Obstacle Seventeen (Idols Ranking Final

♥HoSoo Couple♥

“Choi MinHo, please be on stage with Shin,” HeeChul invited MinHo to the stage.


MinHo looked at his group members and then Mystical members. The six of them showed him some support to encourage him. It was his fault that everything became so awkward. Things would be much easier for him and Shin if they did not get caught. Even when they were together on stage, both of them had to be cautious with their actions around each other. 



“Welcome back!” Shin greeted MinHo freely.

“I don’t have to make a second trip here if you choose me as your ideal type earlier,” MinHo stated.

“Too bad… You didn’t help me when I was about to fall earlier,” Shin continued to tease MinHo.


She forced herself to be strong. She had to show viewers that she was not affected by the scandal. Shin wanted to believe that the girl MinHo met was not her. Therefore, she made a critical decision by treating MinHo the way she did at We Got Married Season 6.


“I was too far away from you,” MinHo sighed.

“That is just an excuse,” Shin stuck out her tongue.

“Do you always argue during filming?” HeeChul asked.

“Well… We don’t argue but we joke around often,” MinHo said.

“Shin is like a child,” he added.

“Thank you…” Shin glared at MinHo.


Shin made the people in the studio laughed with her action. They thought that she was cute. The guests told both MinHo and Shin that they were match made from heaven as they looked good together. Both MinHo and Shin blushed. Although it was not their first time hearing that comments, it felt good to hear it again after a long time.


Mystical and SHINee members were glad that MinHo and Shin did not behave suspiciously. They were really witty and professional on stage. Rachel was also glad that Shin did not make any mistake.



“MinHo, please go to Boom to write down three things that Shin is good at,” HeeChul instructed MinHo.


MinHo cheekily told Shin that he would write things that she would not be able to do. He had fun disturbing her as it reminded him of the old days where they were filming We Got Married Season 6 together. Shin just said nothing and playfully glared at MinHo.


MinHo joined Shin and HeeChul on the stage while Boom went to the audience area. Boom wanted three guests to read the things that MinHo had written on the whiteboard. He chose CNBlue MinHyuk, BtoB MinHyuk and SHINee TaeMin.


“Shin is good at…” Boom paused.

“Drawing a portrait of me,” CNBlue MinHyuk read.

“Making me smile,” BtoB MinHyuk was next.

“Cooking delicious food,” SHINee TaeMin ended it.


“Therefore, to confirm that Shin is our Nation’s Young Wife, she has to draw a portrait of MinHo within half an hour, make him smile in fifteen seconds and cook a meal for him. However, the guests’ votes are important too. You have to score more than 50% to pass your tasks. If you fail one task, we’ll have to take back that title,” Boom stated the three tasks that Shin had to complete to be crowned as the Nation’s Young Wife.

“Can you do it?” HeeChul asked.

“Of course!” Shin was confident.  



The logistic crews provided an easel, a sketchbook and stationeries for Shin and a chair for MinHo. The other guests were able to look at Shin’s drawing as MinHo was facing the guests. Some approached Shin as they were amazed by Shin’s drawing skill. Some went to MinHo to distract him. Within twenty minutes, Shin finished the portrait.


“Wow, do you draw MinHo often during filming?” HeeChul was impressed by drawing.

“Well…” Shin hesitated to answer.

“You should watch HoSoo Couple on We Got Married Season 6,” she said.

“Or you can visit HoSoo House,” she added.


MinHo and some guests supported Shin’s witty answer. In We Got Married Season 6, there was a scene where MinHo showed different portraits of him drawn by Shin. Also, most of MinHo’s portraits are showcased at HoSoo House which is currently a photography studio managed by Shin’s cousin, Shin SungYeol.


“Let’s see the guests’ votes. If your portraits get more than 50%, you have passed your first task,” HeeChul said.

“No… I think we shall continue with the second task. Your results will be reveal after your last task,” Boom suggested.



“What if I can make MinHo Oppa smile within a second?” Shin asked.

“Then you’ll score 100% for this task,” HeeChul said.

“Call!” Shin agreed.


Therefore, she requested a staring game with MinHo for her second task; to make MinHo smile. She knew that MinHo would instantly smile whenever their eyes met. Eight months and more with MinHo, Shin definitely knew MinHo’s weakness.


 “One, two, three…” HeeChul slowly removed the cue card.


Shin quickly winked at MinHo as soon as the cue card was removed. MinHo managed to see Shin winking at him before looking away. It only took Shin a second to make MinHo smile. The guests were jeering at him as they said he had a weak heart for Shin. SHINee and Mystical members agreed.


“You’re good!” Boom showed a thumb up to Shin.


She showed a peace sign to Boom. Her action made MinHo smiled again because he thought that Shin was too adorable. The guests began to jeer and tease MinHo again.  



HeeChul brought Shin to the backstage as there was a mini kitchen set up for Shin’s final task. Shin was asked to cook the food that MinHo is craving for. If she managed to prepare the correct dish, she would pass the final task. However, if she prepared the wrong dish, Shin will have to go through the voting system.


“What are you craving for?” Boom asked MinHo.

“If it is Shin’s cooking, I am craving for a lot of food. Potato stew, kimchi fried rice, American breakfast, chicken ginseng soup and many more,” MinHo listed out the food that Shin had cooked for him before.

“Out of which is your favourite?” Boom was curious.

“All,” MinHo answered without hesitation.


“What are you going to cook?” HeeChul asked Shin.

“Something simple that everyone in the studio can have a bite,” Shin answered.

“Do you cook this often in We Got Married Season 6?” HeeChul questioned.

“Yes,” Shin nodded.


Boom and MinHo continued to interact with the guests as they were told to ask questions related to the HoSoo Couple. As for Shin, she was too focused on her dish that she ignored HeeChul many times. Within forty-five minutes, Shin had completed her dish. HeeChul and Shin then returned back to the studio to join the others.



“What did you prepare?” MinHo was curious.

“I’m not telling,” Shin zipped .


MinHo and Shin were told to stand in the middle of the stage as Boom and HeeChul showed the guests MinHo’s answer and Shin’s dish. The guests gave an unexpected reaction which made both MinHo and Shin nervous.


“Wow! MinHo and Shin sure do have a great telepathy! MinHo guessed picnic food and Shin had prepared kimbap and eggrolls, a must have for picnic,” Boom revealed MinHo’s answer and HeeChul revealed Shin’s dish.

“Therefore, Shin will get a full score for her final task,” HeeChul announced.


MinHo gave Shin a hi-5. He wrote down picnic food because Shin prepared it often as they had outdoor filming most of the time.



“Congratulations Mystical Shin SooAh! You are our first Nation’s Young Wife!” HeeChul and Boom announced.

“You have passed all three tasks. For task two and three, you have scored 100%. As for the first task, we’ll show you your score on the screen,” Boom informed Shin.

“Do you want to make a guess?” HeeChul questioned.

“I just hope that the score will be over 50%,” Shin said.

“Look at the screen,” Boom revealed the score for the first task.  

“95%?” Shin was quite surprised.


She did not expect that she would get a high score for that portrait as it was not her best because she did it in a hurry. However, with her impressive portrait, attractive charms and delicious food, Shin made on to the headlines as the first Nation’s Young Wife.   

Hello lovelies! I'm really sorry for the late update. I've been in a slump these days. Anyway, I hope that you'll enjoy the new chapter. Please do comment and subscribe. Thank you!

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Obstacle Twelve (Reporter)


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Chapter 17: please please please pretty please update this soon... fighting! ^^
HyunJane #2
Chapter 16: excited muchhhh~!!!!
welcome back again unnie~!
cooleling #3
Chapter 16: interesting story
HyunJane #4
Chapter 15: uwahhhhhhhh~ ur back unnieeee~ *hug*
HyunJane #5
Chapter 12: aigooo~!!!!! it's been a while unnie! *hug* aigoo~ that reporter has eagle eye! XD
HyunJane #6
Chapter 11: me too unnie~ i feel sad and angry at the same time at junhyung~ but i don't blame him~ i'm JunHara shipper~
HyunJane #7
Chapter 10: SO? I AM WRONG? AIGOO~~~
hosoo~ see everyone want you two!

unnie~! long time no see!!!!! i miss you so much!!! *hug*
Chapter 10: gaHhh! i saw it coming but them being the hunters that is what i didn't expect hahaha...

HoSoo couple fighting!

author-nim fighting!!!
HyunJane #9
Chapter 9: i wonder who is it!~~~
HyunJane #10
Chapter 8: oh~ see! i guess right unnie~!!!!!