One Last Time


Baekhyun could only smile through the tears as he watched the love of his life embrace his father, nearly taking the poor man off his feet. Chanyeol was quiet, simply holding his dad close as the elder man cried into the junction of his neck. Unlike his mate Chanyeol had only lost one member of his family, his father having meant the entire world to him which is how he found himself beginning to sob when the reality began to sink in. Baekhyun's heart lunged in his chest, his eyes filling up again when he heard Chanyeol's broken sobs. He knew how much Sejoon meant to Chanyeol and how broken he had been when Sejoon was killed, Baekhyun was thankful to see that his mate wasn't full stone, Chanyeol had emotions and sometimes they were able to peek through that high stone wall.

"I can't believe this..." Chanyeol sniffed, stepping away from his father to send a glance around the room. He bowed politely to both of Baekhyun's mothers, not knowing who either of them were. His lips curled upwards when he realised that Baekhyun's father was waving his hand from his spot by the kitchen counter, he flicked his hand in return before his eyes settled on Katherine.

Baekhyun stepped in front of him before Chanyeol was even able to make a move, his lips were spread wide and his hands were raised upwards to stop Chanyeol in his tracks. The taller's chest contracted beneath his fingertips, his breathing laboured as he turned from Baekhyun to Katherine and back again. He was confused, but he allowed Baekhyun to keep him in place, his fingers curling up around the boy's wrists to hold him closer.

"I've already spoken to her, I'll tell you everything you need to know okay?" he whispered into the air between them, Chanyeol's forehead now resting against his own. "Let's just sit down first, we have a lot of catching up to do." Baekhyun offered him a smile before pulling Chanyeol with him to the couch where his mother and Katherine had sat some time ago.

The taller sat himself down first, holding out his arms to Baekhyun who grinned and slipped onto his lap. Instantly he was caged in Chanyeol's grip, being pulled backwards so that his back was flush against the taller's chest. Baekhyun released a hum of content, snuggling into his mate's neck while his eyes coursed through the faces in the room. He offered them all a wide box smile before clearing his throat, he shifted out from beneath his mate's neck and instead looked him in the eye. Chanyeol pressed his lips against Baekhyun's cheek, before nodding his head telling him that he could begin without actually opening his mouth to say the words.


Kyungsoo sat frozen on the chair next to Baekhyun's bed, his hollow eyes taking in the sight before him. Skylar had been pulled off of the vampire's body by Colin who held her close, allowing her to sob into his chest. Jongin had grown tired of Kyungsoo's desperation to be released from his grip so eventually he had let go, allowing the witch classed warlock to be situated by his best friend again.

The dark grey veins that had crept up from the tips of Baekhyun's fingers had seemingly stopped by the curve of his shoulder, his lips remained blue and his face stayed pale but at least there was hope now that the misty coloured veins ceased to grow.

"How are they?" The whole group turned towards the door where Ms. Lee stood with her arms crossed over her chest, her eyes looked exhausted and her face appeared to have aged four years. Kyungsoo blew out a sigh, his head falling into his hands. He didn't know how to answer the question, he didn't know a spell that could help in this situation. Katherine's spell made sure that nothing could be done to prevent them from completing their challenge, as much as he hated to admit it Kyungsoo and all his magic was worthless right now. He could only hope that the couple would be able to overcome these challenges by themselves, with no help from the outside world.

"We don't know." Kris took it upon himself to answer the headmistress' question, his voice was raw from not using it for some time. "The black toxin seems to have stopped before it reached his heart so that seems like a good thing, but we don't know if it will return to spread or not."

"Can't you do something?!" Ms. Lee shouted, shaking Kyungsoo out of his trance. The warlock's head snapped upwards, having expected the statement to be directed at him and not at Skylar who quivered at the woman's shout. "This is your ancestor's fault so find a way to get the two of them out of there!"

"I can't-" Skylar's voice shook, her entire body shaking against Colin who looked at Ms. Lee with daggers coming from his eyes. "I- There was nothing in the journals-"

"I don't care!" Ms. Lee screamed, her arms being stretched out wide as she approached the witch. Colin stepped in front of his mate, growling at the woman who glared right back at him. "FIX THIS!"

"She doesn't know how to!" Kyungsoo snapped, pushing himself up off the chair. He heard it clatter against the ground behind him, his eyes narrowing on the headmistress who was surprised by his sudden burst of anger. "Don't you dare blame her for something that wasn't her fault, she has done so much for your son and for Baekhyun but she could only do so much!"

"Kyungsoo, stay out of this." Ms Lee's words were coated in venom, her eyes glowing gold as her fear for her son drove her crazy.

"I can see where Daehyun gets his characteristics from..." He muttered, his hands forming fists. He wanted to smirk when he saw how Ms. Lee's face dropped and all of the anger just slid out of her body after her first born was brought up into conversation. "You always have to have someone to blame, it doesn't matter if they're innocent or not. You want things to go your way, you don't care about the consequences. You get frustrated and blow off when things don't go your way so before I take my kidnapping frustration out on you I suggest that you shut the up, Chanyeol and Baekhyun have to complete the challenges on their own before they can wake up. Clearly they were able to do something because the grey veins have stopped growing on Baekhyun's arms-"

"Kyungsoo?" Luhan shouted, his breathing harsh and laboured. The warlock turned to look at his roommate, his breath hitching in his throat at the sight of Luhan's pale face. He barely had a chance to leave Baekhyun's bedside before his best friend collapsed onto the bed directly across from Chanyeol's, his eyes closed and his breathing having finally levelled out.

"Oh .." Sehun whispered before he too fell next to his mate, his eyes rolling to the back of his head.

Kyungsoo watched with a hanging jaw as every one of his friends dropped down onto various infirmary beds, most of them having enough time to get to a bed before they passed out. He looked towards Colin who had managed to gather Skylar into his hands after she dropped like a fish to the ground, she too had passed out. Ms. Lee looked like she was about to say something but to Kyungsoo the words came out distant and disorientated. His vision grew hazy before finally he too joined the land of the unconscious, landing right next to Jongin.


"So our son can come back to us?" Chanyeol asked through his sniffling nose, Baekhyun nudged him ever so slightly, tears welling up in his own eyes as he nodded. Following Katherine's advice Baekhyun decided that it would be best if Chanyeol heard the news from his own mouth, rather than listening to the woman who reared their son after they were forced to leave. Baekhyun didn't want Chanyeol to feel the level of hurt he felt when she explained things from her perspective, at least this way Baekhyun knew exactly which words to say so that his mate would understand completely without flying off the handle.

"We get to see him again Chanyeol'' he whispered, threading his fingers through those bright silver locks. He choked back his sob when he felt his mate nuzzle into his hold, gripping his waist tighter as if he could bring him closer than they already were. "he'll be coming back to us and once we get out of here we will be able to return home where the universe will be able to pick up from where it left off."

Chanyeol froze beneath Baekhyun's fingers, his throat tightening up when the conversation with his first life took up most of his mind now that Baekhyun has brought up the fact that both of them would be leaving this 'world' soon. He was suddenly overwhelmed with a feeling of panic, his arms working before his mind could catch up. Within a second Baekhyun was cradled in his mate's arms before being lifted from his spot on Chanyeol's lap, he blinked in surprise before he was put back down again only this time he was placed on the couch. The taller pulled his arms away and stepped back, breath heavy and tears streaming down his cheeks. Baekhyun doesn't know, how was he supposed to tell him?

"Chanyeol, relax." His father's voice pulled him back into reality, the man moving quickly so that he was now standing by his son's side. Chanyeol sent him a glance, unable to make his facial expression out through the water still logged in his eyes. "Son you're going to be okay, just take a deep breath-"

"Chanyeol?" Baekhyun whispered, looking up at his mate with wide curious eyes. "What aren't you telling me?"

Of course Baekhyun would see through the shield Chanyeol tried to create in order to conceal even his smallest weakness, to Baekhyun, Chanyeol was incredibly easy to read no matter how difficult he tried to make it for the smaller.

"There are some things that we haven't told you Baekhyun," Joonwoo explained, his lips pressed together in a thin line. "a piece of history that we didn't have the opportunity to tell you when we were still alive..."

"How is this connected to Chanyeol?" The vampire wondered, head tilted to the side but ready to listen. He was exhausted after everything that he had been through, but when things concerned his mate Baekhyun was willing to listen until his ears fell off.

"It's connected to your first lives," Sejoon explained, clearing his throat and offering his son-in-law a small smile. Baekhyun didn't know what to expect, he knew that there was something being kept from him since his first life had mentioned it before. Chanyeol was dangerous but Baekhyun knew in his heart that his mate would never do anything to harm him, Baekhyun trusted the man he knew. "during the time of the war."

"Six told me that you were dangerous..." Baekhyun whispered, taking a step closer to his mate who took a step back in return. The vampire's heart broke, just how much information had he been in the dark for? "Chanyeol what the hell happened?"

"Come outside," Katherine spoke, her hand tight on the door handle. Her lips were pulled back into the most genuine smile she could muster, her shoulders high against her ears. "things will be revealed there."

Chanyeol made no actions to move, his feet glued to the ground. Baekhyun sent him a glance before ultimately walking right by him, ignoring the calling of his name and the attempt to stop him in his tracks. Katherine had pulled open the door to the cottage, allowing Baekhyun complete access to the outdoors. He swallowed the lump in his throat when he saw the two wolves nuzzling against each other just a stone's throw away from the door, they both turned their heads towards him when they heard him arrive.

"I guess it's time we allow them to see the entirety of our story," Eight sighed, looking at his mate who blinked in response. "hopefully he won't hate me as much as you did."

"The both of us are connected," Six giggled, nuzzling against his soulmate's neck. "he is going to be pissed but he loves you so he will be able to see that what you did was because you cared for me."

"Please..." Baekhyun interrupted their moment, the tears trickling down his cheeks as he attempted to look at both of them together. "I need to know what happened, you guys are the only ones that will tell me."

"It would be better if we showed you." Eight explained, looking Baekhyun in the eye.

"Sometimes experiencing it will allow you to understand, rather than wrap your head around endless words."

"I don't care how you do it!" Baekhyun hissed, his arms crossing against his chest. "Just.." he sighed. "Please show us."


The white wolf jumped up from its spot within the cave, his nose and ears high in the air in an attempt to figure out the cause behind the massive explosion he heard outside the walls of his home. He instantly began to search the crawl space next to him, expecting to find his soulmate still sound asleep since he was known for sleeping through even the largest of storms. The wolf's heart clenched when he saw the space next to him, the fur cold suggesting that it had been quite some time since his mate had laid next to him.

He rose himself from the den, his head poking out through the hole in the cave. There didn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary, the treeline surrounding the cave looked natural which suggested that the area around his home hadn't been disturbed and yet he had heard a sound so loud that it had awoken him from his slumber. Had his mate been by his side the white wolf would have just returned to his den and therefore his dreams, but as his other half was nowhere to be found he decided that it would be best if he went on the search for him.

He exited the cave, nose to the ground attempting to pick up a scent that would lead him in the general direction of his mate. From the smell alone he was able to determine that his mate had journeyed northwards, perhaps towards the capital. It wasn't their usual hunting ground so he wasn't entirely sure what had caused his mate to defer from their regular path but the white wolf wasn't going to wait around for answers. He pushed off the ground and ran at full speed towards the capital, wondering if any of his 'siblings' were there with his mate.

Eventually the trees began to thin out, just beyond the treeline he could make out a commotion. Wolves were having a hard time trying to control a Kronas attack, the glossy black leather skinned creature released a purple mist from its mouth making it easy to identify even in its mutated form. The wolf was able to determine at least thirty of them surrounding the other eleven wolves, their forms ranging from vulture-like birds to growling wolves and hissing snakes. A shiver ran down the spine of the wolf as it continued to run towards the fighting, the sight of one Kron in particular made his blood run cold.

It's head was curved and long, black beady eyes nowhere to be seen on the long head. Razor sharp teeth peered through the gaps of it's salivating mouth, it's tongue long and pointed with whips of purple mist bellowing from it as it its lips. Six took a deep breath before changing the course of his arrival, he couldn't go straight into the battlefield, not when his crew was already outnumbered. He was going to have to deal with those on the surrounding side-lines, the creatures merely waiting their turn to take a jab at his friends.

He bared his teeth and bit into the leg of one Kron, the creature hissing in agony as it crumbled to the ground. The next hadn't expected the attack and fell with the previous, the line continued like this until only two remained on the side-lines. One of which being the one that would give anyone nightmares. Six growled and took a leap, his actions proving effective as he was able to get another Kron out of the way and yet his final achievement had yet to come.

The monstrous nightmare was able to get it's arms out long enough to flick Six out of it's way, the wolf flew through the air before he came down on his four legs just shy of the battleground.

"Six!" His younger brother called, surprised that he had arrived. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"Don't mind me!" he shouted back over the noise of battle, his claws finding their new home in the chest of a Kron. The creatures appeared to be multiplying but they were being taken down just as quickly as they were popping up. "Just focus on kicking , we can have the conversation regarding me later!"

"We're getting overrun here, we need to get back to the capital." Eleven screamed, throwing a Kron over his head and towards the treeline. "Close in around me!" he ordered everyone, the twelve of them moving together in a group to fan out around their second youngest. They prevented the Kroans from gaining entry to their circle, which proved useful as Eleven willed his Teleportation magic through his veins. His grey fur filled with dark veins, his eyes shining a deeper cooper. The ground beneath them rippled, their eyes blinking away the harsh sunlight that burned their eyes.

"Jisoos Eight you really went off with your power didn't you?" Three chuckled, shaking his head as if the action alone would save his eye-sight from the effects of sun-burn. "What on Earth makes you think that Six would enjoy looking at that?"

"He fashioned it out of the love he had for me Three, shut up!" Six hissed, baring his teeth at his elder 'sibling'. His feet were already on the move towards his mate whose head hung between his shoulders, unwilling to look up and face their family members. Six hummed and gently nuzzled his nose into the crease in his neck, trying to reassure him that his creation was beautiful and much appreciated.

The orange in his mates eyes burned brighter than ever before, the fire within him burning at a level Six had never experienced before. The heat alone was forcing his body to move back on it's own, going against what his mind was telling him, begging him to stay close. Six watched with wide eyes as his mate's entire being lit up in flames, every fibre of his fur was lit in small yet dangerous torches. They barely had enough time to duck before the explosion took place, sending a ripple of fire and heat into the air, burning and forcing the Kroans to ash.

"Eight-" he stammered, but was unable to finish his words when he noticed his mate's gaze meet his own. Eight's eyelids were hooded, his lips pressed in a line allowing none of his teeth to be exposed. Six felt his heart lunge, his eyes filling with tears as he watched his mate turn his back on them. "What are you doing?"

"We all know that Mother never meant for me to be a monster, the only thing that I could create was numerous suns for your planet's ecosystems to thrive off of-"

"You made those suns because you loved me and wanted to make sure that every world they built knew that our love would stretch to the ends of the universe, I created my moons to show you how much I loved you. Don't you dare disrespect them now, they are our creations, declarations of our love-" Six tried to stop his mate from leaving but apparently he only stopped him in his tracks.

"And it's because I love you that I can't be around you," he shouted back, turning his head to watch as his mate tried to approach him. The heat burning from his body was enough to make everyone sweat but Six didn't care, his mate needed him and that was enough for him. "I'm dangerous, everyone already knows that. I burned six of our family members when I tried to rid the Kronas," Six turned to look at his family and found exactly six of them with severe burn marks on their bodies. They were all standing but their heads were dipped down in shame, they had no words to say. Their lack of communication boiled a river of hate in Six's stomach, his eyes narrowing at each and everyone of them. A member of their family was attempting to run away because he was afraid of hurting them and yet they were not even willing to reassure him. "I have no place here."

"Than I'm coming with you-"

"You're staying here where you'll be looked after by someone who cares for you and can give you a better, saver life than I ever could." Eight's voice was stern, strong, demanding and yet Six wasn't willing to back down either. He knew that his mate wasn't thinking clearly, only allowing his emotions and drive to protect everyone lead his actions. "I'm sure that Three would be delighted to step in for me, I'm."

"I wouldn't mind it-" Three admitted, his gaze locked on the cloudless sky above them.

"Shut the up," Six threatened the elder, teeth bared to intimate. Three backed off, whining at the nick both Two and Nine applied to his legs. "my heart belongs to Eight and Eight alone. Do I make myself clear to everyone?!"

"Yep!" The other ten wolves claimed, nodding their heads. Three merely rolled his eyes while Eight blew a breath of air out of his lungs, he turned to face his mate who was already glaring at him. Their ears could pick up the sound of the squealing footsteps being left behind by incoming Kroans but neither one of them was willing to do anything about it, their family members rushed to protect themselves and their home but their powers weren't completely necessary right now.

With Eight's growing aggravation and Six's frustration with his mate, both of their bodies began to glow in relation to their emotions. The ground beneath them began to shift, shaking violently in retaliation to the two powers happening above it. Their joint power forced the other wolves to duck behind the rocks that had fallen from the mountain above them, the tree in which gave them life lay not too far from their current position yet it remained unshaken by the events.

The Kronas ran like hell when they noticed the grouping of wolves directly ahead of them, their slobber saliva dripping to the ground purple mist bellowing from their mouths as they rushed against the wind. The soulmates refused to even glance in their direction, too lost in each other's gazes. Six wasn't willing to back down because if he did he would be allowing Eight to leave him behind in order to protect him and as much as he knew that Eight loved him he wasn't going to allow him to leave.

Their combined blast seemed to have leveled the playing field, the Kroans receiving a massive amount of damage. Some of them dissolved beneath their very eyes while others rushed backwards in agony, their hands gripping at various parts of their body. Together the twelve of them followed the retreating few Kroans, wondering where they were disappearing too only for them to stumble on the very thing that they haven't been able to find in quite some time.

"Is that..." Twelve asked, looking towards the vast darkness bubbling with purple mist. The Kronas were surrounding the void, drinking from the source and healing their injuries as quickly as possible.

"Did we just find their power source?" Five questioned the air, no one willing to speak another word as they began to take in their surroundings. The sun above them was due to set any minute and the darkness only drew power from the night, although it had been weakened whenever the full moon had rested in the night's sky.

The scouts surrounding the void of darkness quickly took notice in the presence of the protectors, their sharp fangs being barred in an attempt to frighten them away. Six wanted to laugh, they had seen the Kronas at their darkest stages and nothing was ever going to compare to that.

"Together" Three ordered the group, already fueling himself up to attack.

The twelve charged themselves up and directed their power surges at the void, together they shot their powers watching as the void simply swallowed them whole nothing having affected it. The Kronas attacked the group, overwhelming them completely, with their failed attack on the void things really did seem like the tide of the war had shifted. The planet would be overrun with the vermin and their creations would slowly be destroyed, one planet, one universe at a time. Six could feel the heat from his mate's power burning the atmosphere, the Kroans surrounding Eight burned to ash almost immediately unable to restore themselves or get away to their dark energy to revive themselves.

"We need to get rid of their power source..." Seven shouted, his words getting cut as a Kron attacked him. He was quick to fling it away with the help of his jaw, but he wasn't able to continue his thoughts as he watched his younger brother rush past him within blinking speed. Seven watched as his brother ran towards the void, his flaming fur on fire as he went.

"Your fire will be unless against it!" Three screamed, rolling his eyes as he threw a Kron from his back. "Honestly Eight don't you have any mind in that head of yours?"

"Knock it off Three!" Four shouted, his teeth bared as Kroans tried to use their claws to attack his body.

A loud squeal forced everyone's eyes to turn away from their attackers, Six let his breath get caught in his throat. His eyes wide as he stared at the two bodies of his younger 'siblings', Twelve and Eleven were too injured, their blood pumping out onto the rock below them. Their elder brother Five rushed to their sides hoping to use his healing ability to save his brothers, but he was taken down by the growing Kroans troop.

"We must retreat!" One yelled, his voice hoarse from the lack of water he had drunk. Six turned to find his mate, his heart pounding against his ribcage when he was unable to see over the heads of the Kroans.

"It's too late, there are way too many of them.." Nine claimed, hissing at his injuries.

One by one the surrounding Kroans let out a high pitched squeak, their voices laced with anger and desperation. Before any of the warriors could say anything or move to see what the creatures had found, the vile creatures began dropping to the ground before ultimately dissolving like dust in the wind. Six let out a relieved breath, although he was quickly made aware of what just happened that caused their enemies to be lost to the universe.

"Eight!" he screamed, limping his way towards his mate who lay on his side. He was positioned in the general area in which the void had once been present and yet there was no darkness to be seen. His tongue ran along his mate's head, his whimper passing his lips when he noticed that his mate's fur was still aflame. "What did you do..."

"What I had to, in order to protect you.." he whispered, choking on the air in his lungs. Six felt a lump develop in his throat, the corners of his eyes burning as the tears began to well in its curve. "I allowed myself to absorb the darkness, this way the Kroans won't be able to re-generate those injured and will be easier to kill."

"You have doomed yourself..." Six hiccuped, looking lovingly down at his mate who let out a small chuckle in return.

"I would much rather place myself at risk than allow you to risk your life my love, I cherish you too much-"

"And yet you were willing to allow Three to have me?"

"He could have made you happy, you wouldn't have to protect yourself from my burns-"

"How many times must I tell you that my heart and soul belong to you and you alone my love?"

"I think until the end of eternity, will do it!" he joked, humming gently when he felt his mate his cheek.

"You're injured, we best get you back to the den-"

"I'm afraid we cannot do that.." Four announced, his head lowered, eyes hooded. "Our bodies have sustained a lot of damage, burns and injuries that we won't be able to heal from in time for another attack."

"What are you suggesting that we do?" Nine questioned his elder from his spot next to Eleven.

"I believe that it would be best if we sleep." Five explained, whimpering as he tried to stand. The gash on his leg looked horrible, twisting the bile in Six's stomach. "Eight has saw to it that the source of the Kroans' power has been extinguished but that doesn't mean that they won't try to search for a new one somewhere else in our universe. We are incapable of fighting any longer and I think that if we hope to finish this war once and for all in the future it would be best if we slept."

"Thank you.." Two whispered, appearing next to Eight pressing a to his other cheek. Six growled in distaste but he knew that Two didn't really mean any harm. "You have saved our creations and my mate, you may not see yourself as a hero but you are so much more than any one of us will ever be."

"Even if you are the reason behind some of our injuries..." Three muttered under his breath, thinking that no-one else could hear him. He was wrong, the entire pack turned to him their teeth bared and their eyes shining their respectable colours. "In my defense he calls himself mother's greatest disappointment!"

"I am going to rip your heart out!" Six shouted, his teeth bared and his yellow eyes full of warning. "My mate has stepped up as leader and taken control of a situation that will allow our souls to continue on into the next lifetime, he may possess the power of flame but he has more control of his power than you ever will!"

"Don't you dare disrespect me!" Three shouted right back, his golden eyes challenging the youngsters.

"Enough!" Ten screamed, the stomping of his foot making everyone hold their breath. His beige eyes were lit, his teeth clenched in his jaw. "I won't stand for fighting any longer, I have had enough of this rivalry for Six's hand! He has made his peace with loving Eight and that will be the end of it, am I clear?"

No-one dared speak another word, the silence eventually crumbling when Eight let out a pained filled roar. His darkened fur which once glowed bright red at the tips was now illuminated in a bright blue flame, his eyes shifting from the once deep orange to a blood red crimson. The eleven wolves watched as their 'sibling' screamed and thrashed around on the ground, Six trying desperately to help his love but was ultimately forced to hold himself back.

Eventually the screaming and everything in relation to Eight's transformation ceased, the once tense air now being filled with his pained whimpers and heavy breathing. Together Six and Five rushed to his side, but there was nothing in which they could do, as Eight had absorbed the void there was no telling what it had done to his body or mind.

"Go..." he whispered, his red eyes blinking up at his mate who was trying desperately to hold his tears at bay. "Knowing that one day you will be called upon to create more of your light is enough for me."

"Don't speak like that!" he scolded his mate, gently pushing his paw into his mate's shoulder.

"We have to get to the tree," Three addressed the group, his sentence filled with truths. "If we don't we could risk the youngers lives and we will need them in the future."

All around them the wolves moved to settle themselves around the tree created by their mother's powers, they settled themselves down in pairs, their bodies huddled together. A true family. One that Eight never really saw himself a part of.

They each knew that the spell in which they would cast would allow their souls, mates and powers to be one day called upon when the darkness once again rose to put a stop to their creations. For now they would rest until destiny saw that they were needed yet again.

"You need to go my love," Eight spoke through the pain in his throat, his eyes heavy as he tried to look up at his mate. Six instantly began shaking his head, declining his mate's words and refusing to leave his side. "they're going to need you baby. I have darkness coursing through my veins right now and I can't risk it being passed on to my next life-"

"Are you really going to allow my next life to go through their life without a soulmate?" Six whimpered, his heart hurting at what his mate was trying to push onto him. There was a small part in his mind that hated his soulmate for trying to make decisions for him without consulting him first. He understood that Eight just wanted to keep him safe and protected but he couldn't risk giving up on the love of his life. "You've always done things for me, went against your better judgement to keep me happy, why can't you do it again? One last time?"

"Because I know for a fact that this won't be the last time, your new life will make me deny all of the reasonable options in order to make you happy, things would have been a lot easier if I just allowed myself to listen to my gut.."

"Your gut would have taken you away from me.." Six whispered, his voice so close to breaking.

"You could have just trusted me.." Eight looked into his mate's eyes, his lips pulling back in his stunning smile. "I know it might have looked like I was passing you off to Three I was only telling you to go to him because I thought that he was the better wolf but I would have always taken your feelings into account. I trust in the love you have for me to save yourself for me when I returned."

"None of that matters now." Six sniffed, leaning low and placing his teeth into the back of his mate's neck. He pulled at the muscle and grinned (to the best of his ability) as he felt his soulmate be pulled in the direction he was dragging him. "We are going to reincarnate together and that's the end of it, okay?"

"I don't really have a choice in the matter do I?"

"Nope." Six giggled, finally releasing his mate's neck. He quickly settled him down in a comfortable position before nuzzling up right next to him, they were able to share one last moment of affection before their souls and powers returned to the tree.


Baekhyun felt his heart clench as he was brought back out of the dream, he didn't even realise that he was crying until he felt Chanyeol's thumbs swipe the tears from his cheeks. When he blinked his eyes open, he was surprised to see his soulmate staring right back at him, the palms of his hands warm against his skin. The vampire was trying to hold his emotions at bay but the story was too sad.

"Why can't we just have a normal life?" he cried, his body shaking as the sobs wrecked his body. "Why can't I love you normally, why was there always something that had to come between us?!"

"Sweetheart.." Baekhyun's first mother spoke, her hand curled around her . Joonwoo's hands on both of her shoulders holding her back from her son as Chanyeol was already working on comforting him.

"You don't have to worry about this right now," Chanyeol whispered into his soulmate's hair. "the most important thing we need to focus on is getting back to our family."

"How can you even call them family after that?!" Baekhyun shouted, pushing the wolf away from him. His eyes blew wide as he stared at his mate like he had just started talking a whole other language. "They never stuck up for you, not once-"

"That was before," Chanyeol cut him off mid-rant. "things are different now. Everyone we know cherishes the both of us, this happened a long long long time ago baby. They aren't like that anymore."

"Not now they're not." Baekhyun scoffed, his arms crossing over his chest. "But who's to say that they won't go back to that when they get their memories back?"

"I have confidence in our family Baek," Chanyeol reached his hands out, smiling when his soulmate's reached out to hold him. "things have changed since back then. We can only assume that the relationships we developed through this life-time are strong enough to patch up what happened during our first life, have some faith in our friends baby."

"Can't blame me if I'm hesitant.." the vampire pouted, his lower lip shaking before Chnayeol pulled him flush against his chest.

"I know," Chanyeol chuckled, pressing a kiss to Baekhyun's forehead. The vampire could feel his cheeks heat up in a blush as he remembered that they were standing in front of their parents (and Katherine), he buried himself into Chanyeol's chest hoping that he would be able to faze himself into his soulmate's body. "but you can trust me when I tell you not much will change when they get their memories back."

"I'm going to make you promise me because I'm really going to go on a killing spree if they even try to bring up the past!"

"I'm glad to see not much has changed..." Eight nervously chuckled, his ears pressed flat against his head. Six who was standing right by his side let out a laugh, running his head along his mate's neck. The adults were forced to watch the human and wolf counterparts give their mates some loving. Baekhyun and Six both nuzzled into their taller mates who appeared to be loving the attention.

"You must remember what you have learned here before we allow you to cross back into your world." Katherine reminded the couple who quickly pulled themselves away from each other. They nodded their heads and stepped forward to embrace their family members. Both of Baekhyun's mothers held him tight, both of them emotional as their hands came to rest on either one of his cheeks.

"We are so proud of you." they admitted in sync, their eyes crinkled just like his own. He nodded his head and pulled them back into a tight embrace.

"I will continue to make you guys proud." he vowed, dabbing at his wet cheeks. They pulled away from him to allow their son to be engulfed by both of his fathers, they both laughed into his arms, squeezing him tight. "I will make you guys proud too."

"You already do." Joonwoo reassured him, nodding his head, his cheeks dry. The same couldn't be said for Baekhyun's father from this time-line but Baekhyun gave them both a bright smile, reassuring them that he would continue to live his life to the fullest.

Chanyeol pulled away from his father, his lips curled upwards in one of the brightest smiles Baekhyun had the pleasure of seeing more than the rest of their friends. They patted each other on the back of their backs, Sejoon whispering a couple words into his son's ear before stepping back completely.

Baekhyun rushed to his side, Chanyeol smiling down at him holding his hand out. The vampire curled their fingers together before they turned to Katherine who was running her fingers through their wolf forms, her lips were curled upwards in a small smile of her own.

"There is something else I wanted to tell you guys before you left."

"I can't get any more damaging information..." Baekhyun muttered, his free hand rubbing against his forehead.

Her laughter pulled him back into reality, she shook her head and stepped forward. "It's nothing like that!" she reassured. "I just wanted to tell you guys that before you manage to get back to Exo Planet, you will first be brought to a stream in one of the worlds your siblings have created. It's a mystical land and the water within it will cleanse you of the form in which you are standing before us in, you will both lose the supernatural forces that were bestowed to you in this life. Which means-"

"That we will return to the form we had before we journeyed to Earth? I will no longer be a vampire?" BAekhyun's eyes were wide and his jaw dropped when Katherine nodded her head.

"The universe meant it when it told me that it plans on making your destiny go back to what was written and now that the both of you have broken the curse it can allow it to happen, but first you must cleanse yourself free from this world. You will just have to wait until the meteor shower comes to earth in order to take you home, you will be transported there before you can cross back into the bridge to bring you home."

"Thank you." Chanyeol spoke for the both of them, his hand winding around Baekhyun's waist as their shared attention went to the two wolves who had started walking towards them. "For everything."

"We'll see each other again, eventually." Katherine shrugged her shoulders and rushed to stand next to their parents. She had the widest grin on her lips and Baekhyun actually felt like his shoulders had been released of tension. He cast one last glance at his family members before he turned back to look at Chanyeol who had met his gaze.

"Are you ready for this?" he whispered into the air between them.

"There's only one way to find out.." he admitted, a smile on his lips as he stretched out his free hand to his first life. Baekhyun took a breath and did the same, looking into the eyes of his wolf form. Those yellow eyes blinking back up at him, while Chanyeol was forced to look into those ruby coloured irises.

The wolves parted their lips and bared their fangs, they moved closer and pressed their teeth into the curve of their reincarnated lives wrists. Baekhyun and Chanyeol both gasped at the pain, their eyes closing as their bodies fell backwards into a fluffy cloud. 


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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1372 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1372 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1372 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1372 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1372 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
740 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
740 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.