Ahead of the Game

By Yours Truly

Just as Rainie finished tending to the children over the phone, Kyuhyun approached her with teary eyes. "You did great!" She encouraged, handing him several sheets of tissues.


"You weren't even watching," Kyuhyun rolled his eyes.


Rainie returned her cell phone to the purse, "Of course I was. Just because I was on the phone doesn't mean I didn't watch, I can multi-task." She had to suppress her laughter as she watched Kyuhyun dab at his tears.


"I swear, I'm going to kill whoever wrote this script," Kyuhyun hissed, pressing the sheets hard against his aching eyes. "Who cries this much, anyways? It's unrealistic." As he lifted the tissues, they left behind little white specs on the tip of his rounded cheeks and sharp eyes. Rainie swept them away for him.


Rainie laughed, a smirk apparent on her pursed lips, "It's reasonable."


"Sure it is," Kyuhyun sarcastically sighed. He tilted his head at her, finding her unusually hyped up. "Something good happen?" He asked. Rainie shook her head. "Then it must be because you're spending time with an awesome person like me," Kyuhyun teased.


Rainie rolled her eyes but couldn't stifle her chuckle. She looked around, noticing that Mike and Joanne were still filming, and stretched her arms above her head. "It's only been about a week since you've started filming, but it seems everyone's pretty much familiar with each other now," She smiled.


"Yeah," Kyuhyun nodded. Rainie narrowed her eyes at Mike, who seemed to be goofing off in the distance, and laughed when she saw Joanne shove him on the shoulder, blushing lightly. "They seem to get along," Kyuhyun commented, taking a sip of water.


"Mhm," Rainie replied.


"You think they'll ever date?" He asked.


Rainie laughed, "Who knows?"


"You should," Kyuhyun angrily countered, "You dated him before."


Rainie stabbed her hands at her hips, "Why do you ALWAYS bring that up? There hasn't been a single day that you haven't brought that up ever since I got back from Taiwan."


Kyuhyun shrugged, "It's the truth."


"Well, unless you want me to hop on the next plane back to Taiwan and never come back, then I suggest you drop it." Rainie frowned and turned to face the other way, huffing in absolute anger.


Kyuhyun's expression dropped. "Hey," He prompted, poking her on the shoulder. She moved away from his touch. "That's not even fair," He complained, "You can't threaten me like that."


"I can do whatever I want," Rainie scowled.


Kyuhyun sighed, "I-I'm sorry."


Rainie whipped around, "Did you just apologize to me?"


Kyuhyun nodded, kicking the ground under him, "I didn't mean it, it just bothered me a little."


"A little?" Rainie scoffed.


Kyuhyun glared at her, "Fine, it bothered me a lot. It's just not cool that you went out with a guy like him and denied me any chance at all."


"Maybe he was persistent," Rainie suggested.


Kyuhyun lifted a brow at her, "And I'm not?"


"You're right," Rainie nodded, "You're way more persistent than he ever was. Maybe he just used the right tactics."


"If I do say so myself, I think my methods are pretty romantic," Kyuhyun retorted.


Rainie laughed, "Maybe that's the problem, you're a narcissist."


"Am not!" Kyuhyun nearly growled at her.


"Are too!" Rainie shouted back.


They continued this pattern of argument until Mike approached them, taking a break and wondering what was going on with the noise. "Everything alright over here?" He asked, draping an arm over Rainie's shoulder, "Sounds like you two are going to blow the roof off."


Rainie glanced over at Kyuhyun, who pouted and shifted his gaze away, before removing Mike's arm from her shoulder. "It's fine, we're just being immature," She replied lazily.


"It's becoming a pattern," Mike analyzed, "You two argue, I come into the picture and he quiets down, then you nervously push me away."


Rainie glared at him, "I just don't want to confuse people with our relationship."


"Relationship? What relationship?" Mike laughed. "Lovers? Friends? Brotherly-sisterly love?" He pat her on the head several times, "We're just ex-lovers, that's it."


Rainie shook her head, "That's cruel," She laughed.


"You've got no room to talk when it comes to being cruel," He teased playfully. Rainie sighed and nodded in silent agreement. "No use feeling guilty now," Mike shrugged, "What's done is done."


"I know," Rainie replied, "Now, if only you could tell this brat that."


Mike glanced over at Kyuhyun, who was still trying to distract himself with other things around the filming location, "Why would I do that?"


"Because you're my ex-lover?" Rainie laughed sarcastically.


Mike cocked his head slightly while pursing his lips, "All the more reason to stay out of it, I might make things worse."




"Ma's not coming back, is she?" Miya frowned, tugging on Show's arm reptitively.


Show sighed, "Of course she is, she's just extremely busy with her work in Korea right now but she'll be back as soon as she's done."


"Liar!" Faye accused, "Ma won't come back!"


Show laughed lightly, "Why do you say that?"


"Because Ma found someone she loves, right?" Ling asked, clinging to Show's free arm. "Someone she loves more than all of us."


"Of course not!" Show exclaimed, pulling all the children into his arms, "She loves all of you little brats more than anything in the world! Why do you think she went to Korea in the first place?"


Jong gasped, "So it's our fault that she left?"


Show watched as tears collected in the childrens' eyes. "Is she mad at us?" YanYan cried, rubbing her eyes with the back of her small hands.


"She's not angry with any of you!" Show sighed, "You should know, you just got off of the phone with her."


The children calmed down, realizing what their Papa said was true.


"Will she bring us a new Papa?" Ling asked, stepping closer to Show.


Show grinned at him, "Maybe. If you're lucky enough, maybe you'll have a new sister or brother, too."




Rainie sprawled herself on the couch in the dormitory. Hankyung sat down on the ground beside her, "Something wrong?" He asked considerately.


"I miss my kids," Rainie sighed, turning on her side to face the older man.


Hankyung laughed, "I'm sure they miss you as well."


"That's the sad part!" She exclaimed, sitting upright. "They're probably crying over my absence right now," She predicted, a little over dramatically, "And my poor brother, he's probably living a life of tending to crying children. I hate it when kids cry, not because it's annoying, but because it just breaks my heart."


"I'm sure they're-"


"Heartbroken, sad, feeling betrayed," Rainie interrupted, "They probably hate me."


Hankyung shook his head, "I really doubt that."


"You think so?" Rainie asked, narrowing her eyes sadly. Hankyung nodded. "Then I feel just a little bit better."


Hankyung stood, "Do you have a reason for being here today? Shouldn't you be at the recording to help out with the script and stuff?"


"They've got it under control. I wrote the script, the director can handle the rest." Rainie shrugged. "The most I can do now is just give them moral support." Hankyung nodded. "Which reminds me," Rainie added, holding her chin between her thumb and pointer finger, "What are YOU doing here? Don't you have a schedule of some kind? It's work season for celebrities right now!"


"Work season for celebrities?" Hankyung asked, his brows furrowed slightly, "There's such a thing?"


"No," Rainie shook her head, "Was just saying."


Hankyung laughed, "There's something different about you."


"Really?" Rainie inspected herself, "What?"


Hankyung shrugged, "Your... attitude? I don't know how to describe it, it just seems like you're a lot more relaxed than before."


"Ahh," Rainie nodded, "It's probably because I know that you're not interested in me."


Hankyung laughed nervously, "Oh, that might do it. I'm really sorry if I-"


"No, no, don't worry about it!" Rainie chuckled, waving her hands before her, "I understand, really. Even if you caused me some anxiety," She stated sarcastically while counting with her fingers for each inconvenience she listed to him, "And caused a certain tension between Kyuhyun and I, and made me extremely conscious about everything I did-"


"Alright," Hankyung laughed, "I get it. How can I make it up to you?"


Rainie took a few steps towards him, "Really?" Hankyung nodded. "Okay, you offered!" Hankyung nodded again with a chuckle. "I want you to tell all of the Super Junior members - except for Kyuhyun, of course - to try to convince Kyuhyun to give up on pursuing me."


The look of regret immediately appeared on Hankyung's drooping face. "Rainie, I can't-"


"I have my reasons!" Rainie firmly interrupted, "Trust me, I have my reasons."


Hankyung sighed, "Even if we-"


"He won't, I know he won't." Rainie laughed. "But that's not the purpose. I just want him to think everyone disapproves of our to-be relationship."


Hankyung narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms over his torso, "Why?"


"I'm going to be ahead of the game," Rainie smirked.


"Ahead of the game?" Hankyung repeated.


Rainie nodded, "I want to let him know that things aren't always going to go his way, I also want to know just how much he values his feelings towards me."


"That's lying to him," Hankyung shook his head, "He'll never forgive us."


Rainie laughed, "Of course he will, he loves you guys."


"This is only because I owe you," Hankyung sighed, "Just this once. I can't guarantee anything, though." Rainie nodded expectantly. "I have a bad feeling about this," Hankyung added, "but then again, when it comes to you two nothing too good ever happens."


Rainie laughed, "That's not nice."


"He wasn't joking when he said you were dangerous," Hankyung muttered under his breath, "I hope Kyuhyun's prepared for this."






Kyuhyun glared at Mike, his eyes full of anger, as he watched Mike pull the crying Joanne into his arms. He bit hard on his bottom lip, his hands tightly as he mentally scolded himself for being so stupid.


"She was never meant to be hurt," Kyuhyun grounded out.


Mike gently caressed her back, soothing her tears, "Then you never should have hurt her." As awkward as they sounded speaking in different languages, their expressions and tone spoke louder than their words.


"If she hadn't been so-"


"So what?" Mike interrupted, holding the nape of her neck gently, "So naive? So trusting? Or was it just that her belief in you was so strong that ignored all the signs, all the hints, and all the voices telling her otherwise? Despite the fact that she can't hear, she only heard your voice all this time, she only listened to you."


Kyuhyun glared at him, "I never did anything against her wishes."


"No," Mike shook his head, "You only did what she expected but denied herself into believing."




Kyuhyun relaxed as the director called out the ending of the long shot. Joanne pulled herself out of Mike's arms and laughed as she reminisced on the humor of the clashing languages. "That sounded ridiculously funny," She laughed.


"Tell me about it," Mike joined her, "I had to hold back my laughter so hard. There are some things you just don't get used to, now matter how much time passes."


Kyuhyun watched as they conversed happily.


"Is it just me, or do you think he's acting a little weird today?" Joanne asked, tugging lightly on the rim of Mike's polo.


Mike shrugged, "Isn't he a little weird everyday?"


"Only to you," Joanne laughed. "But seriously, he's been a little down lately."


"Ask him," Mike suggested.


Joanne rolled her eyes, "I don't speak Korean."


"Body language?" Mike laughed.


Joanne sighed, "I really hope he's alright. I mean, his problems haven't seemed to conflict with his acting abilities, but he just looks so down and alone. It makes me a little depressed."


Mike ruffled her hair, "You're such a baby." He walked over to Kyuhyun and tapped him on the shoulder. Kyuhyun whirled around, cocking his head when he realized it was Mike, of all people.


"Yes?" He said in English.


Mike glanced over at Joanne quickly, who nodded at him in encouragement. He sighed briefly before pointing at Kyuhyun and saying "Sad?" In English. Kyuhyun shook his head. "Uhh..." Mike groaned, "Umm..."


Kyuhyun laughed and searched the studio for Jungkyu, catching a glimpse of him conversing with the director. "Jungkyu Hyung!" He shouted, motioning for Jungkyu to join them when he got his attention.


"Do you need something?" Jungkyu asked, glancing between the two men.


Kyuhyun pointed at Mike.


"Do you need something?" Jungkyu repeated in Mandarin.


Mike let out a sigh of relief. "Joanne was wondering if something was wrong with Kyuhyun," he explained, pointing at Joanne. "She said he looks awfully depressing."


"Depressed," Joanne corrected.


Mike chuckled, "Yeah, that."


Jungkyu turned to Kyuhyun, "They want to know if you're feeling alright."


"Of course," Kyuhyun replied. "Why?"


"They said you look depressing," Jungkyu laughed. "It's because of Rainie-sshi, isn't it?"


"How did you-"


"I heard from the boys," Jungkyu sighed, "How they're all against your decision to continue pursuing Rainie-sshi."


Kyuhyun frowned, "Yeah."


"What are you going to do about it?" Jungkyu asked.


Kyuhyun shrugged, "I can't give up on her."


"I know," Jungkyu consoled, "But you can't just ignore all of your hyungs."


Kyuhyun groaned, "I don't know what got into them. Most of them were so supportive of it before, but suddenly they all just turn on me."


"I'm sure they have their reasons," Jungkyu explained, "They're probably just worried about you getting hurt, especially since her ex-boyfriend is here and they seem to be getting along so well. Maybe they think they'll fall back in love?"


"I won't let that happen!" Kyuhyun exclaimed, throwing Mike a small glare. "It won't happen, I'll make sure of that."


Mike shivered, "Bad feeling, very bad feeling."


"What?" Jungkyu asked.


Mike smirked, "It's about Cheng Lin (Rainie's name in Mandarin), isn't it?" He paused to peer over at Kyuhyun, wondering if he understood. "This whole deal is about Cheng Lin and his fear of me stealing her back?"


"Not entirely," Jungkyu assured, "But partially."


Mike shook his head, "Well, he won't have to worry about my part. It's impossible between her and I."


"Really?" Jungkyu asked, genuinely interested.


Joanne joined in the conversation, "I can second that."


"See?" Mike laughed, "We're no less than friends but no more than brotherly-sisterly affection."


Jungkyu smiled politely, "I never doubted that."


"Then why don't you tell him? Mike questioned.


Kyuhyun watched the three converse with narrowed eyes. He couldn't quite make out anything from their words, but he could tell something not-so-good was going on, especially when he caught them stealing glances at him.


Jungkyu pursed his lips in thought. "Well, Cheng Lin seems to have plans of her own."


Before Jungkyu could go deeper into detail, the director called everyone on stand by. Mike crossed his arms as he stared at Kyuhyun amusingly. What did Rainie have in store for this kid, who never seemed to doubt himself?

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please update
I never thought I would get to read a story between these two characters, but it was amazing! Great job, author-nim!! LOVED IT!!!!
This was the first story I read in AFF. :) Glad I found it again! ^^ REALLY SWEET!
dimskie #4
Chapter 17: gdfjiasog loving it!
way sweet ^^
sightsounds #6
awww I loved it!!! it was beyond sweet...I'm going to miss the banter between Rainie and Kyu but great job indeed!
PikaKyu #7
O<br />
sightsounds #8
hahaha....Kyu is soo freakin adorable...I love seeing his reaction to Mike being there...another great chapter!
sightsounds #9
opps I meant oblivious...sorry!..but great new chapter...I love how aggressive Kyu is!
rssj1314 #10
@sightsounds lol. thanks! I try not to make it too obvious that they're jealous, but in the end it just turns out that way. XD<br />
<br />
@lowblue thanks for reading! :)