Welcome Home


Arriving back into a world you once called home was supposed to be scary, one would expect that things had changed in the time in which you had left, perhaps the family you once knew were now gone, perhaps the buildings you once lived in were now nothing more than rumble, or perhaps the friends you once cared for where no longer there to wish you a warm welcome home. These thoughts were what filled the minds of the returning princes, their minds so fresh with memories and cherished moments that they could only prepare themselves for the worst.

A brief stop in the Avalon waters had reset their true potential, the currents of the famous lake having washed away the evidence of their most previous life. Those with magic coursing through their veins were no longer capable of conjuring spells or potions, those who had been cursed to transform into their true self beneath the light of the full moon could now change whenever they wished, and those who had once been cursed to never walk beneath the light of the sun could now do so with ease. By swimming in the blessed pool of Avalon, the twelve wolf protectors had now returned. The only remaining obstaile in their path, was seeing first hand what their absence had done to their planet.

The vast kingdom that once belonged to Chanyeol and Baekhyun would have most likely fallen to whoever was next in the long complicated list of the monarchy line, whoever sat on their thrones now wouldn't wish to give up their position so easily now that the rightful King and Queen had returned. Their absence would have no doubt made things complicated on the planet, new rules and laws were most likely put in place so that only one member of the monarch would be allowed to travel amongst the cosmos so that if they didn't return, the Planet would still be catered to by their partner.

The possibilities were endless, some much too complicated to give time to while others were easier to understand but difficult to believe. In hopes of preventing the endless possibilities, the twelve promised to let their minds wander with other thoughts allowing themselves to be distracted long enough for their journey from the Avalon waters to their home to blur together. Thankfully, they didn't need to wait long.

Avalon's pools of blessed water were the closest cosmetic occurrence to their home planet, so once their journey began again they didn't have to wait long until they could finally cast their eyes on the familiar landscape. It was a known phenomenon that time on EXO Planet ran differently to that of Earth, though no one truly understood just how much time passed on each planet. For what had turned out to be centuries of lifetimes spent on Earth, it seemed as though mere moments had passed on EXO Planet. As they continued to fly above the atmosphere of their home planet, Sehun seemed to wallow in the fact that his Air Lands hadn't changed at all since he left. The same could be said for the rest of the members whose land they had crossed on their way towards the center of the planet.

When their feet were placed firmly on EXO Planet's soil, Baekhyun's racing heart finally seemed to ease. His nostrils inhaled the familiar clean air, his lungs wallowing in the familiarity of it before allowing the Queen's body to disregard it in an exhale. Chanyeol remained by his side, eyes closed. He seemed focused on the Earth beneath his feet, his chest rising and falling as calmly as Baekhyun had ever seen it.

Despite his earlier fear, Baekhyun actually found himself buzzing with excitement. His fingertips hummed in the presence of his power, the light itching to be used after so long dormant in his subconscious. Yet before he could even think about using his powers, Baekhyun's body halted at the presence of others. He could hear their hushed whispers between the trees, their heavy feet rushing against the ground by the shrubs. Out of the instinct he forgot he possessed, his body moved into action formation with his palms facing the swaying trees before them.

A warm delicate hand pressed against his shoulder, a gentle tug pulling him out of his defensive maneuver. Curious, Baekhyun raised a brow at his soulmate, confused as to why he appeared so calm when they should be alert after having been gone for so long. Knowing that he trusted his soulmate completely, Baekhyun allowed himself to relax again, his curious eyes widening when Chanyeol stepped in front of him, in front of them all.

The eleven wolves watched as their King placed himself into the line of fire, had these been enemies Chanyeol would no doubt be the first they attack. And yet despite the danger, despite the numbing thoughts within their heads the eleven still allowed the taller to stand ahead of them with his head raised like the King he never expected himself to be.

From the forest came one lone searcher, he wore grey sweatpants and a white short sleeved shirt. He appeared distracted in his movements, stumbling over his feet as if he had been pulled awake by their loud arrival. A faint yelling came from the deeper part of the brush, but the man before them seemed to disregard it, his eyes having found them across the clearing. Judging by Baekhyun's knowledge of the Planet they had been spit out from their meteor ship and into the Planet's forest to the west of the city, a mere ten minute walk from their castle.

As the stranger continued to approach, taking small steps every few seconds. The others were no doubt growing impatient, but Chanyeol remained ahead of them breathing deeply but calmly as the stranger made his approach. The sounds grew louder from amongst the trees, alluding to the fact that the stranger seemed to have not been alone in his journey to the clearing. Something about him was familiar, maybe his scent? His clothing? Perhaps his hair? Whatever it was, Baekhyun was beginning to grow frustrated because he couldn't put his finger on it.

It was only when the man stopped in front of Chanyeol that Baekhyun was capable of connecting the dots, as his mate bowed his head and greeted the stranger with a smile, Baekhyun felt the air get knocked from his lungs. Tears began filling his eyes, causing misshapen blurs when he should be seeing the two figures. In a desperate urge of familiarity Baekhyun took off running, the tears in his eyes polluted his trajectory but in the end he still managed to draw the man into his arms though he quickly had to step back when the man gasped in surprise.

"Ten!" Baekhyun screamed, the tears now free falling down the slope of his cheeks. The sight of his friend pulled at Baekhyun's heartstrings, as he gently pulled the boy back into his embrace. The smaller male released a wet laugh as he tightened his grip around his friend's shoulders, he held Baekhyun against his frame with such force the Queen struggled to breathe.

"I'm so happy you're back!" His childhood friend cried, burying himself into Baekhyun's neck. "I'm so happy that you remember me, we were afraid that you may not be able to recall your life here."

"Of course we do!" Baekhyun gushed, brows furrowing when he felt something delicately poke at his stomach. In his confusion the Queen stepped away, his gaze falling to his friend's stomach only for his surprise to multiply. "Oh my gosh, Ten!"

"Say hello to Uncle Baekhyun, Mark!" Ten giggled, allowing his hands to fall against the curve of his pregnant stomach. "We have him to thank for your life."

The two of them seemed to share a mutual understanding, Baekhyun nodding his head as he recalled his conversation with the child who was not yet born. Though he wonders how Ten was able to connect the dots between his friend and his child, the new Light Pack leader shrugged his shoulders, drawing his friend back into his embrace.

"We know everything." Ten explained, watching as confusion settled onto Baekhyun's face. "We watched everything happen from here, we're all caught up on what you guys experienced when you were there. We know what you went through before coming back Baek, we know and we're so sorry."

Maybe it was the fact that he didn't need to explain what had happened to them all over again to his precious friend, maybe it was the fact that said friend had seen what had happened to them throughout the countless lives they lived, maybe it was the fact that they no longer had a curse to deal with anymore, that they were now free. Whatever it was that brought a new wave of tears to Baekhyun's eyes, it didn't matter. He simply pulled his best friend back into his arms and cried with him, the tight embrace welcoming him home with a warmth he didn't expect to receive.


"Wait so nothing changed while we were gone?" Luhan deadpanned, shock evident on his face. He spoke to Johnny who had led the way back to the castle, after he scolded his pregnant soulmate for leaving him behind when there was a potential danger as to who would come out of the meteor.

"Everything is still the same way you left it, though we did clean your rooms up since dust was getting a little out of hand." Ten explains with a shy smile on his face, one hand rested comfortably on his stomach while the other was threaded through Baekhyun's.

"He means to say that the moment the place started collecting dust, he ordered everyone to start the cleaning process. Every two days the cleaners would be in there touching up the place so it would satisfy Mr. Hormones over there." Johnny gestured with his head to his soulmate who glared back at him. "But honestly speaking, you guys haven't been gone for very long."

"So who took over control while we were gone?" Baekhyun wondered, eyes locking on Johnny before they drifted to Ten. It was strange seeing the two of them outside of his dreams, their beauty really hadn't been given any justice from his previous memories, the people before him were real and not fragments of his imagination.

"That would have been me." A familiar eloquent voice spoke from the doorway. In his numbed excitement Baekhyun turned his head and felt a ball form in his throat at the sight of his personal butler, the very man who had figured out Baekhyun's secret all that time ago. He stood with his back straight, hands entwined behind his back. His familiar black and white suit drew a small smile to Baekhyun's lips as he rose from the couch.

"Mr. Johnson!" Baekhyun giggled, skipping his way across the room to get to the butler. Mr. Johnson returned the grin, allowing himself to break free of his character to embrace the boy he had missed dearly. "It is my honour to see you again, I hope you're well."

"Better now that you have returned." The butler bowed his head, formally welcoming his master back home. "I found myself missing you both terribly and when I found out what happened to you I was inconsolable for days, the only consoling I received was when we figured out a way to watch you as you went through with your curse. I am awfully sorry about what became of you, your Majesty."

"The fault does not lie with you," Baekhyun declared, placing his palms on his butler's shoulders. "what we went through was rough but necessary in order for us to return home. I hope you understand that I truly mean it when I say that I am much better." Mr. Johnson bowed his head again, gasping in surprise when Baekhyun threw himself back against his chest.

"I am happy to hear that your Majesty, your happiness is all that I care for." Mr. Johnson admitted, tears of his own filling his eyes.

Chanyeol watched the embracing duo from his spot by the window, it was difficult to hear their conversation through the loud humming in his ears but when he glanced into Baekhyun's mind he was delighted to find that his lover was as content as ever. Relief filled his chest as he watched his soulmate be led away by Mr. Johnson, the very man who became a father figure to Baekhyun when the rest of the elder men in his life passed on. It was refreshing to know that when he left, Baekhyun would have someone else to look after him.

"I still don't know how you did it." Johnny announced, surprising the Alpha with his presence. The man bowed his head in respect, muttering his apologies for arriving before the King without having announced his presence first. Chanyeol merely waved the apology away with a flick of his wrist, he was the one that should learn to contain his fright. "How did you go through those lives knowing that you would lose him at the end of it? How did you get through it?"

"A promise." Chanyeol responded without a minute's hesitation. His eyes flickered over the room, taking in the sight of his babbling friends who had taken an interest in Ten and his pregnancy. It was strange seeing them back in the very room they used to rest together all that time ago, it was like nothing had changed between them and yet Chanyeol couldn't help but realise just how much had changed.

They had lost their home and were cursed to remain on Earth locked in a cycle of life and death, and even though time seemed to have stopped on their home Planet as it waited for them to return.. It was like they had entered a brand new world with people who happened to know them. It was a feeling Chanyeol would have to get used to. "We promised each other that we would get through it together because we both want a happy ending for our story."

"Your story isn't over yet?" Johnny wondered, sounding surprised. Chanyeol turned his attention back to him, a chuckle escaping his lips when he noticed the younger's furrowed brows. "But surely now that you're home you can live happily.. Right?"

"My brother is still out there somewhere," Chanyeol huffed, his arms coming to cross against his chest. "A monster by my own mother's creation has now found its way back home. I just don't know which one of us you should be more worried about-"

"Chanyeol, you are not a monster." Johnny declared, voice sharp as his facial features hardened. "We watched as you explained yourself to your Mother, you are not your brother. He has a lot to apologise for, you don't."

"Not yet I don't," Chanyeol countered, eyes flashing a familiar yellow glow. "but if I was to remain here any longer I don't know what I am going to be capable of doing."

"So you truly are leaving?" Johnny scoffed at that, the sound fading out into a chuckle. "I thought that if you were to return here you would see just how much you wish to stay."

"It's because I wish to stay that I must leave," he explained, watching as the younger nodded his head in understanding. "I promised Baekhyun that I would stay as long as I can but I fear that I might not have long left until I lose myself entirely."

"This darkness you ingested..." Johnny's voice ran out. Chanyeol knew that the boy was trying to find the right words, trying to pick them from the air to try and make a suitable sentence out of them. "...it's whispering things to you right?" The King nodded. "Have you allowed yourself to listen to what it's saying?"

"No." Chanyeol admitted, blinking rapidly as if something had flown into his eyes. "When I find myself losing control and their voices get louder, my power is uncontrollable. Flames flash from my hands without my permission, my ability to control fire isn't exactly mine to control anymore. If I let the voices in I'm afraid that I'll hurt everyone in the process, though no one seems to think that I'd be capable of such a thing."

"Everyone thinks you will still be in control if you let the darkness fester, but they don't know that it will take over your body completely and use your flame as a means of destruction." Johnny spoke, his words making Chanyeol's head snap in his direction. "What?" the younger wondered, cheeks tinting a slight shade of red when he realised the King was staring.

"You're the first person who isn't fighting me on this," Chanyeol explained his reasoning, his lips curling up in a small corner smile. "Baekhyun did originally but then he softened up and is going to allow me the chance to get it under control by myself but... everyone else still thinks that I can keep a handle on it."

"Well maybe that's because they see you through a tinted glass?" Johnny shrugged his shoulders, his statement sounding more like a question to the King's ears. "I mean, you've never allowed people to see you struggle with what is happening inside of you. You've never allowed it to come to the surface when others are around you because you were afraid that you wouldn't be able to control it if you did, so you continued to push it down. You have done it during your first life, you did it when you were here and then the curse continued to squish it down everytime you were born on Earth. That's thousands and thousands of years where the darkness continued to get pressed down, I don't think a soda bottle would be able to handle the amount of times you forced the darkness back. All the pressure is coming to a head Chanyeol, it's going to burst and you know that it is. Which is why you have to listen to yourself for a change."

"What do you mean?"

"Your first life told you that Baekhyun's first life was the reason your spirit was given back to the Tree of Life in order to be reincarnated, when originally you wished for a death that would stop the spreading of the darkness onto your next reincarnated soul. Baekhyun was and will always be your weakness, even now."

As his shoulders began to rise at the mention of Baekhyun in Johnny's explanation, Chanyeol's eyes flashed in anger. "Where exactly are you going with this, you dare blame Baekhyun for my mistakes?"

"No!" Johnny rushed to reassure the King, his palms open in surrender. "No, of course not!" he shook his head again. "I'm just trying to tell you that when Baekhyun asked that you stay for him when you clearly knew the dangers, you still agreed. He begs you to stay because he thinks you can control it and you do even though you know you can't. This is what your first life was trying to tell you when you were doing your final test. You need to stop putting Baekhyun's wishes before your own, you need to be spontaneous and take yourself away from the equation when you know that it's getting too hard for yourself. If Baekhyun asked you to stay for the rest of Fall would you do it?"

Chanyeol's head dropped between his shoulders, he finally understood what his first life was trying to indicate when he was giving him strange Romeo and Juliet metaphors.

"Of course you would," Johnny continued, taking the King's silence as his mark to go on. "Because you love him. I'm not saying that you wouldn't love him if you left because we all know that you do. I just think that you should trust yourself when you know how bad things are getting for you on the inside. Even now you were waiting for him to give you permission to leave, when you should have come to that decision on your own. Baekhyun understands why he needs to give you space now, because in his test he figured out that you gave it to him without fail. He's returning the favour, Chanyeol, but in the end it's up to you when you decide that it is too much."

The Alpha turned himself to face Johnny completely, his brows knitted together in the centre of his forehead, his hands still crossed against his chest. The younger Alpha's gaze dropped when the eye contact was made, his body bouncing as he distributed his weight between his right then left leg. He looked like a child preparing to be scolded by his mother, eyes closed and scrunched up as he waited to hear what the King had to say.

Chanyeol delicately placed the palm of his left hand onto the younger's shoulder, in surprise Johnny's head snapped up to look at him. His gaze fell to the taller's chin when he remembered who he was addressing. "I want to thank you for your consideration," Chanyeol's voice was deep, drawing goosebumps to the younger's arms. "As well as your ability to speak freely. It is very much appreciated."

"The pleasure was mine, your Majesty." Johnny declared, his lips curling slightly.

"I would like it very much if you would do me the honour of becoming my advisor, I think I need someone who has been here during my absence to update me in matters of state."

"But your Majesty what about your departure-"

"Well it's like you said," Chanyeol chuckled, eyes twinkling in mischief. "I get to decide when I feel as if it is time for me to leave. Until then I want to ensure that all of my affairs are in order and the planet is in safe hands, so that when I do find myself needing to rush out of here I will be prepared to go without worrying about matters here."

Johnny's nervous smile morphed into one of genuine approval, he dipped his head again and Chanyeol released the hold he had on his shoulder. "I think that is a brilliant idea your Majesty-"

"Please," Chanyeol interrupted him, cheeks burning a bright red hue. "just call me Chanyeol when we're in the presence of our friends. It's been awhile since anyone has called me that, I might need some time to get used to it again."

Though Johnny seemed to have a problem with this request from the King, he didn't express his thoughts on the matter. Deciding that it was probably best to keep quiet regarding the amount of time Chanyeol believed to have passed while they were away, to many on EXO Planet it hadn't been very long at all and yet for those returning it felt like eons.

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Beau1996 1381 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1381 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1381 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1381 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
750 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
750 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.