Halloween Onesies!!




The thin rusted metal walls of the warehouse didn't do anything to keep the cold from circling around her feminine frame, her arms struggling to stay still against the gentle breeze. Her partner stood on an elevated platform with his head resting in the palms of his hands which were being supported by the metal bar securing him from falling over the ledge.

It was a tragic defeat.

They had lost many of her partner's forces to the pointless war they had declared upon Millennium High, an action created because of one's unfortunate love story.

Daehyun was left to realise that the plan in which he established in hopes of quenching the hope within his brother's heart, turned against him. Baekhyun's sudden confession after he had been infected by Chanyeol's bite, really had Daehyun second guessing his actions.

Perhaps there had been another way to cause his brother's suffering?

Perhaps he could have developed the patience to listen to Maddix explain why he was against Daehyun's plan from the beginning.

Maybe then things would have ended differently.

Maybe then he would be happily sitting on the throne of EXO planet with his love by his side, not caring about his brother because in the end he would have been the one to have won Baekhyun's affections.

The guilt of having been the one to order the killing of the only person he has ever loved, finally began to nibble away at his sanity. Plaguing his mind with the look of distress Baekhyun sent his way after he had his brother deliver the finishing blow, the boy had looked so incredibly hopeless that Daehyun wished it to be a nightmare.

"I still don't understand why you weep over a low-life vampire who clearly never shared the amount of adoration for you as you did for him." Jessica sighed, speaking from her place below the ledge. "He has brought you nothing but trouble since you found him in this lifetime, and now because of him you've lost valuable people."

"I understand your frustration about your lover's death but please allow me to remind you of your place here. You are merely a witch, I was a king."

"You may have been the first born, but Chanyeol received the throne." Jessica spat, the venom stemming from her pain of losing Maddix. "In comparison to him you are nothing!"

"Speak again and I will have your tongue!" The vampire hissed, baring his fangs for the woman to see.

Jessica merely turned her nose up at the action, rolling her eyes as she turned her attention to her Ruby coloured fingernails. "You are aware that there are other Baekhyun's out there, right?"

Daehyun sighed, allowing his hands to slip on either side of his face. Jessica watched amused as his head managed to stabilise itself before it hit the railing.

"I believe that the saying is 'there are plenty of other fish in the sea.' Surely you must know that there is only one Baekhyun."

"In some cases you would be right, your highness," Jessica explained, nodding her head. Her lips curled upwards now that she had the attention of the Prince, Daehyun's tired eyes focused solely on her as she moved around the warehouse. "but in these circumstances I'm afraid that you're wrong. I meant what I said about there being other Baekhyuns out there, it is merely the case of locating them."

"You cannot fool me, witch!" Daehyun hissed, yet he couldn't help but ponder her words.

Jessica allowed him some peace, continuing her walk in silence. After all she knew how interesting her proposal was, she had been around Daehyun long enough to know how to plague his mind with curiosity.

"May I inquire about your hypothetical?" he spoke after a few moments of silence.

"I suppose not." She agreed, her head tilting back ever so slightly to face him. "What is it you would like to know?"

"Elaboration on your claim towards the possibility of there being other beings with the face of my love." The Prince demanded, eyes seemingly lost to the air around him.

"Shall I do so while reminding you of a story your highness?" Jessica wondered, her lips curling into a smirk. She cast her eyes out to the space around her, she figured if she concentrated hard enough she would still be able to make out the heat left behind by Chanyeol when he was within this monstrosity of a building a few days ago.

"Do so as you please," the Prince flicked his wrist. "just try and keep my attention."

"Twelve wolves quietly awoke under the watchful eye of their mother, her lips curled up into a smile unable to believe that her magic had finally worked. Her children had finally been created after so long. A pack of twelve, each one strong and clever in their own way-"

"Why are you reciting the Creation Story?" Daehyun questioned, brows furrowed in the middle of his forehead. "I already know that story."

"You know a part of it," Jessica deadpanned, staring unblinkingly at the Prince before her. "there was some information that gets constantly looked over whenever one reads a book or hears the tale. Let me ask you something, your highness... did you ever question why the wolves only ever spoke of two places? EXO planet and Earth?"

"I suppose because those were the only important things to be told." Daehyun shrugged his shoulders. "I don't appreciate how long it's taking you to explain things to me."

"What I'm trying to say to your highness is that the wolves didn't just stop at Earth, they continued to create entire universes filled with galaxies exactly like our own. There are almost carbon-copies of our planet outside our own universe, therefore theoretically speaking that would mean that every being who has once lived on Earth has lived in these universes as well."

"So you're telling me that I could find another Baekhyun from another world?"

Jessica rolled her eyes, typical of Daehyun to only hear that of which he deemed important. "Not only will you find other Baekhyun's but you will certainly find other Daehyun's as well."

"Why haven't I been told this?" Daehyun proclaimed, distancing himself from the ledge. "How come I am only hearing about this now?"

"All the clues have been there," Jessica shrugged her shoulders, feeling them brush against the lobe of her ear. "I suppose others are more observant. The point now is that you know, so what shall you do with this information?"

"Does my brother know?" Daehyun rushed, suddenly appearing before the witch.

"I can't say that he does, while I was with him I never heard anyone mention it."

Daehyun took a step back, his eyes coursing over the frame of the witch. He noticed the goosebumps standing against her skin, her slight quiver from the breeze blowing against them. Eventually his lips curled upwards and his eyes turned into crescents.

"Jessica darling, how would you like to return to Millennium High?"

The witch's brows furrowed, her tongue swiping against her lips. "Why must I go back? What good would that bring?"

"I'm merely offering you the chance to enact revenge against my brother, perhaps you could kill him as punishment for killing you?" Daehyun's eyes glowed in his bright icy blue tone. "Or perhaps now that he no longer has a mate, you could enchant him to take you again?"

"His bite killed me..." Jessica whispered. "He would certainly know that something must have happened in order to bring me back?"

"Simply supply that Baekhyun's dying wish was to have you return to his side, or even make up an excuse of your own. You're good at that."

Within blinking speed he had vanished, taking the heat with him.

Jessica sighed, her chest deflating and her shoulders slipping back into their original position by her neck. She glanced down at the clothing she wore, the left side of her lip rising in disgust. If she was to return to Millennium and begin any act of revenge she would surely have to change her clothing. After all, she did have a date with Park Chanyeol.


The fisted hand against Baekhyun's lips did nothing to prevent the giggles from slipping out into the air around him, his gaze locked on Kyungsoo who had just stepped out of the hallway leading to their separate bedrooms. The boy stood proud in his bright purple starry robe and matching pointed hat, around his neck was a rather large white crystal necklace that seemed to hang by a thick piece of recently dyed black rope, in his hand sported a twig Baekhyun could swear he had seen on the balcony a couple hours ago.

"You better quit laughing," Kyungsoo warned, not even willing to spare the vampire a glance. "Sehun already broke the mop and I don't fancy using a cloth to clean up your pee if you do wet yourself."

"Couldn't you magic us up one?" Baekhyun cackled, finding the phrase perfect for the occasion.

Kyungsoo wasn't very pleased. He merely sent his best friend a weak glare, though Baekhyun could see the faint smile beginning to grow in the corner of his mouth. However he turned away before Baekhyun had the pleasure of seeing it form, instead turning back to his staring contest with the fridge.

"What are you supposed to be anyway?" The boy wondered, finally allowing himself to slip his hand inside the machine.

Baekhyun stared down at his outfit, a faint blush rising to cheeks. He had merely stumbled across the outfit by mistake in his wardrobe, having never suspected that the pieces could all fit together to create his costume. Though now that he had to explain it to Kyungsoo, perhaps it wasn't the easiest to define.

He wore a pair of black jeans and somehow managed to find a pair of brown boots that stretched until they reached just below his knee, the black lace threaded through each of the boot's holes reflected his pants. He asked Luhan if he could spear one of his red belts, unknown to the fact that it would be a little too big on him but he liked the gold border so he decided to keep it. For his upper body he settled on a simple white button-up choosing to roll his sleeves up since he knew how warm the party would get. Finally that left his- oh, he wasn't wearing it.

"I'll be right back!" He declared, speeding into his room. He couldn't help but smile when his fingers finally found the fabric of his hood, a DIYed job by Luhan who had come across the red material in his own room and felt it necessary to supply it to his friend. It was truly a beautiful creation, one that Baekhyun would remember to bring with him once they were guaranteed their passage home.

The hood sat like a cloak against his shoulders falling until the curve of his elbow, Luhan had stitched some patches to the fabric to make it look old and worn which only made the grin on Baekhyun's lips widen. He pulled the piece on and ruffled his hair in his restroom's mirror before he took off back into the kitchen of his dormitory.

Luhan had emerged from his own room and now sat patiently on the kitchen stool, conversing with Kyungsoo with a bright grin on his lips. That is until Kyungsoo questioned what he was supposed to be.

Perhaps the pink dress and white tights still weren't enough to establish who Luhan had decided to be for Halloween, though his attempt to highlight the pink bow in his hair failed dramatically as did the painted whiskers on his cheeks. Kyungsoo still shook his head, unsure as to what Luhan was trying to indicate without speaking.

"He's Hello Kitty." Baekhyun deadpanned while also managing to announce his presence without scaring anyone.

"Oh that makes sense." Kyungsoo nodded his head, eyes still coursing over Luhan's outfit. "I must applaud you for wearing a skirt though, I'm pretty sure that if Jongin saw me in one of those I wouldn't be spending much time at the party."

"That was the point Kyung..." Luhan declared, head hanging between his shoulders, cheeks burning bright red. "Though I was hoping that would be Sehun's reaction not Jongin's."

"This is too much information." Baekhyun shrieked, closing his eyes and wedging his fingers into his ears. "Do I have to remind you that Sehun is technically my adopted son? I don't need those images in my head tonight, thank you."

When it was safe to do so, he retracted his fingers and opened his eyes. He giggled at Luhan's dumbfounded expression, the boy's eyes glued to his costume.

"Oh you're Little Red Riding Hood!" Kyungsoo shouted, his hand coming up to slap against his forehead. "Sorry Baek, I couldn't understand without the red hood."

The vampire raised flicked his wrist a silent 'forget it'. Kyungsoo remained sympathetic and offered him a cookie. Baekhyun wasn't one for refusing sweets.

"I'm really proud of that hood." Luhan explained through the wide toothy grin. "You wouldn't have thought that it came from my old Michael Jackson costume."

Baekhyun's eyes widened as he allowed himself to take a seat on the stool next to Luhan's, his gaze returning to his hood. Now that he had mentioned it the fabric did remind him of the King of Pop's famous Thriller outfit.

A quick knock on their door had the trio's conversation halt, each of them turned to look at the door expecting it to open. Though when a few moments had passed and no one took the liberty to open it from the outside, Baekhyun took it upon himself to stand and open it from the inside. The figure that greeted him instantly pulled a smile onto his lips.

"Kihyun!" He screamed, pulling the boy over the threshold and into his arms. Baekhyun could faintly hear the door slam back into place over the sound of his friend's giggles. "Oh my gosh where have you been?"

"Changkyun and I were on our way to Benin because we heard that there was a supernatural child there that didn't have a home or control over their powers, we were on our way home when we got told that you and Chanyeol went into a coma. We only got here yesterday, what the hell happened? Oh nice Red Riding Hood outfit by the way!" Kihyun grinned, his eyes forming crescents.

Baekhyun took a step back and allowed the boy to get a full view of his outfit, opting to give a twirl to really show off Luhan's hard work on his hood.

Kyungsoo and Luhan both received compliments on their costume, Kyungsoo in particular seemed to cause quite a stir since he had decided to go stereotypical wizard for Halloween. Baekhyun wondered if that would cause any problems with the magic community but figured that it would be best to wait and see.

"So are you going to tell me what the hell happened or not?!"


When they arrived outside the doors of the gymnasium, Kihyun had taken Baekhyun into his hold and held him tight. He had spent the last few minutes crying, thankfully he didn't have the opportunity to ruin his makeup since Kyungsoo was able to magic him up some tissues. Though the sight of Kyungsoo doing magic with an average twig would certainly not be forgotten by either of his best friends or Kihyun because it brought some much needed laughter to the tense atmosphere.

"So I'm in the presence of a Queen huh?" Kihyun sniffled, blinking back the tears as he looked at Baekhyun.

The vampire shrugged his shoulders, an embarrassed smile on his lips. It had been a long time since he heard his title being spoken, and now that it was hard it was making the endless memories coursing through his head even more real. They were really going to leave behind this place and return to a world that has no doubt changed in the time they had been gone, anxiety was beginning to settle in.

"I don't think I can do it again." Baekhyun explained, stunning his friends into silence.

Luhan and Kyungsoo looked on in worry while Kihyun merely raised a brow. "What do you mean Baek?"

"I don't know if I'm going to be able to go back there," Baekhyun admitted, finding himself losing breath. "I'm going back to a place where I lost my dad. I'm going back to a place who hasn't had a Royal family, but would certainly demand that we retake our claim to the throne. I don't know what's going to await me when I get there? What about a rebellion? What would happen if we were to arrive and suddenly begin fighting again? What would happen if there was Kronas attack? What if the planet is a wasteland now?"

"Hey Baekhyun, look at me." Kihyun begged, gripping the boy by his shoulders. "You're going to have a panic attack if you keep thinking like that! So stop it!"

"I can't.." Baekhyun huffed, heaving for breath. "There's too much going on up there for me to relax-"

"Think about Chanyeol."


"Fill your mind with your soulmate, images, memories, hidden moments between the two of you." 

Baekhyun filled his lungs with air. 

"Focus on him, on how his hair colour changed every year you found him." 

Red, silver, blue, blonde, pink, red, silver, blue, white, blonde... 

"Focus on his eye colour and how they always stayed the same, until he was a werewolf." 

Brown and yellow. 

"Focus on his voice." 

Smurfie, baby, sweetheart. 

"Focus on his kisses." 

So delicate and light that Baekhyun would whine whenever he gave them, always rewarding him with one so full of passion. 

"Focus on his scent." 


"Focus on his touches." 

Always so warm against his waist. 

"There you go.."

He hadn't even realised that he had closed his eyes until the moment he reopened them, squinting at the bright hallway lights. With a flick of his wrist he was able to dim them to a spooky Halloween-esk glow. Luhan and Kyungsoo looked around themselves in wonder, it had been awhile since Baekhyun used his powers.

"How are you feeling now?" Kihyun wondered, voice gentle.

"A little better," Baekhyun reassured him, squeezing the wrists that were still connected to his shoulders. "you just made me realise that I'm not going back alone. I started off this lifetime with no-one, but I will be leaving it with my family."

"Your family is your most precious possession Baekhyun, always remember that." Kihyun looked him right in the eye as he spoke, drawing goosebumps to the vampire's skin.

Baekhyun wondered why those words sounded as though they were to have deeper meaning, a meaning that he wouldn't be able to understand until much later. It was curious to say the least, but Baekhyun figured that he was allowed to have some mystery in his life now that his fighting was done.

Or at least it was.

For now.

The doors to the gymnasium opened and the dark disco infected lights darted around the room, brightening up one section of the room before quickly moving onto the next. If Baekhyun didn't know any better he assumed this is what club life was like, his mind faintly reminding him of a time when he met Chanyeol in a club a couple years before the very lifetime they were currently living through. It brought a smile to his lips.

"There you are!" Sehun shouted, shoving his way between the party goers. Baekhyun watched as the boy slid through the crowd wearing a bright white onesie that looked oddly like the rabbit one Luhan had been wearing one night. "I've been waiting for the three of you to arrive!"

"Calm down Peter Cottontail we're here." Baekhyun declared, his eyes unable to focus on the boy's face since he was hyper focused on the length of pajama's pants that couldn't reach Sehun's ankles. So this was definitely Luhan's pajama onesie.

"Nice outfit hyung." Sehun smirked, glancing somewhere over his shoulder. Baekhyun managed to pull himself away from looking at his adopted son's ankles and back on his face. "I know Chanyeol-hyung is going to flip when he sees you!"

"He's already getting attention," Kyungsoo stated in passing, his smile coy. "everyone nicknamed him Red Riding Hood when he came here. I think Baekhyun made them all malfunction when he decided to dress up like her."

The smirk on Baekhyun's lips was unable to disappear, the vampire merely shrugging his shoulders. "I have no shame, besides this is supposed to be my last night here! Might as well allow everyone to remember me."

"Well they certainly won't forget this!" Sehun chuckled, though the laughter seemed to halt when the werewolf (dressed like a bunny) finally spotted his mate.

Luhan offered his boyfriend a shy smile, his fingers curled around the hem of his dress. Baekhyun managed to hide the giggle escaping his lips when Luhan performed a courtesy, moving the hem of the dress with him as he did so. When he looked back at Sehun, Baekhyun found his adopted son's jaw hanging open. He gently patted the boy on his shoulder as he walked past, being sure to help him shut it the next second.

"Well at least one of us is going to be getting some action tonight." Kyungsoo huffed, his dramatic eye roll caused his pointed hat to shake on his head.

"I'm pretty sure Jongin doesn't need an excuse to give you action tonight Kyung, I'm certain that a direct request will be enough to get him into your bed -or perhaps you into his?" Baekhyun wiggled his eyebrows, satisfied by Kyungsoo's embarrassed gasp. The punch that he delivered to his best friend's chest was uncalled for. "Hey you seem to forget that you had on our couch before! I'm never going to let you live that down!"

Baekhyun watched as his friend flicked his wrist and rushed off in an embarrassed stomp, running across the room to Jongin whose back was turned to them from the moment they entered. Baekhyun decided to stay back and watch the embracing couple, Kyungsoo having thrown his arms around his mate's shoulders and buried his face in his neck.

It all happened so quickly that Baekhyun wondered if he had blinked and missed something. Kyungsoo had leapt from his position around his soulmate, ears painfully red and face flushed. Baekhyun was surprised that he was able to notice such a thing through the darkness. When his eyes coursed back to Jongin, Baekhyun found the air escaping through his nostrils. That wasn't Jongin.

"What the hell Jongdae?!" Kyungsoo screamed over the loud music playing, his hands forming fists by his sides. "Why the hell did you think it would be a good idea to dress up like my soulmate?!"

"Well obviously because he wanted to know what your lips felt like!" Baekhyun shouted back, though he realised that there was a high chance neither of them heard him.

He remained amused watching the drama happening ahead of him while he was safely out of Kyungsoo's blast zone. Though there was a moment where Baekhyun found himself pitying Jongdae, it was safe to say that moment ended quite quickly.

"Well isn't this a nice surprise," a familiar deep voice called, making a smile crack out on Baekhyun's lips. "always a pleasure, your highness."

When he turned around Baekhyun was surprised to see Shownu bent over in a delicate bow, his fingers waving at him from their position against his lower back. The vampire giggled before gently setting his palm against the boy's shoulder.

"Nice to see you too Shownu, are you enjoying the party?"

"How could I not?" The boy chuckled, eyes coursing around the room. "Though I am a little saddened that you are leaving, you're essentially bringing all the drama with you... now what will I do for entertainment?"

"I'm sure you can find another means of entertainment." Baekhyun couldn't help but giggle, though he quickly empathised and gently laid his hand against the boy's arm. "I am sorry that we're leaving, it might be a while before we can come back."

"Nah don't worry about it," Shownu declared, offering the boy a grin. "besides not much will change in the time you're gone. We're supernatural folk, many of us will live a really really long life. Even if time has passed no one will forget you two, Ms. Lee- though I suppose Mrs. Park is the title she prefers- has left us a safe place. We will make sure that we uphold her legacy on Earth."

"I don't think that I'm the person you should be telling that to." Baekhyun smiled, shifting the hood on his shoulders. "I think Eomma would like to hear those words come from your mouth rather than my own."

"Do you think she'll spare me the time?" Shownu wondered, eyes travelling outside Baekhyun's personal space.

The vampire turned his head to follow the line of sight, gaze falling on Mrs. Park, who was currently surrounded by other students. Most likely wishing her well on her travels across the stars.

Baekhyun grinned at the woman's saddened smile, her eyes lingering on each student for just an extra moment. He figured that she was longing to remember as many as she could.

"Must she come back with us?" Baekhyun wondered, speaking his thoughts aloud.

"Why wouldn't she?" Shownu wondered, head tilted. "Doesn't she deserve to go home?"

"That's the thing," Baekhyun giggled, eyes never straying from his mother-in-law. "Earth has been her home for centuries. She raised and lost her child here, this place clearly means a lot to her." He turned to face Shownu. "You said it yourself, she created this place to protect us supernatural folk. A creation such as this one would be hard to leave."

"Should we be having this conversation?" Shownu chuckled, glancing around the room nervously.

Baekhyun spared him a glance, a smile still evident on his lips. "No," he declared, gaze falling back on his mother-in-law. "No, I suppose you're right." He turned his gaze down as he twisted himself around to face the taller. "But you should definitely speak with her, she'll be happy to see you."

Shownu grinned and bowed politely again, he dipped his head and began walking over to the small crowd. Baekhyun watched the boy as he went, recalling all the times Shownu had appeared whenever the vampire was beginning to forget him.

"Can I steal your attention for a moment?" A new but familiar voice stated, pulling away Baekhyun's attention though the vampire wondered if it was a welcomed intrusion or a cursed one.

"I suppose I can spare a moment," Baekhyun declared, surprised to hear himself shift back into his royal-like tone. He refused to allow his stunned expression to be shown to Kris, no matter how shocking it was. "what can I do for you?"

"Please don't be modest with me," Kris groaned, eyes scrunching up in disgust. "it doesn't feel right after everything that I've done."

"Chanyeol brought it to my attention that I can't blame you for your first life's actions, obviously things have changed in the following lifetimes we lived. Correct?"

"Most certainly." Kris replied, though the both of them seemed to have returned to their old natured way of communicating. "I find I am quite fond of Tao and grateful that he is my mate..."

"I can't help but sense as though there is a 'but' coming." Baekhyun sighed, hanging his head.

"Not at all in the way you think," Kris reassured him, opting to drop his raised hand that no doubt would have come to rest against the vampire's arm. "I just meant to explain that due to my past endeavours... It seems as though it has caused a bit of a crinkle in our relationship."

"Well," Baekhyun began turning his attention to the punch bowl he hadn't realised he was so close to. "I can't say that I blame him." Kris stepped aside and allowed the vampire to have access to the juice, offering him a cup. "You were quite the tyrant back then, but it is obvious that you've changed. I can't blame him for acting so guarded, heavens knows I was the same when I was plagued with wishing the best for Chanyeol."

"How did you get over it?" Kris wondered, watching as Baekhyun rose the red solo cup to his lips. "How did you two manage to place it all behind you, surely there must have been some difficulty."

"I'd be idiotic to think that there wasn't," Baekhyun explained, sighing in content to the refreshing beverage. "but Chanyeol was quite persistent.." a smile formed on his lips as his mind carried him back to his memories. "even though I turned him away that day in the café and he slapped me right back with my own words a couple hours later... Chanyeol never truly gave up on me despite me wishing at the time that he did. He was always there, ready to come back to me if I let him-"

"And eventually you did." Kris grinned, though his happiness couldn't reach his eyes. "May I ask how?"

"I realised that the feelings I had for him couldn't be pushed down any further" Baekhyun admitted though slightly embarrassed to say such a thing. Kris kindly withheld from drawing attention to his reddened cheeks. "Our experience is different from you and Tao's since you two haven't technically fought but.. try and be persistent in your vows to him. It worked on me, I don't see why it wouldn't work on him."

"Thank you Baekhyun," Kris dipped his head. "I appreciate that."

"Yes yes I am a man of much advice now please put my words into action so that the poor panda will be happy!" Baekhyun shooed him away, though he was stunned the next second when his eyes finally fell on Tao...who happened to be dressed up as a panda.

Honestly, where was everyone getting these onesies? Not all of them could have come from Luhan, right?

Though after giving that thought some time, it wouldn't surprise him had Luhan managed to supply everyone with onesies.

Without warning a pair of thick muscled arms settled against Baekhyun's waist, surprising the vampire who let out a silent yelp. He chanced a glance down at the hands holding onto him and was a little curious when he saw quite a hairy set of knuckles.

With a bit of adjustment Baekhyun eventually came face to face with the man who dared to place their hands upon his waist, didn't everyone in the school already know that he was spoken for? Surely whoever this man was knew that Chanyeol wouldn't be happy about their closeness.

"My word, what big eyes you have." Baekhyun gasped, staring into the bright brown eyes of his captor. The arms around his waist tightened ever so gently.

"All the better to see you with my dear." The deep voice whispered back, sending the vampire a wink as he spoke.

"Such strong arms too.." Baekhyun claimed, allowing his arms to raise and rest against the man's shoulders.

"All the better to hold you with my dear."

"What large teeth you have.." Baekhyun giggled when the man opened his mouth just a tad bit wider.

"All the better to gobble you up my love." Chanyeol chuckled, leaning his head forward and capturing Baekhyun's lips with his own.

"Well Mr. Big Bad Wolf, you're not going to have any objections from me." Baekhyun claimed the moment they managed to separate their lips. "Nice costume by the way."

"Hmm, I could say the same about you." Chanyeol took a step back though his grip on Baekhyun's hips didn't fall, when he was finished checking his soulmate out the werewolf (literally and metaphorically) pulled him until they were flush against each other. "So what has my Red Riding Hood been up to tonight?"

"Saying my dear goodbyes." Baekhyun admitted, his head dipping between his shoulders. His face was raised again with a gentle push of his chin.

"I know you'll miss everyone here."

"It's so strange.."

"What is Smurfie?"

Baekhyun managed to hold Chanyeol's gaze as he spoke his next few words. "Before I would have given anything if it meant that I was no longer a vampire, or perhaps in my old mindset a monster. But now that I've finally accepted my life here it's so strange that we have to leave and that I won't be a vampire for much longer."

"I suppose the bright side is that you won't ever have to worry about ingesting blood again huh?" Chanyeol cackled, drawing out Baekhyun's own giggle.

"No," he laughed. "I suppose you're right."

"Well this is a sight for sore eyes!" Yixing cheered, interrupting the couple's conversation with a cheesy smile and his arm around Suho.

Baekhyun turned his body and allowed himself to rest against Chanyeol's chest, the Big Bad Wolf supporting him. Together they greeted the other couple who could only grin at their actions.

"I love your couple's costume, I see how dedicated you both are to your roles here." Suho laughed from behind his Phantom of the Opera mask. He was smartly dressed, Baekhyun's mind recalling other times he had the pleasure of seeing his old friend wearing a suit. Despite Suho being more formal than anyone else in their group, Baekhyun was surprised to claim that the memories of such an event were scarce.

"I love how you allowed some of your natural werewolf side to shine tonight Chanyeol, very clever." Yixing admitted, his voice drawing Baekhyun's attention.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me!" He declared finding that Yixing had also been given one of Luhan's onesies, this one a sheep or a ram - though they were both the same in Baekhyun's opinion. "Where is everyone getting these onesies?!"

"Do you like it?" Yixing grinned, offering the royal couple a twirl. "I was worried that I didn't have a costume so last minute but Luhan was able to give me this just in time! I think I pulled it off well, don't you think?"

"You look incredibly comfortable. I'll give you that." Chanyeol joked, holding Baekhyun closer. "Though I don't see how the Phantom of the Opera set his eyes on a mere sheep?"

"You just haven't read the musical tale I created for that question just yet." Suho entertained him with a wink, though each of them knew his bluff.

Without another word the two of them wished them both a lovely party before finding themselves on the dance floor.

"So how many of these onesies have you seen then?" Chanyeol wondered, eyes focused on his soulmate who found himself scanning the crowd for more of Luhan's wardrobe.

"Sehun, Tao and now Yixing though I could issue a guess that perhaps Minseok decided to join the crew too since I haven't seen him or Jongin."

"Jongin did say that he wanted to dress up like a teddy bear tonight, I haven't seen his costume though."

Baekhyun released a groan, already picturing the onesie he expected Luhan to have given Kyungsoo's mate. Perhaps if he hadn't left his phone in his bedroom, his reaction would have been different.

A flicker in his perpetual had Baekhyun turning to find Mrs. Park greeted even more of her students by the disco lights, her sudden appearance reminding him of his conversation with Kris. Without hesitating Baekhyun turned back to his soulmate, Chanyeol greeting him with a raised brow.

"What's with that look?"

"I've been thinking about your mother," Baekhyun explained, settling his arms around Chanyeol's shoulders. The two of them naturally fell into a small box step, dancing slowly despite the upbeat music. "I don't think that she should come back with us to EXO Planet. Before you freak out let me explain why-"

"Because Earth became her home for centuries and that she not only bore me here but she raised me and watched me die here. As an immortal in her own right she never died which meant that she managed to collect quite a sum of money to open this place, a home for supernatural beings where they would feel safe. You don't think that she can give it up that easily."

"Did you overhear my conversation with Kris?" Baekhyun chuckled, amazed by his mate's ability.

Chanyeol shook his head. "Clearly you still forget that I have the ability to read your mind."

Baekhyun's lips for a thin line, though the corner of them still rose up in a small smile. "I do." he admitted, pulling his mate closer. "I always seem to forget that one detail."

"I don't mind having to remind you." The taller one chuckled against his lips, not too close for them to be kissing just yet. "As for the dealings with my mother, we can speak out our thoughts with her later. Perhaps she will join us to settle in then return, or perhaps you're right and she'll want to stay. But for now let me have you to myself for a bit."

"You don't need permission to have me." Baekhyun playfully rolled his eyes. "You can just have me."

"I like having verbal consent from you Smurfie, makes me crave your affection just a little more."

Baekhyun felt his heart raise in his chest as he gazed into the lustful eyes of his soulmate. "You're going to be the death of me."

"A wise person once told me that we've been there and we've done that."

The couple laughed into the narrowed space between them, their lips meeting a moment later. The weight of Chanyeol's palms against his waist had the butterflies in Baekhyun's chest desperately trying to escape, too excited by their current situation.

A loud bang filled the room, though it didn't stop the embracing couple from disconnecting.

Countless gasps and utterings of spells pulled the two away from each other, the music coming to a halt and the dancing light being brought to an end. Baekhyun didn't need to ask what had happened when the cause was staring back at him in shock.

Jessica stood by the emergency exit of the gymnasium sporting a red dress and heels, a classic Jessica Rabbit costume that would draw anyone's eye. She quickly wiped the stunned look from her face, replacing it with a bright smile as she dared to take another step closer.

"Baekhyun! What a surprise!" She hissed out through her teeth. "I expected you to be dead!"

"Ditto." The vampire replied, choosing to keep a level head. "I don't suppose you're here for a much needed re-match?"

"What business do I have with you?" Jessica cackled, her eyes burning with flames. "I merely want your soulmate's attention."

"Exactly my point," Baekhyun declared, loud and clear for everyone to hear. "you've been fighting me for Chanyeol's attention from the start. It didn't help that he killed you before we could settle the odds, did it?"

The girl pursed her lips, considering his words. "No." She straightened her back. "I suppose it didn't."

"Shall we call a rematch now then?"

"Why don't you look surprised to see me?" She questioned, curled hair falling to the side. "It's not everyday someone comes back from the dead."

"Oh I've been there, done that." Baekhyun shrugged his shoulders, smiling at the words Chanyeol used a few minutes ago now. "I doubt there would be anything on Earth that would surprise me now."

"And how right you are about that," Jessica snickered to herself, lips curling into a devilish smirk. "I do doubt anything on Earth would surprise you. Anyway on to other business, I do believe we are entitled to a rematch between the two of us. Therefore I must insist that everyone else put their spells and claws away."

Baekhyun nodded as everyone turned to him for guidance as to what they should do, though they were surprised to find him agreeing to her terms when everyone could have ended her right then and there.

What could possibly be his plan?

"Well I suppose I'm not needed then." Chanyeol declared, wiping both of his palms against his black jeans. He twirled on his heel, ready to leave the room only to halt in his steps by Jessica's curiosity.

"Where exactly are you going?" She inquired.

"Well if the two of you are dueling over my hand I shouldn't bear witness to the loser any longer should I?" He tilted his head. "I'll be in my bedroom waiting for my champion when they're finished, is that quite alright?"

Jessica's excited giggle rang throughout the room, her head bobbing up and down upon her neck. Everyone watched in utter confusion as Chanyeol rushed from the room without another word.

But why did Baekhyun not appear affected by his soulmate's words and suggestions?

Surely the vampire must have taken some sort of offence to Chanyeol's immediate departure.

Instead everyone watched with bated breath as a devilish smile appeared on Baekhyun's lips. His eyes morphing into the beautiful mercury silver he knew his mate adored with his fangs resting delicately against his lower lip.


Chanyeol knew that he had a mission the moment Jessica showed up in the cafeteria, the plan instantly being formed by his soulmate who regarded her with ease despite the endless spews he was giving to Chanyeol with his mind.

The werewolf couldn't stop the grin from pulling itself onto his lips as he entered his mother's office, finding her private phone and using it to dial a familiar number.


"Hey Suga, it's Chanyeol, I have a favour to ask." 



Only a couple more chapters before first book is complete!!

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Beau1996 1381 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1381 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1381 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1381 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
750 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
750 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.