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    I felt fresher than I was supposed to since I didn’t get too much sleep. I felt nervous, excited and dull at the same time. Too many emotions stirred inside of me but I decided to focus more on my excitedness. After our exams, Seulgi, Wendy and I would go to shop for Wendy and my dresses. I knew I had no reason to feel nervous because my exams would turn out just fine, but I still felt uneasy.


After I was ready I quickly made my way to school, to get there in time today was essential. I followed the instructions and went inside the classroom I was supposed to, ready to write my exams. And just like that, five hours quickly passed and I was more than grateful to take some fresh air after having to sit inside the suffocating classroom. Most students faces were red as we went to our lockers and I pulled my hair in a ponytail, feeling warm as well. It was good to finally stand and walk after five hours of sitting and writing, I’m not even surprised that my wrist hurts. At my locker, I got the remaining books I left here yesterday since I won’t need them after tomorrow for a good while, tomorrow was the graduation and that meant vacation follows it. I waited at my locker since Wendy and I agreed to meet there and looked around. Seniors must have finished writing their exams as well as Jongdae was at his locker, emptying it with his eyebrows furrowed. Seeing as Wendy wasn’t here yet, I quietly walked up to him.

“Hi” I smiled at him, patting his shoulder. He looked surprised when he turned around, quickly a smile appeared on his lips.


“How did it go?” I asked him friendly, watching as Jongdae took a deep breath.

“Hopefully good enough that it was worth staying up all night” He muttered, leaning against his locker a little.

“You stayed up all night?” I chuckled, shaking my head “You know it’s not really good learning right before your exams, you won’t be able to remember much due to stress”

“I figured” Jongdae said with a frustrated sigh and I chuckled again.

“But I’m sure they went well”

“Are you a witch that you can tell?” He grinned cheekily and I rolled my eyes.

“Maybe, we’ll see that Saturday when you get the results”

“Yeah, and that means I need to get wasted tonight” Jongdae winked at me as turned back around, taking his last book out before closing his locker.

“Careful though, teachers wouldn’t be too happy about it” I shrugged when Jongdae narrowed his eyes at me but he slowly nodded.

“Right, we don’t want trouble right before graduating”

“Exactly” I grinned and Jongdae ruffled my bangs, making me glare at him a little.

“Chae-Yeong, it’s awesome seeing you this happy” He muttered with a small smile and I nodded at him embarrassed.

“And I’m sorry, for everything” He looked at the ground as he scratched the back of his head and I placed a hand on his shoulder.

“I know” I offered him a warm smile “I already forgave you long ago”

“What? Awesome!” He seemed to be back to life as I chuckled.

“Have a nice day and--if I don’t see you tonight have fun” I took a step backwards, ready to leave.

“You too” I nodded at him and turned to leave, but almost collided with a chest. Seems like I’m too small, it would be nice if I grew a little bit.

“Hi” Sehun whispered, looking down at me.

“Hi” I muttered, gulping as I averted my eyes from his.

“How were your exams?” He asked, not intending to step away even if we were too close to each other. But I didn’t feel like making more space between each other either.

“Fine, and yours?” I bit my lower lip, trying to look him in the eyes.

“Same, a little hard but good” Sehun shrugged and I nodded, getting ready to leave.

“Well then--”

“Chae-Yeong!” Suddenly someone hooked her arm with mine and I turned towards Wendy surprised.

“Are you ready to go?” She beamed at me excitedly and I shook my head.

“Yes, let’s go” I rolled my eyes when Wendy giggled.

“Oh” She seemed to grow aware of Sehun and Jongdae “Hi, boys. I’ll be taking away Chae so bye!”

“Bye!” Jongdae waved after us as Wendy pulled me away and I turned around to offer them a little smile. Sehun watched with a blank face as we walked away, leaning against his locker.

“What was Sehun doing there?” Wendy looked at me with curious eyes.

“His locker is there, Wendy” I narrowed my eyes at her as she rolled her eyes.

“You are so uptight--I know his locker is there! But you spoke!” She exclaimed with her eyes wide and I scoffed.

“Is it not allowed to speak?”

“Yeah, it is just--it’s Sehun and you are you” Wendy shrugged and I rolled my eyes.

“I am well aware of that, but thanks for pointing it out”

“So mean” Wendy threw me a glare as we walked down the front steps, the warm rais of sun hitting our faces.

“Seulgi is somewhere here” I muttered looking around, looking for my other friend.

“She said she’d be in the parking lot, right?” Wendy wondered as we walked slowly.


“Is she with a car?” Wendy asked excitedly, looking for Seulgi as well.

“I don’t think so, she didn’t have classes today” I muttered, narrowing my eyes when I recognized a certain blue car.

“I don’t want to go by bus” Wendy whined as I started pulling her towards the blue car. Is So Young here?

“We might not be going” I muttered as we stopped in front of the car and So Young was grinning at me.

“Hi!” She waved at me with an excited expression.

“Unnie, what are you doing here?” I asked surprised, letting go of Wendy’s arm.

“I came to get you, is that a crime now?” So Young crossed her arms in front of her chest.

“No, you just surprised me” I chuckled, smiling at her “But I’m not going home yet”

“Really? Where are we going then?” She grinned, her cold expression quickly gone.

“Shopping! We need dresses for tonight!” Wendy exclaimed, grinning as So Young looked at her.

“The ball, right?” So Young wondered and we both nodded.

“Exactly, Chae needs something pretty to wear” Wendy grinned when I narrowed my eyes at her.

“But we are waiting for someone to arrive” I told So Young and I flinched when an arm was draped over my shoulder.

“I’m here!” Seulgi grinned as I threw her a glare “We can go!”

“I’m Seulgi” She extended her hand towards So Young and Wendy quickly introduced herself as well.

“Let’s go then girls” So Young grinned and we quickly got in her car. I said one prayer and got ready for the awful time that was coming, meaning shopping. No doubt we’d spend at least three hours inside the mall.


Two hours, and I’m pretty sure we visited more than ten shops. Like always, I quickly found something that I really liked, but the girls instantly said it wasn’t good so I ended up not buying it. And now, Wendy promised it was the last shop we’d visit, because this is the same shop from where I got my dress from when my mom got the promotion and we went out for dinner with her boss. The shop was the same as we walked inside, just different dresses. When we walked inside, the lady that helped us last time smiled at us.

“Welcome, how may I help you?” She smiled kindly at us and I returned a small smile. Just like last time, Wendy was quick to speak.

“We are looking for two dresses for tonight, we are having our graduation ball” She said with authority and the lady nodded.

“Any preferences?” She nodded towards someone who started walking our way, stopping beside the lady. She looked bored as she stared back at us.

“I don’t mind the color, any dr

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[18.12.18] Thank you for your kind words and everyone who gave a shot to this story!!! <3


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Chapter 70: This is the third time I read it and everything is still so special, just like the first time. Thank you for making such a wonderful story.
Chapter 70: 2:22 am im done reading it. And that ride was awesome! Gosh help me give me some oxygen. Thank you authornim for making such a great story.
Kyuteata #3
Chapter 52: This still one of my favs
KeemNoona #4
Kyuteata #5
One of my favs
SnowExoBang #6
Chapter 71: I died everyday reading this. Sometimes I wanted to tell Chaeyeong to shut up and ignore all of them,that firing back was getting her into deep s, then i shook it off and told myself that she’s so brave, sassy and honest. I wanted to break Suho and Jongdae’s bones when they just acted like was not going down right in front of them, punch Baekhyun so hard he’d have difficulty breathing and lastly Slap the out of Sehun for being SEHUN! This Sehun!!!
But after all......it leads up to nothing but a very fulfilling happiness
Chapter 71: This is wonderfulllllllll~ Thank you for making me go on am emotional roller coaster with you.

Thank you for your hard work! <3
Chapter 71: Oh my goodness this is so freaking good stories you know. Thanks for making me cry and smile brings me ups and down during reading this stories. You did great.