Are you ready?


Baekhyun stared at his mate who was currently laid out on a bed in the infirmary, the closer he looked the more he could see. Chanyeol's lips had lost their reddish hue, his sparkling eyes were now closed. It made Baekhyun's neck hair stand on end, not being able to see his boyfriend's chest rise and fall as he breathed. He felt relieved in some way that his mate was still alive, but it really freaked him out that he couldn't visibly see him breathe.

"He is still alive right?" Baekhyun whispered, his voice hoarse due to the lack of conversation since before Skylar showed him her vision of the day she met Chanyeol.

The girl merely nodded her head, reaching out to hand him a bottle of water that had been left by Chanyeol's bedside by Sehun. The blonde haired werewolf was called out of the room with everyone else hoping to allow those left in the room some privacy with the sleeping boy. They had promised to come back when it was Baekhyun's time to fall into his subconscious mind for a test he wasn't so sure he could ace.

"Have they always been like this?" Ms. Lee wondered, looking at Skylar with wide red eyes. "Have they always been alive after they appear this way?"

"Yep, I generally thought that you buried them alive for some time but since they never passed the tests before I'm able to sleep at night." Skylar admitted, looking down at one of the journals Baekhyun recognized from her vision.

"Aren't you just a ray of sunshine." Ms. Lee spat, her eyes narrowing.

Baekhyun didn't even bother to look either of them in the eye, choosing instead to watch his mate. There were no worried lines decorating his forehead, he looked at peace and it was slowly killing Baekhyun on the inside. The fact that he wasn't able to talk to him about everything that Skylar had shown him, hurt. It was strange not having the Alpha there after receiving another dream, although technically it was more of a current memory than the ones he was used to getting. Baekhyun actually felt involved in the conversation that was happening in this dream, while the ones he had witnessed before always felt like they were addressing someone else. Another Baekhyun.

"He's currently seeing different versions of me right now, isn't he?" Baekhyun voiced out the thoughts running through his head. His eyes felt heavy in their sockets, but the pain of keeping them open was bearable when he knew that he would be sleeping very soon.

"If I was to offer a guess he would have probably already met at least two of you from your previous lives, this place in which he is will keep him walking forward. I'm not entirely sure where the destination is because Katherine never made a note of it before, but she did claim that the both of you would have to journey to it while continuously having to face your challenges which will be these other versions of yourselves."

"So when Baekhyun falls into this slumber he will be witnessing different Chanyeols?" Ms. Lee questioned to which she earned a nod from Skylar.

The whole idea of meeting Chanyeol from his mate's previous lives frightened Baekhyun a little. This life-time's Chanyeol was enough to handle, not to mention the rough start the both of them had in their first meeting. He couldn't even begin to think what the other Chanyeols waiting for him in his subconscious would be like.

"I wouldn't worry too much about the other Chanyeols, Baekhyun." Skylar offered him a small but genuine smile. "The only thing you should worry about once you arrive would be getting to the end of the trail. When you overcome and push past the other Chanyeols they will help you find the way, but it will get harder to figure things out as time goes on. You have to be strong and not allow your mind to wonder too much, otherwise you will fail this test and die."

"Are you ready, my child?" Ms. Lee wondered, looking generally concerned as Baekhyun pushed himself up on the bed next to Chanyeol's. "This is a very serious situation, if you have any more questions you should ask Skylar before it's too late."

"Chanyeol didn't ask any other questions." Baekhyun snapped, looking his mate's mother in her eye. She appeared taken aback by his venom filled words but she didn't allow them to faze her, after all Baekhyun was right. Chanyeol had faith in them, in their relationship. He believed that they were strong enough to overcome these challenges so Baekhyun had to believe in it too. He glanced at the clock, breathing out a deep breath of air when he realised that he could be falling into his slumber very soon.

The door to the infirmary opened and a small group of students entered, Baekhyun was able to recognize a couple of them; his friends, Kihyun and his group as well as Colin. But the others had yet to be introduced to him. He offered them a smile regardless, dipping his head at anyone who bowed to him in greeting.

A short girl stepped forward, her cheeks were stained in dry tear marks. Baekhyun watched as she sent a glance in Chanyeol's direction before turning back to him, her hand fell towards the blankets and the vampire couldn't help himself as he nodded. She pulled them up so that they were resting against his skin, their soft cotton texture making a small smile pull at the corner of his lips. He could already feel the tiredness weigh on his eyelids, but he knew that he had still more time to waste.

"What's your name?" he whispered, waiting patiently for the girl who had sat herself down by his legs to speak. She offered him a tiny grin as she whispered back just as soft.

"Stella. I was among the wolves on border duty when Chanyeol arrived, he told us all about your story. Are you really his mate?"

"I am." Baekhyun felt proud when he said it, his heart thumping erratically against his ribcage as he was finally able to express it to the world. "I am Park Chanyeol's mate, it's a pleasure to meet you Stella."

A young boy, possibly no more than the age of fourteen pulled at Stella's shirt. His eyes were wide and staring into Baekhyun's soul, but his hair was probably the most interesting thing about him. It was bright blonde and curled that it made Baekhyun suddenly crave some noodles.

"This is Mark, he's our youngest wolf. He really liked listening to Chanyeol's story-"

"He was out on the patrol with you guys?" Baekhyun was alarmed to know someone so young was so close to the border, so close to Daehyun and his troops. "Wasn't it past your bedtime?"

"Chanyeol-hyung thought the same way you did hyung!" Mark exclaimed, his teeth shining as his lips pulled backwards in a bright grin. "Everyone was keeping a watch on me and my friend so we weren't in any danger, plus I insisted on joining. I wanted to help out!"

"We didn't really have a choice in the matter," Stella explained to everyone who looked to her for an explanation, including the principal who nearly fell off her chair after hearing the statements. "it was either we bring him and look after him or he would sneak out and then we wouldn't know he was in danger."

"Stubborn little guy aren't you?" Baekhyun laughed, reaching forward and allowing Mark to shake his hand. The younger boy grinning brightly after receiving the touch, holding it up to his face to inspect it before blushing and hiding his hand behind his back, Baekhyun thought he was very cute.

"Chanyeol gave me a very important job when the attack on the school happened!" Mark shouted, standing straighter with his head held high. Baekhyun looked down at the boy in surprise, he didn't recall Chanyeol ever talking about a young wolf named Mark. "I was told to tell you something very important and he said that I would know when the time was right to tell you, since he's sleeping I suppose right now would be the best time!"

"What did he tell you to say to me Mark?" Baekhyun wondered, nervously looking at the people around him before turning to cast one last glance to the clock. The boy seemed to catch onto his anxiety so he quickly blurted the words that he had been saying over and over again in his head since his Alpha told him it. Baekhyun's lips curled upwards as he used the last of his strength to thank the blonde haired boy before he tumbled backwards against the pillows.

It was time for his test. 

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Beau1996 1381 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1381 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1381 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1381 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
750 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
750 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.