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    I shot up straight in the bed one minute before my alarm went off, why? Someone was calling me. Groaning, I leaned over and took my phone off the nightstand and picked up without seeing who was calling. I was still sleepy, my mind still in a haze.

“Are you up?”

“What do you think?” I growled into the phone, rubbing my face.

“Amazing, move your lazy to school now” Sehun’s tone was commanding and I scoffed loudly.

“Who the hell are you to tell me that?” I threw the covers off my body “I know what I have to do. Besides, you should be in school as well”

“I’m still recovering” Sehun scoffed and I’m certain he rolled his eyes. Still not able to see well, I ran into the door of my bathroom, whining loudly.

“What the hell are you doing, Song Chae-Yeong” Sehun sounded confused.

“It’s your fault you woke me up so early!” I exclaimed, slamming the door closed “I’m going”

“Have fun today!” Sehun was very much mocking me. I rolled my eyes, looking at myself in the mirror.

“I’m not going over, clean the house alone” I grinned when Sehun gasped.

“I mean--no, wait! I mean, I need your help, okay?” Sehun quickly rushed out.

“Why? You are a grown man, you can take care of yourself” I the faucet, watching the water with a big grin.

“Chae-Yeong, you promised” Sehun snapped and I huffed, prolonging the silence knowing it would annoy Sehun further.

“I didn’t, I never promised anything to you”

“Chae-Yeong!” I jumped, the sleepiness flying out the window at Sehun’s loud voice in my ear “You said, see you tomorrow”

“I’m not supposed to do what I always say, I thought you knew me that well already” I pursed my lips as I held the phone with my chin and shoulder as I placed toothpaste on my toothbrush.

“Don’t make me come over” Sehun growled and I laughed, amused by him.

“It would take too long, I wouldn’t be home anymore. Besides, my parents wouldn’t be very pleased” The last word was muffled as I started washing my teeth.

“You are coming over!” Sehun huffed and I’m sure he looked like a grumpy kid. It’s funny how I can actually imagine his reactions, do I really know him this well? That’s really sad considering he’s my bully.

“Goodbye” I called, mouth muffled as I pulled the phone away from my ear.

“Chae-Yeong! No, wait--” Sehun’s voice disappeared as I closed the call, grinning to myself. Tossing the phone on the bin with clothes, I focused on getting ready, staring at my reflection. My skin looks paler than usually and my cheekbones are sharper. Did I lose too much weight? Was this not okay? But Sehun and Baekhyun always say I’m too fat. I really don’t know what’s good and bad anymore. I’m not good either way, people now will make fun of me for being too skinny. It’s like a never ending cycle, you aren’t good it doesn’t matter how you look, they always find something new to pick on. Suddenly my mood got worse as I spit in the sink, washing my face carefully with cold water, for sure waking up. My phone pinged twice and I knew it was Sehun, no one else on his right mind would bother me so early. Suddenly there was a bitter feeling inside me. Why was I so friendly towards Oh Sehun? Why is he acting normally towards me? Where did he disappear to, that he came back as a different man? It’s not fair, he should suffer like I did. But I’m not like that and no matter what, I will never hurt him like he did to me...not intentionally at least.


After getting ready, I raced down the stairs, a nice smell beaconing me over to the kitchen. When I stepped inside, dad was flipping some pancakes and he almost missed it as he became distracted by greeting me. Mom was sitting at the table, holding her head in her hands as she was watching dad.

“Morning” I called suspiciously, taking a seat at the table “Why are you both home?”

“I have a late shift today” Dad grinned, placing a plate with pancakes in front of me “Isn’t that great? I can cook breakfast for my two girls!”

“Yeah, utterly amazing” I muttered, staring at the burned pancakes.

“Mom, why is dad cooking?” I whispered at her, eyebrows furrowed as mom sighed.

“He insisted” She shrugged, drinking her coffee.

“At least eat one so I won’t feel too bad” Dad said with a pout, placing a jar of Nutella in front of me.

“Okay” I muttered, spreading the Nutella on the pancake before taking a bite.

“It’s your free day today, right?” Mom asked, watching me eat as I nod at her.

“Amazing, how about we go out after school if you don’t have much homework?” She smiled at me, making me choke. The pancakes are good, that’s not why I choked. I took a sip of my water, calming my coughing. Even though I told Sehun I wouldn’t go, I am still going.

“Uhm, I kind of have plans after school” I muttered, looking up at mom through my lashes.

“Oh” She smiled but sounded disappointed “Of course, I understand”

“With that Kyungsoo boy?” Dad glanced towards us and I shook my head as my ears heated.

“With a girl from work” I lied, lowering my head and quickly finishing my breakfast. My phone buzzed again and I huffed, glaring at it.

“Chae-Yeong, someone has been texting you, won’t you check it?” Mom eyed my phone as I carefully took it in my hands. Twenty unread messages from Sese. My eyes widened as I chuckled nervously at mom.

“It’s not important. I’m in a group chat with my friends and it’s just them bombing me with messages--it’s still too early for me to socialize” I lied smoothly, making dad laugh.

“Ah, good ol’ days. I remember when my friends and I would skip classes, sometimes we even smoked behind it, I mean we were teenagers--”

“Seung Heon!” Mom exclaimed, glaring at my father “You can’t say things like that to your daughter! That’s not something we want her to do!”

“Of course, but she’s still young let her experiment!” Dad shrugged, turning off the stove as he took a plate and walked up to the table.

“Not like that!” Mom shook her head as dad sat at the table “That’s not how I raised her”

“You are too strict, Miso” Dad rolled his eyes and I smiled at the two of them, catching mom’s eyes.

“You don’t have to worry, I never did any of those. Mom, you raised me well” I rose from the table, a fond smile spreading on mom’s lips as dad nodded.

“Glad to hear that” Mom patted my arm as I passed by.

“Have a nice day!” Dad called as I closed the door after me, opening the messages Sehun sent.

‘You can’t just hang up on me like that!

Song Chae-Yeong, answer me!

You should be grateful I called you! Or else you’d be late to school.

Chae-Yeong, I’m getting angry!

Answer me!!!

God, you are so annoying…

But still come over or I’ll leave the apartment as it is!

Keep ignoring me, you know it’s not funny.

Do you want to fight like last night? I tried to be nice but you are asking for it...and I’m the one always at fault, pff.’

I scoffed loudly as I read through the other messages. What is his problem? Why did he get so worked up from little nothings? He can’t just get a life? Like, leave me alone for a second? After he’s out of So Young’s house I’m blocking his number!

‘I’m going to school so stop texting me! Sehun, get a life you are so annoying!’ I punched in the words quickly, glaring at the screen. The moment I looked up, a yelp escaped my lips.

“Kyungsoo?” I asked confused as Kyungsoo stared back at me.

“Good morning, seems like you have some problems over there?” He chuckled as he pointed at my phone. I hid it behind my back with a smile, praying Sehun would be too angry to answer me back.

“Morning, what are you doing here? For how long have you been standing here?” I asked as I walked up to him, the morning air not as chilly as before.

“Five minutes, so you don’t have to worry” Kyungsoo smiled as I narrowed my eyes at him.

“What if I already went to school and you’d just stay here?”

“For a fact I knew you didn’t and I was right” I huffed as Kyungsoo intertwined our fingers and we started to walk.

“Smart head” I mumbled and Kyungsoo chuckled, the phone buzzing against my palm. Damned be Sehun! Why now?

“How was your sleep?”

“So good, but then someone woke me up” I rolled my eyes, wanting to smash the phone against the pavement as it buzzed once again. Why does he always text so freaking much?

“Oh, rough morning you had” Kyungsoo chuckled and I pouted, nudging his side.

“Mine was okay, if you were wondering” He teased me with a grin and I smiled back at him.

“I really was” I laughed as he scoffed and looked away, slightly blushing. My phone buzzed again and having enough of it, I opened it.

‘Listen, I’m pretty sure my life is more active than yours so why are you even lecturing me about it!

Chae-Yeong? Are you really mad at me?

You need to come over after school asap!’

I tried keeping my nerves at bay as I smiled at Kyungsoo who glanced at me.

‘I will block your number if you do that’

I knew putting my phone away was to no avail as Sehun would most certainly answer in the speed of light.

‘Don’t do that or things will turn ugly’

‘I’m not afraid of you, Oh Sehun’ I glared at the screen as he was typing, an answer quickly being delivered.

‘But Byun Baekhyun is always there in school, a simple text from me could solve everything’ My eyes widened as I let go of Kyungsoo’s hand abruptly, him turning towards me confused.

‘Sehun! You can’t manipulate me like that! If I want to do something, I will do it!’

‘Of course, and then you’ll face the consecuentes’ I glared at the screen as I didn’t even mind hiding my anger from Kyungsoo.

‘I was planning on going over, you ! Thanks for ruining my day!’ I threw the phone into the pocket of my blazer, staring ahead with a glare.

“Chae?” Kyungsoo tried taking my hand again but I pulled away.

“Not now” I muttered, trying to calm down as I took deep breaths. Sehun might have changed but he will always be Oh Sehun, and you can’t trust him at all. He will just backstab you when you expect it the least.

“Who angered you?” Kyungsoo asked worried, his eyes wide as I sighed deeply.

“No one, he’s not someone important” I turned towards him, flashing a tiny smile.

“You got really angry though”

“I know, but I’m fine now” I shrugged, crossing my arms in front of me as the school came in view.

“It’s just--” I sighed, biting my lower lip as Kyungsoo nudged my shoulder to tell me it was okay if I didn’t want to tell him “Why do I always start trusting someone, and then that person just backstabs me? I mean...I am really trying to be nice and not fight every single time I see him, but then he says something that ticks me off and I can’t keep it it. Because if I do, it will only hurt me and he will get an

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[18.12.18] Thank you for your kind words and everyone who gave a shot to this story!!! <3


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Chapter 70: This is the third time I read it and everything is still so special, just like the first time. Thank you for making such a wonderful story.
Chapter 70: 2:22 am im done reading it. And that ride was awesome! Gosh help me give me some oxygen. Thank you authornim for making such a great story.
Kyuteata #3
Chapter 52: This still one of my favs
KeemNoona #4
Kyuteata #5
One of my favs
SnowExoBang #6
Chapter 71: I died everyday reading this. Sometimes I wanted to tell Chaeyeong to shut up and ignore all of them,that firing back was getting her into deep s, then i shook it off and told myself that she’s so brave, sassy and honest. I wanted to break Suho and Jongdae’s bones when they just acted like was not going down right in front of them, punch Baekhyun so hard he’d have difficulty breathing and lastly Slap the out of Sehun for being SEHUN! This Sehun!!!
But after all......it leads up to nothing but a very fulfilling happiness
Chapter 71: This is wonderfulllllllll~ Thank you for making me go on am emotional roller coaster with you.

Thank you for your hard work! <3
Chapter 71: Oh my goodness this is so freaking good stories you know. Thanks for making me cry and smile brings me ups and down during reading this stories. You did great.