My Best Friend 06


I rolled out of bed in the morning, grunting and swearing under my breath. For the first time, I was completely unexcited for a new day. “Sunji ah, we need to get up if you want to squeeze in some time to finish our homework. We have training at 2pm today.” I reminded as I turned towards her bed. Only to find that the sheets were neatly folded and that it was empty.

Where in the world is Sunji? Did she not come back from Physio yesterday?

I hurriedly got dressed and decided to head over to the EXO dorm to see if any of them knew where Sunji was. Standing in front of their door, I hesitantly gave a small knock. Unexpectedly, there was absolutely no reply. However I knew they were in since I could hear voices coming from inside the room. I knocked a few more times before giving up and twisting the door knob open. I was slightly shocked to find all 12 EXO members huddled together in a circle on the floor, speaking in hushed whispers.


“Oh, Hye Sun, aren’t you supposed to be at training right now?” Sehun questioned unnaturally loudly, as if to inform the other members of my presence.

“Erm… my class only starts at 2pm later today.” I replied. “Anyways, I just dropped by to ask if Sunj-”

“Is Sunji okay? Is she feeling better?” Kai interjected, cutting off my question.

“What?” I asked confused.

“Oh didn’t you hear the news? Sunji collapsed during physiotherapy session last night and tore a tissue in her leg, she’s strictly confined to bed rest to allow it to heal over completely.” Suho explained. “She told us she would call you though.”

“Ah, I seem to have forgotten to check my phone. Sorry for bothering you guys.” I apologized and bowed a little.

“Mei, do you want to hang out with us for a while?” 

“I don’t want to intrude though.”

“You won’t ah Mei, anyways I’m sure certain members here want to ask you some questions.” Kris cheekily mentioned, nodding towards Kai and Chanyeol.

“Oh, what is it?”

“Well… can you… tell us abit more about Sunji? I mean she really doesn’t speak much about herself and I’m really curious.” Kai asked rather embarrassed.


Seated on the couch, the EXO members all stared at me rather expectantly.


Why in the world would Kai ask such a question?


“Well, what do you want to know?

“Everything!” Chanyeol blurted out.

“A little more detailed?” I laughed nervously, feeling extremely awkward.

“Her habits, what she likes, her family, her background, everything!”


“Well then, Sunji has a really short attention span so she gets distracted really easily. That’s why she’s never dated in the past, I think she feared growing bored of the other party and hurting them unintentionally. She also really likes to tie her shoelaces in this really weird checkerboard way. She absolutely hates coffee, she loves working out and going to the gym even though she has no extra weight to lose and she is so unorganized, her room looks like a bomb shelter. Drumming and dancing is her whole life. Much like you guys.” I said and gestured towards Kai and Chanyeol. “She has a crazy obsession with shoes, especially designer sneakers and she loves anything Marc Jacobs and Jeremy Scott.”

“Her family is absolutely loaded. She probably has enough money to buy over all your houses, maybe even all your cars but she doesn’t flaunt it. And that’s the most magical thing about her. I sometimes forget that her family ranks in the world’s top 100 most affluent families. She really humble and sarcasm is her second language. Not only that, but she is extremely intelligent and was actually offered a full scholarship to study at Seoul University, but her love for the arts make her turn down the request and she now attends the School Of Performing Arts Seoul with me.”

Before Kai and Sehun (ex-students at SOPA) could interject, I added, “Yep! The same school you guys used to go to! She’s literally the best and most all-rounded student on campus but she practices the hardest amongst everybody. With her outgoing and fun personality, it’s really hard not to like her. And even with the countless confessions she gets every day, she’s somehow able to turn everyone down nicely and still manages to be on friendly terms with all of them.”

“However, even though she comes across as someone really confident and witty, she’s been through a fair share of hardships herself. Deep down, she’s really quite broken and lonely, but she would never admit it out loud for fear of burdening you with her problems. She hasn’t really been the same ever since an incident that took place 2 years ago."

"What happened?"

"I don't think that I should be the one telling you her story. But well, all I can say is that Sunji is not as happy as you think and that she's actually sick."

A moment of silence passed and I decided to continue.

"She’s really sensitive towards everyone’s emotions and thoughts and she has the uncanny ability to be able to perfectly read the mood of a situation."

"She’s also one of the very few people I know that always, always puts others before herself. I mean, she turned down a chance to train at YG Entertainment just because I didn’t make it. I don’t even know if she was being stupid or selfless because I honestly can’t be sure that I would do the same for her. She’s so effortlessly radiant and well, she truly is just someone I’m forever thankful to have met and found in my life.” I finished my speech.


 In an attempt to lighten the mood, I cleared my throat and asked, “So why are you guys asking about Sunji?”


“Oh nothing. We were just curious!” Tao replied just when I heard Kai whisper under his breath, “She really is something, isn’t she?”


I merely shot him a small smile and directed my attention elsewhere when a pair of sneakers by the door caught my attention.

“Whose shoes are those?” I questioned as I pointed to the mentioned pair on the floor.

“Erm, mine? What’s wrong with it?” Kai answered.

“That’s EXACTLY how Sunji ties her shoelaces.”

“Oh. About that…” Kai responded sheepishly, his face flushing red while the members narrowed their eyes at him. “I was let off dance class earlier that day because Lay hyung and Sehun were speaking to seonsaengnim about their monthly showcase choreography. So I decided to pay Sunji a visit when she was at physiotherapy before returning back to the dorms. She helped me tie my laces because I told her I really liked hers.” He explained rather bashfully.

Instantaneously, the other members started to complain about how unfair it was that Kai had spent some extra time with Sunji and I couldn’t have felt more “extra” at that moment. Too absorbed in my thoughts, I only looked back up when I heard Suho demand rather strictly, “Kai is there something going on between you and Sunji?”

“Nope,” he answered with no hesitance, then added under his breath, “at least not yet.”

“Back off Kai.” Chanyeol threatened, sounding dangerous and serious for once, completely unlike the Chanyeol I had come to know. Anyone could tell that the tension in the room was building up and I, for one, really disliked it.

Kai likes Sunji...? O_O





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Chapter 18: Its so good! I spent an entire day readin ... I think I might be addicted. I can't wait for updates! Please update soon :D
Omuiyuni #2
Chapter 18: We all want more Hyesun moments xD PLS GIVE US MORE
avisdawn #3
Chapter 18: Welcoooooome baaaaaackkk!!!!! Yay! At last ! More Hye Sun moments ^_^ .....i read it again and I love the BTS' moment ^_^ have you already watched their comeback stage on MCountdown ? ^_^ they're amazing and also the fanchants :)
Thanks for the update :))
avisdawn #4
Chapter 17: I agree with aniyasmash :) , but I still love your story ^^
Chapter 14: I realised (no offense) buut hye sun isnt coming out as much as sunji in the story. Is it possible to give hye sun more parts as i think her story is very interesting as it depicts the emotions she felt like betrayal, inferiority and others. not saying that sunji's story is boring though is just that in my opinion i think hye sun story needs more 'colour' and i feel that exo should know what they are doing to poor hye sun. i guess as putting myself in hye suns shoes really made me feel that she is gtreated pretty badly and if i were her i would have disliked sunji and exo (hate is such a strong word) as sunji kept on spending more time with exo instead of her own friend and not thinking about the expectations she raised in hye sun's mind. like hye sun has to think, dance, practice like a thousand times harder adn people would tink that she still does not make the cut like she can never be as good as sunji. Thats just my opinion though no offense. i mean sometimes i also feel inferior to others i guess. i think its because i can relate to her well.
avisdawn #6
Chapter 14: when will hye sun going to appear? I totally agree, sunji IS her bestfriend yet she's always with EXO without even inviting her....
And I thought hye Sun is kris' Sister? Why not approach her to accompany her, right?
Chapter 13: I can't wait to hear more from hye sun... Idk why, but Sunji is kind of self centered and it irks me a little that she's so flippant about her friend who she's up and left behind... Maybe hye sun and Kai should get together then....
lemonsforlife #8
Chapter 8: i think that its really great that you decided to adopt the profile of the average trainee because many stories tend to over exaggerate the capabilities of the main character! its very different and its definitely caught my interest :-)

im not too fond of people pitying themselves but i think it would be interesting to see the character development and her growth as the story progresses :-) i hope she picks herself up soon !!!!!
Ohhh this is so sad! They blew her off for her friend and she doesn't even know how to speak up for herself....
avisdawn #10
Chapter 6: Update more if you have time ^^ if I were Hye Sun, I'll just do my best just to reach my dreams,
I wish that there will be someone out of Exo/trainees/group from other companies like Got 7, Big bang, Bangtan Boys, 2ne1, ailee who will comfort her and make the people around her realize that she has that something inside her that is brilliant