He Asked For It

By Yours Truly

Show got out of the shower to find Rainie curled up on the bed beside the two children. Her eyes closed but her fists and jaw were clenched tightly, he could sense that something was wrong with her. “Did something happen?” He asked as he walked over to the desk and threw his towel over the chair, “You've been a little off ever since we left your dorm.”

“Yeah, I'm fine,” she sighed as she sat up gently, making sure not to wake the children. She glanced over at her brother and was awe-struck; she always knew he was popular among the girls and all the guys wanted to be his friends, but when was it that he started looking so handsome? It was probably because he started maturing with age.

He eyed her suspiciously, taking a drink out of his water bottle. “Stop that,” he uttered fearfully, “it's kind of scary.”

“What? Staring at you in admiration?” She laughed.

He shook his head, “No, staring at me like a love-struck teenager.”

Rainie rolled her eyes, “I may be love struck, but I'm definitely not a teenager.” Wait. Did she just admit she's fallen in love? The fatigue must have gotten to her.

“Mike is coming back from the mainlands,” Show groaned as he made his way over to the bed and fell into it lazily, “I felt awkward continuing my friendship with him at first, since you broke up with him pretty suddenly, but he seems to be doing great now.”

“That's good,” Rainie smiled.

Show closed his eyes, “Yeah, I guess so. I never understood why you broke up with him, it seemed as though things were going pretty well between the two of you.”

“I've told you so many times,” Rainie sighed as she adjusted her angle in the bed to face her brother, “I misread my feelings.” Show nodded lightly, slowly falling asleep.

Mike He. He was an actor back in Taiwan; the lead to two of the series that Rainie had scripted for a while back. He was handsome, almost too handsome, and bore the features of a character only found in anime. He was a sweet guy, he was funny, he was probably everything a girl could have wanted. He was what Rainie once had.

She leaned her head against the wall of the bed and stared at the ceiling, reminiscing on the short amount of time she spent with Mike. In the beginning Rainie was certain it was love, she was absolutely sure that he would be all she needed in life, but she was wrong. In the end, she broke up with him because she realized the feelings she had for him were simply a delusion of the words she wrote on a simple sheet of paper for her job.

A project. Yes, he was a project; that and nothing more.

The longer she thought, the more recent the images in her mind became. At the flash of Kyuhyun's image in her mind, her heart almost skipped a beat. She remembered the kiss they shared just hours ago, the touch of his fingers against her heated skin. His soft lips caressing her own. She could feel her cheeks slightly warming and the tips of her fingers tingling with desire. Suddenly her entire body went cold and her expression stiffened.

A project. Yes, he was a project; that and nothing more.


“You're here very early today,” Hankyung remarked comfortably in his mother tongue as he greeted Rainie at the door. She carried several bags of groceries with her in both arms and he assisted her with them like the gentleman that he was.

She smiled sweetly at him, “Yeah, I left a little abruptly yesterday and couldn't help with cleaning so I thought I would show up a little earlier and prepare some breakfast.” He patted her on the head with a silly smile, she was a silly girl.

“I heard your brother and foster children came to visit you,” Hankyung stated curiously, “It's a pity that I wasn't here. I really want to meet them.”

She looked up at him for a brief moment, his gentle eyes staring into her adoringly. “They'll be around for a few more days. If you really want to meet them, we can have dinner again sometime.” She couldn't find the heart in her to reject him, his warm smile was just too convincing. He nodded.

“Can I help with anything?” He asked.

She stood up and held her hips with her hands as if she were going to punish a little child. “How do you manage to be so kind and considerate when you live with a brat? You'd think the bratty-ness would rub off on you or something,” she asked. His confused expression slowly broke into a smile, then a grin, and eventually he just burst out laughing. She was relieved; relieved that she could ease his loneliness with a bit of silliness.

“Kyuhyun's actually a very helpful kid,” Hankyung managed to say in between gasps of air, “He's been through a lot, it's hard for him to be himself around others.”

“Mhmm,” Rainie hummed at him, turning to focus on her cooking. “I'm fine in here, Hankyung, you just go and relax. I left pretty late yesterday night but you still weren't home, you must be exhausted.” She turned to him with a quick smile and he nodded, receding into the living room with the T.V. on, as always.

This was comfortable for Rainie. She had always wanted to live the life of a normal housewife; waiting for her husband to come home, tending to the children, cooking a nice meal for friends and family. The latter has already been accomplished but she still hasn't been able to find her ideal man.


It was late in the afternoon when all the boys got out of bed and came out for breakfast. Rainie greeted all of them with smiles and friendly words, offering them food and drinks to soothe their heavy schedules and lack of rest.

“Kyuhyun says he isn't feeling well, so he won't be coming to practice with us today,” Leeteuk informed Rainie, “He seemed a little weird after you left yesterday night. Maybe you should just stick around here with him. I'm sort of worried.” Rainie nodded and watched as all the boys left, save Hankyung.

“You're not going either?” Rainie asked, approaching him at the couch.

He shook his head and flipped through the channels, “I have a recording in a little bit, it's close to the dorms.” Rainie nodded in understanding and turned to the kitchen when Hankyung pulled her back to the couch and made her sit.

“You've been running around all day; cooking and cleaning, I'll do the dishes.” He grinned at her and headed for the kitchen. She watched him with a smile, he truly was a very attentive man and watched out for her often.

Kyuhyun came out from hiding and stealthily made his way into the living room, trying hard not to be discovered by Hankyung. He plopped himself beside Rainie and sat in silence for a while, unable to find the right words to ask her.

“I thought you're sick,” Rainie asked, breaking the silence.

“No, I just didn't feel like going to practice today,” Kyuhyun shrugged.

“That's very unprofessional of you,” Rainie laughed.

Kyuhyun shifted his position to look her in the eyes, “Sometimes I just like to think that I'm not of the norm instead of unprofessional.”

“You're slacking, that's definitely not something someone out of the norm would do,” Rainie mocked, “What were you doing in your room? Playing video games?” She immediately kicked herself mentally at the realization of her question; she had spoken before she could think.

Kyuhyun blinked at the mixed expression she had. “No, I was just sitting in bed thinking,” he finally managed to reply. “You know... about yesterday night...”

“What about it?” Rainie asked nonchalantly.

Kyuhyun took in a deep breath, “You know, it wasn't just on an impul-”

“Speaking of yesterday night,” Rainie interrupted nervously, “did you help the boys clean up? When I left, you were still on the computer with Tuuli-sshi. Ah! Did she notice anything was wrong?” She almost slapped herself on the head, she realized that she basically just whirled in a big circle and ended up back on the topic of the kiss.

“N-no, she didn't think anything was wrong,” Kyuhyun shook his head lightly, “But what's so wrong about ki-”

Rainie stood to her feet and turned towards the kitchen, “It sounds like Hankyung might need my help in the kitchen. I feel bad for making him wash the dishes,” she quickly explained before trying to dash for cover. Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and grasped her by the wrist, pulling her with him into his room.

He tossed her into the room and closed the door, locking it. She almost thought it was deja vu, the entire scene seemed to replay itself. She shook her head in attempt to shake away the thoughts, the kiss, but obviously Kyuhyun wasn't going to let her forget. Not that easily.

“You're avoiding my questions,” He frowned as he brushed past her and turned off the speakers to the computer. “Nothing can interrupt us now, so let's talk,” he said as he took a seat in his desk chair, motioning for her to take a seat as well.

Rainie pushed aside several electronics on the bed and sat on the edge of it. She could feel her heart beating a mile a minute, “What's there to talk about?” She asked, “If it's about the kiss, then it was just a-”

“Just an impulse?” Kyuhyun offered, hostility in his voice.

She knew if she told him it was just an impulse, he would be extremely angry. She glanced at the door several times, hesitant to reply.

“Hankyung hyung probably left for his recording already,” Kyuhyun assured, “it's only you and me in the dorms. No one will hear us.”

In an attempt to change the direction of the conversation, Rainie got up on her feet with a stern expression. She remembered Show telling her to treat him like one of her foster children since he definitely acted the part, this is where that motherly nature of hers should come in handy. “Sometimes I really wished you treated me with a bit more respect!” She nodded, Kyuhyun partially ignoring her, “I'm four years older than you. FOUR years!” She exclaimed.

“Yes, we all know that you're quite old,” Kyuhyun sneered.

She glared at him, “That's not what I was trying to say.” She tried to keep her eyes busy with objects in the room, avoiding any chance of looking him in the eyes, “What I'm saying is some things shouldn't be mentioned, some things shouldn't happen, and at this very moment, I think a little bit authority would be appreciated.”

“Fat chance,” He laughed, “I don't even give any of my hyungs the time of day, why I should I give you any authority over me?”

“Because your future lays in my hands,” She nodded.

He eyed her suspiciously, “What do you mean by that?”

“I-I mean,” she turned and squeezed her eyes shut, trying to force out an excuse. “I meant that I'm your personal assistant; I control what you drink, what you eat, what you do and when you do it. I'm very influential!”

“I could just hire someone else,” He stated simply.

“But you won't,” she replied, a little too confidently, “And you can't.”

“Why wouldn't I? Why can't I?” He questioned again. He took several steps towards her, when he finished asking his question he was practically right behind her. She didn't notice because she was turned around, afraid to face him. He smirked to himself; she was so close, if he only reached out with his hands, he could touch her.

She swung around, prepared to answer his question with what little strength she had left. “You wouldn't-” she smiled, turning to find Kyuhyun standing right behind her. He hovered over her, his tall figure casting a shadow over her petite body. She stood still, frozen in place, as she stared into his eyes.

Kyuhyun leaned over so that their faces were only inches apart, “I wouldn't what?” He asked with an evil grin. He draped his arms over her shoulder and linked his fingers on the back of her neck. He pulled her in, inviting her to another kiss. Their distance was closing, she could feel his hot breath against her own cheeks. She felt the urge to close her eyes and accept his soft lips once again, but she pushed him away.

“You wouldn't dare try to kiss me again,” she coldly replied, cheeks bright red.

He arched his back and crossed his arms, “I would.”

Rainie sighed in frustration, “I'm four years older than you, Kyuhyun.”

“I'm four years younger than you, Rainie.” She locked gazes with him. That was the first time she ever heard him call her by her name; it sounded so comfortable, so beautiful, his voice was so soothing. He rolled his eyes, “age doesn't matter.”

“But I'm leaving,” Rainie replied after she gathered her thoughts, “after I'm finished with my work trial, I'm returning to Taiwan.”

He stepped towards her again. She placed her hand on his chest, trying to keep him away. He took her small hands and held it harder against his chest; he wanted her to feel his heartbeat, wanted her to know his words weren't lies. “Then don't go back,” he whispered against her ear, “If you-,” he swallowed hard, “If you lo-,” he paused again, “if you like me, then just stay.”

Rainie pulled away from him. She really wished she knew the answer now, she really wished she knew if what she felt for him was true. She felt the rhythm of his heart, felt the warmth of his skin, the gentleness of his voice.

“I can't,” she replied, “I won't.”


A/N: RAINIE! T.T I wish I didn't make her so mature. Sorry, but I can't tell you who she will end up with. XD But I CAN tell you that it will be a happy ending for Rainie. :) I love her too much to make her sad. I gave her so many love interests in this story XD~ She deserves all of them, though. Haha. She's so love-able!

Sorry for the late update but I hope you liked this chapter! Things WILL get better/happier!

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please update
I never thought I would get to read a story between these two characters, but it was amazing! Great job, author-nim!! LOVED IT!!!!
This was the first story I read in AFF. :) Glad I found it again! ^^ REALLY SWEET!
dimskie #4
Chapter 17: gdfjiasog loving it!
way sweet ^^
sightsounds #6
awww I loved it!!! it was beyond sweet...I'm going to miss the banter between Rainie and Kyu but great job indeed!
PikaKyu #7
O<br />
sightsounds #8
hahaha....Kyu is soo freakin adorable...I love seeing his reaction to Mike being there...another great chapter!
sightsounds #9
opps I meant oblivious...sorry!..but great new chapter...I love how aggressive Kyu is!
rssj1314 #10
@sightsounds lol. thanks! I try not to make it too obvious that they're jealous, but in the end it just turns out that way. XD<br />
<br />
@lowblue thanks for reading! :)