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    Mrs. Kim’s words were bothering me throughout the whole weekend, I couldn’t do anything without hearing her asking me to help Sehun. Who was she to ask such thing from a stranger? Even though I knew Sehun, she had no idea about the relationship we have, no one really did except Junmyeon from that table. So I felt outraged, and I think I have all the rights to feel this way. No one would ask such thing if they knew how Sehun behaved with me. And the fact that she said Sehun’s mother was gone, just raised more questions. No good mother would abandon their children, even if they went through hardships. Mom could have ran away easily when we found out about Bo-Yeong’s cancer, but she stayed and she’s still here. Slowly, I’m starting to think that Sehun’s family has more issues than he lets on. No wonder he’s the way he is...but that doesn’t mean I pity him, he deserves everything coming his way after what he’s done for years to me.

Dad is a curious and stubborn man, so refusing him to take me to school was becoming harder and harder. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to keep him away for too long. He just really wants to see my school and friends since he’s been gone for half a year. We both know that’s not a real excuse and he just wants to give me a ride because he’s curious of what his eldest daughter is up to. But as long as I can, he will never find out and definitely stay away, I don’t need more problems on my shoulders.


Bidding my parents goodbye, I closed the front door and went down the porch, eyes widening when Kyungsoo suddenly jumped out of his father’s car.

“Chae-Yeong!” He exclaimed with a smile “Good morning, let’s go together”

“Uh, I’m not very fond of going by car” I shrugged, coming to a stop in front of him.

“Oh...one minute, then” He grinned and quickly ran back to the car, opened the door, said something and came back with his backpack as his father drew away.

“What are you doing?” I asked confused, watching as he placed the backpack on his shoulders.

“Walking with you” He shrugged, taking my hand and pulling me after him.

“But your father could have given you a ride” I muttered, his hold already familiar and reassuring.

“He does that every morning” Kyungsoo shrugged with a smile “A little walk won’t kill me”

“You are not in shape for it” I , walking side by side.

“I think you actually know I’m really in shape...you did see me at swimming class” My cheeks turned red as I remembered checking him out shamelessly. Kyungsoo was grinning but when he saw my face he blushed too and lowered his face a little.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad” He muttered, looking awkward. Despite the blush on my cheeks, I chuckled and squeezed his hand.

“You didn’t, I just realized you are right” I chuckled when Kyungsoo blushed more, looking cute.

“And I almost beat Wendy” He tried changing the subject from him, a smile on his lips.

“Almost” I chuckled “She still won”

“She’s like a tank, I was afraid of her in the last minutes” Kyungsoo shivered as we crossed the street, the school slowly coming in our line of view.

“That was actually funny” I giggled, making Kyungsoo smile widely at me.

“Not to ruin your good mood but, uhm” He scratched the back of his neck “I spoke with Junmyeon, I know about Saturday night”

“Well, what did he tell you?” I raised my eyebrows glancing at him.

“You danced with Sehun?” Kyungsoo’s voice rose an octave, eyes wider.

“Are you jealous?” I grinned when Kyungsoo suddenly blushed, shaking his head.

“No, of course not, I’m just--It’s Sehun and you danced with him…”

“His father started it, we were forced, it’s not like we wanted it” I sighed, glancing down at our hands.

“Mr. Oh? That’s even more weird” Kyungsoo’s eyebrows furrowed as we entered the gates “I spoke with Sehun yesterday, he called me”

“Are you okay again?” I asked quietly, glancing at Kyungsoo.

“Yeah, I think we are” Kyungsoo muttered with a small smile “But please don’t think I’ll act differently towards you. I am still Do Kyungsoo, your friend, okay?”

“The boy that has a crush on me?” I grinned when he turned red again, suddenly pulling his hand away from mine.

“Chae-Yeong, stop teasing me” He whined while walking inside the gates of school.

“It’s funny, you are fun to tease” I giggled, hurrying inside as a stronger gust of wind made me shiver.

“Are you eating with me at lunch?” Kyungsoo caught up with me, shrugging his coat off.

“In the canteen?” I eyed him as he nodded quickly.

“Can Wendy eat with us?” I grinned at him, dodging two students who were playing with a basketball.

“Again?” Kyungsoo asked quietly, lips downturned.

“You don’t like her?”

“It’s not that--she’s always with us now” Kyungsoo shrugged, stopping at his locker “It was just us at the beginning”

“Kyungsoo” I giggled, pushing his shoulder “You are jealous”

“I am not!” He exclaimed, eyes wide as he turned towards me.

“Kyungsoo” I narrowed my eyes at him, taking steps backwards “You are!”

“I am not!” He exclaimed, face an amusing as he turned into his locker embarrassed. I walked further down the hallway, going to my locker as well. I opened it quietly, throwing my backpack inside with a loud thud. I dig around for my Philosophy book, finding it after a few minutes. Why was it that I could never find what I was looking for in this locker and got in trouble because it usually allowed time for the kingdom to come and mess with me? I closed my locker quietly, hoping Jongdae and Sehun won’t really see me. But when I turned around Jongdae was already looking at my hand as Sehun’s back was towards me.

“You are having Philosophy? Did you have a paper for today?” He asked eagerly, stepping closer. My eyebrows furrowed as Sehun turned around, face blank as he stared at Jongdae. I eyed him for a little longer, waiting for him to do anything. Why was he so quiet? Was this about Saturday? Did the boys know too or just Junmyeon and Kyungsoo?

“I didn’t, I finished all my papers for this month” I muttered back at Jongdae, clutching the book tightly. Maybe he wanted to do someth

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[18.12.18] Thank you for your kind words and everyone who gave a shot to this story!!! <3


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Chapter 70: This is the third time I read it and everything is still so special, just like the first time. Thank you for making such a wonderful story.
Chapter 70: 2:22 am im done reading it. And that ride was awesome! Gosh help me give me some oxygen. Thank you authornim for making such a great story.
Kyuteata #3
Chapter 52: This still one of my favs
KeemNoona #4
Kyuteata #5
One of my favs
SnowExoBang #6
Chapter 71: I died everyday reading this. Sometimes I wanted to tell Chaeyeong to shut up and ignore all of them,that firing back was getting her into deep s, then i shook it off and told myself that she’s so brave, sassy and honest. I wanted to break Suho and Jongdae’s bones when they just acted like was not going down right in front of them, punch Baekhyun so hard he’d have difficulty breathing and lastly Slap the out of Sehun for being SEHUN! This Sehun!!!
But after all......it leads up to nothing but a very fulfilling happiness
Chapter 71: This is wonderfulllllllll~ Thank you for making me go on am emotional roller coaster with you.

Thank you for your hard work! <3
Chapter 71: Oh my goodness this is so freaking good stories you know. Thanks for making me cry and smile brings me ups and down during reading this stories. You did great.