

Maddix huffed as he entered the isolated building in Parking Lane, his nose sniffing the air as he could faintly smell the scent of the supernatural folk within the forest beneath their beloved boarder spell. The old man sighed as he entered the town hall, the bodies of the town people lay scattered around on the ground their bodies either tore apart or their blood drained from their bodies. Each corpse told a different story, some had notable discolouration from the lack of blood in their system from the hungry vampires while others weren't even a complete body. Maddix drew a deep breath as he knocked on the door of the meeting room, his disinterest in the topic of conversation made everyone aware of his uncomfort. 

"Daehyun would you care to explain to me why we've found ourselves so close to that dreadful school, as far as I can remember you wanted nothing to do with your mother and brother?" 

"That was until I realised that Baekhyun was also with them" the leader of their group stated with a sharp hiss of his tongue that showed off his fangs in a predatory stance, the action made everyone else in the room quiver but not Maddix. The witch had been around for a long time and see a lot of things, he had run into Daehyun on a number of occasions and actually found it quite shocking when the vampire had come to him with a proposal. "I want him with me like he was before." 

"You've been living this fairytale for centuries Dae" Maddix sighed, taking a seat in the opened chair next to a wolf who snarled at his presence. "ever since you found out that they followed you to Earth you've been trying to get Baekhyun by your side ever since, nothing has changed since you arrived on this planet. You're still as pathetic as you were back then." 

"Watch who you're speaking to!" The wolf sitting across from him growled, their eyes glowing a pretty yellow colour to show their dominance within the pack. Maddix simply flicked his wrist and a soft blue hue danced from his fingertips, everyone watched in silence as the wolf whimpered in pain. 

"Maddix stop expanding his tongue the poor guy didn't known who he was dealing with." Daehyun huffed crossing his arms over his chest like a child, the warlock dropped his hand and therefore allowed the wolf to breath deeply. "As for my own personal business you can get your nose out of it, what I have planned for Baekhyun doesn't concern you. You've been wanting to infiltrate the school to get back at my mother who disrespected you all those years ago, if you shut your mouth I'll make things easier for you."

"You made things easier for me?" Maddix asked, he waited a second before letting out the laugh he had been previously suppressing. "I'm the one who placed spies within the school to help you get information!" 

"And do tell me what information is there to receive when I know everything that happens anyway? My brother figures out what happened in our family history, he confesses his undying love towards Baekhyun then some disturbing natural causes make them die before they can do anything to stop me and the Kronas  from achieving what we want!" 

"You've been going after the power of the tree for centuries Daehyun, every time Baekhyun and Chanyeol die something happens to you as well. You either loose control of your subjects, loose your powers or get so wounded it takes you until they are reborn to heal, your plan has gotten no where!" 

"And that's why I asked a witch to turn me into a vampire, when Chanyeol and Baekhyun do die this time nothing will happen to me and hopefully they won't be able to be reborn like the cycle says. They may be the reincarnated souls of the sixth and eight wolf creators but I have multiple life spans on top of theirs, there is no way that they'll be able to beat me this time. I've spent so long hatching a full proof plan, thought out all of the possibilities so I have no last minute surprises. My brother isn't going to stand a chance against our combined mind control and since my dear old mum couldn't pass up the chance of getting him weaponized, our poor Baekhyun won't be able to survive Chanyeol's marking claim." 

"But they are mates, Baekhyun will be able to survive the Alpha's bite." 

Daehyun let out a sarcastic laugh as he shook his head, he loved drama and couldn't pass up the chance of wiping a fake tear from below his waterline. "Maddix, as I have already said both my mother and I have grown tired of this barren wasteland we want nothing more than to return home. When the news of my transformation had been spread through the grapevine my mother found herself a witch to perform a spell of her own, she made herself a werewolf thereby automatically my darling brother would become one too. But of course her perfect son couldn't be a simple wolf like the rest of them, he had to stand out thus the witch added a little more flare to her spell-" 

"She spelled that Chanyeol's bite would only work on his true mate, but you managed to somehow corrupt the spell.." Maddix whispered, his eyes widening in surprise as the final pieces of the puzzle clicked into place. 

"It wasn't all that hard" Daehyun sang, jumping up from his chair like he was a musical villain perfoming for his audeince with sharp hand-gestures and bright smiles. "you see Baekhyun's blood was all I needed for Clara to overwrite the original spell and once I collected his blood before I made him a vampire everything was already put in place. Baekhyun was scared of me so he ran where I knew my mother would have scouts out looking for him and it was such a relief that it was Suho since he was an automatic pass into Chanyeol's group with his mate being Yixing and all. With his blood Baekhyun still doesn't have a chance of surviving since he'll be like everyone else if my brother were to claim him, I find it quite poetic since he didn't allow me to claim him first." 

"You really have thought everything through.." Maddix admitted in astonishment, he stared at the young vampire whose eyes glowed a beautiful royal blue under the praise. "then I suppose we should call an early celebration?" 

"Not yet dear friend" Daehyun declined with a shake of his head. "I need something else from you, it will require a lot of energy from you. I want you to bring someone back from the dead." 

"The dead?" Maddix hummed, he should have known that Daehyun had accidentally killed someone before he had gotten the information he needed it was common knowledge when dealing with the vampire. "You know what the spell requires right? Who are you willing to give me?" 

"Who else then the boy you showed manners to?" Daehyun smirked, tilting his head in the wolf's direction. Maddix rose from his seat and followed the vampire into another section of the city hall he could hear the pounding steps of the werewolf behind him, with a roll of his eyes Maddix continued into the room not caring about the spell and the consequences that would follow it.

Maddix was lead into a room where a body was laying on top of one of the tables inside with a white sheet draped over it. He could tell without having to lift the sheet that the corpse he would be pulling back from the afterlife was a young woman who seemed too healthy to have died so young. However when Daehyun had pulled back the sheet Maddix was met with the face of a girl he had the pleasure of meeting twice before. 

"How did you get her out of the school?" Maddix wondered running a boney finger down the girl's forearm, his lower lip being taken in between his teeth. 

"I told you, I have spies in the school they allowed some of my men inside to collect the body. No one suspected a thing!" Daehyun cackled tossing his head back between his shoulders, looking like a madman. 

"I need a some of your blood" Maddix claimed, gazing at the wolf who had followed them into the room. Surprised by the sudden inclusion the werewolf stood forward holding his hand out with it's palm facing upwards, Maddix plucked the knife up from beside the body and pressed it directly into the centre of the wolf's palm. The wolf hissed in pain, his manual reaction was to clutch his hand together in an attempt to stop the bleeding but as he moved to prevent pain Maddix forced his fingers open. The blood from his palm dripped onto the body below them. 

"Venti.." Maddix began but his words were soon drowned out by the painful screams of the werewolf whose life was being taken so that the girl on the table could be revived. 


"So what usually happens on a boarder patrol?" Baekhyun asked as he ducked his head down so that his forehead didn't collide off a low hanging branch, his fingers were interlocked with Chanyeol who was leading the way ahead of him while choosing the best route for them to take since he didn't want the vampire to get hurt. "I haven't been out here before, should we spilt up?" 

"Two of us splitting up won't accomplish anything, I don't want to take the chance of you getting lost or falling outside the barrier, as long as you stay on this side we will be protected. We just have to look out for imprints or tracks that could come from outside the barrier and into the school's territory since it would mean that someone has willingly allowed the school grounds without clearance." Chanyeol explained as simply as he could to the vampire who listened intently while following the Alpha in his footprints. 

Baekhyun had been thinking about a lot of things since he had offered himself and Chanyeol to be the border patrol, he was reminded of their first weapons making class where he had first tasted the blood of the Alpha. He recalled it being strange at first unlike any of the blood he had drunken before, it was almost more metallic tasting than any human's but it's taste had settled his hunger for longer than Kyungsoo's miracle juice, Baekhyun hadn't taken from the juice box in a long time he barely remembered the taste. 

"I've been thinking a lot about our first meetings, you know that day in the cafeteria where I met the Big Bad Wolf of Millennium High. The time when you gave me your blood in Weapon making, when you came to check on us after our first defense class, our first kiss-" 

"Baekhyun" Chanyeol called, stopping in his tracks which caused the vampire to hit into his chest since he wasn't paying attention. Baekhyun bit his lower lip as his gaze turned to the ground, he was nervous to look up into Chanyeol's eyes. They were soft and alluring he just couldn't allow himself to fall into the trap of them any longer, but he was weak to the touch on his chin forcing him to look up. "you already know what I feel about you, I'm just giving you time." 

"I know" the vampire nodded, his hands becoming clammy as his heart started to pound against his ribcage. "and I want to give you my answer, but I don't know if I can right now." 

"Then don't" The Alpha whispered lowering his head so that they were on the same eye level, his eyes focused on the latter's lips but he shook his head and turned so that they returned to where they were supposed to be. "not until you feel comfortable enough to tell me yourself." 

"Chanyeol" Baekhyun gasped, his eyes trailing back down to the ground like his mind had just registered something. The Alpha followed his gaze, their eyes widening once they realised that there was two sets of footprints leading into the school grounds and back out again. Whoever had entered had gone out the exact same way they had come in. "someone was allowed access to the school." 

Baekhyun watched in confusion as the werewolf crouched down onto his knees, the vampire's cheeks flared as his mind registered the action as something else that wasn't as innocent as he would have liken to admit. When the cloud in his mind finally cleared Baekhyun allowed his legs to fold so that he had crouched just enough to see what Chanyeol was inspecting. 

"Look at the impressions" The Alpha instructed, gently directing Baekhyun's gaze with the dip of his wrist. "the only going in weren't as deeper as the ones going out." 

"I'm not a very good tracker.." Baekhyun chuckled nervously, his fingertips scratching against the skin on his neck. Chanyeol let out a laugh before quietly apologising. 

"The tracks that lead out of the territory are deeper in the ground which would indicate that whoever came in left with something heavy." 

Baekhyun was quickly made aware of the stench of death filling the air, whatever had walked by here was dead for awhile. "The two guys in the infirmary," Baekhyun concluded, his eyes wide as Chanyeol sent him a look of confusion. "we didn't know them but they seemed to know you. They know you because they were warned about seeing you in school because they weren't apart of the school, they were given access so that they could take something!" 

"You think they took a body?" Chanyeol wondered, raising to his full stance. Baekhyun following him close behind. 

"I mean I guess? Think about it two people entered and two people left, there was two people in the infirmary that we had never seen before. They must have taken a body or at least something that was heavy enough to had their imprints sink in more than when they entered the barrier!" 

"Your brain is amazing" Chanyeol let out in a chuckle, without thinking he leant forward and pressed his lips against Baekhyun's forehead. He didn't allow himself to think about it since they had to check on the vampire's theory so without anymore deliberation Chanyeol lifted Baekhyun up from the ground and rushed with him in his arms back towards the school.  

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Beau1996 1381 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1381 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1381 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1381 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
750 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
750 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.