun, you and Kai are coming in through the basement, be careful there will be other wolves down there." Baekhyun warned, knowing how dirty Daehyun liked to play his games. The Alpha's noses were good, they could detect scents above and ahead of them but their senses couldn't penetrate the ground which is why Daehyun always had wolves below ground level. Vampires were good but they weren't as good.

"This is for Kyungsoo, I don't care what I have to do as long as I get to see him again." Kai sighed, his head dropping between his shoulders. Baekhyun turned to look at Chanyeol who had already been looking at him, and they offered each other a small saddened smile before turning back to their friends.

"Don't worry Jongin we will get him back." Sehun reassured his best friend, patting him briefly on the back before turning to look at the group again. His eyes refused to meet Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

"What about you two?" Lay questioned, his head tilted to the side. Yixing never really was one to pick up on the somber mood around him, it often brought a giggle from Baekhyun's chest but today it meant too much.

Chanyeol took a deep breath, the vampire could practically hear how long it took to fill his lungs. Baekhyun offered him his hand, to which his mate grabbed and held close to his chest. "We're the bait."

"I'm not ready for this..." Suho's voice rang out, his tone filled with sorrow as he glared at Baekhyun. "I understand that this is to save Kyungsoo but you're putting your own life at risk!"

"I've already made my peace with that." Baekhyun argued, trying to find something in Suho's eyes. He knew there wasn't going to be an ounce of regret in the vampire's gaze, Suho hated this entire situation. He made it quite clear how much he hated the operation when the two mates talked to them about it earlier that morning. Their backup was coming, but everyone knew if they had to make Daehyun falter they would have to be late to the party. And sadly that meant that the forbidden bite would have to be given.

"Have you allowed any of us to?" He challenged, locking his eyes on Chanyeol who looked away before he could finish. "We have to watch you die before our own eyes Baekhyun, you know how Kyungsoo is going to feel about that!"

"We have no other choice!"

"There always is another choice! You just never allowed yourself to search for it!"

"Because we don't have the time!" Baekhyun shouted back, eyes wide and body shaking.

"Daehyun has made it so that Baekhyun won't be able to survive my bite, we've known that for awhile now.." Chanyeol's voice rang out as he turned to look at his mate, his lower lip being taken in beneath his teeth. The vampire looked at him in sadness, he regretted that Kyungsoo had linked their minds for a moment but then he realised that it was better that Chanyeol knew what was going on in his mind. The only downfall being that Baekhyun had no idea what was coursing through the Alpha's head. "we won't be able to fight against Daehyun unless we go through with his mind-control. It will prevent another attack, one we won't be prepared to face without our powers. Our backup is coming but they won't be here in time as it will only spook him, they are arriving late so that we can retreat faster."

"Why aren't you fighting this?" Jongin hissed, glaring up at his Alpha with his bright orange eyes. Baekhyun wasn't used to seeing the other Alpha's flashing eyes, Chanyeol had once explained that their eyes only flickered three times in a werewolf's life. When they were hungry, when they were annoyed, and when they were in love. Baekhyun wondered if Chanyeol's eyes had changed in turns of love towards him, where he misunderstood it for his mate being hungry. "Why aren't you trying to stop him? Why aren't you fighting to protect him?"

"Baekhyun is his own person, I can't control his life. I want nothing more than to protect him but then we would be spending our entire lifetime running away from Daehyun and frankly it isn't a life I'm willing to lead. We may not be linked this way but we are linked in others."

Sehun's head snapped upwards, his eyes wide as he looked at his best friend and then to the vampire by his side. "You know something.." he whispered, looking at Chanyeol in alarm. "You wouldn't willingly live on without him, you know something."

"Regardless of what I believe and what I don't the only thing we need to worry about for now is finding Kyungsoo and getting him to safety."

"Chanyeol.." Baekhyun muttered, pulling at his mate's sleeve but when the Alpha ignored him in favour of addressing his friends Baekhyun waited to talk to him.

"Be careful," Chanyeol begged his friends, looking at them all in turn before turning on his heel and began walking towards the entrance to the warehouse. "we will see you all soon."

Baekhyun sent them all a glance but was ultimately stopped in his advances towards the doorway, the werewolves and vampires crowded around him and hugged him close. Each one of them spent not even a moment's time with him, offering him their warmth and love before he was gone from their lives for yet another lifetime.

"Please find a way to return to us.." Tao begged, crying into his hyung's neck as he held him close. "Please Baekhyun, you don't deserve this!"

"I'll be fine," the vampire reassured his friends, pulling himself away from Tao's embrace. He was the last one of his friends that he needed to say goodbye too apart from Kyungsoo, who he hoped wouldn't get hurt too much. "Jessica still had time before she died from the venom and she returned, Chanyeol probably believes that I can do the same. This isn't my final goodbye I promise."

He looked towards the Alphas who were holding on tightly to his friends, preventing them from rushing after him and stopping him from walking through those doors. Baekhyun offered them all an honest smile, before turning on his heel and making his way over to Chanyeol who was waiting for him by the doors.

"So, it looks like it's just us" Baekhyun laughed nervously, hearing a piece of metal clunk from behind the door. He released a gasp when Chanyeol's arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him flush against his body. Baekhyun's breath hitched at how close their faces were to one another, Chanyeol's heavy breath fanning over his face and cheeks.

"For now" Chanyeol admitted, his voice pained with unshed emotion. "are you ready for this? I wish that I forced you to remain in the school where it was safe but I know you better than you think I do, you would have scaled the walls to get here regardless of the precautions I took."

"I'm willing to die for us Chanyeol, you just need to promise me that you will keep our family together once I'm gone."

"I can make no such promise" the werewolf declared, shaking his head from side to side. For a split moment Baekhyun saw the Chanyeol he had first met inside the cafeteria when he arrived at the school, the Big Bad Wolf of Millennium High broke through for a moment before disappearing and leaving behind the kicked puppy Park Chanyeol truly was. "I will be the cause of your death Baekhyun-"

"You already know from my mind that Daehyun expects that, he will expect you to be weak after my death and that is when he will definitely strike. Today is about getting Kyungsoo back, Chanyeol you have to promise me that you will bring my best friend home for me." Baekhyun was begging now, begging for the second time in his life. The first was when Daehyun was forcing him to kill his parents, and now this. The anger and frustration the young vampire felt towards the man he once thought to love proved so great that Baekhyun was risking his life to see to it that the man saw his end.

"As long as you promise to stay by my side until the very end." Chanyeol himself begged the boy before him. They were both swallowing the lumps forming in the back of their throats, Baekhyun unable to answer his request since he was sure that his voice would crack. Instead he placed his forehead against his mate's and allowed him complete access to his mind and thoughts, Chanyeol let out an amused chuckle as Baekhyun's inner desires and thoughts filled his mind.

It was his answer.

And that was more than enough for Chanyeol. The werewolf placed a delicate hand on his mate's chin and brought their lips together, a silent apology that they could never act upon the wishes. Baekhyun hummed in delight, his back pressed flush against the door to the warehouse, a smile pulling on his lips as Chanyeol's warmth danced around him.

"Are you ready to face him?" Chanyeol whispered against his lips. Baekhyun let out a sigh in frustration, he wished that he could spend just a few moments more basking in Chanyeol's love but he knew that they needed to get Kyungsoo back, he couldn't allow himself to think of what could be happening to him right now.

"Of course." Baekhyun declared after clearing his growing sadness. He stood taller against the wall, his head held high as he stared into the eyes of the man he loved so much. Chanyeol's eyes were flickering that beautiful yellow which almost had Baekhyun breaking right then and there, but he didn't allow his mind to dwell on the topic any longer.

The silence of the warehouse was sickening. As they continued their way towards its centre Baekhyun couldn't help but notice the chains and hooks that looked like they should be holding meat instead of air. A shiver ran down his back as he quickened his steps before bumping into Chanyeol's back.

"Chanyeol?" He whispered feeling the taller stiffen. Growing confused Baekhyun stepped to the side before glancing forward, nothing. "What are you smelling?"

"Oh I wouldn't even try and ask him any questions," A deep chuckle filled up the room, Baekhyun's blood running cold as he glanced upwards towards the balcony high above them. "I placed him under a mind-controlling spell Baekhyun."

"You mean that Maddix did it, not you." Baekhyun hummed, walking behind his mate. He allowed himself to play around a little, toying with the back of his shirt ever so slightly but not too much that would force Chanyeol into breaking character. "How have you been Daehyun? Have you enjoyed your time in the sun?"

"I see that you've finally figured out the reasoning behind your sunblock skin, you always were quite clever Baekhyun."

"I'll take that as a compliment," the vampire grinned, stepping out from behind Chanyeol to share his smile with the room. Daehyun stood on top of the balcony, both of his hands clasping tightly onto the railing. Another man who stood slightly shorter than the one in which he was familiar with must have been Maddix even though he had yet to see what the major deal with him was. "Hello to you too Maddix is it?"

"Such a well mannered young man, how do you feel that your mate is under my mind control Baekhyun?" Maddix wondered, properly just asking for compliments on his task. Baekhyun took in Chanyeol's face, studying his posture and his eyes. They didn't appear hollow and they even followed him as he walked around him, not appearing too obvious in his actions.

"I would say that you're doing a wonderful job at it, better than anything Daehyun has ever done."

"Where is the rest of your pack?" Daehyun hissed through his gritted teeth, Maddix's hand reaching up to pull him back from where he was leaning over the railing.

"I'll give you a better question, where's Kyungsoo?"

"Now is not the time for games Baekhyun." Maddix shook his head, his eyes closed briefly before he opened them again. "Just tell us where the rest of your group is and we will let you both go."

"You think that I'm going to believe that when it's him you're working for." Baekhyun tilted his head in Daehyun's general direction, his attention taken totally by Maddix who seemed surprised by his gaze. "You have Chanyeol under your mind control, why don't you get him to tell you instead, to avoid the potential time that I wasted lying to you."

"Chanyeol?" Maddix called out, his brow raised as he waited for the Alpha to comment.

Chanyeol stood taller at the mention of his name, his head tilting upwards to finally see the two faces of his foes. Daehyun hadn't changed much since Baekhyun's dreams, he definitely took after their mother in looks rather than their father. "They're waiting for backup outside the warehouse." Chanyeol rhymed off the agreed play, Baekhyun heaving a gentle sigh of relief. Chanyeol played a mind controlled victim too well.

"Excellent!" Daehyun applauded, turning to look at Maddix in wonder. "What did I tell you? I knew he would be easily fooled by this plan!"

The wrinkled old man with grey silky hair standing next to the young man beside him looked on at the couple for a moment before turning back to Daehyun. "We cannot be sure about that, there are still precautions that could have been put in place before they arrived."

"Are you going against me?" Daehyun's voice rang out into the room, Baekhyun sighing when he realised that not much had changed in his attitude since he left.

"Not at all sir." Maddix faked a grin and turned back to the couple standing below them. Baekhyun blinked up at him, trying to keep up his show of boredom. "Nevertheless it is an honour to meet you both" Maddix dipped his head and for a moment Chanyeol broke his character, his left brow raising in surprise. "I've heard so many stories about you both-"

"Yes well done, these are exactly who you think they are and I doubt that they even realise that themselves. Now must we move along with this while the excitement is still coursing through my body?" Daehyun gushed, jumping up onto the lower rung of the railing. He couldn't stop the evil grin slipping onto his face. "Let's get this over quickly shall we?"

"What are you talking about?" Baekhyun asked, faking the innocent vampire that he knew Daehyun would reconigse. And to his words the vampire standing above them looked pleased.

"Chanyeol you are to bite Baekhyun, mark him as your mate!" Maddix spoke in a clear and understanding tone, his face neutral as he addressed Chanyeol.

Baekhyun tried to play the game, he tried to look scared and escape but Chanyeol still proved faster than him even if he was faking. The werewolf trapped the vampire in his arms and gently pulled off his collar, his hand finding Baekhyun's and holding onto it tightly. Baekhyun felt his breath shutter as Chanyeol's breath fanned against his exposed neck, his eyes closing as he awaited for the end to come. But the ever so soft kisses applied to his neck had Baekhyun's eyes widening in surprise.

"Forgive me..." Chanyeol whispered, voice so low that Baekhyun even found it hard to hear. The vampire allowed his mate to press his hand against his mouth, it was meant to muffle his screams but Baekhyun used it to press countless kisses against the palm of the werewolf's hand. 

Baekhyun screamed into the palm of Chanyeol's hand when he realised that a werewolf's bite to the neck hurt more than the bite to the wrist, but almost as quickly as the pain came did it disappear. Chanyeol hummed against Baekhyun's neck, ling on his blood before pulling himself away with a heavy breath. Baekhyun allowed his body to slump against his mate's, Chanyeol holding him up.

"What have you done t?!" Baekhyun screamed, up at Daehyun who was looking at him in surprise.

"Don't you realise what I've done Baekhyun?" Daehyun laughed, throwing his head back between his shoulders. "I've taken you out of Chanyeol's spell, you will no longer be his mate and his venom will wound you."

"I've never wanted to be his mate, why would you do this to me?!" Baekhyun yelled, thrashing around in Chanyeol's arms. He applied just the right amount of pressure on Chanyeol's hand to make him realise that he didn't mean anything he was saying, he was just going off script for a moment. "Why would you cause me to suffer like this? I loved you!"

"Baekhyun..." Daehyun gasped, looking down at the vampire with wide eyes. He blinked in utter surprise, Maddix holding him in place.

"Where is Kyungsoo? Please let me see my best friend before I die!" He begged, willing the anger and frustration to pool in his eyes using them as emotional tears to falsely elude the elder vampire into giving them what they wanted. The others should be waiting now, outside the doorway.

"Show him!" Daehyun screamed to Maddix, rendering the wizard frozen for a split second. Baekhyun watched through wet eyes as a bound and gagged Kyungsoo appeared beneath the balcony, his eyes filled with tears as he stared at Baekhyun and Chanyeol in horror.

The room burst into life, wolves and vampires appearing and growling. Chanyeol's grip on his waist tightening as he growled out loud himself, Baekhyun sniffled and rushed to Kyungsoo's side.

"We need to get out of here." Maddix gasped, looking over the balcony. Daehyun was attempting to climb over it in order to get to Baekhyun but the wizard pulled him backwards. "Leave him, he is lost!"

"We have to find a way to save him, he said he loved me!"

"You can win his affections during the next life-time but if we don't leave now you will die!"

And like that, they disappeared in a puff of green smoke. Their disappearance made everyone in the room turn to the other action happening in the room. Baekhyun had managed to free Kyungsoo from his restraints, the witch classed warlock holding him close to his face, the both of them tearing up in each other's embrace.

"What did you do?" Kyungsoo horsed out, his voice rough after not having been used in some time. Baekhyun offered him a small smile, he titled his head and showed off Chanyeol's claiming mark.

"What we had to do in order to ensure your safety." Baekhyun explained, watching as Kyungsoo's eyes turned into a blaze.

"You willingly placed yourself into that situation, knowing everything that could happen?"

"We made peace with it." Baekhyun claimed, a chuckle escaping his lips when he realised that he had been using that quote a lot today.

"Thank you for saving me..." Baekhyun almost got whiplash when he realised that Kyungsoo sincerely meant it, his voice wet with his growing sadness.

"Always." Baekhyun whispered, pulling him into his embrace before releasing a deep cough. "Everyone here means the world to me, you've taken me in when I needed friends and together we all developed into a family. I knew that we wouldn't be fighting him today but I was glad I got to deceive him before my passing, I could think of no other way to go then this."


"It's too late now," the vampire shook his head, pulling away from the embrace and attempting to stand up. His lungs were heaving, desperate to let out a cough but Baekhyun refused to show any kind of weakness now. The venom was strong but he knew that he was strong enough to continue until they returned to the school.

"We're here!" Skylar's voice rang through his head, her words echoing in his mind as his vision slowly became blurry at the sides. He could faintly smell her perfume and Colin's aftershave wafting from somewhere closer towards the exit, there was no guarantee as to where Daehyun and Maddix are now but he was sure that they were long gone now that they knew that backup arrived.

"Baekhyun?" the sweet voice of his mate grounded him, Chanyeol's face got rid of the fogginess clouding his eyes. His lips curling upwards as he tilted his head and showed off his new mark, his fingers searching for Chanyeol through the air.

"I finally got it," he chuckled, drawing Chanyeol closer. The air around them quiet, their attention solely on each other. They could faintly hear Kyungsoo's choked sobs into Jongin's chets but they had to pay it no mind, it would hurt too much otherwise. "I finally can say that I got bitten by you giant."

"Baby..." Chanyeol pulled the vampire close against his chest, holding him tightly and pressing firm but gentle kisses all over his face. Baekhyun's lips holding a steady smile as he held on tighter to his mate, wallowing in their shared warmth for a little while longer.

Baekhyun felt his breath hitch when Chanyeol's arms wrapped themselves around his waist and lifting him from the ground. The next time Baekhyun opened his eyes they were standing outside the warehouse, the sky above them raining heavily onto them.

The Alpha took it upon himself to rid Baekhyun of the jacket he was wearing, draping it over the vampire's head. Baekhyun snuggled into his chest, heaving a sigh as his gmfingers danced over his new mark.

"We have to get back to the school." Skylar whispered, approaching the embracing couple who stepped away from each other at her presence. "It's important. You both will have to be more comfortable if we want this plan to work."

"Plan?" Baekhyun wondered, looking up at his mate in confusion. Chanyeol's lips curled upwards as Skylar sent him a warning look before turning to the rest of the backup, she signaled them to follow her outside the warehouse. "What does she mean by that Chanyeol?"

"You wanted to leave me behind so easily, I couldn't allow you to do it alone..." Chanyeol laughed, pressing his lips against his mate's forehead.

"What did you do..." Baekhyun gasped, stopping in his tracks to look at his mate who stared at the ground. The piercing stares of their friends made Baekhyun's tears come back to his eyes, these ones having actual emotional links. "Chanyeol, what did you do?"

"Nothing." his mate declared, looking him square in the eye. "Yet." 

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Beau1996 1381 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1381 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1381 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1381 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
750 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
750 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.