I. Knock Knock

Knock Me Out and Pick Me Up
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I. Knock Knock


Today was the day he's been waiting for, the start of summer. To top it all off, the cool atmosphere of his room felt ethereal compared to the hot and humid weather outside. The tanned male could not pinpoint what's different, yet a nagging sensation continues to bother his senses. It might just be because his roommate Park Chanyeol wasn't there to destroy the peace with his boisterous laugh. To add to that, he has all the place to himself without anyone telling him what to do especially when to get out of bed.

"Knock knock." Someone from the opposite side says as he hears raps against his door. 

Slightly (extremely) pissed and curious as to who would get him out of his comfortable cocoon at 11 am (seriously it's too early for a summer day) he shouts, "Who's there?"

"A repairman." The stranger says, but Jongin didn't call for a repairman. 

He cautiously opens the door an umbrella behind his back. What? It was his first year living alone. Give a guy some credit. When the door was wide enough for him to see the 'repairman', he says, "Who?"

"I'm here to fix your heart." The doe-eyed stranger said with much seriousness that Jongin declared him as a lunatic and slammed the door right at his face. He quickly puts an ear against the door listening for the psycho's retreating footsteps. Yeah. Good job. Wait for him to make a huge ruckus before calling the cops. 

The man who almost got his face flattened by the door didn't expect that reaction. His friend said that the tanned male would think he's funny. Maybe he should've said it while smiling. Determined, he raises his hand to try another one, but this time with a much much better approach.

"Knock knock." He says as his hand connects with the door.

"What?" He could only see the other's face slightly frightened since his whole body is practically behind the door.

"You're supposed to say 'who's there?'." 

"What?!" His next line now ruined by the clueless man (who has the door fully opened but that's clearly not an umbrella in his hand right?) he desperately tries to look for a line out of the many things he has memorized.

"Did you call for a doctor?"

"Okay I think you need to do that. Goodbye." As Jongin was about to slam the door on his face, the other male stops it with his foot with a soft, "Ow." He's not falling for that again. He pushes against it with all his might. Jongin, slightly surprised, falls first to the ground and the shorter stranger (mentally challenged man) on top of him. His eyes start to gradually get bigger. Maybe even bigger than the ones staring straight down at him. Jongin gulps making a really loud sound. Suddenly, the man on him leans closer, closer, closer....

"'Cause your burning hot." He says while they're faces were a breath away. He smiles really widely cheekbones touching his eyes, but from Jongin's perspective he looked like he was gonna murder him. Wait, wait, wait- did he just say he was smoking hot?

"Yeah. Yes I did." The man, who was still on top of him, said and winked. Jongin coughed loudly forcing the other one to get off of him.

"Do you even know who I am?! 'Cause I have no ing clue who the hell you are!"

"Oh that's easy. You're Kim Jongin born on January 14, 1994 in Suncheon, Jeolla and you are currently in the same college as me. But, I AM one year higher than you so watch your tongue. You didn't go home since your parents are working. You only have sisters-"

"That's all uhh...nice, but who the hell..umm who are you?"

"I'm Kyungsoo. Do Kyungsoo."

"Okay Do Kyungsoo."

"You can call me Kyungsoo."


"Or Kyung hyung."

"Okay." Jongin says while standing up, so Kyungsoo mimics his actions. 

"This has all been very pleasant, but get out!" Jongin says as he pushes Kyungsoo, not too gently, out the door. As he slams it he says, "If you don't want me to call the cops stop stalking me."

Frustrated that his first day of summer was ruined, Jongin grabs the remote, drops to the couch, and turns on the TV. Doesn't mean he couldn't enjoy a good telenovela ...melodrama..no I mean TV show. H

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12.25.15 || Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you


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kimmml #2
Chapter 1: This is funny, just read the 1st chap and I alr like it! :)
Chapter 18: Oh Christ! boy-han in the house! The entire song (lu) is one Ling pick up line and she mistook it for drugs, LOL
Chapter 10: Omg that rant though, hahahaaha this is FUN!
Chapter 19: Omo ur fic is so cute and funny xD
Btw u should watch my unfortunate boyfriend and bromance !
Chapter 19: IM CRYING YOUR JOKES ARE LEVELLING UP (next time i read an update i need to be somewhere private bec i think i almost exploded trying to keep myself from laughing in public)
Chapter 19: Frick why do u do this to me... i didnt know that u wre gnna update >__< u should have told meee T^T asdfgtghjhgvlkf

Dammmnnn u and the pick up lines that u include in the story (i told my self that i was going to sleep early but noooooo xD) I love possessive jongin ♥♥♥♥

Wat dramas did u recently watch?? :P
ilikekpop4 #8
Chapter 19: Damn those jokes made me laugh sooo hard! I was done at the roses and violets one.

About the kdramas, i recommend watching cheese in the trap, descendants of the sun and i forget others.
got7kookiejars #9
Chapter 19: Just the fic I needed to cheer me up hahaha!!! Jongin's pick up lines and his possessive side are just <3 was that just xiukai at the start?? God bless authornim <3

I'm not into kdramas that much sorry but I'm with you in watching nct lol!