XI. Series of Unfortunate Events

Knock Me Out and Pick Me Up
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Chapter 11: Series of Unfortunate Event

Next Day

"I can do this. I can do this. I-"

"Can do what?" Sehun's motivational speech was suddenly cut short by his now official boyfriend, Luhan.

"I can't do this!"

"Can't do what?" Luhan asks absentmindedly while continuously twisting and turning an abomination of a device shaped like a cube. 

"Oh you're here..." Sehun tries to maintain a straight face as he leans against Luhan's door, but all he could think of was, Subtle.. Subtle.. What if YOU ask Luhan about Kyungsoo? Stupid Jongin voice. Get the hell out of my head!

"Are you... okay?" Luhan finally puts away his rubix cube and faces Sehun properly while the taller male stares straight back at him. "Uhhh you wanna go now Hunnie?"

"Oh right! Right. Where would you erm want to go out.. together... officially..?" Nah Sehun doesn't do smooth. Obviously.

"You're making this awkward. You know that?"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am NOT"

"Are TOO!"


"ARE- Hell Sehun-ah I don't want our first fight to be about this. Stop being-" Luhan suddenly stops mid-sentence.

"Were you about to call me a child?!"

"Uhh nope."


"Do you want to go out or not?"

"To bubble tea?"

"Agreed." And just like that, their first fight is over. They walk together side by side and call this sappy but Luhan purposefully sticks near his boyfriend, making their hands brush a couple of times. Sehun finally gets the hint and intertwines their fingers together. Color rushes to both their cheeks and Sehun falls back to whistling, trying to get the awkwardness out.

The shop's bell rings and the two males enter, not even bothering to check the menu as they head to the cashier. The familiar sound of machines buzzing and people's chatter welcome the pair, luring them to pull out their wallets.

Sehun's POV 

"The usual," we say at the same time.

"So. Do you only like Taro?"  Luhan gives me a 'seriously?' face. "What? Maybe you were only encouraged by- oh I don't know... a short friend with doe eyes and alabaster skin."

"Kyungsoo?" YES HIM!


"Never mind but yeah I used to visit Kyungsoo often while he was working here and he was the one who suggested this drink." Luhan raises his bubble tea, gives me a smile, and heads to look for a free table. Jongin would be so proud of me. I just started and I already got him talking. I mentally pat myself at the back as I follow Luhan to the window seat.

A few minutes pass with just our usual banter and idle talk. Honestly, I thought that little confession would make our friendship somewhat awkward but now I realize I could always count on Luhan for anything. As I stare at his innocent eyes, I get a sudden rush. A realization of who I can call mine and the feeling of being lost as he looks away.. away from me. 

"Sehun-ah are you okay?" Two orbs inquisitively gaze at me and I suddenly feel the pressure of saying three words he was able to express, but I didn't know how. I want it to feel special so I brush it off for another day and shake my head to answer him.

"Sorry. I though I recognized someone."

Luhan looked at me, confused for a second before returning his smile. "Okay."

"Do you want to watch a movie now?" Luhan nods his head and hand-in-hand we walk towards the cinemas. 

"Oh oh! Let's watch this!" Luhan points to an overly designed poster.

"That's a rom-com. Too corny." Luhan's lips form a pout and if only we were on that stage I'll kiss them right away. I spot a horror movie that won't seem to scare me. I still have to keep my image in front of my boyfriend of course. "How about that one?"

"Hell no! You're just like Kyungsoo! Forcing me to watch horror..." Luhan tries to pull me away while I restrain a goofy smile. Too cute- wait Kyungsoo likes horror?

"What does he do?"

"Who knows maybe he imagines all those scenes with his mortal enemies as the main characters. Sometimes, his brain is just ed up." Noted. Don't get on his bad side.


"What do you mean?" Luhan gives me a weird look. "Uhh... Maybe because he laughs while watching all those blood splatter and paint the concrete while the killers  slowly slit skin apart?"

"Is that it?" I try not to look at him. Subtle Sehun. Subtle.

Luhan gives me a shrug and points at a new animated movie. He rushes excitedly and all I could do is run to him. "This one! I didn't know it was out. This is so cute!"

"I'm not much of a fan of those kinds of movies, Lulu." 

"C'mon! No one else would watch it with me! Baekhyun is too busy and too much of a diva while Kyungsoo only watches one kind of animated show and it's fricking Pororo!"

"Pororo?" I try to hold back my laughter

"Yes. I know right. You get my frustration?"

"Okay okay.. let's go." Luhan instantly clings onto my arm and gives me a quick peck- woah we should do this more often! I stare at him, mouth slightly agape and he gives me a sheepish smile before rushing to buy food.

"Wait- can I get more of that?!"

"Buy me nachos." Nachos? He must have seen my face since he says, "Eh I got used to it. Kyungsoo always.. yeah."

"What else is abnorma- I mean unique about him?"

"Unique? More like gullible and too innocent looking. Why are you asking?" CRAP. I did not plan for this. Mayday mayday! Kim Jongin, the things I do for you.

"So nachos?" I try to get off the topic.

"O-kay sure." Bless your soul Luhan. 

End of POV

The two enter the cinemas with Luhan explaining what the movie would be about. Sehun just observes how Luhan's eyes seem to sparkle as his hand gestures little scenes before him. Sehun softly smiles to himself tracing every curve and crevice of Luhan's face with his eyes. He loved how the other's nose would crinkle a bit, trying to lessen his annoyance from the other noisy teenagers, how his features contort as he tries to hold back laughter, and how innocent he is as he watches the movie. Sehun was dumbfounded on how something so simple could cause that much joy and tears to brim in Luhan's eyes. He relaxes against his seat with a contented sigh, trying to get glimpses from the movie so as not to disappoint Luhan later when he wants to rant about it. 

Sehun wasn't too aware of the time and it was too soon for him when he was met with Luhan's full gaze. The older male leans against Sehun's shoulder.

"I almost cried." Sehun tries to hold back laughter but fails and snorts instead. "Did you just- Sehun! The movie touched something deep inside me. I want to be younger." Luhan whines.

Sehun wasn't planning to let it slip but his lips moved to say, "But we won't be together". He tries too cover it with a yawn and stretches his arms. The younger male ends up encircling Luhan in his arms. They would have stayed like this for God knows how long if only they didn't see personnel going around checking the seats.

If you thought the rest of the date went as good and fluffy as this scene, you're hella wrong. To put it simply, clearly Sehun's forte is far from cunningness and he was too much of a good friend to let Jongin down. For all the times the tanned male taught him the

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12.25.15 || Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you


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kimmml #2
Chapter 1: This is funny, just read the 1st chap and I alr like it! :)
Chapter 18: Oh Christ! boy-han in the house! The entire song (lu) is one Ling pick up line and she mistook it for drugs, LOL
Chapter 10: Omg that rant though, hahahaaha this is FUN!
Chapter 19: Omo ur fic is so cute and funny xD
Btw u should watch my unfortunate boyfriend and bromance !
Chapter 19: IM CRYING YOUR JOKES ARE LEVELLING UP (next time i read an update i need to be somewhere private bec i think i almost exploded trying to keep myself from laughing in public)
Chapter 19: Frick why do u do this to me... i didnt know that u wre gnna update >__< u should have told meee T^T asdfgtghjhgvlkf

Dammmnnn u and the pick up lines that u include in the story (i told my self that i was going to sleep early but noooooo xD) I love possessive jongin ♥♥♥♥

Wat dramas did u recently watch?? :P
ilikekpop4 #8
Chapter 19: Damn those jokes made me laugh sooo hard! I was done at the roses and violets one.

About the kdramas, i recommend watching cheese in the trap, descendants of the sun and i forget others.
got7kookiejars #9
Chapter 19: Just the fic I needed to cheer me up hahaha!!! Jongin's pick up lines and his possessive side are just <3 was that just xiukai at the start?? God bless authornim <3

I'm not into kdramas that much sorry but I'm with you in watching nct lol!