The Arrival


"A majority of the rooms we have in this pack house are small so I hope that you won't mind it, we don't have large rooms like the castle here so-" Baekhyun attempted to explain to the Prince but Chanyeol's gentle hand settling on his shoulder had him halting him in his speech.

"It's fine Baekhyun, I generally don't mind the space size I find it quite cute and comfortable!" Chanyeol's cheery voice tickled his cheek as the Alpha happily skipped further into the room, his eyes locked with the window just behind the head-board of his bed. "I remember those woods, don't you?"

Baekhyun couldn't stop the smile developing at the corner of his lips, how could he possibly forget those woods? Both himself and Chanyeol had explored them together on the day of his mother's funeral. They stumbled upon a small river that they played in for hours until their fathers had come to collect them and take them back to the Pack House, which had been housing the wolves from other territories during the sad time.

"They're hard to forget when you live right next to them." the young omega teased, plopping himself down on the Alpha's bed his head being cushioned by his folded arms. Chanyeol stared down at the boy in disbelief, a flash of hurt shooting through his eyes like a meteor passing through the sky above them. Baekhyun felt the smile slip off his lips as he raised himself from his laying position to an upright one, his lower lip was taken between his teeth as he nervously inched closer to the wolf standing beside him. "I'm kidding, I remember that day quite well.."

"I'm just glad that I was able to make a happy memory for you when you were dealing with the passing of your mother.." Chanyeol admitted in a quiet voice, his words having been chosen carefully as not to hit a nerve within the grieving boy. "Maybe if you want to, later, we can go and do it again? As a way of helping you take your mind off your brothers.."

"I think that I like that idea.." Baekhyun smiled gently, reaching out and taking the boy's hand in his own. Chanyeol froze at the touch, the fingers lacing with his own sent sparks down his back and all the way up to his neck. Baekhyun refused to look him in the eye, attempting to avoid revealing his crimson dusted cheeks that he found himself wearing whenever the Alpha said something that made his heart quake.

"Then after dinner, will you be so kind as to accompany me to the river?" Chanyeol wondered, leaning his head down trying to catch a glimpse of the latter's eyes. Instead the sight before him really had his heart going crazy, Baekhyun looked at him with those big brown eyes of his and the pink blush just made them stand out more in Chanyeol's opinion. The boy before him was like none he had ever seen before, he made him feel things that were unexpected and exciting. Oh how Chanyeol wished that Baekhyun would continue to remain by his side forever, as his mate.

"It would be an honour my prince." Baekhyun giggled his eyes crinkling as he allowed his gaze to fix on the wolf before him, Chanyeol's cheeks turning a pale pink after he noticed that he had the smaller's undivided attention. "I'm afraid that I need to go now."

Chanyeol watched helpless as Baekhyun clambered off the bed and onto the floor, his steps rushed as he dashed towards the bedroom door. Before he was able to escape through it however, the Alpha's hand had pushed the door back into it's frame. The Omega stared at the limb before him, his eyes tracing the veins around the boy's knuckles before following them down his forearm.

"Wait" Chanyeol whispered into his ear making Baekhyun gasp slightly as he allowed himself to lean backwards against the taller wolf's frame. "please don't leave me yet."

"Chanyeol-" before he was able to finish Baekhyun felt the Alpha reach other his other hand and wrap his fingers around his wrist. The omega allowed himself to be led by the taller, a small shy smile pulling onto his lips as he now faced Chanyeol rather than the door.

"Would you allow me?" the Prince muttered, his eyes locking with the smaller's before trailing down to his lips. "I must apologise Baekhyun, but it appears that I cannot hold myself back from you any longer.."

"It must be the meteor shower," the omega giggled, his heart warm in his chest as he saw the Prince tilt his head in question. "my people believe the shower holds magical powers. It can grant wishes and in rare occasions allow mates to meet, the Alphas in my town usually suffer the most and it just so happens that tonight the shower is supposed to arrive."

"It grants wishes?" The Alpha's eyes sparkled in a playful way, his eyes travelling towards his hand that held onto Baekhyun's. The omega watched with a fluttering heart as Chanyeol drew his hand closer to his face before pressing a soft kiss to the back of his palm, Baekhyun couldn't help but smile his heart going crazy in his chest. "Would it be rude of me to wish that you stay by my side forever?"

"Would you really be willing to do that your majesty?" Baekhyun questioned, his voice low to keep the peaceful atmosphere hanging around them. "Would you really be willing to spend the rest of your life with me, a stubborn little omega?"

"I would choose to stay by your side for the rest of eternity Baekhyun." Chanyeol admitted without missing a beat, his eyes turning hard as if to showcase his seriousness of the matter. "I understand that this is probably the worst time by confessing to you after all you have just buried your brothers but-"

"No," Baekhyun interrupted gripping Chanyeol's hand tighter in his own. "I wouldn't mind spending the rest of eternity with you either Chanyeol."

And just like that their fate had been sealed as the meteor shower had heard their wish and willingly granted it.




After everything that happened the previous day Ms Lee considered giving her students another day off, but after hearing many different protests from her faculty members she decided with a heavy heart that classes would commence until Jessica and Taeyeon's funeral.

So there Baekhyun sat staring at the words written on the chalkboard at the front of the room in History, his eyes following the lines that were spewed out neatly across the black canvas but his mind was unable to fully register what they said.

"So what do you guys know about the moon, the stars and the sun?" Their History professor questioned raising a brow as he turned away from writing on the chalkboard, he instantly scowled seeing the bored and uninterested faces of the Protectors lining his classroom chairs. "Anyone?" Baekhyun saw a hand shoot up from the corner of his eye but with little to no energy in his body his eyes remained focused on the front of the room.

"They're all apart of Space!" Jongin deadpanned from somewhere in the back of the room. Baekhyun simply rolled his eyes, knowing without looking that their professor was beyond frustrated.

"Witches and wizards use their energy to preform spells and enchantments" Kyungsoo sighed, he being the one with his hand raised. "preferably we like to use it when their at they're strongest, for example a full moon or an eclipse or even a meteor shower!"

"Thank you Kyungsoo" the professor grinned as he congratulated the warlock. "does anyone else know why I'm asking this question?"

"Because some major event is happening that hasn't happened in over a couple thousand years?" Kris offered a guess, the entire class falling silent as the professor began clapping his hands.

"Excellent, maybe I haven't lost all hope for you guys!"

"How did you know that?" Tao shrieked sending a glance to the taller wolf who sat behind him.

"Lucky guess."

"An eclipse is taking place in a month's time, the witches are going crazy about it since this particular type of eclipse hasn't been here in over two thousand years!" Kyungsoo beamed, Baekhyun could see the shine of his smile from the top of the classroom. He was happy to see his best friend's eyes sparkle as he talked about something he really loved. However his enjoyment was shortly out lived as he watched Chanyeol's hand shoot up in question.

"Sir, if you don't mind me asking what is so important about this particular eclipse?"

"This one was said to have been the cause of all supernatural beings" Their history teacher grinned. "thousands of years ago fourteen meteors crash landed on earth, witches from all over the world gathered around these sources of energy. They used the energy from this eclipse and the source of the meteoroids to create our way of life, they made vampires and werewolves."

"But why?" Suho asked. "Why would they create something as dark and dangerous as us?"

"We don't know" their history teacher explained with a shrug of his shoulders, even Kyungsoo nodded his head in agreement. "it's just been said that whatever the witches found in the meteor scared them and thus they created creatures to defend them from the power source."

"So, a bunch of ice and rock fell from space and the witches found it useful but dangerous?" Jongin briefed, his brows furrowed together in the centre of his head.

"Wait" Sehun yelled, slamming his hands down on his shared table with Chanyeol. Baekhyun found himself jumping at the sound of the loud smack. "you're telling me that there was fourteen of those meteors?"

"Yes" the teacher agreed. "fourteen of them, the humans seemed to have looked back on the memory as a dream or written it out of their history. But for us supernatural folk it's our history, the arrival of these fourteen meteoroids brought around our creation. None of us would be who we are today without it!"

"So this eclipse" Baekhyun began gaining their attention. "will we be able to see it again?"

"Oh most definitely!" the history teacher squealed, jumping up and down happily. "The eclipse is scheduled an exact month from now, but up until that time we are going to continue on with class as normal. A feast will be prepared in the cafeteria in celebration and as I have been told we will be all gather on the football pitch to watch it happen!"

Rustling came from the back of the room but everyone decided to ignore it since they were more interested in the facts the Professor had to offer. Chanyeol took this opportunity to reopen the book both he and Sehun had been studying throughout the night, they shared a glance between themselves before their eyes landed on the most recent chapter that they had read up to.

The Arrival was sprawled out on the top of the page, Chanyeol easily recognising his mother's handwriting as she had told a story about a kingdom being led by a King who was tore between deciding which of his two son's would receive his throne. It spoke of the eldest brother growing frustrated and angry at the news of his younger brother receiving the throne, in a fit of rage and hatred the eldest brother abandoned the planet he lived on and came to earth to reek havoc on it's land. The Queen (his mother) had rushed to follow him, travelling to earth as an attempt to halt his advances. The Youngest brother (who had not been named) had spoken to his mate and together they decided to travel to earth in order to help on the search, their large group of friends joining them.

If Chanyeol was correct with his calculations in total that meant that there was fourteen people who journeyed to earth.

"Eh sir-" Chanyeol called after raising his hand like the good boy he was. "these meteors, did they arrive in a group or did they come separately?"

Sehun's breath became heavy next to him as they awaited their History teacher's words, Chanyeol knew the answer since it was written in the book but he wanted to know if they had any connection to each other.

"One came first" Kyungsoo explained before the teacher could utter a word. "Then another a couple hours later, before finally a group of twelve joined some time after."

"Dude-" Sehun whispered, nudging the Alpha in his side. They both stared down at the words written out in front of them, their hearts beating loudly in their chest.

"I need to go and see Ms Lee right away!" Chanyeol exclaimed rising from his seat with his bag already thrown over his shoulder, he slammed the book closed and gave Sehun a quick nod before speeding his way towards the door where he was shoved backwards by Baekhyun. "What-"

"What's so important about the number of comets entering Earth all that time ago?" the smaller asked tilting his head to the side, Chanyeol gulped.

"Nothing, I just remembered that I need to see Ms Lee about something. Not everything I do needs your input Baekhyun-"

"Okay, you and I need to talk. Right. Now." the vampire hissed baring his fangs and grabbed a hold of the werewolf's ear, Chanyeol released a howl in pain as he had no choice but to follow the small vampire who dragged him out of the room.

"Eh- Sehun?" Kris called, his arms outstretched as he waited for the youngest wolf to comment. The blonde shrugged his shoulders.

"I have no idea what's gotten into them."


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Beau1996 1381 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1381 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1381 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1381 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
750 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
750 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.