Obstacle Fourteen (1st Attempt)

♥HoSoo Couple♥

Shin was walking towards CEO Hong’s office with her sketch book. She had something to share with her boss urgently. She took a deep breath before she knocked the boss’ door. “Come in!” the boss said. Again, Shin took another deep breath before entering the boss’ office.


“Good morning Papa Hong,” Shin greeted her boss.

“Morning my friend,” CEO Hong replied to her greetings.

“Is there something that I can help you with?” he asked.


Shin nodded. She did not have the courage to speak up once she faced her boss. The practice she had with Minnie and Cherry the previous night was useless. She finally understood why her colleagues had problems confronting with the boss. Her boss looked quite scary actually.



“Could you repeat the whole agreement to me again?” CEO Hong was really calmed.

“Errrmmm…” Shin gulped.

“I need to understand the whole agreement before I bring this over to the other party,” CEO Hong smiled at Shin.

“O-O-Okay…” Shin stuttered.


Shin’s POV:

What am I doing?


Shin kept on looking at CEO Hong as she explained about the agreement that she wrote the previous day. CEO Hong continued to smile as his favourite artist was explaining to him. He knew about the girl’s feelings towards Choi MinHo of SHINee. He knew that she was trying hard to convince both CEOs to let them continue their relationship. However, both idols had broken the first agreement. Therefore, whatever Shin suggested to him was invalid.



“Sir, you have a meeting to attend now. Everyone is waiting for your arrival,” CEO Hong’s secretary informed him.

“I’m sorry Shin SooAh. I have to go now. I will give you an answer tomorrow,” CEO Hong left his office with his secretary.


The scene reminded Shin of the previous day where her boss had to attend a meeting urgently. Shin sighed as she left CEO Hong’s office. She left her sketchbook in CEO Hong’s office for her boss to review it again when he had the time to.



“You look down again today. What happened?” Peniel asked.

“You don’t ask…” Shin replied him coldly.

“Shin Noona, why didn’t you answer your cell phone?” SungJae appeared out of nowhere.

“Rachel Unnie confiscated my cell phone. I won’t be able to contact anyone for I don’t know how many weeks,” Shin let out a long sigh.


Shin excused herself and went to the jamming studio. She needed something to release her frustration and anger. Since the jamming studio is sound proof, Shin chose to play the electric guitar. Shin did not realize that there were two persons watching her with their broken hearts.



“Shin has not contacted you?” TaeMin asked his restless and worried hyung.

“No…” MinHo shook his head.

“I guess her cell phone gets confiscated. She doesn’t reply to any of my messages too,” TaeMin said.

“She isn’t active on Twitter,” Onew joined in the conversation.

“Oh! And her Instagram too,” Key added.


MinHo let out a long sigh. If he knew that this would happen, he would not pester Shin to meet him that night. It seemed that Shin had suffered a lot more than him.


MinHo’s POV:

My poor silly Shin…


“Boys, let’s go now,” SHINee’s manager called the five boys. They were guests for a variety show that day.  



The two persons stood at the back of the jamming studio and continued to watch Shin. They waited for her to stop before they could talk to her. They knew that their maknae did not like people interrupting her when she is doing something.


“Oh… Unniedeul…” Shin was startled when she saw Minnie and Cherry standing behind her.

“Do you feel okay now?” Cherry asked. Shin nodded.

“Good. Let’s go now,” Minnie grabbed Shin’s left wrist and the three of them walked to the carpark.


The Mystical girls had a schedule to attend that afternoon.

Do you think that Shin will be able to convince CEO Hong? Will SHINee and Mystical meet each other again through a variety show? Stay tune for more exciting chapters. Please do comment and subscribe. Thank you!

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Obstacle Twelve (Reporter)


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Chapter 17: please please please pretty please update this soon... fighting! ^^
HyunJane #2
Chapter 16: excited muchhhh~!!!!
welcome back again unnie~!
cooleling #3
Chapter 16: interesting story
HyunJane #4
Chapter 15: uwahhhhhhhh~ ur back unnieeee~ *hug*
HyunJane #5
Chapter 12: aigooo~!!!!! it's been a while unnie! *hug* aigoo~ that reporter has eagle eye! XD
HyunJane #6
Chapter 11: me too unnie~ i feel sad and angry at the same time at junhyung~ but i don't blame him~ i'm JunHara shipper~
HyunJane #7
Chapter 10: SO? I AM WRONG? AIGOO~~~
hosoo~ see everyone want you two!

unnie~! long time no see!!!!! i miss you so much!!! *hug*
Chapter 10: gaHhh! i saw it coming but them being the hunters that is what i didn't expect hahaha...

HoSoo couple fighting!

author-nim fighting!!!
HyunJane #9
Chapter 9: i wonder who is it!~~~
HyunJane #10
Chapter 8: oh~ see! i guess right unnie~!!!!!