Panicked 10


Hello everyone! This is just a really short co-author's note from me! This chapter is exactly what the title states and it was slightly embarrassing and personal to write so I hope you understand if it sounds a little strange to you. Still, I hope you enjoy it! 

geezeebee <3


Sunji's POV

"Urgh, how do I bloody do this." I complained under my breath, trying to perfect the challenging scorpion dance move that I was intent on including in the dance. I had decided to come into the dance room two hours before classes started just to get a head start on the extra choreography assignment I was given specially by my teacher. I knew that I was being too harsh on my newly recovered leg, but I couldn't stand not doing anything in the dorms all day. Failing for the umpteenth time and falling to the floor with a loud 'thunk', I gritted my teeth in sheer frustration as I decided that it was best to take a short break. I lay on the couch and threw my towel over my eyes in an attempt to get some shut-eye. Before no more than 15 minutes passed, I heard the door open, followed by the sound of squeaky shoes on the newly waxed floors. 

Thinking that it was Hye Sun who had come to look for me (like she had said she might), I pretended to be in a deep sleep, wanting to give her a scare when she came closer. But the next thing I knew, I was abruptly woken up by a deep, hoarse voice right by my ear. "Hey babe." My eyes snapped open and I instantly flung myself off the couch, pushing past the towering body next to me. Recognising the familiar face, I questioned, "Taeyong? What are you doing here? Lessons don't start for another hour." Taeyong smiled brightly, "Well, if it isn't Little Miss Sensitive." I had been given the nickname because of my absolute fear of physical contact. Everyone had started calling me that ever since an incident where I had overreacted when another trainee accidentally brushed past me during a dance training session. 

I shivered slightly as I felt goosebumps crawling up my arm. I subconsciously took a step back away from him, just as he took a step towards me. This continued until I was up against the wall, breathing deeply in utmost fear. 
The thing is, I know that Taeyong isn't a bad person, he just enjoyed joking around and (unfortunately) did not seem to know my limits. He raised a chiseled arm and slammed it on the wall, right next to my head. He leaned down to look me in the eye with a teasing smile, "Why are you shaking so bad?"

Even though I knew that he was simply joking around, I could not help but let fear and anxiety take over me. "Can you please...uh." I swallowed my anxiety and tried to pry his arms away from my head. I felt the tears that had unknowingly accumulated behind my eyelids slowly start to run down my cheeks. "Please what babe? What's actually wrong with you?" I squeezed my eyes shut and I remained silent, completely uncomfortable with how close he was. My heart thumped in my chest and I could feel myself slowly lose feeling in my hands.  "Please just stop." I pleaded. Taeyong simply smiled, probably thinking that I was joking with him. He raised a hand to my cheek just as I lost my cool and sunk to the floor. Taken aback, Taeyong's eyes widened and he hurriedly took a step back. "It's not your fault." I hastily whispered before pushing past him and rushing to my bag in the corner of the room.

"I'm really sorry Sunji! I didn't mean it!" His apology flew over my head as I frantically dug through my bag, looking for my phone. With shaky fingers, I plugged in my earphones and played the recording that my counsellor had told me to listen to whenever I experienced a panic attack. Forcing my eyes shut and using my fingers to force the ear phones in my ear, I tried to take deep breaths to calm myself down. I knew I must have looked like a complete mess but I was so out of it that I couldn't not even bring myself to care. I did not even notice Taeyong leaving the room in a flurry in an attempt to get "help". I remained in my corner for a good 5 minutes before I felt the warmth of a familiar hand on my cheek.

I opened my eyes to find myself looking straight into Kai's warm brown orbs. From my peripheral vision, I could see Chanyeol standing a foot away, swaying awkwardly and rubbing his hands in concern. My heart raced and I felt the severity of my trembles as I struggled to maintain my breathing. The recording I was listening to droned on in the background as I felt my earphones drop to the floor after a gentle tug. I took in a shaky breath and Kai hesitantly caressed my cheek. Unknowingly I flinched, even though I tried my hardest not to. Kai nervously removed his hand and settled it on my back instead. "Shhhhh shhhhh it's okay."

I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them in an attempt to stop the heavy tremors that were running through my body. Kai's soothing pats did nothing to calm me down. Chanyeol, who had seemed to wake up from his senses, quickly kneeled by my side and pulled me up. Shocked, I punched at him and swung my arms wildly, uncomfortable with the close contact and too emotionally unstable to care that I was hurting him. Despite my violence, Chanyeol firmly but gently grasped onto my two wrists and wrapped me in a tight hug, nuzzling his chin on my head. I sighed and more tears rolled down my cheeks. An uneasy silence fell in the room but I surprisingly found myself relaxing into his arms. My arms found their way around his waist and I snuggled into his chest, his heartbeat faint in my ear. Chanyeol's free hand ran through my hair comfortingly, our two bodies rocking back and forth to a beat we could not hear. Coming back to "consciousness", the thought of having been caught in such a vulnerable state hit me like a truck and all I could do was grab my bag and fly out the dance room in utter embarrassment, forcing myself not to turn around and run back into Chanyeol's warm and comforting embrace. 

Kai's POV

I stared at Chanyeol and he stared back at me. Both of us asking questions that neither of us had the answers to. Something was definitely wrong but I didn't want to probe. Sunji obviously wasn't in the best of moods and I didn't want to further dampen her mood. Just when I thought that we were both developing some kind of feelings for each other, Chanyeol still manages to always know the right thing to do and I feel like I've been pushed back 10 steps again. 

It was no secret that I was absolutely smitten with the girl. She was not only the most beautiful girl I had ever laid my eyes on, but she had this aura and radiance to her that attracted anyone that merely glanced her way. She had talent but she was humble and kind-hearted. I remember seeing her once at the canteen in our company building. She was alone and I wanted to go sit with her. I was afraid that she was just waiting for her friends and not actually alone and because I did not wish to interrupt her, I decided to watch her for awhile longer to see if anyone would turn up. I think it was just an excuse for me to pluck up enough courage to talk to her. I must've waited too long because she was done by the time I was confident enough to ask. Before she left though, I saw her clear her tray even though the cleaning lady was right there, and she even grabbed a cloth from the lady's basket to wipe the table down. That was enough to make me smile with admiration, but of course, Sunji had to amaze me even more as she bought the cleaning lady lunch and sat with her for almost an hour, listening to her talk about her grandchildren. (Yes, I watched her secretly from another table the whole time.) 

Another thing about Sunji, was that she perfectly fit my ideal type. Ask any of my members and they would know that I liked a girl that was a fair, tall and slender dancer with long hair and single eyelids. My ideal type also had to love eating as much as I did and she had to be sporty, outgoing, and love animals. If I had to imagine what my ideal type would look like, Sunji would be a perfect fit. But I guess her beauty did not go unnoticed by other people like I had initially hoped. 

I'd seen on countless occasions, the way the male trainees ogled at her when we had dance sessions together. I was also painfully aware of the fact that literally every trainee in the company had some kind of crush on her. I mean, even EXO. They spoke non-stop about her and even attempted to cook lunch for her when she was in the hospital. Especially Chanyeol hyung. I'm usually smooth and funny when I'm around her, but next to him, I look like an immature child. I know hyung isn't trying to make me look bad on purpose. It's just that he truly is such a gentleman and he's so thoughtful that I found it hard to be in his presence, without feeling small. I knew deep down that Chanyeol was perfect for Sunji and that Sunji was perfect for Chanyeol. But I refused to imagine a picture like that.

Chanyeol turned to face me and nodded to acknowledge my call.
"How did you know what to do?"
"I didn't."
I nodded, already used to his vague answers.

"She was having a panic attack Jongin."

My eyes widened at the realisation. My younger sister used to suffer the same when she was younger. She was always anxious and jumpy, afraid of the smallest of spaces and the close proximity of strangers. I'd been there when my sister had an attack, but they were never as bad as what I had just seen Sunji go through. 
"Should we chase after her?"
"I don't think we should Jongin. Let's give her some space to think, we can go visit her after practice. We have rap now anyways. Let's go before we're late."
I reluctantly agreed and trudged off behind Chanyeol. 


What would you do if you walked in on someone having a panic attack? :)

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Chapter 18: Its so good! I spent an entire day readin ... I think I might be addicted. I can't wait for updates! Please update soon :D
Omuiyuni #2
Chapter 18: We all want more Hyesun moments xD PLS GIVE US MORE
avisdawn #3
Chapter 18: Welcoooooome baaaaaackkk!!!!! Yay! At last ! More Hye Sun moments ^_^ .....i read it again and I love the BTS' moment ^_^ have you already watched their comeback stage on MCountdown ? ^_^ they're amazing and also the fanchants :)
Thanks for the update :))
avisdawn #4
Chapter 17: I agree with aniyasmash :) , but I still love your story ^^
Chapter 14: I realised (no offense) buut hye sun isnt coming out as much as sunji in the story. Is it possible to give hye sun more parts as i think her story is very interesting as it depicts the emotions she felt like betrayal, inferiority and others. not saying that sunji's story is boring though is just that in my opinion i think hye sun story needs more 'colour' and i feel that exo should know what they are doing to poor hye sun. i guess as putting myself in hye suns shoes really made me feel that she is gtreated pretty badly and if i were her i would have disliked sunji and exo (hate is such a strong word) as sunji kept on spending more time with exo instead of her own friend and not thinking about the expectations she raised in hye sun's mind. like hye sun has to think, dance, practice like a thousand times harder adn people would tink that she still does not make the cut like she can never be as good as sunji. Thats just my opinion though no offense. i mean sometimes i also feel inferior to others i guess. i think its because i can relate to her well.
avisdawn #6
Chapter 14: when will hye sun going to appear? I totally agree, sunji IS her bestfriend yet she's always with EXO without even inviting her....
And I thought hye Sun is kris' Sister? Why not approach her to accompany her, right?
Chapter 13: I can't wait to hear more from hye sun... Idk why, but Sunji is kind of self centered and it irks me a little that she's so flippant about her friend who she's up and left behind... Maybe hye sun and Kai should get together then....
lemonsforlife #8
Chapter 8: i think that its really great that you decided to adopt the profile of the average trainee because many stories tend to over exaggerate the capabilities of the main character! its very different and its definitely caught my interest :-)

im not too fond of people pitying themselves but i think it would be interesting to see the character development and her growth as the story progresses :-) i hope she picks herself up soon !!!!!
Ohhh this is so sad! They blew her off for her friend and she doesn't even know how to speak up for herself....
avisdawn #10
Chapter 6: Update more if you have time ^^ if I were Hye Sun, I'll just do my best just to reach my dreams,
I wish that there will be someone out of Exo/trainees/group from other companies like Got 7, Big bang, Bangtan Boys, 2ne1, ailee who will comfort her and make the people around her realize that she has that something inside her that is brilliant