He's Park Chanyeol


~Byun Baekhyun~

"Baekhyun rise and shine" Luhan sing songed pulling the curtains away from each other allowing the afternoon-light into the room. Baekhyun who had somehow pulled the blankets up over himself during his sleep, rolled around grunting incoherent words. When he finally decided to take a peek outside the warmth of the cocoon he had found himself in, Baekhyun's breath left his body noticing Luhan standing in the sunlight's afternoon glow. 

"Luhan!" He screamed waiting to see the latter burn as per expectation from Kyungsoo and Suho. Yet when Luhan turned to him with a raised eyebrow Baekhyun's confusion deepened. 

"Oh you're expecting me to burn right? Kyungsoo informed me of your lack of that specific vampire gene last night, it's ok I won't come to any harm when I have my bracelet on" he declared with a smile, raising his arm up to showcase the said bracelet. Baekhyun sat up in his bed a curious expression taking place as he stared at the silver bangle hanging off his hyungs wrist. "It's been enchanted by Kyungsoo, it gives me the power to avoid harm in the UV rays" 

When the elder could see that not one word of his explanation had caused an affect on Baekhyun, he sighed. Carefully Luhan unfastened the clamp on his wrist and slipped the bracelet off, discarding it aside onto Baekhyun's bed. 

Suddenly large red boils appeared on Luhan's pale skin, the elder screamed in pain as steam floated off his body. Speeding towards him Baekhyun shoved him out of the sunlight, quickly closing the curtains to stop any trace of light trickling into the room. Confident in shielding his friend, Baekhyun turned and stared at the boy whimpering up against the wall by his bathcloset. "What the hell was that?!" He screamed watching Luhan flinch at the sudden outburst. "Why did you do that, you could have killed yourself!" 

"It's what happens to vampires when they don't have this in the sunlight" the bubblegum haired boy explained holding up his bracelet that was being clutched desperately in his fingertips. 

Slowly Baekhyun's hands ran themselves up the material of the curtains, the softness making him ghost a smile. Baekhyun began to pull them apart his eyes crinkling at the sight of the sunset. It was a beautiful sight to see. The midday sun settling behind the stretch of trees outside his window, the orange and pink sky greeting him as he stared more. 

As he watched, he waited for the boils to form on his skin but when they didn't, he couldn't help but slightly pout. "Is there something wrong with me that makes me unable to react the same way that you do?" He whispered closing the curtains back up again, before slumping down at the edge of his bed. 

Luhan stayed quiet for a moment, taking in the sight before him. Baekhyun looked lost and confused; like a puppy that had been offered a treat only for it to end up in the bin a moment later. "Honestly Baekhyun, I really dont know why you dont react the way I do to sunlight" Luhan sighed scratching his forehead, unable to think of a possibility. 

"Who would like to explain to me why you're awake so early in the morning?" Kyungsoo yawned walking into the room, a robe covering his Pj's. The raven haired boy leaned himself against a wall sending a glare to each of the vampires in the room. 

"I figured since Baekhyun went straight to bed last night, I could wake him up earlier so that he would be able to freshen up before we go to have breakfast downstairs" Luhan smiled clearly proud of the idea that sprung to mind after he was harshly awoken due to a nightmare. 

"Alright fine, but could you please stop stomping around the dorm when you're awake? You know my door is the only non-soundproof one here" the owl eyed boy glared, his eyes boring holes into Luhan's skull.  

"Noted" Luhan breathed with a nervous chuckle, when the warlock glares he makes your skin crawl while also making you question every single one of your life choices, all within that split moment. It was truly an amazing talent for someone so powerful.

"Well in that case we will leave you alone now Baekhyun, go wash up and meet us in the kitchen later I'll have a glass of blood and one of my boxes ready for you" Kyungsoo smiled to the boy who nodded gratefully in reply. "Come on Luhan" 

Baekhyun watched as the two boys waved at him one last time before disappearing out of his room. Judging by the time on his digital clock it was around 5:45 in the afternoon. With whispers he had heard from Suho breakfast didn't start till 7 so he still had plenty of time to get ready. Since he hadn't been given the uniform yet Baekhyun decided to just wear his natural clothes to breakfast, rather than his Pj's which were blue fluffy pants and a white tee. 

Entering his bathcloset after having dragged his duffel bag with him Baekhyun pulled out the clothes he had managed to shove into it in a hurry. Three sweaters, four jeans, two shirts and one large oversized jumper. They didn't even make a dent in the closet.. 

Finally Baekhyun stood under the falling hot water a wide smile on his lips as he dug his fingers gently into his scalp making sure that the shampoo reached his hair's roots. Suho had been right, Baekhyun really did find everything he needed in school; A toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo and body wash, a hair brush, lots of folded mixed sized towels, along with other stuff like bleach for cleaning and what not. 

Humming a tune that had been in his head since the moment he woke up Baekhyun favoured the last few moments he spent under the harsh flow of water. The hot liquid had been missed terribly, but now savoured by the smaller. Stepping out Baekhyun wrapped himself up in a towel and proceeded towards the top of the room. Stopping by the large long counter just infront of the sink, he looked into the mirror behind it and sighed. His once tanner skin had changed to a pale white, his eyes were hollow and unreadable but his smile had not dimmed. Throughout everything the boy had gone through in the past his smile never dissolved into nothing. 




"Here you go~" the warlock smiled passing the vampire his 'miracle juice'. Baekhyun happily accepted the outstretched juice box and straw. The texture was thicker than before and Baekhyun almost couldn't taste the difference between the blood he had tasted earlier or whatever was inside the juice box. But the bitter aftertaste made the difference obvious at the end. "I worked on it when you went to bed, I doubled all the indregients and even asked Luhan to try it out" 

"I'm not a newborn anymore and I can control my blood thirst but I'm still full from that box Kyung, you might want to do that to all you're boxes" the bubblegum haired giggled tapping his friend on the shoulder.  

Baekhyun watched the exchange with a grin, if he hadn't of known better he would have assumed the two boys before him were dating. Of course he wouldn't mind if they were because he too was gay but the awkwardness of being a third wheel within the dorm just made him uncomfortable. 

"Well come on I'm starving, Baekhyun you can just take the juice box with you. Everyone knows I make them for the vampires so you don't have to worry about having to gulp it down. Take your time with it" the said boy nodded and released the straw from between his lips. He followed them both to the door only to be stopped when Luhan turned around to look at him. 

"I almost forgot" he gasped reaching into his pant leg to pull out a silver key hanging on a ring with a keychain "this is the key to our dorm Since you're now living with us we want you comfortable so now you won't have to rely on Kyungsoo or I when you come back here or planning to go out on your own fearing that you won't be able to get back in" 

Baekhyun looked at the key for a brief moment, his eyes studying the way it curved and rose to form ridges. He thanked them both before slipping the key into the pocket of his jeans, his lips automatically wrapping around the straw again. "So um guys where exactly do we eat breakfast?" 

"We eat breakfast when the wolves and witches eat their dinner, and then again when we have dinner they'll have their breakfast" Luhan explained as they headed down the hallway after Kyungsoo had taken it upon himself to close and lock their door. "We eat in the cafeteria, then go back to our dormes to change into our uniforms although many students like to just eat with their uniforms on, too lazy to go back I guess" he laughed cracking a joke that went unfunny to the others. 

Baekhyun was amazed with just how many people there were in this school. So many faces, so many different people with amazing qualities that no human could dream of having. He was here to live a life full of happiness and security, nothing would make him want to change that. "This is amazing" he whispered looking around the bubbly atmosphere at all the students and tables that rang with noise. 

"Its just the cafeteria Baekhyun" Luhan giggled placing both hands on the boys shoulders from behind before disappearing into the lunch line. 

"Don't mind him" Kyungsoo shouted over the noise circling around them. "It might be the cafeteria but this place is where everyone gets to sit down together for a meal, so enjoy it!" 

Baekhyun laughed and nodded his eyes scanning through the crowd, only to have his attention caught by a rapidly waving hand in his direction. Baekhyun looked closer, trying to avoid eye contact to any of the other people his eyes ran over on the way. Suho was waving like a mad man telling him to come over at once. Baekhyun tapped Kyungsoo but the latter already seemed to have gotten the message. 

"Go I'll get you some food okay?" 

And with that Baekhyun left his friend's side and walked through the spaces by the filled tables. Suho had chosen one close to the middle, his red tray being an eyesore to the yellow table. Baekhyun's breath hitched when he noticed two other guys sitting at the table with his hyung. Kihyun being one of them. Speeding himself forward he quickly claimed the seat next to the half robotic boy while also having chosen the seat right across from Suho. 

"This is Minseok, he's a vampire too and he's my hyung. He's older then my fifty-four self" Suho chuckled wrapping an arm over the said boy at their table. Baekhyun took in his features; Cute cat like eyes, plump lips, a baby face and purple locks on his head, not the typical face of a vampire or so he thought.

"No offence hyung but there is no way that you're older than Suho, you look so young how is that possible?" Baekhyun wondered leaning over slightly on the table almost posing to hear a secret. Minseok chuckled before finding himself at a loss of words. 

"I like you" he blurted not meaning anything romantic about his statement which was very evident in his tone. "Thank you for the compliment, but I was turned younger than Suho although I have been a vampire a bit longer then he has" 

"A bit is a little understatement don't you think hyung?" Suho joked knocking his shoulder into the boy's beside him. Luhan had reappeared alongside Kyungsoo taking up some of the other seats vacant at the table. 

"Anyway, it's nice to officially meet you Baekhyun" Minseok grinned reaching across the table to shake the younger's hand. 

"It's nice to meet you too hyung" he smiled stretching across his tray in order to seem polite and accept the outstretched hand before him. 

"I'm sorry but is Byun Baekhyun at this table?" A woman wearing a suit and of small build questioned, glancing between each of the six boys.

"Yeah that's me" Baekhyun smiled sticking his hand up in order to be noticed. The woman turned to his direction and smiled, her eyes widening ever so slightly. 

"It's great to have you here Mr Byun, I'm Ms Lee your principal" she bowed, her aura shinging with authority. 

Baekhyun immediately stood up bowing the full 90 degrees to show his manners yet his voice failed him as he spoke "Hel-hello."

The lady chuckled shaking her head uttering a small 'Cute' while giving Suho a pale yellow file. "This is your class schedule, I mirrored some of your friends classes into your own so that you can feel comfortable while you're here with us." 

Suho passed Baekhyun the folder giving the boy a nod to get him to open it up. On each page there was a simple run down of each of the classes in which he would be taking part in as well as the topic that the class had already gone through. 

"I hope everything is up to your standards Mr Byun" Ms Lee smiled, turning on her heel to walk away. 

"Wait Ms Lee" Baekhyun called stopped the principal midstep. 

"Yes?" She questioned her head tilting as she waited patiently for her student to inform her of a mistake. 

"I can't take French" he stated, his eyes running through the other language options the school had on offer. 

"And why is that Mr Byun?" She asked, eyebrow raised generally curious. 

Baekhyun shivered under her stare "It's because I've always wanted to learn Latin."

The lady cracked a grin her eyes becoming soft. "That's fine Baekhyun, I'll reassign you to Latin with Mr Anthony right away. Kihyun looks like you have a new class member" she winked towards the boy before turning around and walking away. The boy's eyes followed her until she was out of earshot before tuning back to Baekhyun who sat shaking like a leaf, the discarded file resting by his tray of untouched food. 

"She seems like a nice lady" he mumbled, near missing the faint burn of his cheeks when they used to get embarrassed. It was highly unlikely that a vampire could blush given their death circumstances as it was a rare occurance. 

"Good morning vampires and good afternoon werewolves and witches" a sudden voice boomed through the speakers on the wall. Baekhyun jumped in his seat before turning around to face the lady he had just spoken with. He seen her standing up on a little wooden podium by the top of the cafeteria located by the food. "As some of you are aware, this morning we have had a breach of sercuity in the west side of our shield. Vampires who had been sleeping at this time have only recieved this news now while the witches and wolves were alerted in class. It has come to my attention that the rogue wolf is apart of Maddix's clan. He had somehow managed to get through our border barely alive" A few gasps were heard around the room, Baekhyun extremely confused about what was happening right now. "He is in the hospital wing at the moment, healing...NOW before you all rush there, know that he is not a threat to this school. He has given us alot of information already against Maddix and he will be rewarded by joining our family. Do I make myself clear to you all?" 

Whispers turned to shouts causing many of the vampires to whimper under the intense hearing, the sound not having the same effect on the wolves. 

"At least it's not another bloodsucker" a guy from the centre table snickered his voice going above everyone else's, his blond hair bouncing on his head as he shook with laughter. 

"That's right we have enough of those vamps for my liking" another guy at the table chuckled earning a high five from his friend. Baekhyun glared daggers over to them but managed to somehow keep himself quiet as the group of boys went back to their own conversations. 

"Luhan was the last one to join us" Minseok explained with a hushed voice, looking to the bubblegum vampire beside him. The eldest wrapped an arm over his shoulders causing Luhan to lean into his touch. Although vampires were cold to the touch their embrace was still very much appreciated. 

"What!" Baekhyun gasped turning towards the deer eyed boy who only nodded, too embarrassed to say anything when it was clear that the wolves had addressed him when they made their comments. Out of anger and experience of being bad-mouthed, Baekhyun turned back to the table in the centre of the room whispering words of profanities in its direction. "So I'm guessing they're wolves?" Everyone at his table nodded, Kihyun's head hanging low, his gaze fixated on his food rather than on Baekhyun or the wolf pack behind him.

"They are the Royal's the group of alphas that run the school, Suho told you about them last night" Kyungsoo sighed his fingers drumming a rhythm on the table, unable to do or think of anything else as anger flowed through his body. Magic outside the classroom wasn't frowned upon but if it for causing some level of harm to another student then he would be facing witch detention, which more or less meant no tallisment or spells for a week. Baekhyun realeased a puff of air in annoyance.

"When was the last time we got a new bloodsucker anyway?" Baekhyun overheard them say, he didn't know why but he stood up. His back has been facing their table since it was the seat he had chosen, but now as he had full view of it he scoffed. They were clearly called alphas for a reason considering their build represented what an alpha was supposed to look like; Somewhat tall and had musclea reasonable amount of it, and of course a massive ego to go hand in hand with an personality. 

"Can you be any louder!?" He called over his body working on just pure frustration. He had dealt with these type of situation when he was living with his supposed 'mate', he knew what it felt like to be discriminated against. 

Like a wave whispers flourished throughout the cafeteria, witches, vampires and wolves alike each sent the vampire a glance. Some of worry, others of anxiousness and of course the obvious 'he has a dead wish'. But Baekhyun still stood his ground, glaring at the six eyes that stared at him in amazement.

One of the two blonde haired wolves stood up, Baekhyun recognising him as the one that had started this whole thing. "And who the hell are you, to tell us to shut up?" He questioned, his face Baekhyun considered to be handsome, had he not wanted to put the guys head through a wall.  

"It does matter who I am as long as you listen to my words and shut the hole that makes the words come out 'kay?" He sassed looking the wolf dead in the eye. Everyone gasped in surpise but Baekhyuns eyes narrowed seeing how the boy's friends had pulled him to sit back down. Another taller more muscular wolf stood up, his hair which was style up was a beautiful silver, his eyes a deep chocolate brown the colour mesmerizing to Baekhyun who claimed have never seen it before. 

"Baek sit back down" Suho instrucyed his Eomma mode automactically switching on at the sight of the frozen vampire before him. Baekhyun shook his head breaking the trance the wolf held over him, lifting his leg over the bench in which he sat on, Baekhyun stood fully on the floor. Everyone's eyes watching the two staring teens quietly. 

"You're new" the boy sniffed taking a stepping closer, the people at the tables on either side of his path froze. Baekhyun was surpised by the deepness of the latter's voice but couldn't let it stop him now, not when he had grown so angry so easily. 

"Yeah I am and I'm the new vampire, but I guess I was'nt important enough to have gained your attention" he stated his eyes fixated on the latters. 

The wolf chuckled shaking his head before looking past Baekhyun at the table in which he sat. "Suho you turn this one?" He questioned a brow raised in wonder. 

"N-no" Suho called back over, his voice failing him to keep his cool. The wolf immediately turned his eyes back to Baekhyun's causing a somewhat weird feeling to form in the smallers gut. 

"He found me" Baekhyun explained straightening his back to appear both taller and confident although the hard look he was receiving wanted to make him return back to his friends, but he couldn't appear weak that would just give them an excuse to more. 

The silver haired giant nodded, his head rising up. "So bloodsucker, you got a name?" He dared to ask his question making something within the vampire snap. 

Baekhyun's jaw clenched, his hands creating small fists by his side's, going unnoticed by the alpha that was only focused on his eyes. "I'm a vampire not a bloodsucker" 

The guy waved his hand brushing him off. "You're a guy who blood ie. bloodsucker"

"I'm a guy who's dead and drinks blood, literally the definition of a vampire" Baekhyun shot back his eyes blazing in fire over the shaming word. Vampire disguised what they meant, it was a person who was dead and was somehow living again. Yet bloodsucker just hit something within Baekhyun that made him feel upset about the name calling. 

"Nah I'm calling you whatever I want to call you, that's how we work in this school, you listen to me" the wolf smirked crossing his arms over his chest, thinking that Baekhyun would easily back down after hearing what he had to say, boy was he wrong. 

"Really? Because last time I checked it's a school that means that we actually have to listen to them" Baekhyun hissed pointing over to the teachers dotted around the hall each one watching (along with the students) what was happening in the middle of the cafeteria with shackled jaws. 

In anger Chanyeol's long sharp fangs came out, his once chocolate brown eyes flickered yellow. Baekhyun's breath hitched noticing the familiar action, from a memory in his mind filed under those he 'wished to forget'. After closing his eyes and steadied his breathing the wolf's appearance went back to normal. 

"Were you planning on biting me!?" Baekhyun shouted his fright but memory driven action caused him to cover one side of his neck in question. 

"Emm Baek-" Kyungsoo started but wasn't able to finish when Chanyeol yelled in shock. 

"WHAT NO! Do you even know what that does!!" The wolf quickly took a couple steps back, putting distance between himself and the vampire. The distant laughs and giggles filling the room from the other students who watched with amusement now. 

"No" Baekhyun admitted truthfully. "But I could tell you wanted to."

The giant stood frozen staring at the vampire for a good few seconds wide eyed. Baekhyun took this as a chance to sit back down at his table, claiming his victory with the silence of the big bad wolf. Yet the fact that everyone's eyes were still on him made him feel like this wasn't the end of the fight. "What?" He asked his friend who in turn stared at him in shock. 

"Baekhyun that's Park Chanyeol" Kyungsoo hissed his head falling into his hands, already deciding what he wanted in his funeral service. "Someone you don't mess with" 

"Am I supposed to freak out?" Baekhyun asked looking to Suho for the answer. "Because I'm not, he may freak you all out but he's just a puppy to me" 

"A puppy" Minseok laughed sarcastically too afraid to laugh fully like he orginally wanted to do. "He really does have a death wish Suho"

"What...No you don't have to freak out...but you shouldn't talk about him biting you" Luhan whispered leaning closer on the table so Baekhyun could hear his low voice. The youngest not understanding what he was missing out on. 

"Why, what's the big deal if he wanted to bite me?" Baekhyun asked turning his head to the side. "I thought that's what they do, wolves usually bite things right?" 

"Yeah when they want to find their mates!" Suho scolded his voice low. Baekhyun didn't even know why they were talking so low when he knew everyone in the room could hear including the tall wolf statue he left in the middle of the cafeteria. 


"When a wolf is looking for their mate they bite someone, say for example Sehun over there was to bite Luhan" Kyungsoo began with a sigh pointing to the said blonde wolf at the table a couple feet behind Baekhyun. 

"YAH!" Luhan shouted hitting the other on his shoulder, his face surely had turned bright red had it not been for the bad circulation in vampire's bodies. 

"The blonde guy that started this mess?" Baekhyun asked Kihyun who nodded in return unable to speak at the moment, too surpised that Baekhyun even had the balls to stand up against the Alpha male. 

"I SAID FOR EXAMPLE!" Kyungsoo shouted back. It was only then that they realise their conversation could be heard throughout the hall. Baekhyun rolled his eyes as everyones attention turned to their table. 

"Scream...sure, let all of Korea hear you..." Suho sighed scabing his apple with a plastic fork, somehow managing to get the utensil through the fruit without breaking it. 

"Anyway if Sehun was to bite Luhan FOR EXAMPLE" Kyungsoo warned "They would become attracted to each other, they'd spend about a week together doing what couple usually do when starting out. But then after that week Sehun would be able to know if Luhan really was his mate. If the process works and Luhan is his mate that would mean that they basically go off into the sunset happy ever after blah blah blah" Kyungsoo explained, his eyes rolling when he talked about the 'happily ever after' bit.

"And if not?" Baekhyun wondered fully engrossed by the information, and seriously starting to think Sehun and Luhan would be a cute couple although as before, he did want to put the wolves head through a wall. 

"Metaphorically speaking" Luhan stated glaring daggers at his friend "I'd go into depression, and if I'm not strong enough I guess I would die from the toxic venom, Sehun on the other hand would just go back to looking for mates, he'd be ok" Luhan finished. 

"Okay, so that could have happened if that weird giant over there bit me?" Baekhyun wondered his brow raising as he tried to fit puzzle pieces together. 

"Well-" Kyungsoo started but wasn't able to finish since Luhan got there before him. 

"You see Chanyeol's different than the other wolves, us vamps can't tell the difference between them all but apparently there is one" Luhan couldn't help but giggle looking over to the table with a fond smile. Baekhyun nodded waiting for Luhan to go on. "He hasn't bit anyone because his venom is nothing like the others or so I've heard"  

"So basically we don't know what the happens to the person he bites" Suho spoke up hitting his hand off the Apple sending it tumbling to the ground. 

Baekhyun's eyes widened, but nothing held him back as he stood up, slowly this time and swang his leg back over the bench. Going over to the wolf Baekhyun stared at his frozen expression, admitting to himself that he was cute, but not someone he would like to get involved with. 

"Still a statue or can you move?" He asked, bouncing up and down on his tiptoes. 

"I can move" came the deep reply. 

"Can you stop calling us bloodsuckers now?" Baekhyun grinned rocking back and forward on his toes adding some cute aspect of himself into his words. 

"Your friends tell you one story and you're already trying to make me not hate you" Chanyeol chuckled his eyes closing as he did so.

"Chanyeol was it?" Baekhyun wondered, not wanting now to be the time that he slipped up over something so foolish as the wolf's name. 

The giant nodded and Baekhyun stepped closer, fitting himself just under Chanyeol's chin. The action shocking everyone including the giant himself. Taking a quiet breath Baekhyun moved his shirt freely exposing his neck, which was being served to the wolf by free will. "I couldn't care less about your superwolf bite or whatever it is that you decided to call it, if you wanna bite me like you did earlier go ahead, but I'm telling you now stop calling my kind bloodsuckers or I'll make your life a living hell"  

Chanyeol stiffened, his eyes darkening to a yellowish gold, his fangs came out and began dripping with venom. Baekhyun figured he looked hotter with them out. He tilted his head in anticipation, warm hands held his waist which made him freeze for a moment. The contact something that he had never felt before, warmth. 

"Chanyeol don't do it!" Sehun called from the table, he looked terrified but knew that he wouldn't be able to reach his friend in time if he did bite the boy in his arms.

"He wants me too, his basically asking me to ruin his life!" Chanyeol called back his yellow eyes never fallening from Baekhyun's. 

"I'll be the one ruining your life puppy" Baekhyun whispered, feeling his breath hit Chanyeol's skin and bounce back to him. Chanyeol's fangs grew larger the more emotion he felt. Baekhyun more by his lips slowly running his finger up the taller's neck. "I don't think it would be fair if you were to bite me but I couldn't bite you, now would it?" 

Chanyeol for some reason found himself shaking his head. His grip on Baekhyun's waist getting tighter for no reason that he was willing to admit. 

"I know for a fact werewolves love blood~" the vampire sing songed keeping his voice low and y as he did so. "They don't need it to survive like we do but they love it's taste all the same, I do hope when I become your meal you like me just as much as I'll like you"

"Stop..." Chanyeol whispered his breath heavy, his tight grip loosening ever so slightly, giving Baekhyun the need to go on. 

"What? Oh, the big bad wolf can't take it when someone so small in comparison to him teases him?" With that Baekhyun pulled away, letting his shirt fall back into place, Chanyeol's eyes had shifted to his again and damn did he look annoyed. "Don't call my kind bloodsuckers anymore, and we'll see if you get your prize" he winked sitting himself back down next to Kihyun, not even surpised when he seen the latter's boyfriend on the seat next to him. 

"Why you little-" Chanyeol hissed stepping forward but a hand on his shoulder made him freeze. 

"Come on man not today, sit down and eat your food" Sehun stated pulling the wolf back over to their table. Baekhyun watching them go with a smirk of victory playing on his lips. He caught sight of the other students shellshocked expressions, clearly they expected more than what they received. 

"You can all go back to whatever it was you were doing" he annouced watching everyone slowly but surely turn back around in their seats, mouths closing and wide eyes narrowing. 

"Em..what just happened?" Kyungsoo asked the now loud air as students all shared the possibilities of different outcomes between the werewolf and the vampire, had Sehun not stopped the giant in his wake. 

"I think Baek just teased the main Alpha of the school" Minseok clapped raising his hand for Luhan to hit which he did. 

"So tell me who are those guys?" Baekhyun began scanning his eyes through the Royal tables members. 

"Who?" Minseok wondered trying to follow Baekhyun gaze but failing. 

"The Alpha's, like what's their names, their mates names, their special abilites if they have any etc." 

"Their werewolves not superheroes" Suho giggled.

"Come on~" Baekhyun coaxed wanting to find out more. 

"Well see that tall guy with the black leather jacket and blonde spiky hair?" Luhan explained pointing descretly with his finger to the table of wolves. 

Baekhyun rolled his eyes unable to follow his hyungs direction. Standing up and walked to him and claimed the seat next to him. Ploping himself down next to Luhan who had a very good view of the table he nodded finally seeing the wolf the bubblegum haired boy was describing.

"Thats Kris, he's Canadian and Chinese, Alpha obviously. He lives with that small troll cartoon looking guy and that guy that looks like he's high off his head" Luhan stated earning a hit to the back of the head by Suho who glared his way. 

"Yah! Don't call Lay stoner, he's adorable and would never do such a thing!" 

"Just because he's your anchor doesn't mean that he's not stoned!" Luhan snapped back. 

As the two continued their verbal disagreement Baekhyun turned to Minseok who explained the rest of the gang of wolves. "That small troll looking cartoon guy that Luhan was talking about is called Chen although, his real name is Jongdae but he prefers his nickname." 

"Why?" Baekhyun wondered, his eyes not falling from the wolves table

"No idea" Minseok shrugged, taking a sip of his soup. 

"Who's the one with the dark skin and big lips?" 

"That's Kai or Jongin, him and Sehun are like a married couple, they fight all the time. Almost every teacher in the entire school is sick of their pranks they put around the place for each other, a majority of the time the pranks actually end up for someone else" 

"They do pranks?" Baekhyun gasped looking between the two boys with interest. He loved pranks himself so knowing that other people in the school also did, made him feel happy. 

"They sometimes team up with Chen and when that happens, well I'll let you see for yourself but its always as if a bomb went off" 

Baekhyun couldn't help but laugh. He knows where to go for planning ideas then. "What about Lay what's his role in the gang?" 

"The mother and that's being completely honest, he's the one that scolds them everytime they do things wrong or even kill the wrong animal during hunts, I'm sure he's scolding Chanyeol right now too" 

"And what about Chanyeol, who is he to them?" 

Baekhun could notice the slight hesitation in his friend's facial expression. Minseok took a deep breath and turned to Baekhyun completely. "He's their Alpha, they follow him, the younger ones mostly but all nonetheless. He's usually full of himself and a bit of a player every now and again whenever he's bored. But I gotta admit Baek, he is nice once you get to know him, although I know him well I still get scared of him sometimes" 

"You two are close?" 

"We are kinda. Suho and Lay have a special bond being anchors so we all usually see each other in our dorm, apart from that I would have never known them" 

"You share a dorm with Suho right?" Baekhyun questioned earning a nod of approval in return. 

"Yep and we have been asked by Ms Lee if we could offer our spare bedroom to the rogue wolf from Maddix's clan" 

"Who is Maddix?" 

"Well there are many different rumors about what he is. Some say he's a witch, others say he's a vampire. I think I even heard a rumor about him being both, but hey don't worry they're only rumors!" 

Baekhyun released a fake laugh. His clouded over mind trying to piece together possible ways in which he had heard the name before. 

"You said something about Suho and Lay being anchors, what does that mean?" Baekhyun asked, his mind screaming for help filling in the blanks.

"Ok so" Minseok spoke before clearing his throat. "An anchor to a vampire is basically someone who will help him or her reduce their need for blood" 

"By supplying them?" 

"No if anything they do whatever they can to get you away from the instinct to kill. Have you ever just walked down the street and like, maybe you seen someone walk by and you get a whiff of their blood?" 

Baekhyun nodded shamefully. 

"You feel like you want to go and drain them of that blood correct?" Again Baekhyun nodded. "An anchor pulls you away from that. They basically force the hunger away from you, keeping you anchored to your humanity, keeping you from harming yourself or that person" 

"But how?" Baekhyun asked unable to think of how something like this could be blocked by a single human being, or in this case a supernatural being. 

"It's different for every anchor, the way Lay gets Suho to calm down is by talking and touching his hand or cheek ectera" Minseok shrugged glancing at the younger vampire who was still engrossed in a full debate with Luhan about how Lay wasn't a stoner.

"That's sorta cute" Baekhyun giggled glancing between the wolf and his friend, surpise written into his face when Lay turned to face him with a smile. Baekhyun sent one back but quickly turned away when seeing another wolf at the table glare in his direction. 

"Oh believe me when I tell you this, they are the most cutest thing when they are by each other's side" Minseok chuckled, bumping his shoulder into the youngers. 

"Really?" Baekhyun cooed, the corner of his eye noticing Yixing as he passed by the tables and came up behind Suho in order to wrap his arms around the vampires shoulders. Baekhyun's jaw dropped seeing them so close and so focused in their own little world.

Minseok nodded leaning forward "we think they're mates" he whispered. Baekhyun's eyes widened.

"THAT'S ADORABLE!" He screamed gaining the attention that had previously been on him and Chanyeol. "YAH Pay no attention to me! Don't you guys have food to be eating or something?!" 

Like before the students and facility members turned away and continued with their breakfast (for the vampires) and dinner (for the wolves and witches)

"Suho?" Baekhyun spoke up looking at the elder and the wolf who were hugging each other close, while also feeding themselves the food that had been on Suho's plate. 

"Yes Baekhyun?" The vampire wondered turning his gaze away from Lay to look at the vampire he had brought to this school.

"Oh so you're names Baekhyun I couldn't hear it earlier, I'm Yixing but you can call me Lay. I'm apart of the group of alphas you made clear you didn't like" Lay chuckled taking a grape and feeding it to Suho. 

"Ah no, I don't hate you all, just your leader" Baekhyun muttered crossing his arms over his chest while sending a glare in the giants direction. 

"Ah Chanyeol, yeah I can understand why you do. I scolded him when Sehun dragged him back, he's very aggressive when it comes to confrontation escpically when it's with a vampire" 

"See you know better to call us vampires why can't he?" 

"The only reason why is because of Suho, werewolves and vampires do not get along at all. There's traditions going back thousands of years our kind can't mix with your own." 

"But you and Suho seem to be mixing very well" Baekhyun giggled looking between the two now blushing males. 

"We have exceptions" Suho stated his voice low. 

"I'm sorta confused" he whispered unconsciously using his baby voice. 

"Over what honey?" Luhan wondered, inwardly dieing over the adorable ball of fluff next to him. 

"Because Kihyun isn't a vampire or a werewolf or a witch so what his he?" 

"We're considered to be under the witches category" Changkyun explained with a small smile, his fingers laced with Kihyun's. 


"Chanyeol thought that it would be easier to label people with different abilities that way" Lay sighed his shoulders shagging. "He didn't like the idea of having to list out all the types of supernatural beings we had here. So he kept it short, three titles and alot of branches beneath them" 

"Seriously?!" Baekhyun shrieked, his anger for the giant continuing to grow. 

"You'll get used to it" Minseok smiled hitting into the newborn's shoulder gently. Baekhyun whinced at the impact but chose to ignore his hyungs words. There was no way that he would get used to it. People should be allowed to be who they wanted to be, be classed under their own type. Whether it was ghoul or half robotic boys, everyone was entitled to their own title and Chanyeol needed to learn that. 

"That's bull, people have the right to have their own type!" Baekhyun hissed slamming his hands down on the table. 

"I love how passionate he gets about a topic" Minseok cooed running his fingers through Baekhyun's hair. 

"Baek, look as much as we praise you for thinking that this is bad like we do there is nothing you can do about it" Kyungsoo sighed. 

"I don't believe that" Baekhyun shook his head in denial, but first things first he had to get the wolf to agree to call his kind vampires and not bloodsuckers.

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Beau1996 1381 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1381 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1381 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1381 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
750 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
750 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.