

The last thing you want to hear is that the heroes of our tale died in a battle they had hoped to win, stories usually show a happy ending or leave us waiting for a sequel. Things like that don't happen in real life, there is no happy ending. There is a constant fear of the looming future, the hourglass is mere seconds away from it's grains of sand running out. What life failed to mention is that all life does go on even if the bodies of our heroes do not. Every person in the world has a soul, some souls belong to the innocent while others belong to those surrounded in darkness. It is this soul that continues to live and breath in different bodies every generation.

Chanyeol, Baekhyun and their friends are somewhat exceptions to this rule, their souls have been passed down from body to body with each generation that comes. Their souls are linked into a continuous loop, forced into the exact same versions of the bodies they had died in during their previous lives. A curse that has plagued them for centuries and goes back to an oath far older than anything you can imagine.

The twelve wolf creators -turned protectors- had made an oath to themselves and their late mother that they would return to their world as the humans they had created in order to help rid the universe of the growing darkness, that had been released into the cosmos after a furious battle between two of the wolves. (Which to those curious readers will be discussed at a later date).

"At a later date, what the hell is that supposed to mean?" Kris hissed, sending Sehun a glare after he had read out a section of the book he had been carrying around on his person for the entire week. "We need to know things now, we don't have time to waste!"

"Kris it wasn't me that wrote this blasted thing" Sehun reminded the elder wolf, whose anger seemed to only double after Sehun's words. "Ms. Lee did, everyone already knows how much she loves to hide information from us."

"Clearly it isn't important if she hasn't written a chapter about it" Luhan explained, gesturing with his hand to the book still in Sehun's hold. "if we are to survive this battle with Daehyun then maybe we can ask her about it, but until then it's water under the bridge. Got that?"

The two werewolves grunted in response, they sent each other a glare but spoke no more. Instead they turned their attention to Baekhyun who was shifting through the dead wolves in an attempt to locate anything that could offer them some sort of understanding behind Kyungsoo's disappearance.

"It's my fault.." Jongin spoke out, disturbing Baekhyun and Suho from their search of the wolves. "If I had joined him instead of staying in bed last night I probably could have prevented this."

"We are not playing the blame game." Baekhyun hissed, his eyes narrowed as he stood up from searching a gray haired wolf. "As far as the eye can see it's just wolves on this ground, which means that even though Kyungsoo was weak after his ceremony he was still able to cause quite the amount of damage. The lack of his body means that he's still alive which then begs the question of his value, Daehyun wouldn't keep someone alive if it isn't important."

"Isn't it obvious?" Chanyeol's monotone voice filled the air, his words instantly drawing attention. He was standing by the fridge, his eyebrows furrowed in the center of his forehead. He was looking at something behind the machine but since Baekhyun was in the living room he couldn't see the counter next to it. "Daehyun knows that we all care about each other, Kyungsoo was the hypothetical weakest link between us because he had used so much energy in his ceremony thus making him an easy target. They clearly knew what they were up against considering how many wolves Daehyun sent after him, Kyungsoo put up one hell of a fight to take down twenty pureblooded wolves but his body would have easily been worn out quickly. They took him when he was at his weakest, but even then they would have only been able to carry him so far. Parking Lane is close but it isn't as close to the school as one might think, there are multiple other villages near here and the closest one is Chestnut Valley towards the east. Mother uses it as a supply chain during the winter, they're well aware of who we are and what type of people we are. They have protection spells keeping them out of harm's way but a simple overwritten spell could break them and since we all know that Daehyun has witches on his side, this shouldn't come as a shock. To put it simply Kyungsoo has been taken to act like bait, drawing us towards them."

"What do you suggest that we do then?" Jongin demanded, stepping over wolves in order to get to his Alpha. Chanyeol remained in the kitchen, his attention moving from whatever had taken it in the first place. His gaze locked on Jongin, his lips pulling into a thin line as he shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say-"

"Well this is a level of damage I haven't expected to see.." a familiar voice spoke from the doorway, everyone turned to look at the girl who had just arrived. "This will definitely put a damper on things.."

"Skylar" Chanyeol heaved a sigh, he walked past Jongin and made his way towards the witch who stood in the center of the room with her lips pulled back in a smile. "thank you for coming."

"I told you that something like this would happen, I just never expected it to be so soon." Her voice trailed off as she scanned the room, her brows furrowed in the center of her forehead. "Kyungsoo was the one he chose huh?"

"Why do you sound like you know his exact plans?" Baekhyun asked, his brow raised as he watched the girl turn towards him in surprise. "Who even are you?"

"My name is Skylar," she introduced herself with a small smile on her lips, her hands unconsciously reached out to her boyfriend who Baekhyun recognized from their introduction the previous night. "like I've said before I am a witch who can transform themselves to replicate the appearance of others. But that is merely half of who I am and what my abilities are, I hate to admit it given the dream that you have most likely had last night... but I feel as though it is necessary to tell you. I am the last descendant of Katherine."

Chanyeol was able to wrap his arm around his mate's waist, lifting him from the ground before he was able to rush to Skylar and tear her head off which he would have definitely done had he not have been there. Skylar tried to keep herself positive, standing behind Colin who had become protective of his mate. Chanyeol offered him a look of reassurance, communicating without words that he wouldn't allow any harm to be done to his mate.

"She took our baby!" Baekhyun hissed, his eyes changing to the beautiful silver colour that Chanyeol practically adored. They both watched as Skylar shivered, the look of fear in her eyes. Chanyeol held him tighter, whispering sweet nothings into his ear. Begging him to stand down and listen to what she had to say, the vampire only complying when he realised that the Alpha was willing to listen to what the witch had to say about her great ancestor as well as what had happened to their child.

"Please let me explain." Skylar begged, going against Colin's wishes by stepping out from behind him. It was at this point that Baekhyun was suddenly reminded of himself and Chanyeol when they were dealing with the council the previous day. His mate had stood in front of him against the council, protecting him from any advances they might have had. In this situation Baekhyun saw himself as the Jungkook who wasn't willing to listen to reason, he disliked the boy and wouldn't allow himself to stoop so low regardless of the sickening feeling churning in his stomach at that very moment.

"I'm sorry.." Baekhyun apologized, his head hanging between his shoulders as his hand gently squeezed Chanyeol's bicep. The Alpha gently placed him back on his feet, but the warmth of his arm never left his waist. Baekhyun was grateful for the touch which was keeping him grounded in the moment, Chanyeol really was living up to being Baekhyun's anchor in more ways than one. "I shouldn't have acted like that to you. I cannot judge a person based on the actions of a loved one, I have found myself at the end of that conversation before and I didn't enjoy a moment of it. Please accept my apology, but please understand that I do hold a whirlwind of emotions coursing through my body at this very moment. I've just learned that an unborn child of ours was taken away before we even had the pleasure of meeting them, now my best friend has been taken away from me too and even though I know he is still very much alive my emotions are slightly unhinged right now."

"I didn't expect anything less" Skylar attempted to smile, but it was so clear to everyone in the room that it was forced. Baekhyun suddenly felt horrible for being the cause of her shifting eyes and quivering lips, her eyes however did give him some relief when he noticed that they weren't full of unshed tears. "you lived your human life being led by your emotions, the most prominent one being love. You fell into a love-like relationship with Daehyun and yet it was the love for your parents that prevented him from breaking you completely, when you came here a vampire all of your emotions got heightened as I'm sure you're well aware. The most prominent being the caring and loving nature you have for those you hold dear to your heart, now that they are in danger your desire to protect them all as I can guarantee that you will do. Your emotions are one of the most defining features within you which is why they are the cause behind your immunity towards mind-control."

"My emotions are the cause of why I wasn't affected by Jessica's mind control?" Baekhyun asked in disbelief, he was surprised to hear that his original thought was quite far off from the reality. "We believed it to be something different, like that I had already been controlled by a witch before so I had developed immunity from that!"

"Well I can say that you have quite the interesting mind-set" Skylar offered a more genuine smile now, she stepped over the wolves and placed her hand gently on top of Baekhyun's when he gave her permission to touch him. Chanyeol's grip tightened against his waist, showcasing how proud he was of his mate's transformation. "I'll admit that your thoughts have a good heart behind them, but most of your ideas aren't exactly following the events happening in reality. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say, your intentions are always good but you need to have all the facts before you start making decisions."

"Have you spoken to each other?" Baekhyun wonders looking up at Chanyeol who suddenly seemed surprised by the inclusion in the conversation, but before he was able to say anything Skylar quickly interrupted.

"We've spoken yes," Skylar claims, sending a warning glare in the Alpha's direction before turning back to Baekhyun who had raised a brow in confusion. "but not about the ideas you have floating around in your head. I am well aware that you two have bonded your minds together and that Chanyeol is the only one that can access this power but he has kept tight lipped about what happens up there." she gestures with her forefinger to Baekhyun's creased forehead. Being a descendant of Katherine makes me a powerful witch although granted Kyungsoo still remains the strongest of our kind in our school, I apologize for not introducing myself before. I wasn't supposed to reveal my identity to you until this week, when my importance grew."

"I'm sorry but I'm not following?"

"Perhaps we should all sit down?" Colin announced, pulling everyone into the conversation. The omegas rushed to the seats while their Alphas found themselves taking up the remaining seats. Chanyeol had taken it upon himself to drag over the two stools that had stood by the kitchen island in his mate's dormitory; he offered the two seats to Skylar and Baekhyun. His mate was the one to turn it away in favour of giving the stool to Colin who couldn't pass up the opportunity of resting his legs, Chanyeol knew that the boy would need all of the rest for the incoming fight.

"As you've more than likely seen from your dream that Katherine noticed how protective you were over the growing baby inside you, she couldn't be sure as her sisters were never able to let her speak. However after the both of you died she did find a way to allow the child to live."

"What?" Baekhyun gasped, tears filling his eyes as he pulled Chanyeol's hand into his hold. The both of them were standing against the wall next to the couch, looking at the couple in front of them with wide eyes. "You mean to tell me that our baby lived?"

"For a long time," Skylar grinned, Colin seeking out her hand and linking their fingers together. "he was healthy and even found himself the father of two beautiful children. I know that this isn't exactly what you wanted to hear but I figured that you both needed to know the truth of what really happened before I start telling you the rest of the information."

"Oh Baekhyun this is good news" Luhan gushed, turning to look at Baekhyun whose head turned naturally at the mention of his name. "of course it is terrible that neither of you managed to see him but surely this makes you feel somewhat better, right?"

"Yes I suppose it does," Baekhyun answered for both of them, Chanyeol offering him a small smile as his response. The vampire pressed his lips against his mate's cheek before turning back to Skylar who remained silent as they chatted away. "thank you for telling us. I know that this was possibly the hardest thing you've ever had to do so I appreciate it that you told us."

"I'm sorry that I couldn't do more, Katherine wasn't one to write everything down. Everything that she did document was mostly spells and potions, with the occasional research work in regards to multiple different poisons and herbs, nothing I plan on dulling you with now. Kyungsoo has been taken by Daehyun so I feel as though I should step in for him as the magic-wielder, any spell or potion needed I shall get to it right away. Now, has anyone found where he was brewing the anti mind control potion?"

"It's in the kitchen in the pot on the stove, he likes using our kitchen appliances for his potion-making." Luhan explained, gesturing with his palm-side up towards the kitchen where there was in fact a pot sitting towards the wall behind the stove. To anyone's wandering eye it merely looked like the trio living in the dormitory held their leftover food, which is exactly why Kyungsoo decided to make his potions that way.

"That's why his pasta the other day tasted like that lavender conjugation he made you to help you sleep!" Jongin shouted, turning to look at Luhan who seemed surprised by the sudden shout.

"Remind me never to eat anything here again." Chanyeol's hot breath against Baekhyun's ear caused the vampire to hum suggestively, his brow wiggling as Chanyeol's rose showcasing his confusion. Baekhyun his lower lip and watched as his mate dazed off into the space ahead of him, calculating the meaning behind Baekhyun's words. "Okay that was really uncalled for!" he shrieked, hitting his hand against Baekhyun's backside. The vampire let out a howl but it instantly turned into a loud laugh at the sight of Chanyeol's bright red face.

"I suggest that you guys take it, Chanyeol you as well."

"Is there anyway for us to know where they are?" Jongin questioned, blinking up at Colin and Skylar who both looked equally uncomfortable with his questions.

"There is" Skylar declared after having cleared , she tossed an uneasy look in Chanyeol's direction before bringing her attention back to Jongin. He watched as her lips gently pulled up at the sides, her hands had tightened around Colin's fingers. "we'll just need something that he usually holds or wears often."

"That shouldn't be too hard to find!" Luhan sighed, standing up from his position next to Sehun. Jongin leapt up from his spot by the window, he followed the vampire out of the room.

"If it is alright with everyone I would like to talk to the Alphas outside for a couple moments," Colin addressed the room, his free hand scratched against his nape. Skylar offered him a more delicate grin than she had been using towards the others, Baekhyun noticed how it immediately calmed her lover down. The vampire watched as his friends stood up and felt the room, not even surprised when Skylar told Chanyeol to stay before turning to the rest of the boys.

"Everyone needs to eat a full meal, I suggest that you all go to the cafeteria for breakfast and include Ms. Lee about what has happened. Best tell everyone that is there but do not ask them to aid, Chanyeol has already done so, we are merely hoping to make everyone else aware of our situation."

"I apologize for my bluntness but why exactly are we doing that?" Suho apologized, bowing his head to the girl.

"Skylar thinks that there are people within these walls that allowed the wolves access across the broader, may I also remind everyone that the wolves and I were positioned all along the border until at least midnight last night." Chanyeol explained for the poor girl who seemed to shrink under the eyes upon her, Baekhyun figured that it was because her mate had left her side.

"Who could that possibly be?" Minseok inquired, looking around the room at the eyes who were focusing everywhere but at him. They were all curious, thinking up countless names of possible foes with a heart that could have easily been swayed away from their initial goal of protecting the school.

"I can only think of two people but that doesn't mean it couldn't be more." Baekhyun admitted, looking at Skylar who seemed intrigued by his statement. Her eyes continued to shift to Chanyeol who remained by his side, Baekhyun didn't want to think too much into it because he knew that Skylar was already mated but he didn't like what he was seeing especially since he had yet to come to terms with the fact that she wasn't meaning any harm.

"It isn't what you think," Chanyeol replied, looking solely at Baekhyun. To everyone else in the room they assumed that the Alpha had read the two possible threats from Baekhyun's mind, but the vampire knew different. Chanyeol was telling him that the idea of him and Skylar together was impossible. "she has told me things to help us baby. That is the entire extent of our relationship, you know that the thoughts in your head aren't true."

"I know.." Baekhyun pouted, crossing his arms over his chest as Chanyeol pulled him closer by the waist. "it just doesn't make my mind stop thinking about it!"

The Alpha chuckled, cupping his mate's cheeks. Baekhyun was able to grab a lungful of air before Chanyeol connected their lips, quite aggressively but naturally enough to not freak out those still left in the room with them. When he figured that he had gotten his point across the werewolf simply pulled himself away and sent a nod in Skylar's direction.

"Who do you believe to be the cause Baekhyun?" Tao asked, his eyes wide as he as well as everyone else awaited their friend's answer.

"Ms. Butterwell and Conor." 


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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1372 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1372 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1372 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1372 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1372 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
740 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
740 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.