Shadow of a Doubt

By Yours Truly

Rainie threw herself onto her bed. This room had become so foreign to her; the blinds, the desk, the closet and all her stuffed animals. She lived in this house for a majority of her life and she's never felt so strange, so un-situated,

It was late into the night and all her foster children were supposed to be sleeping but she suddenly heard a tapping at her door. “Ling,” Rainie gasped as she found a little boy standing outside of her room draped in a small blanket, rubbing his eyes sleepily, “what are you doing up?”

“Ma~,” he cried, “I heard you coming in and I really wanted to see you! You've been gone for so long~” Rainie chuckled at the little boy and picked him up, carrying him to her bed. She tucked him in and settled beside him as he held on to her hand with his tiny fingers. She pulled Ling closer, holding him tightly in her arms, as he slowly drifted asleep.

“What are you doing back?”

Rainie turned to find Show standing in the corridor, peering into her room. He walked in; his hair a mess and his expression cranky, “I thought you still had two weeks left in Korea.”

“Shh!” Rainie hushed him, pointing at the sleeping baby. “I finished the script early. I came back to tie up some loose ends with Joanne and several other Taiwan actors that are involved in the series, I'll be going back to Korea in a few days to finish up,” she whispered roughly.

Show pulled a chair up to the side of the bed and sat down, ruffling his messy hair. “Time passes by quick, doesn't it?” He laughed. “How did you like Korea?”

“It was nice while it lasted,” Rainie smiled.

“It could last longer,” Show shrugged.

Rainie glanced over at him, “What do you mean?”

Show grinned at her slyly, “You know what I mean.”

“I don't,” Rainie firmly replied. Show rolled his eyes. “I really don't. Ge, what are you trying to get at?”

“If you don't get it, then it's not important,” Show assured.

Rainie pouted angrily, “If you don't tell me, I'll never know and I'll never understand. Doesn't that bug you?”

Show shook his head, “I got a phone call from Hankyung several hours ago.” He stood and pushed the chair back to the desk before turning for the door, “He wanted me to ask you to open it before you make any final decisions. What exactly does he want you to open?”

“A present he gave me as a farewell gift,” Rainie sighed.

Show laughed and uttered something to her before closing the door. “Maybe it wasn't really meant for goodbyes.”


“Did you open it yet?” Show asked as he helped Rainie prepare breakfast for the young ones. She looked over her shoulder and shook her head at him. He furrowed his brow, tapping his hand on the counter impatiently, “Why not?”

“Ling wouldn't let go of my hand yesterday night, I couldn't get it,” She explained.

“What? Ling got to sleep with you yesterday night?” A little girl whined, “That's not fair! I want to sleep with Ma, too!”

Show laughed and frowned playfully, “You want to sleep with your ma but not your papa?” The little girl shook her head at him, “Fay, you're asking for a good tickling!” Show jumped at the child and rubbed her belly, causing her to roar in laughter. Rainie smiled at the duo and resumed her cooking.

Rainie felt someone tug on her shirt, it was Ling. “Do you need something, sweet heart?” Rainie asked him. He shook his head without releasing her. She sighed and gathered him in her arms, holding him at her waist. “I'm not leaving, Ling,” she assured, pecking him on the cheek.

The little boy grinned at her. “Attack!”

Suddenly a pack of children appeared and pulled Rainie into the living room, tossing her onto the large sofa. “Ma, you have to tell us what happened to you in Korea!” Miya snickered.

“But you were there!” Ling commented.

Miya shrugged, “So? Only for a week!”

“You got to meet all of Ma's friends!” Fay added in admiration.

Miya and YanYan nodded proudly, “They were very handsome! Superstars!”

The children piled themselves on Rainie and pressed her for answers. She couldn't stop giggling at the group of children, staring at them in delight. Show made his way into the kitchen, finishing what little work there was left in completing breakfast.

“Alright, kids,” Show laughed, “Let your ma take a break and come eat breakfast.” The children glanced between the dining table and Rainie before nodding and running towards breakfast. Show helped Rainie to her feet, “Go get the thing you have to open.”

Rainie rolled her eyes, “Why are you so curious? It's probably a necklace or something.

“It's jewelry? You never know,” Show shrugged, “It might be a ring.” Rainie laughed and headed into her room, returning with a red box in hand. He lifted his hand to his chin and pursed his lips in thought, “It could be a ring.”

Rainie shook her head and slowly opened the box. It was a bracelet.

“A bracelet?” Show chanted, “It's pretty.”

She took the bracelet and lifted it to her face, inspecting it closely. “It has a musical note on it,” she said under her breath, “Sapphire Blue, that's Super Junior's color.” She handed the box to her brother and turned the charm to the backside, reading the words on it, “13elieve.” She smiled to herself.

“Wait, look at this end of it,” Show pointed out.

She pulled the other side of the bracelet into her palm, “K.” Her brows furrowed in confusion, “Hankyung was the one who gave me the bracelet, but all it says is: K.”

“Kyuhyun,” Show lightly suggested with a smirk, “They all knew, too, huh?”

“Too?” Rainie asked, lowering the bracelet from her face, “You knew something?” Show shook his head and returned the jewelry box to her, walking over to the children at the table who were playing with, rather than eating, their food.

They knew. Rainie slumped into the couch as she felt herself burning from the neck up. They all knew that there was something between her and Kyuhyun. This was their gift. They knew Kyuhyun loved music; it was the only thing he was passionate about. The next thing he loved most was probably Rainie.

They didn't want Kyuhyun to miss out on his possible only chance at love. Even though he had a hard time admitting it was love, and often replaced the word with like, they didn't want him to lose Rainie.

“So, he was faking it,” Rainie laughed to herself, “he only wanted to make Kyuhyun be more initiative.” She sighed, most likely out of relief, at the fact that Hankyung wasn't truly in love with her. The only reason she was so afraid of opening the box, and delayed in doing so, was because she thought it would be a confession. She could reject Kyuhyun, she had a reason to, but Hankyung was a good friend.

YanYan turned to Rainie, “Ma~” she shouted with her head tilted to the side. Her baby-fat cheeks were puffed at Rainie adorably and Rainie chortled happily, joining the others in breakfast. It was nice to be home again; she rejoiced in being with family.


“Rainie jiejie, do you think we'll get along?” Joanne asked Rainie hopefully. Rainie spaced out at the familiarity of the question and smiled at Joanne with a nod. “He's nice, isn't he?” Joanned probed again, letting out a nervous sigh.

Rainie soothed her with a pat on the back, “He's a fine guy; very cute. He's quiet at first, and tends to act like he's mad, but once he warms up he's actually a pretty fun guy.” Joanne nodded, her hands shaking a little as she weaved it into Rainie's hand.

“Rainie jiejie, thank you so much,” she expressed with much gratitude, “you've done so much for me. The script is great!” Rainie shook her head and pat Joanne on the forehead lightly. “Will you be in Korea when we start filming?”

Rainie fell into silent thought before shrugging. Several other actors, executives, sponsors, and producers entered the room. She took a seat beside Joanne, a camera recording from a corner in the room, in order for them to participate in a video meeting with the team in Korea. The meeting began and the faces that Rainie somewhat anticipated appeared on the screen.

“Ah! We forgot to prepare a translator!” A secretary apologized. They began discussing what they should do when Rainie stood, greeting the chairmen in Korea, and explained she could help translate to her best knowledge.

The chairmen nodded and began speaking.

“We are very honored to cooperate with such a well-known team in Taiwan for this extremely high-budgeted and well-respected production,” Rainie paused, waiting for the eldest chairman to continue. “We would like to first introduce you and your co-workers to our selected actors from Korea.”

Kyuhyun and Heechul stood, bowed, and introduced themselves to the camera, along with several other popular celebrities from South Korea. Heechul grinned and waved at the camera, intending for it to be received by Rainie. Kyuhyun only smiled a professional work smile without further a-do.

When Joanne stood and followed the same procedures, Heechul turned to Kyuhyun and whispered into his ear. “They sort of look alike, don't you think?”

“You think all foreigners look alike,” Kyuhyun retorted, holding back the urge to roll his eyes.

Heechul gripped his chest in mock-hurt, “do not!”

And so the meeting went on for about five hours; they discussed budget, timing, storyline, filming locations, the director(s) and sponsors as well as which crews they should use for lighting, boom and other minor requirements.

“He looks kind of cold,” Joanne whispered to Rainie.

Rainie smiled, “I told you so.”

Kyuhyun watched as Rainie and Joanne spoke and joked with each other on the screen. She smiled and laughed in a way he had never seen before; it made him doubt himself, doubt the actual rate of success he could achieve in winning over her. Would she really leave all that she had in Taiwan for him?

Heechul realized Kyuhyun was feeling uneasy and nudged him as the men of status began filing out of the room. “Stop that,” Heechul demanded, “Stop acting so out of confidence, it's not like you.”

“I know,” Kyuhyun sighed as he pulled himself out of his chair and headed for the door. His manager handed him his cell phone with a cheeky grin. Kyuhyun slid his cellular open and found a text message from Rainie.

[Text Messaging]

[To: Cho Kyuhyun
From: Rainie Yang

Text: I'll be back.]

[To: Rainie Yang
From: Cho Kyuhyun

Reply: I know.]

[Text Messaging END]

Rainie laughed at his reply and stuffed her phone into her pocket. Joanne glanced at her with her lips pursed and Rainie slipped her arm into Joanne's. “Are you excited?” She asked Joanne.

“Definitely,” Joanne grinned at her.

Rainie nodded, “Me too.”


“Are you sure she saw the bracelet?” Sungmin nudged Hankyung in the arm. Hankyung turned the group of boys and shrugged.

Kangin rolled his eyes, “How could you not know? You were right there!”

“You guys were, too,” Hankyung countered, effectively.

“We really at this,” Leeteuk groaned, “It's going to be all our fault if they don't make it as a couple in the end.” Kangin pat him on the back in an attempt to comfort him but it failed. Horribly.

The door slammed open and Kyuhyun walked in. “You guys did what?” He asked, his eyes narrowed dangerously. They all peered behind him, at Heechul, and Heechul just nodded in response. Kyuhyun heard everything.

Donghae stepped up, “We just wanted you to be more initiative.” Leeteuk, Kangin, Eunhyuk and Sungmin nodded in agreement with him.

“I AM initiative!” Kyuhyun scowled. He glared at Hankyung, who shot his eyes elsewhere the moment their gazes met. “You lied!”

“He didn't lie,” Shindong defended, “You just assumed.”

“He said she was beautiful, he said she was strong, and he even gave her a bracelet as a confession!” Kyuhyun nearly shouted. Leeteuk glanced around at the other boys, who had no sign of an attempt at explaining the bracelet to Kyuhyun.

Leeteuk sighed, “Actually, the bracelet wasn't Hankyung's confession. It was our confession.”

“What?” Kyuhyun asked, turning to Heechul. Heechul brushed past him and joined the boys in their circle. “You, too?” Kyuhyun groaned.

Heechul nodded, “We wanted to let her know that we noticed the... atmosphere between you two. The intensity, the awkwardness, everything really.” Heechul paused before continuing, “We wanted her to know that we approved.”

“It was only a plus that Hankyung was close with her and we thought that if we could make you jealous, you would be more aggressive about this whole thing,” Shindong added.

Kyuhyun glared at Ryeowook.

“It wasn't me!” Ryeowook clarified nervously, “We all knew before you even told me. I never believed it entirely until you actually let me in on your secret though, I had my doubts.”

Kyuhyun bit his bottom lip and fell onto the couch. He felt weak, deprived and . Yes, . He felt like his hyungs all saw straight through him; how . There was no use in hiding anything anymore, they knew everything.

“I've been aggressive,” Kyuhyun surrendered, “I forced kisses, stole touches here and there. I wrote her a song-”

“I told you!” Yesung grinned triumphantly. Kyuhyun covered his eyes with the back of his arm. “When it comes to Kyuhyun, it's all about music.”

Sungmin nodded, “It was a good idea to go with the musical note charm, then.”

“Anyways,” Kyuhyun coughed, “I actually had a few more things to do, but she left without any notice or pardoning.”

Ryeowook sighed, “You'll still have more chances, Kyuhyun,” he tried counseling.

Kyuhyun sat up and smirked, a light in his eyes, “I know.”

“What?” Kangin asked as the eleven boys all stared at him in unison.

Kyuhyun stood and headed for his room, “She's coming back soon.”


A/N: I know that using random Chinese/Korean words can be annoying but I really don't know a good word for [hyung], [noona], [ge], or [jiejie] in English.

Hyung - What a male addresses a man older than himself / an honorific. [Korean]

Noona - What a male addresses a woman older than himself / an honorific. [Korean]

Ge - What you address an older male / call your older brother. [Chinese]

Jiejie - What you address an older female / call your older sister. {Chinese]

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please update
I never thought I would get to read a story between these two characters, but it was amazing! Great job, author-nim!! LOVED IT!!!!
This was the first story I read in AFF. :) Glad I found it again! ^^ REALLY SWEET!
dimskie #4
Chapter 17: gdfjiasog loving it!
way sweet ^^
sightsounds #6
awww I loved it!!! it was beyond sweet...I'm going to miss the banter between Rainie and Kyu but great job indeed!
PikaKyu #7
O<br />
sightsounds #8
hahaha....Kyu is soo freakin adorable...I love seeing his reaction to Mike being there...another great chapter!
sightsounds #9
opps I meant oblivious...sorry!..but great new chapter...I love how aggressive Kyu is!
rssj1314 #10
@sightsounds lol. thanks! I try not to make it too obvious that they're jealous, but in the end it just turns out that way. XD<br />
<br />
@lowblue thanks for reading! :)