Land of the Living


Baekhyun winced at the sight of the blaring infirmary lights above him, their gentle humming ringing in his ears.

His vision was suddenly filled with the faces of his friends, their hands against their lips as they stared down at him with tears trailing down their cheeks.

Their hair was all over the place, sticking up in various directions as if they had pulled on it relentlessly. The faces of his omega friends blinked down at him, smiles spreading along their lips as they welcomed him back to the land of the living.

Their voices muffled into one loud overwhelming sound, Baekhyun assumed that they were desperate to hear about what happened but he discarded telling them.

Instead he pushed himself up with the help of his forearms, his legs heavy as he tried to stand up by himself. He felt Minseok and Tao rush to hold him up, to at least aid Baekhyun to stabilise himself.

But the vampire pulled himself away from them, baring his fangs at them which caused the group to back down especially when they noticed how brightly coloured Baekhyun's eyes were.

The group dispersed, moving to the other side of the room. Some sat themselves down on the end of the infirmary beds, watching through their tear-filled eyes as Baekhyun made his way to the bed right next to the one in which he had woken up from.

His eyes coursed over Chanyeol's figure, starting from his bright silver locks and cascading down until his feet. He noticed that neither of them were wearing shoes which could only mean that they had been taken off just shortly after they entered their coma-like state. Baekhyun raised his hand and gently ran his fingers down his soulmate's cheek, smiling ever so slightly when he felt the heat radiating from his skin.

A black design caught Baekhyun's attention as his eyes continued to watch over his mate, moving his hand lower the vampire's breath hitched when he noticed that the black mark he had seen was actually Chanyeol's identification mark gifted to him the day he attacked Daehyun in order to protect Baekhyun.

The vampire quickly checked his own, smiling brightly when he noticed that it too had appeared on the band of his wrist.

It was final.

The curse had been broken.

"Come on giant," Baekhyun whispered, lowering himself down so that he could be closer to his soulmate's ear. He allowed their fingers to curl together so that once Chanyeol awoke he would see him first. "it's time to get up."

A single groan filled the air, Chanyeol's eyebrows furrowing together in the centre of his forehead. Baekhyun watched as his mate slowly opened his eyes, his lower lip dropping to find words. "Well that ing hurt."

The vampire let out a laugh, nodding his head in understanding. He allowed his mate to take a moment to collect himself, after all Chanyeol had suffered a lot more than Baekhyun had in his process of waking up.

Not only was he overwhelmed with the memories of his past lives, but he was also plagued with the voices and darkness that came after having absorbed the Kroan's power source.

Still when it became obvious that Chanyeol wanted to leave the bed, Baekhyun offered to help him sit himself up. Together they rose from the mattress, their eyes trained on the boys who stared at them in a mixture of shock and horror.

"Are you guys okay?" Kyungsoo wondered, blinking back the tears in his eyes.

Baekhyun noticed his best friend's neck was covered in his own power symbol, which led him to believe that something had happened while they were away.

"We're fine," Chanyeol took it upon himself to answer, knowing how hesitant his mate was now that he knew what had happened in their first life. The Alpha forced his hand free from his mate's tight grip and instead decided to wrap it around the smaller's waist, which earned him a content hum in return. "I see that some things changed while we were gone."

"We remember." Sehun announced, looking up at his hyung with tears in his eyes. "I want to take a moment and thank you Chanyeol, I don't know if you can remember but when we were fighting the Kroans during our first life... Jongin and I were severely injured and with your bravery we were able to survive. I want you to know that I am forever in your debt-"

"As am I." Jongin declared, standing tall beside the blonde haired werewolf. "You saved us all that day."

"For the record I already thanked you," Luhan blushed, eyes unable to meet Baekhyun's. "even if it almost endangered my life." he mumbled the rest of his sentence, shyly looking over at his friend who beamed at the words.

"Serves you right." He stuck his tongue out, already starting to feel a little more at ease with the boys.

Maybe Chanyeol was right, perhaps they had grown too much to allow something from the past to come between them. Nevertheless Baekhyun still kept his walls high, his eyes momentarily finding Kris within the small crowd.

The tallest wolf didn't appear to want to set his eyes on anyone, focused on the ground below his feet. Tao was by his side but the wolf hadn't reached to hold on to the Beta's hand.

Chanyeol cleared his throat, his grip tightening ever so slightly on Baekhyun's waist, which in turn pulled Baekhyun's attention back to him.

The Alpha seemed to notice the tension hanging over everyone's shoulders, some of their friends moved uncomfortably on the beds while others shifted around awkwardly on their feet. No one really knew what to say, knowing that whatever words did slip from their mouths wouldn't make up for the things they had forced their friend to go through. It was a miracle that Baekhyun actually allowed himself to keep quiet, there were words ready on his tongue but he thought better than to use them.

Instead he drew a deep breath and turned to Chanyeol as his guide, the Alpha still able to read the queries orbiting his mind. Taking it upon himself, Chanyeol turned back to face his friends. Everyone's eyes fell on him as he spoke.

"Has anything happened while we were away?"

"There hasn't been an attack," Kris explained, still refusing to look up from the ground. "Daehyun still hasn't shown his face. We took turns watching over you as school recommenced and the vampires took control of manning the border during the night, since Daehyun likes using mind control we figured that it would be best to put creatures who could withstand it on duty."

"They also liked the fact that they were missing classes." Jongdae joked, causing a couple accidental giggles to erupt into the air. Baekhyun even found himself smiling. Trust Jongdae to find a way to ease the tension.

"I freaked out when I saw your arm," Kyungsoo whispered, his eyes unfocused. Mind no doubt lost in thoughts. "it was blackened with grey veins. Before we knew it the poison was spreading fast, through your fingers and up towards your elbow where it had seemed to stop for a while. I noticed that it had disappeared when we woke up."

"We?" Baekhyun wondered, brow raising. "Did you guys sleep in here with us?"

"We didn't have much of a choice," Yixing shrugged his shoulders. "It had come out of no-where. Every single one of us dropped like flies, there was no fighting it. We just simply succumbed to sleep."

"You guys got your memories back," Chanyeol nodded his head. "we got told that you would once we finished the tasks. You must have fallen asleep when I found Baekhyun again."

"What is it like for you guys to have your memories back?" Baekhyun questioned, looking at each of the boys in turn.

"Well it hurt," Jongin laughed. "like a twenty foot wave was crashing into me. There's a few things that I wish I never remembered but I suppose the rest of it was alright, besides we weren't out for very long."

"About an hour, at most." Suho clarified, his head bobbing up and down seemingly agreeing with Jongin's statement. "What was it like for the both of you?"

"Pretty much the same." Baekhyun shrugged his shoulders, but his head tilted back to look up at his mate.

Chanyeol seemed to be focusing on something, reviewing his experience and if it was worthwhile telling the others about it. He looked to Baekhyun for security, the vampire offering him a sad smile already knowing that it was incredibly worse for his mate. From what he had learned about Chanyeol's first life, he knew there was no way that his soulmate hadn't suffered a lot more than he had in the process of reawakening.

"It was intense," Chanyeol began, using his free hand to swipe against his forehead. "Everything came to me in pieces-"

Baekhyun's intake of air was sharp, his eyes filling with unshed tears. He realised that Chanyeol hadn't experienced a once off wave of hurt, instead the giant had succumbed to large bursts of pain spontaneously imposed as each memory returned to his mind.

Just how much pain had he experienced today?

"It felt like I was being burned alive which I know is ironic but I always had a somewhat strong hold on my flames."

Baekhyun felt himself turning, his eyes boring holes into Kris' skull. As Three he had often spoken freely about Chanyeol (read Eight)'s inability to control his powers. Baekhyun had expected him to make a sly comment like all that time ago, and yet Kris remained mute, eyes closed and frown burrowed deep on his face.

"What I mean to say is... it stung like a but it's over now and I'm awake. Which is great news and therefore I should probably go and find my Eomma."

"She took Colin and Skylar to the cafeteria a little while ago, as an apology for what she had said to her when you guys were.. busy." Jongdae instructed the two mates after having located what he felt to be the right word to end his sentence with. Baekhyun nodded his head, and together with Chanyeol they stepped out of the infirmary shoeless.

They both let out a relieved breath of air as they took in the familiar walls and hallways, they couldn't help but giggle amongst themselves as they came across a couple of the hallways they had played around in with one another. Thankfully most of the blinds had been pulled down in the classrooms, which gave them some much needed privacy after their sudden awakening.

"You're very harsh on them." Chanyeol's deep voice rang through his head, forcing Baekhyun to look up from the hallway and towards his mate who was already smiling down at him. "You can't be angry at them for something that happened so long ago, can't the bond we created in our second life as well as our six hundred and fourteenth be enough to prove that they have changed?"

"I know" Baekhyun drew out the last syllable. His fingers reached out to curl through his mate's, only when Chanyeol's palm was pressed against his own did Baekhyun drop the sound. "but you can't blame me for being a little bitter, after all I just found out that they did it. Neither of us knew this piece of information before and now that it's been exposed I feel like it's only natural to feel a little bit bitter about it."

"And all those glares you keep sending in Kris' direction?" Chanyeol teased, brow raised.

"He deserves it more than the rest of them!" Baekhyun hissed, his eyes flashing that beautiful liquid mercury Chanyeol adored. "If it wasn't for him then, you wouldn't have been so self-conscious and if it wasn't for him now then Six would have never used him to turn me against you!"

"You make valid points," Chanyeol muttered, his steps coming to a halt. Baekhyun felt a tug on his hand and allowed it to pull him right up against his mate's chest. The two of them naturally bowed their heads, their forehead's touching in the middle. "but don't you think he deserves another chance to prove himself to you? I mean I understand that you dislike him now for the reasons you described, but didn't you see his face? He genuinely looked devastated about what happened Baekhyun, he couldn't even look either of us in the eye! And believe me, that is something very large for a guy like Kris."

"You know him longer this life time so I suppose that you make a valid point yourself," Baekhyun sighed, his shoulders dropping and his eyes closing. "so I'll trust you when you say to give him another chance... even if I'm a little unhappy about it."

"I'll make it up to you," Chanyeol chuckled, pulling back to press his lips against his mate's forehead. Baekhyun's grin creeping onto his lips before he could even think about stopping it. "whatever you wanna do, I'll do it!"

"I still want a picnic, they ruined the last one by taking us to the cafeteria!" Baekhyun gushed, a pout forming on his lips which resulted in his mate pressing the most feather-light kiss against it.

Baekhyun scowled. "Okay I have something better for right now, kiss me like you ing mean it!"

Chanyeol laughed which only drove Baekhyun's frustrations deeper, the poor vampire stood with a frown watching as his mate threw his head back and laughed so hard his entire body was trembling.

Still, falling through with his word. Chanyeol gently wrapped his arms around his lover's waist, pulling him close again. Although his body was still shaking and a small chuckle still came from his lips, Chanyeol leaned down to fulfil his mate's wish and pressed their lips together.

Baekhyun's arms wound themselves around his soulmate's neck, his fingers interlocking just below the silver locks. The vampire hummed into the kiss, satisfied that Chanyeol was no longer chuckling and had instead fully immersed himself into the kiss. Delivering a spine-tingling gesture that had Baekhyun's heart almost fighting its way out of his chest.

There was an ever so faint breeze dusting against Baekhyun's cheek from Chanyeol as he gently exhaled through his nose, content to have his mate back in his arms after what felt like an eternity without him.

The vampire let out a surprised gasp when he felt the cool wall press against his back, the sudden spike in temperature burning through Baekhyun's shirt. Chanyeol's tongue lapped softly against his lips, a featherlight touch, gentle and caring that caused Baekhyun's knees to shake.

When Chanyeol pulled away to begin pressing his puckered lips against his neck, Baekhyun spent the time filling his lungs with air. The desire in the pit of his stomach was growing as his soulmate continued to with a few lingering kisses, not enough pressure to give him pleasure.

"Kiss me properly!" Baekhyun huffed, using one of his hands to push against Chanyeol's neck.

He could feel the short gusts of air fan out against the skin on his neck, followed briefly by Chanyeol's quiet chuckle that tickled Baekhyun's ear. He gasped when his soulmate's hands tightened ever so slightly around his waist, pulling it right up against him which naturally drew a blush to Baekhyun's cheeks when he realised exactly what was happening.

Baekhyun was forced to realise how short he was in comparison to the werewolf, in a way he would have never imagined.

When Chanyeol pressed against him again Baekhyun's head fell against the wall behind him, the outline of his soulmate's rubbed just above his own. He knew that had the Alpha turned him around Baekhyun would be feeling Chanyeol's against his , his body a perfect height to slip it in without having to do any specific movement.

That thought alone was making Baekhyun's restraint crumble around him, the vampire having to bite his lower lip to hold in a moan as his soulmate drew their hips closer. The space between them continued to become nonexistent, as did Baekhyun's sanity.

Chanyeol groaned against his neck when Baekhyun's hips began moving without him realising, the Alpha's grip tightened hard enough to bruise but neither seemed to care as their lips sought out each other. Baekhyun pulled on his soulmate's hair, keeping him in place in hope to drive him to the edge like Chanyeol had done to him.

This kiss was wet and was probably more teeth than actual lip, but the intensity was causing the air around them to become heated. So much so that Baekhyun peeked an eye open to make sure that Chanyeol hadn't burst into flames now that they had received their powers again.

"It's so good seeing this back where it belongs," Chanyeol groaned.

Baekhyun felt as the giant's thumb rubbed against a section of his neck, eyes sparkling as they zeroed in on the patch of skin. The vampire's curiosity naturally got the better of him, his head tilting the side. Both of Chanyeol's hands left his waist, the heat from his hand wrapped around Baekhyun's fingers. He allowed the giant to lead his touch towards his neck, where a faint mark sat embedded into his skin.

A breath of air left the boy's mouth as his eyes filled with tears, his gaze turning towards his soulmate who was looking back at him with a small smile on his lips. "My claim mark?"

"You don't know how long I've waited for you to get it back." Chanyeol chuckled into the tiny space between them.

Baekhyun hummed allowing his eyes to close once he felt the giant gently knock their foreheads together, a narrowed tunnel of air blew against Baekhyun's chin which quickly forced him to open his eyes again. He felt as the Alpha gently turned his head, forcing Baekhyun's eyes to fall from his face and land on his neck. The breath caught in his throat, tears finally falling as he took in his bite mark, claiming Park Chanyeol as his own.

"I have mine too."

"How did I not notice this?" Baekhyun whispered.

Chanyeol rushed to collect the tears before they fell to the ground, something so dirty couldn't possibly possess something created by the beauty before him. When the streams seemed to show no signs of stopping, Chanyeol used his palms to cup his boyfriend's cheeks. He gently drew Baekhyun back into a kiss, it was less heated but it was better than the featherlight kisses he had delivered earlier. His thumb continued to swipe against the skin of the smaller's cheeks, collecting each tear and gently wiping them from his face.

"You were too busy trying to glare at our friends to notice," Chanyeol explained, peppering kisses against his mate's lips. "but now you have."

"What time is it?" Baekhyun wondered, blinking himself out of his drunken love daze.

Chanyeol cast his watch a glance. "It's just gone 8 pm, why?"

The smaller slid his lower lip beneath his front teeth, Chanyeol's eyes zeroing in on the action like a predator studying its prey. The vampire's fingers curled themselves around the fabric of his mate's shirt, with a good thug Chanyeol's face got closer. Baekhyun's lips curled upwards in a soft smile, but the Alpha could see how dark his eyes had become.

"I know that there are probably a million people who should know that we're awake right now," he whispered, his lips ghosting over the werewolves. "but is it rude of me to want to spend a little more time with you... alone?"

"Of course there is no problem!" Chanyeol scolded, although there was no venom in his words. "You're my mate and now that we've broken the curse it's only natural that you would feel that way-"

"Chanyeol." Baekhyun called out, his voice raised in tone to make his voice heard. "I don't think you understand what I mean."

"You want to spend some alone time with me," the Alpha deadpanned, blinking rapidly in confusion. "what isn't there to get?"

"Okay how about this?" Baekhyun questioned, lifting his waist off the wall to hit against the taller.

Chanyeol's jaw dropped as he was unable to control the groan that released itself from his lips, ringing through the air around them. Baekhyun smiled up at his soulmate through his long lashes, blinking innocently up at the Big Bad Wolf of Milliunem High.

"I mean I could just drop my trousers to the ground and we can go at it here, but I don't plan on exercising the possibility of having an exhibition kink just yet if you know what I mean." Baekhyun explained, gesturing to the classrooms around them.

Chanyeol's eyes coursed around the hallway they had stopped in, his nose in the air to take a whiff of the air. Baekhyun allowed him to do as he wished for a few minutes, his own attention finding his claim mark on the side of the Alpha's neck. It seemed as though Baekhyun had only delivered the mark yesterday and not thousands of years ago, although -now that his memories had returned- he knew that time ran differently on Earth than Exo Planet.

"You're going to be the death of me one day, do you know that?"

"We've been there, we've done that." Baekhyun waved the comment off, laughing when Chanyeol realised that the vampire had in fact killed him a couple times before by confessing his true feelings to him.

"Yours or mine?"

"I wanna be completely lost in you."

Chanyeol's lips curled upwards, his eyes darkening. Baekhyun's breath hitched in his throat as he was grabbed roughly by the waist and hoisted into the air. He was barely able to catch his breath before Chanyeol propelled himself through the school, stopping for no-one. Baekhyun swore that he had just blinked, and yet he was thrown onto Chanyeol's bed bouncing from the impact.

"Was that really necessary?" He hissed, gasping for his breath back.

Chanyeol's lips curled into a smirk, his body crawling up the mattress until he was hovering directly over his mate. "Oh you have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that." 

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Beau1996 1381 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1381 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1381 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1381 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
750 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
750 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.