Suspicious Observations

By Yours Truly

[Rainie’s Diary Entry #1]

Everything feels like a dream. Waking up hours after the fun night out I had with JungKyu-shi, I thought that life in Korea wouldn’t be as hard as I had expected and for the most part I was right. They told me that today was the day I would meet the lead actor of my upcoming script. His name was… KyuHyun? Cho Kyuhyun.  I’m anticipating it.

[Entry #1 END]

“Are you set, Rainie-sshi?” asked a familiar voice, it was JungKyu outside the door.

“Yup, all set!” she replied. She left the room and together they headed towards KyuHyun’s commercial filming location.

“Do you think we’ll get along, JungKyu-sshi? KyuHyun-sshi and I, I mean.” JungKyu turned in Rainie’s direction finding her watching the people venturing on the outside of the car nervously biting her bottom lip.

“Are you nervous?” he asked.

“A little bit,” she sighed while stretching her arms over her head, “I’ve done this plenty of times before with celebrities back in Taiwan, China and Hong Kong, but it was so much easier since we spoke the same language for the most part. I mean, I’ve been practicing Korean a lot and I don’t think our communication will be too difficult, but it still gets to me.”

JungKyu listened to Rainie as she relentlessly explained her worries, her Korean has already seemed to improve. She must be very devoted to this job. “I think you’ll do well with KyuHyun, Rainie-sshi,” he answered honestly.

“KyuHyun… no honorifics… are you two close?” Rainie asked, propping herself erect in her seat, her hands grasping her knees.

“You caught on very fast with that one,” he laughed, “we’ve known each other for a very long time, it’s not as if we’re very close, but we do acknowledge one another.”

“Tell me a little about him then!” Rainie exclaimed, sitting upright nervously.

The anticipation she harbored was fully displayed in her eyes, he couldn’t help but to reject her plead teasingly. “No, Rainie-sshi, I think it’s better for you to discover things about KyuHyun on your own. Ah, we’re here!”

They stepped out of the car and headed towards the crowd on the other side of the street. “Today Kyuhyun is filming a commercial for a cell-phone product. The concept is quite simple; he mostly just has to lip-sync and dance while walking down the street as others surround him. Oh, and several other SuJu members are also in this commercial,” JungKyu explained to Rainie.

“I see…” Rainie trailed off as she scanned her surroundings.

They stood in the mass for about twenty minutes when finally the director suggested everyone take a break. As the crowd scattered, those who were fans continued to stand by the sidelines. Impatient, JungKyu took Rainie by the arm and pushed the the large crowds, escorting her towards KyuHyun.

Rainie became more and more nervous each step they took towards her 'project'. Yes, at that  moment she still only thought of him as a 'project'.

Kyuhyun noticed that a familiar looking man and an unfamiliar looking girl were walking towards him. They instantly stood out in the crowd; especially the man with his tall profile. He immediately stood up and proceeded to greet JungKyu, a hyung he hadn’t seen in quite a while.

“JungKyu Hyung! How have you been?” Kyuhyun asked. He wore a childish smile as he embraced JungKyu, and continued to grasp onto JungKyu’s arm. Rainie’s observed these interactions carefully, not realizing her gaze didn't budge an inch ever since the moment she set her eyes on Kyuhyun.

“I’ve been busy, as you can see,” JungKyu replied as he turned towards Rainie, a smile on his lips. KyuHyun’s gaze followed.

“Who’s this?” he asked, his attitude made it appear as if he was truly interested in knowing who Rainie was, but his eyes revealed his nonchalant attitude.

“This is Rainie, you two will be working together for the next two to three months,” answered JungKyu.

Rainie stepped forward and bowed as she introduced herself. “Hi, my name is Rainie Yang. I hope we work well together, please take care of me in the time being, I have a lot to learn.”

Kyuhyun bowed back, and then he scanned her from head to toe. Eventually he turned to JungKyu and asked “Why are you bringing her to us? You’re not from our company. Also, am I supposed to babysit her? She looks like a youngster.”

“Better than looking like an jerk,” Rainie murmured under her breath, things weren’t going the way she had imagined. KyuHyun ignored her comment as JungKyu let out a silent laugh, nudging Rainie before he turned to KyuHyun.

“Well, it’s a joint cooperation between our companies. She’s in training and we thought having her work with SM would be good experience. And no, actually, Rainie is your noona, so please respect her. She will be helping out with your scheduling, much like a manager, from now on. Alright, I’ve got to go now… don't over exert yourself!”

Rainie stood bewildered by Kyuhyun's attitude. It stunned her to hear him call herself a youngster, even going so far as to say she looks like she should be babysat. Although what Kyuhyun said made her feel a little uneasy, she was determined to prove to him that she could a lot more than she looks.

Starting the day off with a commercial wasn’t exactly KyuHyun’s ideal type of day, but anything was better than sitting in a room with a bunch of fussy adults. They really made everything a bigger deal than it was.

Kyuhyun really enjoys singing a lot more than acting; he wasn’t going to let himself worry over it and if he need any help, all twelve Hyungs from Super Junior would definitely help him. On the other hand… he was more disturbed about this new assistant over anything else. What was he supposed to do with her? Couldn’t they give her to one of the Hyungs?

“So… is there anything I can help you with?” Rainie asked, taking off her backpack and setting it aside.

Kyuhyun once again looked her up and down, wondering why they would send her such an assistant. She had a weird accent and she’s tiny, which makes her useless for carrying items.  “No, not at the moment,” he replied awkwardly.

“Are you sure? Really, if you need anything, just ask me,” she insisted. She took a seat beside him, placed her hands on her knees, and propped her chin in her tiny hands. “Is this tiring?”

He wondered why she didn’t react much to him at all; she didn’t really seem to be interested in him, not that he cared too much about it, it was better that way anyways. “Umm…” he paused for a while, “a little bit.”

So he has very slow reaction, and takes forever to think, great,’ Rainie thought to herself, she’s the type who had a need for speed. Delays killed her. She looked at him and then back at the camera men and other employees,

“I heard this is a cell-phone commercial, do you like cell-phones?” She attempted at starting a conversation.

“Umm… I guess,” he answered shortly.

“This is going to be hard,” Rainie murmured under her breath.

“What is?” asked KyuHyun.

“Huh?” Rainie asked, surprised. ‘And he has mega good hearing skills’ she silently thought to herself.

“Nothing,” he answered.

But he’s not very persistent… I wonder how easily he gets annoyed.’ She was basically trying to analyze everything about him.

“How long does it usually take to film a commercial like this?” She breathed, stretching her arms forward in a twist.

“Hours,” he easily replied.

“Really? That’s not too bad then, I guess. How long does the actual commercial product play?”

“About thirty to fifty seconds”

“Ahh… I see. Are you in all thirty to fifty seconds?”


“That’s cool… How long have you been filming this one?”

“About three hours.”

“Wow, so you woke up really early this morning, huh? How much longer do you think you have?”

“A few more, maybe”

KyuHyun didn’t sound annoyed by Rainie’s chain of pointless questions, but as Rainie observed closely she caught him flicking his fingers and sharpening his eyes every now and then. She could tell he was trying hard to hide his impatience.

I guess that’s enough for now’ she told herself.

“Would you like something to drink? I’ll get you something,” she offered as she stood up.

“No, I’m fine.” As KyuHyun finished his reply, a group of boys walked towards them. They were loud but harmonized. Rainie stared at them as she sat down again.

“Hyunnie!” one of them called out to KyuHyun.

‘Hyunnie…’ Rainie repeated to herself, she couldn’t help but chuckle at that nickname. KyuHyun looked at her, and then averted his attention to the guys hopping towards him.

“Teukie Hyung, don’t call me that so loudly!” KyuHyun complained as EeTeuk, EunHyuk, SungMin and RyeoWook all gathered around them.

“Haha, why not?” teased SungMin. Then they all looked over at Rainie, who couldn’t control her giggling.

“Who’s this?” EunHyuk asked while nudging KyuHyun.

“JungKyu Hyung said she’s my new assistant, her name's Rainie and she'll be staying with us for a few months,” he answered obediently.

“Rainie… the name sounds familiar…” RyeoWook said shyly. Rainie got up and bowed to the five boys standing before her.

“Hi, my name is Rainie, nice to meet you all.”

“A foreigner! Are you Chinese?” asked EeTeuk excitedly, it's been forever since they've had a female personal assistant.

“Yes, I’m Guangdong but I grew up in Taiwan.” She explained politely, a smile always present on her slender lips.

“Ohhh,” the boys all said in unison.

“We have a member, his name is HanKyung and he’s from China, too” said LeeTeuk. “Do you know us?”

“Of course I do, I received proper training before I officially started today, and Super Junior is very popular in all of Asia!” Rainie replied, stressing the very.

“Oh, we’re not really,” Leeteuk shyly replied, scratching his neck with his right arm, “but thanks!”

Suddenly they heard mass movement in the direction of the filming area, “everyone standby!” the director yelled.

“Well, we best get back to work!” cried EunHyuk, then the four headed towards the filming spot.

KyuHyun stayed behind to speak to Rainie briefly, “this is probably going to wrap up the rest of our takes. Why don’t you go rest in that smoothie shop over there? Leave your phone number in my phone, it’s in that bag over there, I’ll text you when we’re finished.”

“I’m alright, really… I should probably stay and watch.”

“There’s nothing for you to do here anyways, just go.” He definitely started to sound a little annoyed by now.

“…alright then,” she agreed.

‘Why does he want me to leave so badly?’ Rainie thought to herself. ‘There has to be some reason… oh!’ Rainie’s trail of thoughts interrupted her while she inserted her number in KyuHyun’s cell-phone.

KyuHyun watched Rainie leave, and after she was out of sight he dashed towards RyeoWook. “Wookie-hyung! You said Rainie-sshi's name sounded familiar, right? Have you seen her somewhere before?” he asked.

“RyeoWook paused for a little bit, he looked at the other members as they nodded at him and replied. “I think I heard the name a few times in the service department in the company, maybe I saw her while she was training.”

“Really? I see…” KyuHyun replied but continued wondering why KBE would suddenly want to send him an assistant. Eventually he gave up and focused on the filming, he wasn't much of a multi-tasker.

*While KyuHyun was watching Rainie leave*

“Don’t you guys think Rainie Yang sounds really familiar? I feel like I’ve heard the name before,” said EunHyuk to the rest of the 3 members.

“I do… where have we heard it?” questioned SungMin.

“Rainie…” repeated EeTeuk

“Ah! I know!” Ryeowook shouted excitedly, “didn’t we see her on the internet recently? A dramatist by the name Rainie Yang, the youngest but most successful female screenwriter in China,” RyeoWook exclaimed. Suddenly his phone started ringing.

“Hello? Ah! JungKyu Hyung! How are you?” RyeoWook excitedly chanted over the phone. EeTeuk, EunHyuk and SungMin gathered around him and started yelling into the phone as well.

“I’m good. I just received a text message from Rainie-sshi and I wanted to ask if you guys found out who Rainie-sshi is.”

“Uh… we’re not really certain,” RyeoWook replied.

“Well, she’s the screenwriter we hired to write a script for KyuHyun”

“Ah! So we were right!” EunHyuk proudly shouted.

“Yes, but don’t tell KyuHyun, this is a secret!”

“A secret? Why? It’s not a bad thing” said RyeoWook, he doesn’t like to lie.

“Yes, but Rainie needs to get to know an artist in order to write the best script for them, therefore, we set up this chance for Rainie to work with KyuHyun.”

“Ohh, so that’s how it is.” EeTeuk murmured under his breath, surprised but excited.

“Yes, so please keep it a secret! Well, that’s all for now. Fighting!”

“Hyung, fighting!” the four boys yelled.

“This should be fun to watch” said EunHyuk as he smiled slyly. The four of them knew the upcoming months would be filled with interesting events and they made sure they would be a part of it.

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please update
I never thought I would get to read a story between these two characters, but it was amazing! Great job, author-nim!! LOVED IT!!!!
This was the first story I read in AFF. :) Glad I found it again! ^^ REALLY SWEET!
dimskie #4
Chapter 17: gdfjiasog loving it!
way sweet ^^
sightsounds #6
awww I loved it!!! it was beyond sweet...I'm going to miss the banter between Rainie and Kyu but great job indeed!
PikaKyu #7
O<br />
sightsounds #8
hahaha....Kyu is soo freakin adorable...I love seeing his reaction to Mike being there...another great chapter!
sightsounds #9
opps I meant oblivious...sorry!..but great new chapter...I love how aggressive Kyu is!
rssj1314 #10
@sightsounds lol. thanks! I try not to make it too obvious that they're jealous, but in the end it just turns out that way. XD<br />
<br />
@lowblue thanks for reading! :)