My Only Girl

By Yours Truly


There's something in your eyes, too.”


What?” Rainie asked, rubbing the corner of her lids.


Kyuhyun grinned at her. “Me.”


Leeteuk, Shindong, Hankyung and Heechul all gaped at Kyuhyun and his sudden change in attitude. Mike had no idea what the two were talking about but he could clearly read Kyuhyun's flirtatious attitude like a page of a book; and Rainie was obviously flattered.


You're over confident,” Rainie laughed, pushing him away.


Kyuhyun looked over at his hyungs who shrugged their shoulder at him. Leeteuk and Heechul stood forward, motioning their hands while lipping the words 'go on' at him, instructing him to sing something to her. His biggest attraction was his voice after all.


Do you want to go to a karaoke tonight?” Kyuhyun finally mustered up the courage and asked her.


Rainie raised a brow, “I don't sing.”


But I do,” Kyuhyun insisted.


Mike joined in on the conversation, “Did I hear the word karaoke, or are my ears failing me?”


You're sharp,” Rainie laughed.


You should have realized that years ago,” Mike rolled his eyes. “I want to go.”


Rainie glanced between Mike and Kyuhyun, “But you can't sing to save your life.” Mike crossed his arms defiantly while giving Rainie a small glare, Joanne and Hankyung chuckling in the background. “What? It's true,” Rainie nodded, “If there was one thing I learned most about you, it's definitely your disability in singing.”


What are they talking about?” Heechul asked Hankyung.


Oh, right! We have our own personal Chinese translator! I totally forgot Hankyungie was Chinese!” Shindong laughed. Heechul rolled his eyes while Shindong and Leeteuk burst into a fit of laughter; apparently they forgot he spoke Korean as well.


Apparently Mike-sshi can't sing very well,” Hankyung semi-whispered to Heechul.


The corner of Kyuhyun's lips lifted into an evil smirk, “Really?”


Not everyone can sing,” Shindong shrugged.


He wants to go to the karaoke though,” Hankyung continued.


Shindong's eyes widened, “That's brave. I hate going to the karaoke because of the fact that I can't sing very well.”


Only compared to me,” Kyuhyun encouraged his hyung.


Compared to you, Kyuhyun, a lot of people can't sing very well. It won't help Shindong's confidence or ego at all,” Leeteuk shook his head,, patting Shindong on the back.


Let's see him dancing,” Shindong countered, ineffectively.


I dance fine,” Kyuhyun shrugged.


Rainie rolled her eyes, “Yes, I'm sure you do.”


Well, are we going?” Mike pressed, yanking on Rainie's arm. Rainie glanced over at Kyuhyun, who kept a stern gaze on her, and nodded with a sigh. “Good,” Mike smiled.


A familiar old man walked into the office with several other employees following close behind him. “Well, it seems like you all have mingled pretty smoothly,” he cheered as he made his way behind the desk. He peered at Rainie, receiving a slight shake of the head from her, and plopped into his own little desk chair. “How are we all feeling today?”


A woman stepped up beside the table and began translating the Korean into Mandarin for the Taiwanese crew and Rainie let out a small sigh of relief; translating was an exhausting job.


Kyuhyun, you look great today,” the chairman politely nodded at him. He searched the room for his female lead and spotted Joanne hiding comfortably behind Rainie. “Ah! There's our beautiful lead!” He exclaimed. Joanne came out from hiding and bowed at the respected old man at ninety degrees. “Of course,” the chairman grinned, “Our well-known, Taiwan's first ranked actor, Mike-sshi. We're glad to have you on our team!”


This meeting is, of course, for the upcoming television series that will be filmed in both South Korea and Taiwan. I won't be long, I just need to go over some assigning, rules, our staff benefits and simple getting to know each other,” the chairman smiled, joining his fingers from both hands on the table top.


Jungkyu carefully made his entrance into the scene, “Basic introductions have already been conducted.” The chairman nodded.


Well then, let's get to the point.”




The meeting lasted no more than an hour and soon everyone was set free to do whatever they wished to. Some went straight to their hotels, others went to explore, but a peculiar group of eight managed to make their down the busy streets into a high-class karaoke bar.


Are you sure about this?” Hankyung leaned against Heechul, whispering into his ear as the group followed a waiter into a dark room. Heechul shoved him away and quickly took a seat at the far end of the couch with Shindong, a seat which gave them access to a perfect view all around the room.


They all followed into the room in an orderly state, Jungkyu being the last one in.


Kyuhyun made sure Leeteuk was sitting beside him as Rainie took a seat to his right, Mike sitting in between Rainie and Jungkyu.


Rainie turned to Mike, “I don't understand why you wanted to come, they don't have any mandarin songs anyways so what can you sing?” Mike shrugged at her.


What do you want me to sing?” Kyuhyun asked, pulling Rainie to face him. Mike watched as Rainie sat speechless, staring at her hand which Kyuhyun was holding tightly onto, and smirked to himself.


Rainie quickly snatched her hand back while blushing lightly, “I don't know.”


You were never shy in asking me to sing songs to you a when you first came,” Kyuhyun laughed, running a hand through his hair smoothly, “Pick something.”


Mike poked Rainie on the arm, “What's he saying?”


You're so nosy!” Rainie teased, slapping away his hand, “He wants me to request a song for him to sing.” Mike nodded as Rainie fell into thought. She couldn't believe Kyuhyun still remembered her unreasonable request for him to sing to her in public while they were snacking at a small shop during their little walk out. Suddenly she felt Kyuhyun nudge her and rolled her eyes, “How about your song with Yesung-sshi and Ryeowook-sshi?”


Kyuhyun furrowed his brows, “Which one? We have several songs as K.R.Y.” He felt a bad premonition, all of his songs as the sub unit K.R.Y. of Super Junior were ballads and tragic songs. Could this be a hint of some sort?


Let's Not,” Rainie replied.


Kyuhyun felt his heart drop for a second. Heechul and Shindong laughed from their corner of the room, even they could see his frowning expression from their little corner. Leeteuk shook his head and scooted up in his seat, “Are you sure?” He asked.


Rainie nodded, “Yeah, I really like that song. They sound beautiful singing it.”


What did you say?” Mike asked, poking her arm again.


You wouldn't know even if I told you,” Rainie scowled.


Mike rolled his eyes, “Just tell me.”


It's called 'Let's Not',” she answered, a little irritated.


Mike shoved her lightly, “Because I totally understood that...,” he rolled his eyes, “Translate it to Mandarin.”


Umm,” Rainie sighed, “It translates to something along the lines of Let's Not Meet Again* in Mandarin, I guess.”


Mike's jaw dropped, “That sounds like a really depressing song. Aren't you supposed to sing high songs at Karaokes? You are a really sad person.”


He asked!” Rainie retorted defensively. She turned to Kyuhyun, “Just sing whatever you want to sing!” Kyuhyun felt his heart drop even more. Did Mike say something to her that made her angry at him?


Heechul pulled Hankyung to him, “Why do I feel like the whole language barrier thing is really not working out for the best?” He laughed. Hankyung shrugged. Shindong stood and picked up the control, running through a list of songs. After selecting several fun and popular songs to sing and dance to, taking the chance to show off his mega hot dancing skills, Heechul followed suit and performed several amazingly crazy hits.


Are you going to do it or not?” Leeteuk asked, leaning his head on Kyuhyun's shoulder sleepily, “I don't feel like being here if you're not going to do it, I'm tired.”


Hyung~” Kyuhyun whined, shaking his shoulder lightly, “I... I feel like I'll get a bad response.”


Leeteuk glanced over at Rainie; she was watching and clapping along with Shindong, Heechul and Hankyung happily as they sang and danced. He then shifted his gaze over to Mike, catching him in the act of staring at Kyuhyun with a mixed expression. “You don't know if you don't try,” Leeteuk shrugged, grinning slightly as Mike embarrassingly looked away.


Kyuhyun took a deep breath and looked all around the room, everything just looked like a big jumble of blurs to him. Perhaps it was the small alcohol intake he consumed or maybe he was just too anxious about the whole confession, but he couldn't bring himself to sing a song for her in front of all his hyungs and, of course, the ex-boyfriend.


The smile on Rainie's face was too sweet, too cute, and when she took a peer over at Kyuhyun he couldn't hold it back anymore. He took her by the hand and led her out of the room, “Hey!” She growled at him, “What are you doing?”


I have something to tell you,” He replied shortly without turning to look at her.


Rainie tried to pry her hands away, “Why can't you just tell me in the room?”


I-” Kyuhyun sighed, “I don't know.”


All the boys in the room watched as the two left in a hurry. Heechul crossed his arms over his torso and a smirk pulled at the corner of his lips. “How much you want to bet he's going to fail?”


That's terrible,” Jungkyu laughed, joining the boys in the center of the room.


Shindong sighed, “I hope not, he has a small tolerance for rejection.”


It feels like history repeating itself,” Mike chuckled to himself, shaking his head lightly.


Hankyung took a seat beside him, “What do you mean?”


You should never fall in love with a script writer,” Mike leaned back in his seat, resting his head against the back of the wall, “They'll start a plot and lure you in. It's like dropping into a black hole; you'll fall too hard, you'll fall too deep, and in the end you'll eventually realize that there's a bottom.”


Hankyung narrowed his eyes, “You should have known the ground to the fall would be there.”


That's true,” Mike laughed, “But it comes too fast and the pain is almost unbearable.” Mike stood and headed towards the door, “The foundation to Rainie's heart is almost too cruel, she isn't afraid to hurt you if she's made a decision. My landing hit me too hard and it took me years to recover and end up where I am now,” he briefly turned to Hankyung and glanced over at the boys, “I just hope the same doesn't happen to your friend.”


Leeteuk walked over to Hankyung, “What did he say?”


Hankyung looked up at the leader with a sigh, “She's dangerous.”




You never pay attention to me when he's around,” Kyuhyun pouted, cornering Rainie against the wall of the roof top. It was dark out but the moon couldn't be found, they were engulfed in darkness.


Rainie laughed, “Who are you talking about?”


You're ex-boyfriend,” Kyuhyun angrily replied.


Rainie cocked her head, “How did you know?”


I have my ways!” Kyuhyun nearly growled, “But you should have told me about it anyways, I should have been the first to know that he would be coming with you.”


Are you being jealous?” Rainie asked, peering into Kyuhyun's face from under him. He turned his head to the side to hide his pouting expression.


No,” He coughed.


Rainie laughed, “You so are.”


Well, if you know that I'm jealous then you shouldn't do things to make it worse,” He nearly demanded matter-of-factly, “You know that he's probably still interested in you, right?”


Rainie leaned back against the wall, “You're so cute when you're jealous,” She laughed, “And he's not, we're just friends.”


It's not funny!” He scolded. “And that's what they all say,” Kyuhyun pursed his lips and leaned closer to her with an arm on the wall on either side of her, “Or are you interested in him, too?”


Why do you say that?” Rainie asked, crossing her arms.


He stood straight and imitated her position, “Because he's good-looking, even I can't deny that.”


Don't you always say you're the most handsome guy in Korea?” Rainie teased.


Kyuhyun glared at her, “I am! But that doesn't mean I'm still the most handsome guy outside of Korea, it also doesn't mean there aren't any equally handsome men out there.”


You are,” Rainie assured, caressing his cheek in her palm, “And there aren't.”


Kyuhyun stared into her eyes, “Wait, you're agreeing with me?” He looked up at the sky, held a hand to her forehead, and lightly slapped himself on the cheek, “Has the world come to and end? Are you sick? Or did I die without noticing it?”


I just fed your ego, didn't I?” Rainie rolled her eyes, “I take it all back.” She pushed him away and headed towards the exit.


You can't!” Kyuhyun playfully shouted, pulling her back against the wall, “It's too late, you already said it.”


What were you going to tell me?” She asked, holding her hands at her hips.


Kyuhyun nervously took in a deep breath. He lifted Rainie's hand and found the bracelet around her wrist. He planted a small kiss on the 'K' symbol and looked into her eyes. “You're wearing the bracelet,” he smiled sweetly at her, “that means you agree with them, right?”


It was just a gift,” She replied.


Kyuhyun shook his head, “You know that it was more than just a gift. Do you still have the song I gave you?” Rainie nodded and pulled the folded sheet of paper out of her purse. Kyuhyun lifted the paper to the musical note on her bracelet and held them in her palm, “Can you seriously give it some thought?”


Kyuhyun, I-”


Don't say anything yet,” Kyuhyun hushed her, “Think about it, take the entire filming course if you have to, but in the end I want an answer that I'll like.”


Rainie laughed, “I can't guarantee-”


You will!” Kyuhyun frowned.


Rainie sighed, “I'll have to go back to Taiwan no matter what, it's impossible.”


It's only impossible if you don't even try at all,” Kyuhyun whispered against her ear, “just give it a try, give me a chance. You're my only girl, you know that.”




Rainie was cut off by rough lips. He had enough, he didn't want her to reject him any further. Kyuhyun could tell Rainie wasn't speaking from the heart, he knew she wanted to accept him, but she just wouldn't admit it to herself. If she couldn't see it for herself, Kyuhyun will make her see it; no matter what it takes.


Rainie hesitated in returning the kiss. Kyuhyun had no idea why her decision to accept him was so hard. She knew Kyuhyun couldn't fully understand that, although she knew she definitely had feelings for him, she wasn't absolutely certain those feelings were genuine.


But his kiss made her yearn for more, she was hungering for his love. It was irresistible; his soft lips, his hot breath, those strong arms that s around her waist and pulled her into his embrace, they were all too hard to push away.


Their attraction to each other was too powerful for either to realize there were four eyes watching them from the stairs.


Leeteuk gasped, “He wasn't lying, he really is initiative.”


And violent about it, too,” Heechul smirked, nodding his head in being proud of his youngest dongsaeng.


Shindong clasped his hands together, “Do you think this means he succeeded?” Heechul smacked him on the back of the head.


I worried too much,” Hankyung chuckled to himself, “I forgot that Kyuhyun is just as venomous and addictive as any poison. He's dangerous, too.”

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please update
I never thought I would get to read a story between these two characters, but it was amazing! Great job, author-nim!! LOVED IT!!!!
This was the first story I read in AFF. :) Glad I found it again! ^^ REALLY SWEET!
dimskie #4
Chapter 17: gdfjiasog loving it!
way sweet ^^
sightsounds #6
awww I loved it!!! it was beyond sweet...I'm going to miss the banter between Rainie and Kyu but great job indeed!
PikaKyu #7
O<br />
sightsounds #8
hahaha....Kyu is soo freakin adorable...I love seeing his reaction to Mike being there...another great chapter!
sightsounds #9
opps I meant oblivious...sorry!..but great new chapter...I love how aggressive Kyu is!
rssj1314 #10
@sightsounds lol. thanks! I try not to make it too obvious that they're jealous, but in the end it just turns out that way. XD<br />
<br />
@lowblue thanks for reading! :)