

"I need to look at your bite mark..." Skylar whispered into his ear after some careful consideration of their surroundings. Baekhyun's back straightened at the words he had heard, his fingers gripping on his plastic plate in nervousness as he slowly dipped his head in confirmation. They both sent a glance around the room, happy to see that some of the teachers were distracting the younger years with puzzles on the board. The kids were having the time of their lives, unaware of what was happening outside. 

Skylar led the way out of the classroom and into the hallway, her lips pulled up in a shy smile when she eventually turned around to actually look Baekhyun in the eye. The vampire tried to replicate it but the pain in his neck had only been getting harsher as the minutes ticked into hours. They were standing by the window now, looking out into the battlefield.

Bodies were littered across the grass and shouts could still be heard in the distance, Baekhyun figured that those fighting to protect the school had managed to drive the enemy back to the forest. He just hoped that Chanyeol and the rest of his friends were okay, he wondered if Kihyun and his gang had joined them, but the lack of his presence in the hallway and other classrooms just proved his theory. Everyone they could gather had gone out to fight the enemy, now most likely being joined by the vampires as the sun had gone down. 

Luhan and Kyungsoo followed them out moments later, closing over the classroom just in case one the children happened to look out and see what was happening. Baekhyun offered them all an honest smile before tilting his head to the side, before pulling at the neckline of his shirt. The sight before the trio made their hearts stop and their jaws drop, Baekhyun knew that he wouldn't be able to see the mark without a mirror so he wordlessly took his phone out of his back pocket and opened up the camera. 

He never usually brings his phone anywhere, but he refused to go anywhere without it today knowing that if something happened to Chanyeol or members of the protection group he would have a way of receiving the information directly. But for the moment, this proved much more important. 

Baekhyun stared at the side of his neck in wonder, the bite mark having scared over thanks to his vampire healing ability. But what Baekhyun supposes had the rest of his friends so troubled was the prominent veins showing up from below his pale skin. They were thin but blackened in colour, spreading outwards from the two fang marks and travelling down his chest and upwards towards his head. 

"It's bad isn't it?" He whispered, not knowing what to expect from a wolf bite let alone Chanyeol's. Apparently those standing before him thought the same. 

"It does appear different from the one Jessica had on her neck." Kyungsoo explained, recalling the memory he had of the girl in the hallway when Baekhyun shut his humanity off. "Hers was spreading a lot faster than yours is, does that mean anything?" 

"Is he perhaps going to survive this bite?" Luhan asked, his voice b with hope. They all unintentionally turned to Skylar who seemed to hold so many secrets about Baekhyun's life within her head. For a moment the vampire could wish that he could read her mind, just to et a glimpse as to what was happening. 

"That won't be up to the bite alone," she exclaimed instead, leaving the three of them with more questions then answers. Baekhyun had to give it to her, she did a better job at ing up his head than Chanyeol had. "but it shouldn't be too long now. They don't like waiting for you." 



The vampire found himself turning at the familiar voice, Suho smiling happily as he rushed towards his friends. He had come from the barrier with his clothes trashed but at least he was still alive. The elder pulled Baekhyun into his arms first, sighing in content to see him still standing and alive. 

"It's so good to know we got back in time." 

"Is it finished?" Luhan wondered before Baekhyun could even think of his words, too lost in Suho's warmth to really give it much thought. "Please tell me everyone's okay." 

"We have a lot of injured people but everyone's safe," the eldest vampire explained, reassuring his friends and fellow protectors. "Jongin, Sehun and Chanyeol all survived the battle don't fret." 

Baekhyun let his shoulders slump in relief, he stepped out of Suho's hold when his neck started aching. It had been doing that for the past two hours but since his friends had reassured him that the bite looked perfectly fine given the length of time it had to manifest, Baekhyun pushed it to the back of his mind for the moment. 

"And Maddix?" he wondered, tilting his head as he waited the answer. But it wasn't Suho that gave it. 


He could recognize that voice anywhere, it always brought with it a calming atmosphere and a shiver down his spine. Baekhyun smiled when his eyes locked with Chanyeol, the wolf quickening his steps in order to get to him quicker. Baekhyun met him in the middle, with his arms open and lips ready. Chanyeol fell into his embrace, breathing out a sigh of contentment as his arms naturally wrapped around the smaller's waist pulling him impossibly closer. He placed multiple kisses all over Baekhyun's face, thankful to see that he was alright. 

"I wanted to see you right away, I couldn't wait around any longer not when I wasn't sure how long you had left." 

"It won't be the bite that takes him," Skylar made herself known again. Baekhyun wanted her to continue, he wanted answers but the girl just looked beyond him to Chanyeol. "It's happening too slow. They don't like waiting and you can't risk that right now Chanyeol, you don't know what consequences that could be waiting for you if you don't go now." 

"Skylar I can't just-" Baekhyun hated that they were talking like he wasn't there.

"You have to, I already told you what would happen if you don't!" She screamed, looking at Chanyeol with tears in her eyes. She was obvious that her words meant something deeper than Baekhyun was willing to understand right now. "If you don't do it some time soon than Baekhyun will most certainly die." 

"How long do I have?" Chanyeol whispered, his grip tightening around Baekhyun's waist but his gaze wouldn't turn away from the woman standing before him. 

"Midnight," she claimed, swallowing the lump in . "If you don't do it before midnight Baekhyun's going to die and there is no way that I can save him, I've already used up too much of my power. I'm going against nature for this but it is what she wanted, you deserve another chance." 

"What is she talking about?" Baekhyun whispered, his voice too strained by the tears in his eyes to sound confident. "Chanyeol, talk to me." 

"Midnight is in four hours?" It sounded like a question, one Skylar answered with the nod of her head. "I'm only going to need two." 

"Then that's all I'm giving you." 

All around him Baekhyun watched as the forcefield bubble Skylar and Kyungsoo had created crumbled in on itself, the magic dissolving in the air before disappearing completely under the light of the moon. He wanted to ask questions, he wanted answers but he knew that he wasn't going to get them if Chanyeol knew that he was on a time limit. It didn't make sense and his mind was overwhelmed with questions he had no doubt that his mate was hearing but ignoring. A strange feeling was churning in his stomach, preventing Baekhyun was wondering too deeply into his thoughts as Chanyeol led him out of the hallway. 

They passed by the students that were all coming back in from the border, vampires witches, warlocks, hybrids, werewolves alike. They were laughing and cheering, some of them helping their friends and fellow fighters towards the infirmary. Baekhyun was pulled through them all by the silver haired giant holding his wrist with the gentlest touch Baekhyun had ever felt before. 

"Can you at least tell me where you're bringing me?" 

"I'm bringing you back to our start, I do believe that I owe you a picnic." Baekhyun felt his heart ache in his chest as he quickened his steps so that they were in step with Chanyeol's. The Big Bad Wolf of Millennium High laughed as he pulled him into his arms and lifted him from the ground, propelling them both further into the school. 


Baekhyun couldn't help the smile that slipped onto his face the moment he stepped out of his bedroom after a warm and fulfilling shower. He had dressed himself up in what he considered to be his nicest clothes (some skinny jeans and one of Chanyeol's hoodies).

"You look great Baekhyun," Kyungsoo complimented his best friend from his spot in the kitchen, where he had been tasked to make some fruit bowls for himself and Luhan. "are you ready?" 

"I think so," he admitted, casting a glance down to the floor since he was too embarrassed to look Kyungsoo in the eye. "I don't look too plain with this hoodie do I?" 

"It's Chanyeol's right?" 


"Then nope, I'm sure that wolf will be quite happy with your fashion choices." Kyungsoo's lips pulled back into a proud smile, his eyes casting away from his friend and onto the bowls on teh counter which he gently took up by the rim. 

"Hey guys!" Luhan's cheerful voice shook the boys to their very core, neither one of them sensing him until it was too late. Kyungsoo stared down at the broken bowl that had shattered across the kitchen floor after the jump scare, his gaze turned hard as he looked over at Luhan who was now sporting a sheepish grin. 

"You do realise that I was just kidnapped not even 24 hours ago, I apologise for being jumpy." Kyungsoo glared, reaching down to pick up the larger pieces of the shattered plate but he seemed to loose interest quite easily since the next minute he was standing again. "I suppose that just means that we'll just have to eat with the wolves." 

"Good because everyone's down in the cafeteria now eating a celebratory feast for defeating Maddix. I heard Sehun say that there is a special honor for Chanyeol since he was the one that delivered the final blow to the witch's head." Luhan explained, the smile never once slipping from his mouth. 

Baekhyun's ears tingled at the mention of his mate, not even surprised that it was Chanyeol that had killed the man. "I asked Chanyeol if we could have a picnic, but to be honest with you guys I think I just want to be in your company before midnight. As you both know I don't know what Chanyeol and Skylar are planning but it seems important since they haven't spoken about it or at least keeping me out of the loop. I don't want to get my hopes up so I'm going to act as if my time runs out at midnight, does that make sense?" 

Luhan and Kyungsoo both turned to look at each other, Baekhyun keeping quiet so that the both of them may communicate with one another in silence. They could understand his reasoning even though they were both hopeful that Chanyeol had actually managed to find a way to save Baekhyun from his otherwise seen as doomed fate. 

"Let's go to the cafeteria shall we?" Luhan announced, instead of answering. Baekhyun's lips curling in the corner of his mouth at his words, but he nodded his head regardless. 


"Well it's about time that you three got here!" A loud shout rumbled through the cafeteria, bringing a bright red blush to Baekhyun's cheeks as he looked and saw Shownu waving at him by the window. 

The vampire was suddenly overwhelmed with a feeling of deva vu, Kyungsoo and Luhan gently pushed him towards the table that Minseok, Suho and Tao were currently sitting at. The presence of the wolf just showed how much time had gone by. Before he was able to sit down at the table, Kihyun had appeared beside him and claimed the seat next to him. 

Minseok pushed a plate towards Baekhyun, offering him a bright smile as he gently tipped in head in the direction of another table. The vampire followed his hyung's indication only for his eyes to fall on Chanyeol who was too busy chatting with the rest of the wolves, they were sitting at the table they had claimed during Baekhyun's first meal time there. 

"Baekhyun?" Ms Lee smiled, gently resting her hand down on the boy's shoulder. Baekhyun biting his lower lip as he held back at scream, the woman had touched his bite mark. At the look of discomfort flashing in the vampire's eyes, the principal immediately took her hand off his shoulder. He was grateful that she didn't ask about it. "I've heard about your situation from Chanyeol, everyone has. I'm sorry that there isn't anything that I can do for you.." 

Her voice cracked and Baekhyun realised that she had been holding back tears of her own. He quickly sent the clock on the wall a glance realizing that he had roughly an hour and a half before midnight. Instead of allowing his own tears to fall, Baekhyun pushed the lump in his throat down and looked the woman in the eye. 

"I just wanted to say thank you for everything that you did for me, you welcomed me home and you gave me a place to love. I also want to thank you for everything you did for me before I arrived here. I meant what I said to you last week before boarding the bus to the village, I really am thankful that you managed to keep my father's promise with making sure that I lived a happy life or should I say lives now?" he chuckled, glad to see her release her own giggle. "You've been a mother to me when my own died before and you've been a mother to me since then. Thank you again for everything Eomma." Ms. Lee in a breath and pulled the boy into her arms. Baekhyun standing up so that the embrace was comfortable for both of them. "I love you." he whispered into her ear. 

"I love you too." she chuckled, pulling away to dab at her cheeks. She swallowed and blinked rapidly trying to control her tears, Baekhyun gripping her hand and raised it up until she cupped his cheek. "You're my son and I'm so happy that I was able to see you grow, although granted I watched you grow from afar for sometime I can't deny that you have grown into a man that both of your Eomma's would have been proud of. You faced your demons and stood up to them and you've grown to love. That's all a mother wishes for her child, thank you for allowing me to stay in your life." 

Baekhyun found himself bowing his body the full 90 degrees to her, offering her a genuine smile when he straightened back up. She giggled at his actions, leaning forward to press a kiss against his forehead. He watched her go for a moment before turning back to the table. 

"Good night to everyone sitting before me today," her voice stuttered through her speech, her tears finally filling up her eyes as she stared out into the students who all turned to look at her as she spoke. "I come baring news. Some good, some bad. First off I want to thank everyone for the help today, whether it was in the fighting or if it was helping the children in the classrooms. We won a battle today but I'm afraid to say that we have yet to win the war. As some of you know myself and the twelve protectors that I have named on this very podium some time ago aren't from this planet-" a couple shocked expressions were seen around the room but a majority of people just nodded their heads. "Chanyeol explained everything to the wolves and they were able to deliver that message around but for the few of you who don't know or at least haven't heard let me explain." 

Baekhyun leaned forward and rested his head against Kyungsoo's shoulder, the warlock classed witch leaned backward into his chest forcing Baekhyun's arms to come and lay against his waist. They would take as much touch as they could get. 

"We come from a planet not to far from this one, where a wise king ruled a kingdom with his wife," she gestured to herself. "and his two sons, one of which is in this school right now. The other our greatest enemy. This youngest son stumbled upon his mate and together they unlocked a story that had only been legend, a story containing twelve wolves who created the cosmos with unimaginable powers. These wolves were constantly fighting a darkness but eventually peace did return to the land, but before they left they swore that they would return when the cosmos needed them the most. And return they did, in the form of twelve young boys all of each are currently here right now. The spiteful son was denied many things in life, first the boy he thought he loved," Baekhyun dipped his head. "and his birthright to the throne. Out of anger and pure jealously he journeyed here to Earth where he hoped to set up a throne and kingdom of his own. In hope that I could sway his mind I followed him, and then the twelve boys followed me. We were cursed to walk this land, living only to die when love had been found again."

The cafeteria remained silent, most of them already knew the story yet they were watching the principal speak with such interest. A natural born royal, Baekhyun chuckled to himself. 

"The first son turned spiteful played with fate and destiny this life time, he broke a link sacred to us wolves. The ability to claim our one true mate. Now Baekhyun is faced with death knocking on his door ready to take him at any moment when this announcement should have been all about the happy couple." 

"Eomma..." Baekhyun groaned loud enough for the entire room to hear, instantly the atmosphere brightened as everyone started laughing at his embarrassment. "I don't have much time left," he explained after nuzzling his way out of Kyungsoo's neck. Kihyun took his hand and helped him stand up, Baekhyun took a deep breath before addressing everyone. "so I wanted to say a couple things of my own before midnight." 

First he turned to Minseok who had been sitting directly across from him, slurping at the soup that looked awfully like the one he had been feasting on the first time he had met him. 

"I'll start with Minseok first!" he smiled, leaning down and taking his water bottle off his tray just in case he would get thirsty during his lengthy speeches. The eldest vampire put down his spoon and gave Baekhyun his full attention, offering him a reassuring smile in the process.  "You were the one to explain who was who in the Alpha group to me when I arrived here, you made me feel at home and that wasn't the easiest thing to accomplish believe me. You were a hyung I could laugh with but also seek advice from, I notice now that we didn't have many moments together apart from our shared love of Disney and annoying Kris with our playlists-" 

"Still not happy with the 'Hakuna Matata on replay." The giant blonde haired wolf spoke up from the table across from his own. Baekhyun as well as the rest of the school laughed. 

"I always knew that you and Jongdae had a special connection from even then! Granted Luhan was the one that called him the cartoon looking guy first but don't think I didn't hear you talk about him with Suho during our Defense classes." 

"Are you really putting me on the spot right now?" Minseok huffed, crossing his arms over his chest as he playfully glared up at his friend. "You're the youngest vampire in our group so I suppose that I will let it slide, you brought a level of light to our group that won't be refilled Baekhyun. Thank  you for all the happy memories." 

"The pleasure is all mine," the vampire winked, turning next to Kihyun whose brow raised at the sudden inclusion. "Kihyun! I have quite a bit to say to you. First I suppose that it would be best if I thank you for everything that you did for me, you took a memory of mine and made the pain go away and for that I will forever be grateful. I'll admit that I hated you when you told me that you couldn't do the same thing to my memories of Chanyeol, but now that I have grown I realised why you didn't so I suppose I should say thank you for that also. Your ual innuendo outside Ms. Lee's office though, never thanking you for that because you were wrong!" 

"Oh pleuh-ease you could see that look, it was totally a thing!" Kihyun shouted, pointing his finger up at Baekhyun while his eyes narrowed. The vampire simply waved him off. "But I suppose it is a memory I will always cherish so thank you for that too." 

"Tao, my partner in crime. Ever since I saw you in the infirmary I knew that the both of us would be the best of friends, we both shared memories of trauma. I don't know about you but I know or certain that you helped me out with my anxiety just as much as everyone else if not more, we both fell in love with giant wolves so we have that in common too. I knew that if you could do it than I can too. I always wanted to protect you and keep you close but you showed me many times that you didn't need any protecting, you made defense class your and I am proud of you for that." he wiped a fake tear to add to the level of drama, bringing a hysterical laugh from the boy's lips.  "You were a person that I connected with emotionally, I will always remember that." 

Against his better nature, Tao simply replied. "Ditto." Baekhyun chuckled knowing that the poor boy was moments away from sobbing his heart out. 

"I suppose that I can't leave you out any longer," Baekhyun sighed before smiling teasingly at his friend who merely shook his head at the introduction. "Suho. You were the one that found me, you protected me, you stood by my side and went through my pain when Kyungsoo gave me that disgusting drink in the infirmary the night I woke up there. You introduced me to this school, brought me here to a place I love and now call my home. If it wasn't for you I would still be living behind that dumpster unable to control my thirst and hoping for a family that I knew I could never have if it wasn't here. You were always making sure that I was okay and in a way both you and Kyungsoo became my parents, a welcomed title I'm sure!" 

Everyone's expressions turned into small smiles, their eyes casting downwards as they continued to listen to Baekhyun's words. 

"Kyungsoo, you were so amazing with your strap bag full of disgusting and vomit worthy potions and bottles. I can sometimes still taste both that concoction you gave me in the hospital as well as your weird witchy herbal drink that not only I, but Jongin and Tao couldn't handle. But even with all your terrible tasting potions I am still very grateful of everything that you've done for me. Making me a sunlight bracelet even though I didn't really need one, brewing more and more of your blood supplements, to listening to my constant stubbornness." Kyungsoo's eyes were watery, he turned away from Baekhyun unable to look him in the eye when the reality hit him. He didn't say anything so the vampire moved on. 

"Luhan, where do I begin with you?" The said boy rolled his tearful eyes but ended up giggling any way. "First of all I'm not entirely sure how Sehun is able to deal with you, your dramatic is even worse than my own. That one time when you were wearing your Hello Kitty apron when he and the other's arrived you took off out of the room because you were embarrassed but when Kyungsoo and I tried to get you to throw it away you refused. Not to mention the time Kyungsoo called you Sehun's mate-" 

"It was an example, how many times do I have to explain that?" Kyungsoo huffed, his voice cracking as he let out a laugh. 

"Well shut up it turned out true anyway so moving on!" Baekhyun claimed, turning on his heel and walking over to the other table who had been chuckling and laughing throughout his words. "Ah yes the rulers of the school how could I forget?" 

"I'm slightly nervous right now..." Jongin admitted, shifting in his seat as he looked at Baekhyun through his eyelashes. 

"Oh don't worry I'll get to you in a minute, first let me start with the first person I was introduced to!" The Alphas looked around at each other, wondering which one Baekhyun was talking about. Naturally they turned to Chanyeol since he was technically the first one spoke to but judging by his look it wasn't him. "Kris you were oddly known as spiky hair guy for awhile until I actually learned your name, you were intimating I'm not going to lie but then you turned into this giant teddy bear that gives really good hugs if memory serves me right from that day in the village. I hate to admit it but it was actually quite pleasing that we got you to love and appreciate Disney films just as much as I do." 

"As long as I never watch the Lion King again then I won't have a problem." Kris shrugged his shoulders but didn't look Baekhyun in the eye. The vampire understood and moved onto the next one. 

"Lay, you made me believe that Alphas had feelings rather than just snarky remarks you made me see you guys for who you really are amazing people. Just continue to follow what Suho says and never lose that smile either." 

The boy nodded with a smile leaning his head down on Sehun's shoulder, the younger looking like he was ready to explode into water works but Baekhyun had a list and he planned on following that list. 

"Jongdae who was called Chen for a reason I have never even understood, you made made things just that much easier to deal with. You're quite a possessive guy if defending Minseok was anything to go by, so I can say with full honesty that I don't actually have anything to say against you which believe me I'm quite shocked at myself too. I do have a request though," Baekhyun admitted, watching as Jongdae sat higher up in his seat looking just as intrigued as everyone else. "there is a notebook in my bedside drawer with your name on it, it's filled with prank ideas that I wanted to pull but would be happy enough to know that it's going into save hands." 

"I'll treasure it Baekhyun, thank you." Jongdae bowed his head, almost hitting it off the table but it wouldn't be Jongdae without some sort of accident happening. 

"Big lips, I'm sorry that I made you uncomfortable when my emotions were turned off although I can't deny that I thought your face was hilarious. You were described to me by an unnamed source as a fighting married couple with Sehun, I never really understood why but then I stayed over in your dorm and that was enough for me. Honestly how Chanyeol dealt with the two of you with neither one of you being suffocated during your sleep I will never know." 

"Feel the love, thank you Baekhyun." 

"Oh I'm not done I have a couple more things to say about you. Maybe I should call you stupid for drinking Kyungsoo's herbal drink when you knew how Tao and I were after drinking it! Or should I bring up the whole situation again?" 

"No!" Both he and Sehun screamed, jumping up form their seats ready to pounce on him if he dared utter the words. The vampire smiled in glee as he to Sehun who slowly sat back down when he realised that it was his turn. 

"I know that I've apologised before but I want to say it again, I'm sorry that Chanyeol and I kept the fact that you were our adoptive son a secret. You were so fascinated by our story and I was so fascinated seeing you in my dreams, you were such a cute boy back then and now that I'm really looking at you I notice that not much has changed since then, in your appearance I mean. I can only tell you to stop fighting with Jongin and make a move on Luhan besides kissing because I can't stand the lack of physical contact any more, I've had to watch it in my dreams and in reality it drove me nuts." 

"Sorry.." the blonde apologised, bowing his head. Baekhyun just tell he was embarrassed by the bright red blush on the tips of his ears. 

"And you.." Baekhyun hissed turning to look at Chanyeol who had been watching him in silence the entire time. "I don't even know what to say to you." 

"Huh, I wasn't expecting that.." Chanyeol admitted with a soft chuckle shaking his body.  

"I have too many words to say to you, but I don't have enough time." Baekhyun whispered, watching closely as Chanyeol stood up from his seat and approached him. They were standing in the exact same position they stood in upon their first meeting, only this time there was no restraining themselves. Chanyeol chanced a glance at Baekhyun's neck, the vampire gently pulling at his shirt in order to expose the mark. 

The room filled with gasps and with shocked sounds escaping people's lips. It looked terrible, but Baekhyun had grown to like it. Chanyeol swallowed thickly glancing around the room before looking up at the clock on the wall. He still had ten minutes. 

"I hated you at first, I hated how you categorized everyone here under three categories when they should have all been given representation. I was warned to stay away from you, from the Big Bad Wolf of Millennium High I even earned the nickname Red Riding Hood because of you. But it was because of you that I was able to put my past behind me, it was you that taught me to feel comfortable in my skin, it was you that got me to open up about the endless trauma that I went through. You put me through heartbreak, frustration and a whirlpool of emotions some of which I can and will never understand. You made me open my heart, you made me realise that I wasn't a monster even though I continued to see myself as one. You protected me, you gave me strength, you fought with me when you knew that I was wrong and yet you were the one that apologised first. You always knew when there was something wrong with me even before Kyungsoo was able to link our minds. You stayed with me during the nights that I didn't want to sleep because my dreams were just too scary, you took some of my burden onto your shoulders without even thinking it through because you just wanted me to be happy. You killed Maddix for me." Baekhyun watched as Chanyeol's head finally dipped. "Yeah I figured that out." he laughed, watching as his love tilted his head up to look at him again. "I hope you understand that I do not hate you for this, I don't hate the fact that you bit me. I forgive you so I hope that everyone else does. Chanyeol I lo-" 

Before Baekhyun could even think about uttering the three words that they had sworn to never utter Chanyeol pulled him by his cheeks into a breath stopping, heart wrenching, mind numbing kiss. Daehyun had broken every link they had to each other now, they could willingly say it one another but Chanyeol still prevented him from doing it. Baekhyun could taste his own tears in the kiss, his hands shaking as they locked themselves around Chanyeol's neck. The Alpha pulling away with a smile. 

"I told you just because you think that the spell is broken doesn't mean that you can willingly use it before I do." He whispered, his lips moving against Baekhyun's own as he spoke. 

"Chanyeol.." Baekhyun knew that voice, it was Skylar. She was calling him to remind him of their plan, one Baekhyun had no part in. 

Baekhyun allowed Chanyeol to take both of his cheeks into his hands, his eyes going wide when he realised that his boyfriend's cheeks were filled with tears. Unable to speak due to the lump in his throat Baekhyun just watched as Chanyeol pressed a kiss to his forehead before stepping back completely. 

"I love you Byun Baekhyun." 

Baekhyun watched with a dropped jaw as Chanyeol's face grew paler as the seconds ticked past. The plan ringing in his head as he scrambled across the small space to get to the Alpha just before he toppled to the ground. 

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Beau1996 1381 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1381 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1381 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1381 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
750 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
750 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.