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    My night was restless, it resulted in me turning from left to right and groaning when it was already one in the morning and I still couldn’t fall asleep. Seulgi’s words kept me up, do I like him? Oh Sehun. Do I like Oh Sehun? Now, there is only one logical answer and that is no. I don’t like Oh Sehun, haven’t for at least two years. I just feel really bothered by his behavior. He came to my house all beaten up, asking for a place to stay, practically begging not to leave him alone. Then, I almost got caught in school for using my phone, because he couldn’t stop messaging me, because he aparentaly is bored. Then I was slapped by his ex-girlfriend because she thought that Sehun suddenly took my side, which is also very wrong. Then he won’t leave me alone, always following me around and annoying me...he finally tells me the reason as to why he was so bruised. And then what? He ignores me? Just like that, making me look like it’s all my fault. I don’t feel okay about that, because it’s not okay. I didn’t do anything wrong, why am I suffering because of it? Bo-Yeong help me, I’m so stupid. Why am I even thinking about something like this when I clearly matter nothing to him. He probably hates me more than before, good job, Chae-Yeong!

When my clock finally went off, I felt like I haven’t slept anything all night, I probably did though...like five hours? Sitting up in my bed, I the lamp, it was still dark outside and in my room as well. Taking my phone in my hands, I ran a hand through my hair, wincing when it pulled a few strands roughly. Is it really my fault he is ignoring me?, that was the first thought I woke up with. I always tell Sehun I’m a good person, yet now I’m proving otherwise. Biting my lower lip, I went to the messages and opened the chatroom with Sese.

‘Did I do something wrong? You asked me not to tell, and I didn’t...are you mad at me?’ I hesitated for a second before quickly pressing the send button, heart beating fast. Maybe I shouldn’t have messaged him, but then again, he bothered me more than I ever did. Placing the phone on my pillow, I got out of bed to go and get ready for school. He probably hasn’t seen the message yet.


And he did see it. But he never answered it. It said, read, but there was no answer. I clutched my phone in my hands as I walked down the sidewalk, eyebrows furrowed. He is Sehun, he never misses a chance to somehow insult me or tell me how bored he is. That means, he really is upset with me or just needs time like Seulgi said yesterday. I don’t even know anymore and it’s very frustrating. And I’m stupid for still thinking about him. He doesn’t even cast a second glance my way, so stop being so stupid Song Chae-Yeong!

Nearing the school, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Turning my head with wide eyes, I heaved a sigh when I saw it was just Kyungsoo.

“I called your name” He said with a huff, chest moving up and down “Multiple times, actually”

“You did?” I asked surprised, a sheepish smile spreading on my lips “Sorry, I didn’t hear you”

“That’s very obvious” Kyungsoo chuckled as he fell in step with me “What’s on your mind that it has you so lost in thoughts?”

“Nothing” I quickly shrugged, placing away my phone when there was still no buzz.

“Come on” Kyungsoo smiled, turning his head towards me “I know you that much, I know something is bothering you”

“Well, maybe--but it’s so stupid” I sighed, shrugging as I looked ahead, appreciating the pleasant breeze of the Spring.

“You can tell me, I’m here” Kyungsoo grinned, linking our arms. I laughed, a smile remaining on my face. I’m so grateful to Kyungsoo, he really means a lot to me.

“There’s just--I’m confused, I don’t know if I did something wrong or that certain person just needs time” I mumbled quietly, looking ahead instead at Kyungsoo.

“Oh, I see” Kyungsoo remained silent for a little time “Maybe--if he’s hard to crack, then he needs time. You are not the person to hurt someone without a reason”

“I never said it’s a he” I looked at Kyungsoo, eyes narrowed as he chuckled.

“I figured” He shrugged, smiling at me “You hanged out much with Sehun lately, did you fight? He’s been really down since Tuesday”

“Oh, I--I don’t know. I didn’t do anything for sure” I muttered, looking away embarrassed.

“Sehun is such an idiot” Kyungsoo chuckled, ruffling my hair with his free hand “He was always a bratty kid while we were growing up. If something didn’t go his way he would throw a tantrum and then he always got what he wanted. He’s an only child so his mother cherished him a lot and always gave him everything. I think that was her first mistake, whenever something doesn’t go his way now, he gets angry and usually causes trouble”

“Sounds like Sehun” I muttered, making Kyungsoo laugh.

“Does him crying because I took his car sound still like Sehun?” Kyungsoo had a big grin as I turned towards him and a loud chuckle escaped my lips.

“Yeah, that’s right. Sehun has always been a cry baby, he just knows how to hide it now. He’s a real brat these days, ever since he’s been missing for that week, he’s become worse. You can’t even ask how he is and he is already blowing up”

“It’s because of his dad, I mean--they aren’t in a good relationship and he was in Busan after all with him, I guess it must be because of that--” My eyes widened when I realized I spoke without thinking. Kyungsoo suddenly stopped walking and I bit my lip, becoming aware of the big mistake I just did.

“What did you say?” Kyungsoo asked, eyes wide like mine.

“Uhm, I--I guess that’s what happened?” I tried with a fake grin, but it obviously didn’t work.

“You know where Sehun was that week? How? What else do you know?” Kyungsoo urgently asked, grip slightly tightening on my arm.

“I mean--yeah, that’s all true. He had a fight with his dad while he was in Busan for a week and then he came back and slept one night at my house, then he left” I let out the part where he slept in my friend’s house and I visited him, making sure he had something to eat since he wasn’t capable of doing it himself, he can’t even heat an instant noodle.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Kyungsoo’s eyebrows furrowed “Is that why you didn’t come to school”

“Yeah” I sighed, looking him in the eyes “Please don’t tell anyone else, I promised Sehun not to tell...it just slipped”

“Okay, sure” Kyungsoo cleared his throat, starting to walk again. I followed him quietly, scolding myself for being so careless. How could I let it slip like that!


It was no different from yesterday, Sehun and Jongdae still acted like I was invisible and today I didn’t even try. Searching around in my locker for my Sociology project, I heard loud voices behind me. The boys were once again over at Sehun’s locker, it seems like this is their meeting place, and they were close to shouting. Chanyeol’s loud voice thundered in the hallway, and Minseok just sat on the floor quietly, more watching me than paying attention to his friends.

“Man, we must celebrate!” Jongin exclaimed, excitement filling his voice.

“Yes, bro!” Jongdae mussed quickly “This is a special day, you ought to have fun”

“I still feel the same” Sehun answered nonchalantly and I made a louder sound when I finally found my project. Turning around with a grin, I took a step back having more eyes on me. Jongin and Chanyeol were looking amused as Yixing offered me a gentle smile, Minseok nodded his head as a greeting. I felt my ear heating up, embarrassment filling me once again. I quickly closed my locker.

“How are you?” Yixing asked, his warm voice having a calming effect.

“Oh, I’m--I’m good” But I still stuttered as I clutched my project in my hands. Sehun and Jongdae didn’t even glance my way, like Yixing was talking to a ghost only he could see. I turned to leave but Kyungsoo was already walking towards me.

“Let’s go to class together” He smiled patting my arm as he walked past me. I nodded, turning around to see what he was up to. Kyungsoo walked up to Sehun, who towered over him, and suddenly a warm smile spread on Kyungsoo’s face. A smile I have never seen before, his whole face lit up. Of course, he did smile at me like that before, but this just felt so different. I watched quietly their encounter. Sehun returned a very small smile and pulled Kyungsoo in a friendly hug. Kyungsoo chuckled than whispered something in Sehun’s ear, pulling away as he patted his back.

“Thank you” Sehun’s words were quiet as he bowed his head at Kyungsoo, surprising me. I have never really seen him treat his friends with too much respect. Suddenly, Kyungsoo turned towards me and smiled, not as bright and warm like before.

“So, let’s go” He walked towards me and took my hand, pulling me after him. I didn’t ask what that was and why they did that. It’s not my business, I shouldn’t stick my nose in it.

We were dismissed from Sociology class earlier than expected and I was glad as I first made a stop at the washroom. I patted my face while my hands were wet and sighed, pulling my hair in a messy ponytail. What is Kyungsoo and Sehun hiding that Kyungsoo didn’t want to tell me? And what are they supposed to celebrate? Stop it, you don’t care!


Exiting the washroom, I walked around the halls, my feet taking me towards the Principal’s office, I haven’t visited him in long. Maybe I should do that? Probably now is not the time since he didn’t call for me, but I could still visit him? As I started walking towards the secretary’s door, it opened and a familiar woman walked out. She was dressed in a black pencil skirt, a light blue shirt tucked in elegantly and a blazer that matched the skirt covered the shirt. Her heels were very high and I’m sure I would have fallen the second I would have tried walking in them. Mrs. Kim’s hair was pulled in a low ponytail, her face flawless just like I saw her last time. Her lips were a dark red now, unlike at the dinner. Coming to a halt, I didn’t realize I was staring at her, but Mrs. Kim acknowledged me faster than I could comprehend.

“Oh!” She exclaimed, eyes wide “Song Chae-Yeong, is that you?”

“Hello” I bowed respectfully, smiling a little at Mrs. Kim.

“Oh what a surprise!” She laughed in a melodic way “I forgot you go to the same school as my sons”

Mrs. Kim must really love Sehun if she call him her son.

“How are you, dear?” She smiled warmly, walking closer to me, her heels making a loud clicking noise in the quiet hallway.

“I’m doing great, thank you” I answered quietly, looking up at her “And you?”

“Oh, you know graduation is getting closer and closer. Since my little Junny is the students council president, it’s my job to provide the school with founds for the graduation ceremony”

“Oh, I understand. That must cost a lot…” I mumbled, forgetting for a second that Mrs. Kim is very rich.

“That’s true, but I’d do anything so that my sons would have an unforgettable night” Mrs. Kim chuckled, holding her light blue purse with both hands.

“That’s very considerate and nice of you” I complimented and she laughed, waving it off.

“Dear, have you been eating well? If my memory is not tricking me, you definitely lost some weight since I last saw you” Mrs.Kim’s eyebrows furrowed as she looked me up and down.

“Oh, I--probably…” I trailed off, biting my lower lip “I went on a diet--”

“But why!” She exclaimed, her pretty eyes widening “You are already so slim, there is no reason for that!”

“Oh, thank you” I bowed my head a little “I guess I didn’t have that much appetite lately”

“And you haven’t been sleeping either” Mrs. Kim shook her head, eyes narrowed.

“Is it that visible?” I sighed, looking at the floor.

“I was a teenager once too, I can tell--and now I have two sons who are teenagers” Mrs. Kim laughed, a smile spreading on her dark red lips.

“That’s true” I nodded “I won’t hold you back anymore, you must have lots of work to do”

“Oh, actually--” Mrs. Kim’s eyes lit up and a grin, very similar to Junmyeon’s, spread on her lips “After school, you must come over to our house! We are having a festive lunch and I want you to join us. Perhaps, your appetite will return!

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[18.12.18] Thank you for your kind words and everyone who gave a shot to this story!!! <3


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Chapter 70: This is the third time I read it and everything is still so special, just like the first time. Thank you for making such a wonderful story.
Chapter 70: 2:22 am im done reading it. And that ride was awesome! Gosh help me give me some oxygen. Thank you authornim for making such a great story.
Kyuteata #3
Chapter 52: This still one of my favs
KeemNoona #4
Kyuteata #5
One of my favs
SnowExoBang #6
Chapter 71: I died everyday reading this. Sometimes I wanted to tell Chaeyeong to shut up and ignore all of them,that firing back was getting her into deep s, then i shook it off and told myself that she’s so brave, sassy and honest. I wanted to break Suho and Jongdae’s bones when they just acted like was not going down right in front of them, punch Baekhyun so hard he’d have difficulty breathing and lastly Slap the out of Sehun for being SEHUN! This Sehun!!!
But after all......it leads up to nothing but a very fulfilling happiness
Chapter 71: This is wonderfulllllllll~ Thank you for making me go on am emotional roller coaster with you.

Thank you for your hard work! <3
Chapter 71: Oh my goodness this is so freaking good stories you know. Thanks for making me cry and smile brings me ups and down during reading this stories. You did great.