In Your Eyes

By Yours Truly

Rainie stared up at the ceiling of the airplane and sighed. There was only another half hour until the entire crew and cast from Taiwan would arrive in South Korea and she couldn't tell if she anticipated or dreaded the thought more.

“You alright?” Mike asked her. She nodded and scrunched her eyes shut. “You definitely don't look it,” he laughed at her.

Joanne pushed Mike back into his seat, “That's not nice!” She scolded him jokingly. Mike shrugged and returned to flipping through his fashion magazine.

“Jiejie,” Joanne whispered into Rainie's ear, “I'm really nervous right now.”

Rainie placed her hand over Joanne's and smiled warmly, “There's nothing to worry about!” Even though she consoled Joanne so easily, she wished she could believe in the words she just used to comfort the younger girl; she wished there really wasn't anything to worry about.

Show's words kept repeating in her mind. Was it true? If she really was a little more mature and was able to orderly think things through, would she have chosen to stay beside Kyuhyun and never left Korea? She looked down at the bracelet shackling her wrists and twirled it around her fingers until the 'K' symbol landed in her palm.

“Kyuhyun,” she muttered under her breath.

Mike lifted his gaze from his magazine and stared at her conspicuous expression. A grin crept onto his lips and he fought hard against it, straightening out his expression. This would be one very interesting trip.


As Rainie exited the security gates, she was so focused on calming down the nearly nerve wrecked Joanne that she didn't notice the tall figure that dashed at her the moment she stepped through the glass sliding doors.

“Woah,” she laughed as she pulled Hankyung away from herself, “I missed you, too.”

Hankyung shook his head, “No, that was more of an apology.”

Joanne joined their little reunion and shook hands with Hankyung, “He speaks Mandarin!” She exclaimed excitedly.

“He does,” Rainie nodded, “but I don't think you'll be seeing much of Hankyung, sadly.” Joanne frowned lightly with a pout. She turned back to Hankyung. "Sorry? For what?"

Hankyung lowered his head apologetically, "I probably scared you with the faked confession and everything." Rainie shook her head with a smile.

Hankyung introduced himself fully in mandarin to the rest of the cast and crew, his popularity immediately proved to be very strong.

Rainie walked beside Hankyung, “Are you the only one here to get us?”

“No, Jungkyu hyung is waiting for us in the car,” He replied.

“Is there a reason they sent you here to greet us?” Rainie asked, pulling on the straps of her luggage on her back. Hankyung nodded. “It's because you speak Mandarin, isn't it?” She laughed. Hankyung nodded again but this time a grin followed. “What?” Rainie asked.

Hankyung crossed his arms over his torso and flipped his hair smoothly, “Are you disappointed a certain someone isn't here?” Rainie ignored his question and turned to face the exit. Hankyung laughed and his gaze trailed to her wrists; he pulled on her arm and lifted the sleeves to find the bracelet tightly secured and in place.

Rainie snatched her hand back, “I wasn't expecting anyone.”

“Uh huh,” Hankyung teased as he turned to the crew.

Rainie stepped on the tip of her toes and whispered into Hankyung's ear, “Does he know that I'm back?”

“Who?” Hankyung teased.

Rainie rolled her eyes, “You know who.”

“No, Kyuhyun doesn't know you're coming back today. I didn't know either, I was just dragged here and somewhere along the way they told me it was you coming back,” Hankyung shrugged.

Mike was approaching them, being the last one out because he had to use the restroom, and caught sight of Rainie blushing immensely after speaking with the tall Asian man before them.

“A friend?” He asked, pulling his baseball cap over his head.

Rainie nodded, “Yeah, I spent about three months with him while I was here in Korea.” Mike nodded. He took her bag from her shoulders and threw it over his own as they made their way towards the arrivals pick up. She attempted to retrieve her bag and hold it herself, but she wasn't tall enough or strong enough to fight him for it.

“Rainie-sshi!” Jungkyu jumped out of the car and gave her a quick hug, “It's nice to see you again so soon.” Rainie grinned at the older man childishly, patting him on the shoulder. “I hope you're ready,” he warned as they all got into the van, “you've got quite the surprises waiting for you at the main building.”

Rainie lifted a brow suspiciously but didn't reply. The rest of the ride back to the company was a familiar one so she didn't bother spending any time checking out the scenery or asking for directions, she simply sat and wondered what she had in store for her.

“You're awfully quiet,” Jungkyu tilted his head at her, “Are you feeling alright?”

Rainie laughed, “Yes, I'm fine Jungkyu oppa. Why does everyone keep asking me that?” Jungkyu's expression turned apologetic but Mike saved him the trouble of actually apologizing.

“You've only been around for three months, but everyone already knows that you're a chatterbox and busybody?” Mike laughed. “I don't think I caught on that fast in the past.”

Rainie glared at him, “Well, all I can say is that you were slow.”

“Or you just got really bad at hiding things after you broke up with me,” Mike frowned in mock hurt. Jungkyu and Hankyung's eyes immediately shot up at the two. The rest of the cast and crew was used to their playful bickering and the news of them being a couple in the past wasn't really news at all; articles were often written about them when they dated.

Hankyung turned to his hyung, “You think this is going to bother Kyuhyun?” He asked worriedly. Jungkyu shrugged. Hankyung sighed nervously, “I wonder if they'll get along.”


“I can't do that,” Kyuhyun nearly cried as he plopped himself on the desk top, “there will be so many people around, so many eyes watching, I just can't do it.” Leeteuk shook his head at the poor dongsaeng and patted him on the back.

Tuuli was on the other end of the line on the phone, “You've really got no choice at this point,” she informed him, “It's now or never.”

“She's right,” Leeteuk nodded.

Kyuhyun stood up and faced his hyung, “Do you realize what this is going to do to me? Singing it to her in private is one thing, but singing it to the public and practically announcing my lo-,” he paused, “my liking to her is a completely different matter.”

Leeteuk took a seat on the couch, “I really doubt-”

“What about the crazy fans? What if they turn on me and poison me or something? What if they turn on her and kill her?” Kyuhyun started trailing off with all the different possibilities of them being murdered by psychotic fans.

Tuuli couldn't stifle her laugh on the other end of the phone, “I really don't think they'd find out it was Rainie-sshi.”

“Oh, they will!” Kyuhyun assured. “Fans know, they know everything. Even if they didn't know, they will figure it out. They're sneaky and smart that way.”

“Kyuhyun, I think you're being a bit irrational,” Leeteuk chuckled to himself, “It really can't be that bad. You major in music, you excel in singing, they'll just treat it as a comeback or something due to your long absence; a solo activity, maybe?”

Kyuhyun shook his head, “I like to think of myself as radical.”

“Radical?” Shindong asked as he entered the office, watching as his friends quietly but passionately discussing some seemingly important matter.

“Kyuhyun is deciding whether or not he should publicize his love song,” Leeteuk laughed, slouching in the couch lazily. He yawned and stretched his arm over his head.

Shindong nodded and took a seat on another couch placed beside the one Leeteuk was sprawled in. “It sounds like a good idea to me,” he commented, “pretty genius, actually. Kyuhyun's such a great singer, fans will be ecstatic to know that he was able to compose something.”

“For a girl,” Kyuhyun added.

Shindong shrugged, “They don't have to know that.”

“But they will!” Kyuhyun shouted.

“They won't,” Tuuli reassured on the other end.

Shindong jumped slightly in his seat, “Woah, what was that?” He asked.

Kyuhyun laughed and pulled his cell phone off of the desk top, showing it to his surprised hyung. “Sorry,” he apologized with a laugh. “Any idea when she'll be returning?” Kyuhyun asked his hyungs hopefully, but they both shook their heads in reply.

“What are we doing here, anyways?” Shindong asked.

Leeteuk shrugged, “I was just brought here with Kyuhyun. I heard Heechul's on his way here, too.” He slid lower into the couch until he was nearly laying down. He closed his eyes and started falling asleep.

“Hyung, don't sleep!” Kyuhyun nudged the older man, “You need to help me think!”

Shindong laughed and pulled Kyuhyun away, “I swear, you get off so easily just because you're the youngest in the group. If that were anyone else, Leeteuk hyung's fist would already be in your face and you would be crying apologetically to the sleeping man.”

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes. He glanced between Leeteuk's sleeping figure and his bigger and older hyung, who stared at him with wide eyes. “Hyung~” he called out, almost in a whine. Shindong shook his head as Kyuhyun continuously nudged his with an arm. “Hyung, you have to help me!”

“No can do, Kyuhyun-ah,” Shindong replied, “I don't want to be responsible for any of the outcomes that may occur because of your decision.”

“What decision?” Heechul asked as he entered the room. He threw his large bag into a corner and joined the boys at the sofa, “What needs to be decided?”

Kyuhyun sighed, feeling relieved that the one man who was decisive and might be able to help him appeared. “Should I or should I not publicize my confession song for Rainie?”

Heechul blinked several times before replying, “Go for it.”

“Really?” Kyuhyun and Shindong asked in unison.

Heechul nodded, “Before it's too late, I say go ahead.”

“What do you mean by too late?” Kyuhyun asked.

Heechul pulled out his cell phone to look at the time. “You haven't heard? Rainie's returning to Korea with her ex-boyfriend.” He glanced at the screen of his cell phone and gasped.

“What?” Kyuhyun asked irritatedly.

“I shouldn't have told you that,” Heechul laughed awkwardly, pointing at the text message from Hankyung on his screen, “it was confidential information.”


“How do I look?” Rainie nervously asked Joanne as they entered the building. Joanne scanned Rainie from head to toe before smiling brightly and holding up her thumb.

Mike laughed, “Does it matter? You always look like a child and this is just work.”

“If you were professional, you would know that at work you should always look your best,” Rainie retorted.

Shrugging, Mike confidently countered with a reply Rainie was speechless to. “I always look good.” Joanne shook her head at the two; they were always arguing.

“Rainie-sshi!” Heechul stood from his seat and walked over to Rainie, giving her a small hug. He glanced over at Hankyung and frowned, giving him the puppy eyes, “Sorry, Hankyungie, I didn't know it was a secret.”

“Didn't you read my text?!” Hankyung growled, slapping his forehead with his hand.

Heechul offensively crossed his arms, “You sent it AFTER I already told him. It's not my fault!” Hankyung shook his head and joined his dongsaengs at the couch. Leeteuk woke up from the shaking of the furniture and rubbed his eyes.

“Did I miss something?” Leeteuk asked.

Rainie shook her head, “No, not yet.”

“You're back!” Leeteuk excitedly exclaimed, hopping to his feet, “I'm so glad! I thought we messed it up for you and Kyu-”

“Hyung!” Kyuhyun scowled, silencing Leeteuk.

Kyuhyun finally met eyes with Rainie and smiled at her weakly. His glance hovered over the large mass of people behind her, landing on the best looking man among them, and decided that was probably her ex-boyfriend. “Introductions?” Kyuhyun asked her, making his way to her side.

Rainie took Joanne by the arm and pulled her closer to Kyuhyun, “This is Joanne,” she spoke in Korean. Joanne bowed and shook his hand.

“Nice to meet you,” Kyuhyun greeted in slightly broken Chinese. Rainie chuckled lightly as Joanne returned the formalities with similarly broken Korean. When Mike stepped up to introduce himself as well, he pulled Rainie on the arm asking her to translate for him.

“I told you to learn basic Korean,” Rainie whispered, pulling her arm out of his grasp.

Mike laughed, “I have you for translating.”

“Do I look like a translator to you?” Rainie retorted. Mike just rolled his eyes and worked his way through the introduction, forcing Rainie to translate for him. Kyuhyun watched them bicker with his lips pursed and hands shoved in his pockets, hiding his fisted hands.

Kyuhyun literally dragged his fist out of his pocket and shook Mike's hand with an almost arrogant expression, “Nice to meet you.” Mike nodded with a grin and threw his arm over Rainie's shoulder, leaning in to her ear.

“Is this your new guy?” He asked, his tone filled with excitement. Joanne's eyes widened curiously, her ears popping open in attempt to catch every word of their conversation.

Rainie pushed him away, “I don't have to answer that.”

“I'll take that as a yes,” He laughed.

Kyuhyun pulled Rainie to his side and swept her cheeks with his fingers lightly, “There's something on your face,” he lied. Mike watched the two amusingly. “No, wait,” he added, bending over and leaning towards her face, “There's something in your eyes, too.”

“What?” Rainie asked, rubbing the corner of her lids.

Kyuhyun grinned at her, “Me.”

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please update
I never thought I would get to read a story between these two characters, but it was amazing! Great job, author-nim!! LOVED IT!!!!
This was the first story I read in AFF. :) Glad I found it again! ^^ REALLY SWEET!
dimskie #4
Chapter 17: gdfjiasog loving it!
way sweet ^^
sightsounds #6
awww I loved it!!! it was beyond sweet...I'm going to miss the banter between Rainie and Kyu but great job indeed!
PikaKyu #7
O<br />
sightsounds #8
hahaha....Kyu is soo freakin adorable...I love seeing his reaction to Mike being there...another great chapter!
sightsounds #9
opps I meant oblivious...sorry!..but great new chapter...I love how aggressive Kyu is!
rssj1314 #10
@sightsounds lol. thanks! I try not to make it too obvious that they're jealous, but in the end it just turns out that way. XD<br />
<br />
@lowblue thanks for reading! :)